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Harry Chappas

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Everything posted by Harry Chappas

  1. I believe that Anderson and Wise and then Swisher and Konerko should platoon until somebody breaks out of it. Swisher and Konekro have been given enough time to work out of it on their own. The defense of Anderson alone is needed in Minnesopta and the pitchers that Minnesota throws out there should not totally overmatch the Sox hitters. The substandard defense cost them yesterday on Swisher's misplayed ball and Swisher did nothing at the plate to warrant the blind faith he is being shown. I just do not want to see outs given away especailly with as shaky as the pitching has been. They can give outs away at home but not currently as things are shaping up on the road. I do not think this will be the case but I hope Uribe is out there as well. I think I still have a real sour taste after the 9th inning yesterday.
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 06:58 AM) I was just going to post that... The guy never liked being THE MAN, or the spotlight in the big series. He is going to get killed in NY. He is their 4th best reliever there really isn't that much pressure on him.
  3. I really liked getting Vazquez but is career record is .500 and that is through almost 250 decisions. The fact of the matter is, he is a .500 pitcher nothign more , nothing less and he is gettign paid like one. My problem with him is that he seems to really light it up when he is on bad teams and there is no pressure.
  4. QUOTE (Gregory Pratt @ Jul 26, 2008 -> 04:10 PM) It's a thorough and intellectual criticism of a faulty claim. "Five to ten years." Yeah, for a guy who's been good but not that good at all. Oh now I get it Get over yourself.
  5. Tigers have one home game and six road games against the Sox the remainder of this year.
  6. Mercy what a tiring game I need a cocktail and smoke.
  7. Thought Hawk dropped dead as he went quite after the K. I think he thought it was tipped.
  8. The first strike to OC was a ball in the bottom of the inning to Thames. God I can't wait for this game to end that was real sad
  9. With the top of the order leading off we need a run or two
  10. This game mirrors yesterday's almost exactly.
  11. OC appears to be real lackadasical in the field and will do anything to avoid contact around the bad to a point where plays are not being made. The DP error yesterday was a good examplae but the throw by Dye was on the bag but he was no where near it and therefore couldn't apply the tag same thign with steals. He just seems real inconsistent in the field. Offensively for the most part he is doing a great job batting out of a slot that he was not used to. Thome hitting the ball is huge in that it forcing teams ot go after Dye who is hitting and therby also allowing Q to see good pitches. Anderson should replace Wise when a leftie comes in the game. He should also be out there for defensive purposes.
  12. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 26, 2008 -> 04:06 PM) Basically a long post saying that Gavin has been good, but you dont think he's that good. Thanks, I really couldn't understand what he was talking about.
  13. QUOTE (bighurt4life @ Jul 25, 2008 -> 12:31 PM) I hate to be a wet blanket but he does have 20 errors on the season so far. So does Joe Crede on well manicured properly lit fields.
  14. dumpster 5 walks and fish letting him off the hook
  15. Twins face Lee and Carmona the next two days on the road. Could get really tight or could be a nice lead.............
  16. The Brewers have 2 Type A free agents so they could reload the farm system quickly. Halladay, Parra, Gallardo next year, yikes This year would be sick with Suppan and Bush coming out of the pen with great control.....
  17. The Peoria second baseman suffered a broken leg and it sounded like it was from a hard slide although I was only guessing.
  18. Always sounded like a Boston piece with no real truth behind it, Boston backed off the deal?????? Come on, nice media spin.
  19. Cowley on the SCORE this morning had Duch at plan C. He also quoted Guillen as saying he will not say his Justin's last name for fear of how he may say it and get in trouble. I think one of OC or Crede are signed and if not, than it is possibly 4 picks in the top 40 or so gutting the farm system will not hurt especially with Danks and Beckham if signed. Remember the A's were thought to have wanted Poreda in draft last year and the Sox took him one spot before Oakland.
  20. A-Rod may win it his stats are looking pretty good and you now he has the best shot at staying consistent over Hamilton and Quentin. Never count out Manny either.
  21. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Jul 24, 2008 -> 08:38 AM) IIRC Furcal is done for the season I didn't look into it but how does that work with compensation picks????????
  22. Uribe is not going ot be traded for Alex Cora OC for Lowe is a good move because..........wasn't Lowe a closer at one time thereby he can fit two roles if needed. He is also a sinker ball pitcher which is needed in Comiskey. But OC and two draft picks for Lowe does not benfit the Sox therefore I think LaRoche is involved or another type A prospect that could be replaced via the draft by the Dodgers. Could the Sox take a flier on Furcal????????? He is a free agent after the season? Could they take him off the DL trade him and the Sox DL him? I know this sounds dumb but he could fill the need they have and he gets the compensation picks as well.......... Ithink he is due back in august althoug hI could be wrong. Now getting Roberts is essential before you can trade OC. So how does Uribe to Boston benefit anyone but Boston. Sounds like an east coast everyone is fodder for Boston, New York and the cubs stuff.
  23. QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Jul 23, 2008 -> 07:36 AM) I would not remove Hall from this team right now. He knows his role, he plays it well. To me it's not just as simple as looking at some numbers and changing out some parts. There's definitely some 'glue' Hall provides in keeping this team together. As much as people want to believe that means nothing, I have to respectfully disagree. I think removing him for what amounts to a minor upgrade, if that, would be a bad move. I mean the only negative you have on Hall is he has less PA's...and it's only a negative because you're assuming if he had another 30, his line wouldn't stay as is. Hasn't Migel Olivo played for 5 different teams already? Think there is a reason for that as he is a tad young to be a journeyman catcher...... Not sure the Sox and he parted on the best of terms either. You are right on with Hall, he seems to add an element that this team missed dearly last season in the clubhouse.
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