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Everything posted by maggliopipe

  1. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 08:47 PM) The WCIU issue will be cleared up for next season, so says Selig. That's great news. The other major issue they need to deal with, and maybe it's just a problem with my cable provider, but they use the same set of channels for the Extra Innings package as they do for the hockey package. So early on in the MLB season when it overlaps with hockey season, there are routinely far less than all 10 channels devoted to baseball. As a result (and it seemed especially bad this year) another 2-3 Sox games per week weren't shown. It's $150. Give me what I paid for.
  2. Anyone have a deodorant/anti-perspirant recommendation? I've been using Degree spray for years but lately I've been sweating like I'm not even wearing it. I don't know if there's such a thing as building a tolerance to anti-perspirant but it's pretty bad. I had an interview today. I was wearing a t-shirt under a long sleeve button up (so not too much clothing). It lasted about 30-40 minutes and I wasn't very nervous but I had these enormous sweat rings soaking through both shirts. I could tell it was wet so I didn't raise my arms at all (thus neglecting my standard end-of-the-interview hug) but still, it had the potential for embarrassment. I'm really into spray deodorants as the roll-on varieties feel gross and sticky. Any suggestions?
  3. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 03:43 AM) Natalie Portman is kind of a plain Jane to me and nothing special, but Scarlett is the goods. Scarlett is absolutely the hottest thing going in showbusiness these days. Except in Scoop she's wearing these really ugly glasses which are a bit of a turnoff.
  4. To Ozuna's credit, it looked like Crede may have missed a hit and run sign. I don't know if Hawk said anything about this because I had the YES feed. Pablo clearly had a lousy jump and was staring in after a few strides looking to see if the ball was in play. And if Paul O'neill says it, you know it's true. I didn't find any of tonight's caught stealings particularly awful as far as caught stealings are concerned.
  5. They finally published a picture of the Sox visit to the Playboy mansion in the September issue. Here it is, hopefully the file isn't too big.
  6. QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Aug 6, 2006 -> 04:14 PM) He his slider seemed like it had more pop than usual. He also had great command of his fast ball and when he pitched his breaking ball, he did it effectively. Im not sure what Coop said about the adjustments, however Hawk and DJ noticed that he moved his foot a little bit more toward the end of the mound rather than pitching more toward the center of it. Its amazing what some minor adjustments can do for a pitcher. Cool, thanks man.
  7. So I didn't see the game (no WGN here). What was different with Javy? Was his slider just biting harder than normal? Did Hawk/DJ say what Coop was working on with him?
  8. It wasn't the toughest loss to swallow. Despite the results, Freddy seems to be switching things up more lately in terms of throwing more changeups and using different arm angles. His changeup is quickly becoming his most effective pitch. He's looked better, in my eyes, anyway. Anytime 2 of your top 3 hitters are out of the lineup, it's going to be tough to complete a sweep of any team. I liked the way that Hudson dude pitched; it looks like the KC rotation has a stable piece in their rotation going forward.
  9. QUOTE(danman31 @ Jul 31, 2006 -> 08:29 PM) I'm surprised the Cubs even got as much as Izturis. Yeah on second thought, it's not a bad pickup. I thought his contract was a lot longer and a lot more expensive (he signed modest a 3 year, $9mil deal before 2005). I think they can stick him at short and Cedeno at second next season but that is entirely dependent on them getting a hell of a lot more offense out of their outfield. I assume Hendry tried to squeeze a prospect instead of Izturis but no budging on LAD's part.
  10. SI reporting that the Cubs are getting Izturis back... At his price, yuck. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/writ...ades/index.html
  11. Olney reports Lidge is not getting traded.
  12. I don't get this for San Diego. They're going to trade their top setup man for a minor leaguer and then bring him up immediately to play 3rd for their stretch run? That's about the last thing I'd want is a dude adjusting to the majors while I'm fighting for a playoff spot (cue BA jokes).
  13. QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Jul 27, 2006 -> 04:11 PM) Victor Wooten is an AMAZING bassist. Yeah, seriously. He's probably the most skilled musician I've seen live, most exemplified in his solo shows. And Fleck plays a mean banjo. But for whatever reason I just can't get into their music. Left of Cool's wind section is really grating. Anyone into Radar Bros? I've only gotten a hold of their last album which I completely dig but it's critically their worst.
  14. sour cream is delicious. sometimes when no one is looking i pull the container out of the fridge and a spoon out of the utensils drawer and eat a few tablespoons of it. or dollops, to be more accurate.
  15. All 7 Minnesota runs scored with 2 outs....
  16. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 26, 2006 -> 06:17 PM) I've heard he will. One question...why are you praying? We better root like hell for the Tigers this wknd. I'm optimistic still (to a fault, admittedly). Some reasons I'm still optimistic include: -Jason Tyner -Jason Bartlett (granted, he was a solid prospect a couple years ago) -Nick Punto -Rondell White -Carlos Silva -Scott Baker It completely befuddles me how this cast of characters is playing .800 ball. One could make the same list w/ Sox players as to why I should be pessimistic, but that's another story.
  17. I wonder if Gardenhire will switch their rotation up so he gets both Liriano and Santana against Detroit. With the offday tomorrow, he could have Liriano Friday and Santana Sunday on regular rest. I doubt he'd do that to Radke but we know he likes to do that with matchups.
  18. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 02:59 AM) Still have not been even close to hitting on all cylinders Everyone keeps saying this, but it's a lot to assume that this team, or any, will hit on all cylinders simultaneously for an extended period of time. It's just not guaranteed to happen. It's a good point of optimism but it's not money in the bank. But excusing Javy's 6th inning, we've had 3 nice starts in a row, so hopefully it's the start of a run.
  19. Well Texas will have done a lot of traveling so hopefully they'll be tired. They played yesterday in Toronto, today in Boston, and tomorrow in Chicago. We can use any edge right now.
  20. He's really had problems with LOOGYs (or is the plural LOOGIES?), especially those with a sidearm and below delivery (Lopez, Myers, Walker). He's been easily neutralized by them of late. But really, he's about the last guy on the team to complain about. We knew coming in that he has a reputation as one of the streakiest sluggers in the game, and he's lived up to that reputation.
  21. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 07:49 PM) Fact is, this team doesnt have the chip on its shoulders like last years team. They cant execute like them, and they dont do the little things. spot on.
  22. I don't get the people saying 'but what if there's an injury? what then?'.... Come on, the plan all along for 2007 (as stated by KW) is that BMac WILL be in the rotation. That means whether it happens now or in the offseason, one of the other 5 will be gone and we're going to lose our 6th starter insurance. It's incomparable what you could get for Garcia now versus what you could get for him in the offseason, so you deal him now. Now. No, now. And f*** Lastings. Whoever said NYY, NYM, BOS prospects have a history of being overrated is spot on. Of course there are recent exceptions with the Mets, but they've had too many prospects pan out in a row.
  23. QUOTE(iamshack @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 02:25 PM) They are often described as "the worst in the league, or if not, the second worst behind the YES network guys (especially Michael Kay). People don't like the YES network crew? I've had the Extra Innings package for several years now and I think they're pretty top notch. Other crews I've enjoyed are the Rangers, Tigers (except for the play-by-play man's slick voice), and Mariners. The worst has been the Twins and Angels. Especially the Angels. Hudler is f***ing awful. I'm curious how much longer Hawk will stick around. I'm assuming he's got an open invitation from JR to stick around as long as he'd like given JR's loyalty and how Hawk has defended the franchise against the likes of Mariotti. But at the rate he's going, in 10 years he's going to turn into a joke like Harry Carey's last few years.
  24. Well I guess this does open up regular playing time for Ryan Freel at shortstop. They can't possibly play Clayton over him, can they?
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