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March 4th Primaries


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So, what the heck happened to all those votes that were supposed to come in from the big cities in Texas? I really hope the 50 superdelegate rumor for Obama is true, as it would be nice to see something positive happen. The SNL curse continues to grow.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Mar 4, 2008 -> 11:46 PM)
So, what the heck happened to all those votes that were supposed to come in from the big cities in Texas? I really hope the 50 superdelegate rumor for Obama is true, as it would be nice to see something positive happen. The SNL curse continues to grow.


I think it will still narrow up a little but there was still too many little areas, Hillary dominant, that hadn't fully come in yet.


I doubt the 50 delegate thing is true. Difficult to hold all 50 delegates together. I could see them trying to announce them all at once and then 4 or 5 of them saying they are not for Obama, and that story would outweigh the positive.

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Democrats DO know that Hillary would lose in November, whereas Obama would be a very likely favorite......don't they? I'm not the biggest electability guy, but when it's THIS obvious, I would think people would take heed. People can say what they will about the women vote, but Clinton WOULD NOT beat McCain, and I think Obama would be in very good shape against him.

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People are stupid:


"Stay Scared! FEAR WILL SET YOU FREE! I can stop the terrorists!" All that B.S. People are dumb, especially people in Ohio, they've produced two terrible cities.

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As a republican this is great. The best result would be if Obama comes out with more delegates. Michigan and Florida are not seated, and Clinton uses the superdelegates to topple the will of the dem party. That would clear a way for McCain to the whitehouse.


I am still amazed on how goofy liberal Clinton, the wife of the man who was weak on defense for 8 years, is now a tough person you want in a time of war. Maybe she can learn from her husband and blow up a tent in the middle of the desert with a 2 million dollar Tomahawk Cruise Missle. Her on the job training was sleeping next to the president for 8 years. Maybe she received the knowledge via Osmosis.

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Mar 5, 2008 -> 12:54 AM)
As a republican this is great. The best result would be if Obama comes out with more delegates. Michigan and Florida are not seated, and Clinton uses the superdelegates to topple the will of the dem party. That would clear a way for McCain to the whitehouse.


I am still amazed on how goofy liberal Clinton, the wife of the man who was weak on defense for 8 years, is now a tough person you want in a time of war. Maybe she can learn from her husband and blow up a tent in the middle of the desert with a 2 million dollar Tomahawk Cruise Missle. Her on the job training was sleeping next to the president for 8 years. Maybe she received the knowledge via Osmosis.


agreed wholeheartedly

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Mar 5, 2008 -> 12:54 AM)
As a republican this is great. The best result would be if Obama comes out with more delegates. Michigan and Florida are not seated, and Clinton uses the superdelegates to topple the will of the dem party. That would clear a way for McCain to the whitehouse.


I am still amazed on how goofy liberal Clinton, the wife of the man who was weak on defense for 8 years, is now a tough person you want in a time of war. Maybe she can learn from her husband and blow up a tent in the middle of the desert with a 2 million dollar Tomahawk Cruise Missle. Her on the job training was sleeping next to the president for 8 years. Maybe she received the knowledge via Osmosis.




What he said.

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Hilary's up by 100,000 votes with 90% counted in Texas.


Hilary's got Texas in the bag I'd say, although there's still a bit of counting in Dallas and Harris which should close the margin a little.

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I don't really see how Hillary winning Texas by 3% (CNN) is all that big a deal. They split the delegates up almost-evenly, and now Obama can continue to do what he does with the major states out of the way and what is still a respectable lead.


I do, however, think its time HE started the smear campaigning.

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Mar 5, 2008 -> 12:54 AM)
As a republican this is great. The best result would be if Obama comes out with more delegates. Michigan and Florida are not seated, and Clinton uses the superdelegates to topple the will of the dem party. That would clear a way for McCain to the whitehouse.


I am still amazed on how goofy liberal Clinton, the wife of the man who was weak on defense for 8 years, is now a tough person you want in a time of war. Maybe she can learn from her husband and blow up a tent in the middle of the desert with a 2 million dollar Tomahawk Cruise Missle. Her on the job training was sleeping next to the president for 8 years. Maybe she received the knowledge via Osmosis.


Really there was no better scenario for John McCain than what unfolded tonight. I cannot believe those stupid 3 am ads actually convinced anyone to not vote for Obama. Its classic Clintonian scare tactics. Personally I would have loved to see Obama fire back at Hillary after the Canadian memo problem, with these simple words


"Shame on you Hillary Clinton!"


What happened not not attacking a fellow Democrat? Yeah, the best possible case for the Republicans is for Hillary to keep up the effort to torpedo Obama by whatever means possible so that whoever wins the nomination emerges weakened and spent after a brutal primary, while McCain comes out after basically a couple/few months to fundraise and relax.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 5, 2008 -> 08:56 AM)
Really there was no better scenario for John McCain than what unfolded tonight. I cannot believe those stupid 3 am ads actually convinced anyone to not vote for Obama. Its classic Clintonian scare tactics. Personally I would have loved to see Obama fire back at Hillary after the Canadian memo problem, with these simple words


"Shame on you Hillary Clinton!"


What happened not not attacking a fellow Democrat? Yeah, the best possible case for the Republicans is for Hillary to keep up the effort to torpedo Obama by whatever means possible so that whoever wins the nomination emerges weakened and spent after a brutal primary, while McCain comes out after basically a couple/few months to fundraise and relax.


Was it the 3 AM ads or the NAFTA thing?

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QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Mar 5, 2008 -> 08:57 AM)
Was it the 3 AM ads or the NAFTA thing?


Either way, it is the same slander by proxy that has been the trademark of the Clintons for almost two decades now. It blows my mind that so many people don't connect the dots and realize what the source of all of this sewage is.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 5, 2008 -> 09:01 AM)
Either way, it is the same slander by proxy that has been the trademark of the Clintons for almost two decades now. It blows my mind that so many people don't connect the dots and realize what the source of all of this sewage is.

Don't forget SNL. No joke. And she ABSOLUTELY had a hand in that (of course, she appeared on the show, but don't think that wasn't calculated very carefully).

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 5, 2008 -> 02:52 PM)
Obama's camp said he can't get to the 2,025 needed to win now and they know it.


Now what?


I think now that they go to Denver without a nominee, Hillary gets it by default.


Why do you think she'd get it by default?

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I really hope Obama drops the gloves and attacks Hillary for all she is worth. Go after Bill's stay in the White House.


I would start with the fact that her experience resulted in the Clinton's having Obama and letting him go, will Hillary let him go as well. What 3 AM phone calls did Bill address, we know what Bill was up to at 3AM in the White House........it wasn't answering the phone unless it was from Monica.


As GWB fought his father's war and got us into the Iraq mess will Hillary now try and fight Big Bill's war and get us into a deeper mess. Time for someone to clean up after the Bush and Clinton frat parties. Call the White House a Frat House go at it hard. Destroy Hillary and run agin in 4 years if need be.


Bring up her taxes, Whitewater and all that. They need to do this as the America people need to be reminded of how ill the Clinton's will make you feel.


The Obama campaign appears to be in cruise control mode and are being kicked and are trying to ignore it. The media caters to this crap and it is garnering votes and press for Hillary.






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QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Mar 5, 2008 -> 09:37 AM)
I really hope Obama drops the gloves and attacks Hillary for all she is worth.


After losing Ohio and Texas, his camp hints that they'll target the Clintons more harshly


....Obama's aides are more than ready to turn their half-hearted criticism into a full-blown attack on the Clintons. Among the targets on the Obama campaign's list: the Clintons' tax returns, Bill Clinton's international business relationships, and the secret donors to the Clinton foundation.


However the campaign is unlikely to move from 0 to 60 in a matter of days. First they are banking on wins in the next contests, in Wyoming and Mississippi. At the same time, they are likely to roll forward with a series of new superdelegate endorsements. Along the way, they will issue thinly-veiled threats about the kind of negative campaign they could unleash if the party wants the race to continue....



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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Mar 5, 2008 -> 09:47 AM)

B.S. what do you think of the tactic?


For me, that has been what has made Obama more appealing is that he has stayed away from the smear machine. If he does it, I think it far outweighs his strengths. Like the saying is, you play in the mud with pigs you become a pig, and the Clintons are FAR better at it then Obama, and he will lose badly if he "takes the gloves off".

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 5, 2008 -> 09:50 AM)
B.S. what do you think of the tactic?


For me, that has been what has made Obama more appealing is that he has stayed away from the smear machine. If he does it, I think it far outweighs his strengths. Like the saying is, you play in the mud with pigs you become a pig, and the Clintons are FAR better at it then Obama, and he will lose badly if he "takes the gloves off".


I agree 100%.

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I think the Obama campaign mis-stepped late last week by allowing Clinton to dominate the headlines leading up to Tuesday. They should have tossed a few nuggets each day to the media. I would have announced the February campaign totals on Friday and had a couple superdelegates endorse each day leading up to Tuesday. The campaign didn't do that and the MSM was talking about Clinton all weekend.


EDIT: They also bungled the Canada-NAFTA story. Should have nipped it as soon as word came out.

Edited by BigSqwert
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The good news out of this is that at least whatever Dem gets the nomination in the fall is going to have campaigned in all 50 states in the primary season, so the Dem candidate is going to have a built in backlog of people at least knowing who they are.


The bad news is that this sh*t just keeps on coming. God damnit Texas, you bastards...


The path for Hillary is now open. She doesn't have to go to the convention with a pledged delegate lead if she can give the impression of momentum by creating her own winning streak through March/April.

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