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10 minutes ago, Tony said:

‪In case people haven’t seen the reference:

Pretty amazing the mental gymnastics people have to do to defend it, too. “He’s just trolling the media, I love it!!!” 

The Bachelor.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

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Day 67 of full lockdown in Wuhan.  The last one, actually (unfortunately, I have to wait at least until April 8th as a foreigner whose school is still closed).   Days since going outside, 70.

Limited opening of major shopping malls, but only from 10-5 p.m.   Metro/subway reopened on Saturday, but only if you have three permissions on your phone (from local government and your employer/HR Dept.)  Still temperature checks and masks for everyone.  Airport fully reopening on April 8th (next WED).   Most employers bringing back workers this morning.  Schools out since the middle of January (semester exams) still looking at late April or early May restarts, so essentially out 3 1/2 and likely closer to four months for kindergarten and primary/elementary.   Still no public taxis.  Limited bus routes.

Happiest thing to look forward to tonight is first pizzas from Pizza Hut (I know, not close to the best pies!) since January...if she can succeed in bringing them back (open for business, but no carryout, just delivery) on the subway.

Keep in mind, this is TOTAL lockdown/martial law, not social distancing.


Also, not sure how we can trust the numbers coming out of Russia, India, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, either.

The latter three have/had an agenda or ulterior motive to protect tourism dollars as long as possible.



Don’t think the President is going to be too happy with Dr. Fauci throwing out any six figure mortality projections, even in a worst-case scenario.

Maybe in a morbid sense, these two polar opposites of blissful ignorance and Dr. Doom are also contributing to the “ratings.”  That and the facts that sports and new movies have been pretty much wiped out.  One positive might be more people turning (back to) reading, including younger people?   Or are they just doing more gaming?

Edited by caulfield12
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1 hour ago, Jerksticks said:

I disagree.  The electoral college is fine.  I think the whole problem is how we get candidates, Congress all the way to Presidential.  The fact that Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump is going to be America’s competition for leader is ridiculous.  

Really?  These are our two best leaders to pick from? GTFOH.  I work with guys who would run circles around their management styles, especially Trump’s.  Not sure Biden has ever led people in his life so who knows there- but it probably sucks since he has no experience.  I’m sure we all know people who make great presidents, especially over the last 5-10 dolts we’ve had in office.  

Maybe one positive is that more “everyday” people will run, such as this single mother of three, who won election in Orange County.  Of course, she did attend two of the most elite academic institutions in the US.  

And you might be right, the enthusiasm gap (highly motivated to support) is roughly 30 points between Trump and Biden...similar to 2016.   That’s a bit misleading.  Because there are three plus years of track record now AND nobody will be as unpopular as HRC in 2015-16.  Fwiw, Andrew Cuomo’s overall approval numbers in NYC are similar to Trump’s on a national basis, yet he might have won the Democratic primary had it started today instead of 18 months ago.  And would likely be leading Trump by larger margins, whereas Biden is essentially tied one month into this crisis that has now made him almost irrelevant. 

Edited by caulfield12
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24 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

Maybe one positive is that more “everyday” people will run, such as this single mother of three, who won election in Orange County.  Of course, she did attend two of the most elite academic institutions in the US.  

And you might be right, the enthusiasm gap (highly motivated to support) is roughly 30 points between Trump and Biden...similar to 2016.   That’s a bit misleading.  Because there are three plus years of track record now AND nobody will be as unpopular as HRC in 2015-16.  Fwiw, Andrew Cuomo’s overall approval numbers in NYC are similar to Trump’s on a national basis, yet he might have won the Democratic primary had it started today instead of 18 months ago.  And would likely be leading Trump by larger margins, whereas Biden is essentially tied one month into this crisis that has now made him almost irrelevant. 

Why is Cuomo so amazing. He dropped the ball completely at the start of the outbreak.  He's obviously made progress since than, but some of his comments probably contributed to more cases and the outbreak in NY being worse.  Hopefully we start to see the NY curve flatten soon.  

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30 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

Maybe one positive is that more “everyday” people will run, such as this single mother of three, who won election in Orange County.  Of course, she did attend two of the most elite academic institutions in the US.  

And you might be right, the enthusiasm gap (highly motivated to support) is roughly 30 points between Trump and Biden...similar to 2016.   That’s a bit misleading.  Because there are three plus years of track record now AND nobody will be as unpopular as HRC in 2015-16.  Fwiw, Andrew Cuomo’s overall approval numbers in NYC are similar to Trump’s on a national basis, yet he might have won the Democratic primary had it started today instead of 18 months ago.  And would likely be leading Trump by larger margins, whereas Biden is essentially tied one month into this crisis that has now made him almost irrelevant. 

Lol essentially tied because of one poll where he had a 2 point lead.

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3 minutes ago, Chisoxfn said:

Why is Cuomo so amazing. He dropped the ball completely at the start of the outbreak.  He's obviously made progress since than, but some of his comments probably contributed to more cases and the outbreak in NY being worse.  Hopefully we start to see the NY curve flatten soon.  

My bar is set pretty low these days.  Can speak authoritatively without a teleprompter and at least project empathy and a sense of unity?  Probably the same reason that aspects of Buttigieg appealed to me, being able to openly discuss faith and religion...because there are millions that seek comfort and reassurance there.

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5 minutes ago, Chisoxfn said:

Why is Cuomo so amazing. He dropped the ball completely at the start of the outbreak.  He's obviously made progress since than, but some of his comments probably contributed to more cases and the outbreak in NY being worse.  Hopefully we start to see the NY curve flatten soon.  

Are you sure you aren’t thinking of DeBlasio re: comments? Cuomo definitely made mistakes due to his ego with deblasio but I don’t remember him saying anything that made things worse.

But you are right, I’ve been harping that NYS acted too slowly.

Inslee, by contrast, has done a tremendous job.

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14 minutes ago, bmags said:

Lol essentially tied because of one poll where he had a 2 point lead.

I don’t doubt Biden has a 3-5 point lead, nationally.

But it still comes down to those same 8-10 battleground states.

GOP, at least for now...has a significant enthusiasm advantage on their side.   Dems have demographics.   I am not sure how many, though...are 100% confident he’s up to the job, or not more concerned about the VP choice.  They believe or hope he will partially restore America’s position internationally, stabilize markets, not rock the boat and bring in experts to surround himself with.

That said, with depressed turnout possible due to coronavirus concerns lingering, enthusiasm does matter.

Don’t underestimate Trump in the debates, either.  Biden stumbles when under heavy duress or ad libbing.  When Trump does that, it’s refreshing candor and sticking it to the man or any party you project a particular grievance upon. 

Edited by caulfield12
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6 minutes ago, Blackout Friday said:

This one is even worse. And the first comment.... jesus

This is the same justification for Paris Hilton, the reality t.v. explosion and the Kardashians/Jenners all being billionaires or close to it.  Or Instagram influencers.  Kids earning $100 million for their parents opening toys on YouTube before the ripe ‘ol age of ten. 

Afaiac, “Tiger King/Joe Exotic” ran for President and OK governor and he’s ALMOST interchangeable with Trump.

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5 hours ago, Dick Allen said:

Fauci has said if you had it, he's absolutely sure you will have immunity from getting it at least for a while 

I am not aware of any definitive studies that demonstrate how long immunity to Covid-19 lasts after recovery from infection.

If it behaves like a flu virus or even the common cold, immunity would not even last until the next cold/flu season.

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Well, we’ve now gone from reopening on Easter Sunday to the end of April.  Today, finally, the recognition of 1.6-2.2 million death projection models at the high end, to the point where “just” 100-200,000 deaths is seemingly going to be considered a victory.

CNN has taken the additional step of fact-checking now in real time...never imagined it would come to this.

That said...sheer numbers of tests versus number of tests per capita are two quite distinct numbers.  

But to look at those heat maps of the country and jump to the conclusion 60-70% of the counties innthe middle of the country are basically safe when no extensive testing has really been done there yet doesn’t make much sense of a reasonable conclusion, either.

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45 minutes ago, tray said:

I am not aware of any definitive studies that demonstrate how long immunity to Covid-19 lasts after recovery from infection.

If it behaves like a flu virus or even the common cold, immunity would not even last until the next cold/flu season.

They believe because it doesn’t mutate a lot that any vaccine / recovery would likely be a longer immunity vs your normal flu. Obviously lots of assumptions being made due to how rapidly this has evolved but they are tracking a variety of strains and note the mutations are minor and slow moving (this is positive because it means a vaccine is more effective and likely easier to get and any immunity would likely last longer too. 

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19 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

Well, we’ve now gone from reopening on Easter Sunday to the end of April.  Today, finally, the recognition of 1.6-2.2 million death projection models at the high end, to the point where “just” 100-200,000 deaths is seemingly going to be considered a victory.

CNN has taken the additional step of fact-checking now in real time...never imagined it would come to this.

That said...sheer numbers of tests versus number of tests per capita are two quite distinct numbers.  

But to look at those heat maps of the country and jump to the conclusion 60-70% of the counties innthe middle of the country are basically safe when no extensive testing has really been done there yet doesn’t make much sense of a reasonable conclusion, either.

I think end of April to end of May is probably a realistic timeframe. Gives right amount of hope but also allows flexibility to clamp down where necessary and drag on where appropriate. 

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19 hours ago, Chisoxfn said:

Dude - Get off your schtick. Who cares what he wants to call it. If people feel better by calling what they are doing (staying away from people) a sacrifice, drives more accountability, than so be it.  Nothing wrong with it.  

I could be inclined to agree with you, IF this is what occurred with Greg.


Instead, his "fee-fees" hurted him, so it's a fucking sacrifice, right?


Wrong. Being uncomfortable AINT a fucking sacrifice. Sorry.

Edited by Two-Gun Pete
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We're definitely undercounting here, too. If patients present in dire enough conditions where a test result won't change the outcome or won't come before they expire, they won't bother ordering one. If someone dies with clear symptoms but not yet a positive test result, they won't be classified as a covid death. They're not testing post mortem.

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1 hour ago, bmags said:

much appreciated information here.

Even though I don’t support Pritzker on his soft math and unwillingness to solve the pension problem, he and Lightfoot are doing a good job with the coronavirus pandemic.

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