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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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How Conservatives Awoke to the Dangers of Sean Hannity

The Fox News host is under attack as never before because many Americans are now forced to take what he says seriously for the first time.



Grandpa Trump watches television an average of five hours every day.


And Bloomberg reports that the longer his presidency has gone on, the more he has shifted to watching Fox News. Sean Hannity is the main beneficiary of his evening viewing. A conspiracy theory aired on that show might be repeated by the president on Twitter, or even determine irreversible actions that he takes in his official capacity.


The stakes could not be higher.


So it no longer matters whether one thinks Hannity is a decent person or a bad person; an earnest broadcaster or a liar; or a figure who helps or harms the Republican base. Insofar as he spreads misinformation, he risks doing harm to the United States. And while that was arguably always true, it’s easier to see the import of a man’s words when a gullible president seems ready to credulously receive them.


At the unlikely climax of his career, Hannity’s job is under attack because the most powerful man in the world trusts his words in a way no similarly powerful man ever has––and with that great responsibility, with that opportunity to inform the president about any matter in the world, Hannity indulges in half-baked conspiracies.


Love of country is a sound reason to hope he retires.


The Pulitzer Prize-winning website PolitiFact found that nearly 60 percent of the statements it checked on Fox News were either mostly or entirely false. Another 19 percent were only half true.





Contrary to Trump’s Claims, Immigrants Are Less Likely to Commit Crimes

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (raBBit @ May 30, 2017 -> 10:17 AM)
This has probably been the most popular thread on the entire board since January and it seems caulfield has killed it.



Insightful. I thought only liberals whined and complained about everything?


When something of significance actually occurs, like Jared getting fired or Spicer quitting, this thread will light up again.

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Speaking of going off the deep end, a new season of House of Cards has finally landed with Trump-like overtones.




Congrats to new WH Communications Director Jared Kushner




Trump wants Senate to make things fast and easy for him, go to a more convenient 51 votes on all bills instead of 60


"The U.S. Senate should switch to 51 votes, immediately, and get Healthcare and TAX CUTS approved, fast and easy. Dems would do it, no doubt!​,” he wrote on Twitter. ​



Looks like Kathy Griffin finally was able to spark more controversy than the latest Ariel Winter bikini pics at Instagram. Wonder if the Secret Service will have her arrested? At least Fox News has a new story for the next 24-48 hours.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (raBBit @ May 31, 2017 -> 12:08 PM)
I just checked Trump's twitter so see the fall out from the covfefe stuff and realized Baron is his son. Or at least he called him his son. I thought that was his grandkid... That means he conceived the kid when he was like 59-61ish. Totally off topic but wouldn't that kid have been a huge risk for Down's syndrome or some other birth defect? Or does that come from older women only?


There's lots of borderline creepy/gross speculation from people that he's somewhere on the autism spectrum based on some of his behavior, but he's an 11 year old child whose privacy should be respected since he didn't ask for any of this.


QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 31, 2017 -> 12:13 PM)
Why wouldn't the risk be 100% related to Melania, who was in her mid 30's at the time?


The age of both the mother and the father play a role, even if the risk increases faster for women than for men.

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CNN says "Comey to testify publicly about Trump pushing him to end an FBI probe into an aide's Russia ties"


So Trump should be impeached/fired on an "obstruction of justice" charge by Christmas. I doubt he'll want to have long hearings on impeachment, so perhaps he'll pull a Nixon and quit. We'll have one year of Trump as president, then we get the Veep taking over. So Comey winds up being a huge factor in Trump winning and THE factor in Trump being impeached/fired. Interesting. Comey arguably is one of the most important individuals in history.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (raBBit @ May 31, 2017 -> 02:34 PM)
Is autism also more likely for the child with older parents? I knew downs syndrome but didn't know autism was involved too.

I don't think that they've established any connections regarding autism as of yet.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ May 31, 2017 -> 01:34 PM)
Is autism also more likely for the child with older parents? I knew downs syndrome but didn't know autism was involved too.


The high risk usually comes from the mothers side during pregnancy. Downs, cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis are the three big ones they test for. Haven't heard any link between autism and the age of the parents but I didn't research any of that when my wife was pregnant

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QUOTE (raBBit @ May 31, 2017 -> 01:48 PM)
Thanks. I was just hearing about the tests on that stuff. Pretty crazy you could know your unborn child is going to have one of those conditions.


It's an extremely stressful test. It takes three days for results to come back and it's all my wife thought about. And the worst part is there are a lot of false positives.


We had a false positive test with my youngest and my wife called me bawling her eyes out. We had to go to a special Doctor for a different ultrasound

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QUOTE (raBBit @ May 31, 2017 -> 01:48 PM)
Thanks. I was just hearing about the tests on that stuff. Pretty crazy you could know your unborn child is going to have one of those conditions.

I actually work for a lab who does Non Invasive Prenatal testing for genetic abnormalities. It's a screening test where they draw a tube of blood from the mom and can test the fetal dna that is in her bloodstream. It takes about 5-7 days to actually put the test in the workflow and get the results back. But as far as it goes for advanced age for these, they only test the mom.

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Forget Trump’s bluster. The world is walking all over him.






Three activists looking into unfair labor allegations at one of Ivanka Trump's contracted Chinese shoe factories "detained and/or missing."


This is where FOX NEWS would blurt out a headline..."murdered/disappeared/kidnapped" by a nefarious and far-reaching left wing network of child labor exploiters, etc. Had this been a vendor/supplier that produced goods for the Clinton Foundation, Chelsea, etc., surely there would be a HUGE HUGE uproar.


Human rights violations in China!!! Once a lecturer on this issue, HRC has mysteriously gone soft.


Clintons look the other way after the Chinese government finally provides them the patents to protect "Clinton-branded" luxury clothing from being pirated/copied.


Chinese sovereign wealth fund donates hundreds of millions to Clinton Foundation, allegations of "shady uranium deals" via a back channel with the Canadian government and money funneled back to Chelsea and her husband to maintain a Madoff-esque pyramid scheme bilking clients out of their lifetime savings.

Edited by caulfield12
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Our military leaders ask NATO for assistance in Afghanistan while the president flat our refuses to cooperate with NATO and physically pushes NATO leaders in order to get in front for a picture.


Yeah. That won't go well.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jun 1, 2017 -> 11:43 AM)
Trump is gonna stay in the Paris agreement and everyone is gonna be like "THIS is when he became President."


He's going to stay in and act like it's leverage over trade with Germany.

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