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Everything posted by maggsmaggs

  1. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 1, 2017 -> 10:41 AM) I'd go see a physical therapist. I'd echo this. Most PT places have free injury screens. I would make an appointment for the free screen and have a professional look at it and give you their thoughts. If it is something like a torn ACL, the PT would recommend you seeing a doctor. If it's less serious, they probably can give you some exercises/stretches or offer you some treatment.
  2. QUOTE (Jack Parkman @ Apr 30, 2017 -> 11:37 AM) John Manuel from BA on H&R today basically said that none of the pitchers the Sox acquired this offseason are starters and none of the top guys are starters other than Spencer Adams, who is a fringe back of rotation guy. He tried to say it in the nicest way possible. Said command/durability/stuff are the reasons. Not what I wanted to hear. Dane Dunning, at the very least, would disagree. Kopech is still incredibly young and has a ton of time to develop. Lopez and Giolito have struggled absolutely, but it's still very early in the season. Fulmer has made strides so far this year that appear to be encouraging. Bottom line, it's way too early to write off any of these guys as for-sure non-starters. Will that eventually happen? Absolutely. But some will make it as starters.
  3. From Heyman's AL Notes for the White Sox: https://www.fanragsports.com/mlb/inside-bas...inues-surprise/
  4. Let's remember that Danish is still only 22 years old. HIs skill set is not all that different than Miguel Gonzalez, who has proven to be a solid back-of-the-rotation, inning-eater-type arm. As much as I would like to get a look at him this year in the Majors, I still think he needs a full season of AAA.
  5. Great interview with Hostetler. Loved his anecdote about sitting behind players who were playing in the Cape League at a minor league game who were drinking and later realizing one of them was under aged. .
  6. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Apr 17, 2017 -> 05:15 PM) Do you have any specific things that you want to see in Yellowstone, or any specific length of time? Are you looking for day trip type tours? Basically we want the best opportunity to see wildlife. Day trip tours sound ideal. Will spend three days in the Yellowstone area.
  7. Going to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons this summer (staying in Driggs, Idaho). Anyone have any recommendations for specific tour companies to either park? And just general recommendations to do around the Jackson, Wyoming area?
  8. The more I read about Adam Haseley (UVA), the more he is my top realistic prospect at pick 11 over Pavin Smith. Terrific K/BB ratio (almost 1/2), strong power numbers and apparently a legitimate CF prospect. He is the guy I want at 11 currently.
  9. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Apr 16, 2017 -> 12:09 PM) I see you can watch farm games for $49. Anyone subscribe to this? I did. As you can imagine, since it is pretty cheap, you are not getting great quality in terms of picture, but it is cool to be able to watch the prospects. Be prepared though, the camera angles suck. For example, I was watching Kopech's second start and the angle was from about 2/3 down the third baseline. Couldn't really see any of the pitches movement.
  10. QUOTE (ecupittfan @ Apr 14, 2017 -> 11:38 PM) Rockies can bring up Jeff Hoffman and see how he does first Hoffman could solve one spot, but not all of them. I would love to nab Rodgers and Tapia as headliners. They are two building-block offensive talents.
  11. Dunning with 13 innings, 6 hits, 1 ER, 0 BBs and 20 Ks. That will do. Also threw only 82 pitches (62 strikes) for his seven innings tonight.
  12. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Apr 9, 2017 -> 03:16 PM) Only two K's, which isn't going to work. I think at this point, it is pretty likely he ends up as a useful, but non-essential, part of a bullpen. Never gonna miss enough bats over the course of six innigs. But that being, said, hopefully his movement and ground ball tendencies can help him become a long man.
  13. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 9, 2017 -> 08:46 AM) Avi is about 6 months older than Jacob May and Adam Engel, about a year and a half older than Charlie Tilson. I don't think anyone, even the White Sox , really believe Avi will somehow turn it around, but he shows you from time to time it is there. Whether that means he beats the odds and overcomes his previous performance no one knows. Maybe he is Jose Bautista, a guy who was below replacement level until he was 29 and with his 5th team. Now is the perfect time to find out. Ya, it's not like we have a legit prospect ready to take his spot. As you said, some guys take longer to develop for whatever reason, no reason not to let him get all the at-bats this season and see what happens.
  14. Willy Garcia was once a solid prospect with the Rays. Maybe the Sox have hit lightning in the bottle with him.
  15. A guy who is intriguing to me (mostly because I favor advanced-feel college bats) is Pavin Smith, a left-handed first baseman out of Virginia. So far this year, he is batting .322 with a .390 OBP, .602 SLG with 10 HRs and only 3 Ks (that seems really low for a power hitter, but that was based on my last check of his stats off UVA’s athletic website). If that K number is correct, then he clearly is getting extremely unlucky hitting wise and you could presume that his batting average would steadily increase as the season goes along. According to MLB Prospect Pipeline, he is the Number 14-ranked prospect in the Draft. Interestingly, he is rather athletic and while he is a “strong defender” at first base, he might be passable in the outfield. Picking at 11, he might be there and I would be thrilled to have another advanced-feel college bat.
  16. QUOTE (steveno89 @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 03:59 AM) Delvin Perez is five years away from bring MLB ready. I don't see the Cardinals as good fit in a trade At least this future lineup does not bank on the Sox signing Machado.
  17. QUOTE (Brian @ Mar 29, 2017 -> 03:02 PM) I'll pass on "It". No nightmares needed here. The original scared the s*** out of me as a kid. I will pass on this one as well.
  18. QUOTE (SouthSideSale @ Apr 1, 2017 -> 12:38 PM) This. BPA always. Can trade pitching for bats later. I agree with your premise, in that you should always take the BPA. However, I do not think you can just trade pitching for bats later. Hitters seem to be in higher demand these days than pitchers, mostly because of the injury risk.
  19. QUOTE (GreatScott82 @ Mar 25, 2017 -> 08:38 AM) http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/1898047...lito-worth-hype The White Sox seemed to be the obvious winner in the Adam Eaton deal during the winter meetings. Now it seems like many top scouts and MLB writers are questioning the ability of Lucas Giolito. Between this article and the Rodon news, it has not been a good morning for me as a White Sox fan. I don't know why Rodon news is that depressing. It's a non-structural issue, he will be fine in the long run. He may just miss some early season ball. The Giolito stuff is definitely a cause for concern, namely that his fastball seems to have stayed in the low 90s where it was last year. But again, it's just spring training. If he continues to have a lack of velocity into the regular season, then there is some real worry.
  20. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Mar 23, 2017 -> 01:50 PM) I won't go as far as you but I'm definitely confident that they'll be a player in this either way. This. They are gonna try, but they do not have the resources like some other teams.
  21. QUOTE (iamshack @ Mar 23, 2017 -> 04:13 PM) Anyone think the game of chicken ends after today and something gets done? I don't only because today did not do anything to improve Q's value. Everyone knows he is a terrific starter locked in at an extremely affordable rate for the next four years. Dominating a (bad Reds) team in Spring Training does not really move the needle in terms of Q's talent/affordability. What will move that needle is another team's desperation: major injury or bad performance by another team's starter. I don't foresee that happening until May at the earliest.
  22. QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Mar 17, 2017 -> 05:42 PM) http://m.whitesox.mlb.com/video/v1240940383 Has Kopech added a CB to his arsenal? That third strike out looked to be on a 12-6 hammer. Pretty wicked pitch. That was definitely his slider.
  23. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Feb 28, 2017 -> 07:09 PM) Jay Zawaski keeps tweeting about a guy in the KHL named Shalunov that apparently wants to be on the hawks http://www.secondcityhockey.com/2016/12/16...-draft-contract Hawks drafted the kid and still own his rights.
  24. Well maybe he should have allowed his front office to utitlize more of its resources in player development. Or hired more competent people. Literally, he has no one to blame but himself.
  25. QUOTE (DirtySox @ Feb 18, 2017 -> 04:13 PM) Just going to use this thread for college baseball/and draft regardless of 17' or 18'. Clemson Baseball ‏@ClemsonBaseball 9m9 minutes ago B3 - Beer's three-run missile over the CF fence ups #Clemson's lead to 4-0, E3. Beer is 2-for-3 with a HR, 2B, 3 RBI & 4 BB in 2017. He is worth being the worst team in the Majors this year. He reminds me so much of Harper at the plate.
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