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Sox Therapy Thread-Enter at your own risk

Jack Parkman

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5 minutes ago, Chisox378 said:

Maybe you should be banned for profanity?

I can tell you 100% that you are probably in the wrong place on the internet if you are going to attack people who support gay rights.  I know you are new here and all, but I am going to be honest and up front with you and come out and say that you might have made the wrong choice for a Sox spot on the internet. 

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Hey, I love the team too, and if I know that something they are doing is not for the common good for the organization and baseball itself, then I should be able to say something. We can leave it at that.  As I said they should have an anti-bullying day, but to promote "gay pride" I think is going to far and showing scandal to alot of people including the young.

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2 minutes ago, Chisox378 said:

Hey, I love the team too, and if I know that something they are doing is not for the common good for the organization and baseball itself, then I should be able to say something. We can leave it at that.  As I said they should have an anti-bullying day, but to promote "gay pride" I think is going to far and showing scandal to alot of people including the young.

Again, if you really believe that, and are going to drag everyone who feels differently about it, this is the wrong website for you.  Soxtalk is not an anti-gay website in any way, shape or form.

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1 minute ago, Chisox378 said:

Hey, I love the team too, and if I know that something they are doing is not for the common good for the organization and baseball itself, then I should be able to say something. We can leave it at that.  As I said they should have an anti-bullying day, but to promote "gay pride" I think is going to far and showing scandal to alot of people including the young.

This is one of the most staggering posts I have ever seen on this site.  Like the words you’ve written don’t make a lick of sense and it simply comes across as a mildly insane “I hate homosexuals” rant.

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1 minute ago, Chisox378 said:

Once again just because I dont support "gay pride" doesnt mean I hate anyone or want to hurt anyone.

Would you be satisfied with an "adultery pride" night or a "fornication pride" night?

When you talk about homosexuality exposure to kids as if it were a communicable disease, yes, you are demonstrating hate, not the love that was Christ's greatest commandment of all.

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3 minutes ago, Chisox378 said:

Once again just because I dont support "gay pride" doesnt mean I hate anyone or want to hurt anyone.

Would you be satisfied with an "adultery pride" night or a "fornication pride" night?

Im gonna weigh in here. I think you are really going about this the wrong way, and you need to be careful with what you say and how you say it. There are people out there who have committed suicide because of these kinds of things.

I am assuming you are a Christian based on what you said earlier about holding Gospel values. That's fine. I'm a Christian too, and quite frankly, I disagree with the act of homosexuality, just like you do. I, however, do not think people engaging in homosexual acts are evil people. I also think the White Sox are not celebrating the act pf homosexuality, as you are implying, but rather celebrating the people that are affected by it. People who identify with homosexuality have been abused, manipulated and treated like dogs for so long, and that is so wrong.

The thing is, this is SUCH a sensitive topic, that you really have to be careful with how you approach these kinds of issues, no matter what you believe.

To be honest with you, as a Christian, the gay pride night might be a perfect venue for you, as a christian, to talk to these people, get to know them, and hear their story. In fact, that is exactly the kind of thing that Jesus did. 

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2 minutes ago, Chisox378 said:

Once again just because I dont support "gay pride" doesnt mean I hate anyone or want to hurt anyone.

Would you be satisfied with an "adultery pride" night or a "fornication pride" night?

No one is asking you to support “gay pride” day.  You can literally pretend it doesn’t exist and watch as it literally has no impact on your life.  But instead, you must compare being gay to cheating on one’s spouse.  No hatred there.

Also, I took my son to his first ever Sox game last year and it just happened to be “Pride Night”.  There is zero chance it will have any impact on my son’s sexual orientation.  You are being ridiculous.

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Boy the thread title is not kidding with the "enter at your own risk".  How did we get into a bashing of Gay Pride day at the ballpark?  It is actually a pretty cool tradition all around major league baseball.

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48 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

Can we ban this clown?

Now this I don't understand. He is taking a lot of abuse for his beliefs and there are a lot of people left in the world who believe those things. Not me I have 2 gay brothers.

You ask him to be tolerant yet we cannot be tolerant.  He is not hateful nor advocating any violence but the posts attacking him are mocking him and abusive. Just because majority rules here and on this subject doesn't mean the majority has the right to abuse his beliefs no matter how antiquated his thinking appears to be.

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9 minutes ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

Now this I don't understand. He is taking a lot of abuse for his beliefs and there are a lot of people left in the world who believe those things. Not me I have 2 gay brothers.

You ask him to be tolerant yet we cannot be tolerant.  He is not hateful nor advocating any violence but the posts attacking him are mocking him and abusive. Just because majority rules here and on this subject doesn't mean the majority has the right to abuse his beliefs no matter how antiquated his thinking appears to be.

When the politics part of the board was opened I noticed if you don't have the same values or ideas of the majority you are then in turn a bad person. I don't agree with anything the guy is saying but his allowed to have his opinion, I just would have kept such a controversial think to myself lol

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2 minutes ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

Now this I don't understand. He is taking a lot of abuse for his beliefs and there are a lot of people left in the world who believe those things. Not me I have 2 gay brothers.

You ask him to be tolerant yet we cannot be tolerant.  He is not hateful nor advocating any violence but the posts attacking him are mocking him and abusive. Just because majority rules here and on this subject doesn't mean the majority has the right to abuse his beliefs no matter how antiquated his thinking appears to be.

This isn’t even about views.  I could care less if he’s accepting of homosexuality or not in all honesty.  But I do have a problem when others feel compelled to force others to accept their views.  If someone wants to be gay, it has no bearing on this person’s life.  The problem with religious zealots is they try to force their narrow minded views on others.  By all means live your life by your own moral convictions, but please allow others to do the same if they do not impact your direct well-being.

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4 minutes ago, BigHurt3515 said:

When the politics part of the board was opened I noticed if you don't have the same values or ideas of the majority you are then in turn a bad person. I don't agree with anything the guy is saying but his allowed to have his opinion, I just would have kept such a controversial think to myself lol

As would I . He will learn . Seems like a decent guy in other threads.

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10 minutes ago, daa84 said:

lol fornication pride night....can't believe bill veeck never thought of that one 

Fornication Night?!?  That might be one that The Hawk would come back to call..."You know who was the best fornicator I ever played with Stoney?"...

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4 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

This isn’t even about views.  I could care less if he’s accepting of homosexuality or not in all honesty.  But I do have a problem when others feel compelled to force others to accept their views.  If someone wants to be gay, it has no bearing on this person’s life.  The problem with religious zealots is they try to force their narrow minded views on others.  By all means live your life by your own moral convictions, but please allow others to do the same if they do not impact your direct well-being.

Well we know that what you advocate does not happen. If one side is vocal  then the opposing side becomes vocal just like in any argument debate  until it then erupts into violence.

Your 2nd post was much more tolerant about just ignore it all but as we all know people do not do that, never have and never will.

If the greatest Commandment of all is "love one another" I didn't see too many reasonable responses to his views. Just an outpouring of malicious attacks. Tolerance and good will must co exist on both sides of the coin. I will discuss this no further as should everyone else and get back to the topic the OP intended.

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4 minutes ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

Well we know that what you advocate does not happen. If one side is vocal  then the opposing side becomes vocal just like in any argument debate  until it then erupts into violence.

Your 2nd post was much more tolerant about just ignore it all but as we all know people do not do that, never have and never will.

If the greatest Commandment of all is "love one another" I didn't see too many reasonable responses to his views. Just an outpouring of malicious attacks. Tolerance and good will must co exist on both sides of the coin. I will discuss this no further as should everyone else and get back to the topic the OP intended.

It's because these so-called "views" were abject homophobic in nature, and thus the resulting "attacks" were the same as if racist, anti-semitic, anti-Muslim, or any other hate-filled views were posted.  I, for one, applaud the zero tolerance responses that were made.  No room for that kind of garbage on this board or anywhere else, for that matter.   

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Remember anyone that disagrees with this crowd is a bigot, homophobe, etc etc.

My point is having a "gay pride" night is showing scandal.  If I bring my kids I am going to have to explain to them something that's not appropriate at the ball park, and if kids go with friends or others they can be led astray. There are rainbow flags. In other ball parks there has been kiss cams where two people of the same sex kiss. 

If we are talking about violence against a group of people why not just have a anti-violence day?

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9 minutes ago, Chisox378 said:

Remember anyone that disagrees with this crowd is a bigot, homophobe, etc etc.

My point is having a "gay pride" night is showing scandal.  If I bring my kids I am going to have to explain to them something that's not appropriate at the ball park, and if kids go with friends or others they can be led astray. There are rainbow flags. In other ball parks there has been kiss cams where two people of the same sex kiss. 

If we are talking about violence against a group of people why not just have a anti-violence day?

I don’t think being gay is inappropriate. But if you are so worried about exposing kids to things that are inappropriate, probably going to a ballgame is a bad idea. I see and hear  heterosexual people doing several  inappropriate things every game I attend.

Not to mention, the person sitting next to you may be gay. The horror.

Edited by Dick Allen
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21 minutes ago, Chisox378 said:

Remember anyone that disagrees with this crowd is a bigot, homophobe, etc etc.

My point is having a "gay pride" night is showing scandal.  If I bring my kids I am going to have to explain to them something that's not appropriate at the ball park, and if kids go with friends or others they can be led astray. There are rainbow flags. In other ball parks there has been kiss cams where two people of the same sex kiss. 

If we are talking about violence against a group of people why not just have a anti-violence day?

Being gay is not a communicable disease. This is 2019, can we get past this incredibly basic lie?

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2 hours ago, Scoots said:

To be honest with you, as a Christian, the gay pride night might be a perfect venue for you, as a christian, to talk to these people, get to know them, and hear their story. In fact, that is exactly the kind of thing that Jesus did. 

This is spot on.  Might be time to head to Nineveh son.

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