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Everything posted by 2Deep

  1. It did not....but I'm not giving up on that kid
  2. Love it. The dude has been ripped for being enthusiastic and different. If this team was 52-36 MOST would not care and in fact may enjoy his calls because people would be happier. John has a lot to learn and he should be given that opportunity. This is not your Dad's 1970's, 80's to even 2000's broadcaster who sounds the same as the next guy. I'm willing to let him grow and chuckle and enjoy some of his calls (including growling) in a miserable season for a miserable team run by a Miserable organization. (f*** YOU JERRY........had to get that out of my system today)
  3. I still think Leasure will be an asset going forward but that was putrid. Zero command
  4. Put Leasure as our closer and let him learn. He cannot be as bad as Kopech, who does not have the balls to be a closer.
  5. Wilson has been crap lately.
  6. Thorpe is pretty good. I enjoy watching him pitch
  7. Just do not understand this. They have 25 win team they are working with
  8. For all the haters ......schriffen and stone seem to be settling in nicely. I enjoy their banter
  9. Aly You are being too logical. Because we would rather stick to the FIP and these other metrics and not look at the fact that the dude keeps giving up runs.
  10. Fucking joke of an organization
  11. All the pity for Banks needs a reality check...... He wasn't very good in minors and didn't have the "stuff" Maybe we give the white Sox some credit for getting the most out of him and developing him to the best they could Anyway, I think someone will trade for him.
  12. I really enjoyed TA up until his last year with the White Sox. He epitomizes the downfall of the White Sox. From a potential face of the game (White Sox as team to beat) to DFA'd (White sox as worst team in baseball). TA has no one but himself to blame...........This is an example of an athlete who threw his career away because he let the off field indiscretions dictate who he was.....
  13. I'm realizing that Drew Thorpe is a nice condo version of Kyle Hendricks. That is a compliment and not a put down
  14. Some team is going to turn Michael Kopech into a stud. I will not be mad at the White Sox if that happens. It just doesn't fit here but he has all the tools.
  15. I'm going to watch other games on the White Sox bat and then watch Thorpe pitch
  16. Fucking Eloy!! I hope you become great somewhere else. 🙏🏼
  17. Robert either does not care or he sucks..........never seen a player miss so many hangers
  18. Rebel....cask strength for binnys
  19. Someone please paraphrase what this idiot surely is saying as I am busy listening to music with the sound off and drinking bourbon. I would rather hear it your version then what this clown has to say.
  20. f*** LaRussa, Jerry, and this organization for cheating me out of the sport and team I love most ..... That's how I feel!
  21. It would be assinine for the sox to trade both of them to the same organization.....
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