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"Chicago Things" you don't like/do


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QUOTE (SHIPPS @ Jan 24, 2010 -> 06:59 AM)
Well...someone had to come up with it first. My guess would be Chicago.


It's always some city that hosted a famous world's fair. A vendor who runs out of some important supply item comes up with an idea to keep slinging the goods and a star is born. Makes sense St. Louis or Chicago would get credit for something silly like cutting pizza in squares versus triangles.


BTW, as much as I like any food done right, there is something to be said for a neapolitan style margherita pizza with an ultra thin crust, scattering of fresh buffalo mozzerella, simple tomato sauce, slices of fresh tomatoes and topped with fresh torn basil leaves (after it comes out of the oven) and drizzled with olive oil. If the ingredients are fresh, you can't beat it.

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QUOTE (SHIPPS @ Jan 23, 2010 -> 11:13 AM)
I once snapped and hit my breaking point with the stupid furniture on the street and went down the whole block launching everything. I didnt give a s*** if anybody seen me at that point,there was like a half inch of snow on the ground it was ridiculous.


That is messed up.


Check this one out: I shoveled out a spot, when back inside to put shovel away and sat down for like 3-5 minutes. Come out and some douche already has his chairs in the spot I JUST SHOVELED OUT A FEW MINUTES AGO. My Car was right next to the spot with the blinkers on.


I f***ing tossed the chairs into the middle of the street of course, but still.

Edited by mr_genius
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QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 23, 2010 -> 10:22 AM)
Yeah, I'd figure you's go buy salt to melt away the ice, but maybe you did things differently in your neighborhood. :)


Always enjoyed good deep dish and stuffed pizza in Chicago, but that in no way implies that it can touch good Chicago thin crust — easily the Chi-caahh-go food I miss the most.


Growing up I never even knew there was any kind of softball other than 16", so I definitely have a soft place in my heart for 16". Not those rock-hard Clinchers with the zigzag stitching, mind you, those other ones (Top Notch??) that get soft and mushy after a few games.


Ciacago-style Vienna Beef hotdogs are a culinary high water mark of Western Civilization and ketchup doesn't belong anywhere near a hotdog if you are more than 8 years old. I don't particularly care what the unwashed masses put on their hotdogs — it's enough for me that I know better. :D


I'm with you on the food and I'd like to toss in a gyro at 2am and a couple bags of sliders . . .


I'll pass on the 16" and wish the over 40 baseball league had filled this winter. They wanted 8 teams of 15 guys and we had less than 80 sign up. Maybe next year with better recruiting with the winter Texans.

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QUOTE (Pants Rowland @ Jan 22, 2010 -> 06:01 PM)
No they don't. Rockford, Kankakee, and the quad cities don't qualify either.


Since when is Kankakee a quad-city? Plus, no one would confuse this dump with a big city.


QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Jan 22, 2010 -> 05:43 PM)
After living in Chicago/burbs for 30 years, I've found a new love for Manny's Restaurant.


Gino (the guy that flips plates and cuts corned beef) is one of my favorite people in Chicago. The fact that a guy will remember you if you go in 3 times a year is just awesome.


Also, I like ketchup on my hot dogs, but Chicago style is growing on me.


Used to hate Deep Dish, it's growing on me too.


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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 25, 2010 -> 02:41 PM)
Not a fan of the band Chicago.


Everything Prior to Chicago X is damn solid, and all of the Terry Kath-era stuff is essential. Radio may have played some of it to death, and Peter Cetera and his ego killed the group's individuality eventually, but they were once an awesome band.

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