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Ventura told stuff by front office


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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 8, 2015 -> 06:35 PM)
Levine reporting Robin has been asked to be more hands on by the front office, whatever that means.



QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 8, 2015 -> 07:25 PM)
From what Levime wrote, there willl be fewer guys with green lights, things like that. Makes me think this new policy may have been the reason Eaton held up at secomd the other night on a sure triple.


The other thing I noticed is Robin usually only goes to the mound to take someone out. He has been out there twice on this homestand with no pitchimg change. May be a coincidence.


QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 8, 2015 -> 08:21 PM)


Heres the FULL article.


A lot more info. I suppose reading between the lines too much attention is being given to Micah and not nearly enough to the outfield and catching.


The whole thing about the "green light" being removed is it will cause hesitancy and even more mistakes on the basepaths as players start running not to make mistakes instead of being aggressive and making opposing defenses beat them with great plays (by exerting pressure.)


It's one part of the reason Eaton, Garcia, Micah, Alexei and Cabrera are having little impact on the basepaths.


Edited by Buehrle>Wood
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I will keep adding the same point.


You don't intentionally walk an 0 for 23 JD Martinez (16 of those being k's) to face a hitter with insignificant split differentials against LHP in Castellanos.


You don't treat Jennings like a mop-up pitcher in an 11-2 blowout.


You don't treat Rodon like he is a carbon copy of Chris Sale and 100% prepared right off the bat for high leverage relief situations.


You don't witness 4-6 clear mental mistakes per game on a consistent basis without doing something to shake things up.

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Heres the FULL article.


A lot more info. I suppose reading between the lines too much attention is being given to Micah and not nearly enough to the outfield and catching.


The whole thing about the "green light" being removed is it will cause hesitancy and even more mistakes on the basepaths as players start running not to make mistakes instead of being aggressive and making opposing defenses beat them with great plays (by exerting pressure.)


It's one part of the reason Eaton, Garcia, Micah, Alexei and Cabrera are having little impact on the basepaths.


It's also very difficult to change things up philosophically in the middle of the season. Ozzie and Cora learned that.

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maybe it is me, but i find this article insulting to the fans to accept and it reaks with contradictions, cmon, who wrote this. was he doing this as a favor for the sox brass.


front office needed to work with the manager to draw up a more pragmatic approach. a new manifesto.


give me a freaking break. was this suppose to encourage me that the sox was on the right path????


here is a beauty on accountability issue.


Hahn and Williams simply used some of their upper-management skills to impress upon Ventura and his staff to take more control of in-game player activity.


yup convinces me of the FO doing their due diligence. i am sooo convince this org is run like a grammar school and the owners are the principals.


they should have just left it alone.

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QUOTE (LDF @ May 8, 2015 -> 08:17 PM)
maybe it is me, but i find this article insulting to the fans to accept and it reaks with contradictions, cmon, who wrote this. was he doing this as a favor for the sox brass.


front office needed to work with the manager to draw up a more pragmatic approach. a new manifesto.


give me a freaking break. was this suppose to encourage me that the sox was on the right path????


here is a beauty on accountability issue.


Hahn and Williams simply used some of their upper-management skills to impress upon Ventura and his staff to take more control of in-game player activity.


yup convinces me of the FO doing their due diligence. i am sooo convince this is org is run like a grammar school and the owners are the principals.


they should have just left it alone.



Its like the student teacher being scolded by the instructional coach.


Except the instructional coach (Hahn) knows more about contract negotiation/law/business than how to run a major league coaching staff.


It's also basically insulting to Ventura to say he needs help from KW....since Williams has the biggest ego in the world (the anti-Robin) and consistently had issues dealing with the likes of Frank Thomas and Ozzie Guillen. If they want a Gandhian mediator, better turn first to Jerry Manuel.



Many times, KW has said Ventura had the IQ and EQ to be a general or admiral...just not seeing any evidence of that.


"You will not find a better teammate, leader and friend," White Sox chairman Jerry Reinsdorf said about Ventura in a release from the club. "His ability to motivate and lead others will be a terrific attribute as manager. I loved him as a player, from his baseball knowledge, to his professionalism, to how he went about his business in the clubhouse and on the diamond. Robin exudes class in everything he does."


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“I wanted to have a guy — similar to a player, for instance, where the ceiling was high, and where, by the time you have a finished product, you have what could be one of the best in the game,” Williams said. “That’s where my sights were. So with all due respect to the candidates out there, I didn’t know them as well. I know this man.”


“He could settle a shaky situation,” Bobby Valentine said. “He had the ability to come in and dominate when needed. He was quiet but not private. He was always inclusive. That’s a leadership quality.”


“Right from the beginning, you could tell that Robin had a presence about him,” Torborg said. “Sometimes young players are a little flighty or they don’t concentrate, but he never changed. He’s no different now than he was.”











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Robin should quit. I don't like him as a manager but the minute the front office starts meddling it's time to quit. He can't need the money. I would think after being a big league manager he'll be able to be an analyst the rest of his life on ESPN or local TV.

Show some pride and quit, Robin. f*** the front office. They should look in the mirror in regards to all the stiffs they've brought to the Sox and guys who won't take a pitch and work a count. It's not Robin's fault all these bums have been acquired.


And don't get the idea I like Robin. I think he sucks as a manager. But he should quit if he has pride.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 8, 2015 -> 09:23 PM)
Robin should quit. I don't like him as a manager but the minute the front office starts meddling it's time to quit. He can't need the money. I would think after being a big league manager he'll be able to be an analyst the rest of his life on ESPN or local TV.

Show some pride and quit, Robin. f*** the front office. They should look in the mirror in regards to all the stiffs they've brought to the Sox and guys who won't take a pitch and work a count. It's not Robin's fault all these bums have been acquired.


And don't get the idea I like Robin. I think he sucks as a manager. But he should quit if he has pride.



He made around $67 million as a player.


Not counting 2012-2016 as a big league manager, and the mlb pension/benefits program....and any marketing deals, shoe/glove/bat contracts, etc.

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it is really not about the money. it is about a game that you love and been part of you for a long time.


the sox really didn't do RV any favors on this article. my thinking is, didn't they run this past their PR firm or person or dept???


if this was part of that dept, this was worst than the video on national new the other day. this made RV look like an idiot. again, this person should be fired.


i have been defending RV, but now i feel sorry for him.

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I think they let too much out to Levine (cbs chicago/tv talk show personality and beat reporter)...then had to explain or clarify the remarks...so, in the end, it comes off as no change at all.


And then obviously they weren't willing tto explain any substantive changes, hiding behind executive priviledge and the theory it would assist the opposition even more than the poor defense, baserunning and fundamentals.




See...they even try to walk back the "hands on" comment.


“I don’t think anything has changed dramatically, as far as the amount of communication that occurs around here,” Hahn said Thursday. “More recently, the issues have been more consistent and run a little bit deeper. Therefore our conversations have run longer. This is more about making sure we are covering everything that is going on. I would not say we are more hands on. We are having open conversation about all of our issues, which at this point at least last week were pretty numerous.”

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 9, 2015 -> 05:47 AM)
I think they let too much out to Levine (cbs chicago/tv talk show personality and beat reporter)...then had to explain or clarify the remarks...so, in the end, it comes off as no change at all.


And then obviously they weren't willing tto explain any substantive changes, hiding behind executive priviledge and the theory it would assist the opposition even more than the poor defense, baserunning and fundamentals.




See...they even try to walk back the "hands on" comment.


“I don’t think anything has changed dramatically, as far as the amount of communication that occurs around here,” Hahn said Thursday. “More recently, the issues have been more consistent and run a little bit deeper. Therefore our conversations have run longer. This is more about making sure we are covering everything that is going on. I would not say we are more hands on. We are having open conversation about all of our issues, which at this point at least last week were pretty numerous.”


that was part of the contradiction i was referring to.


btw, if they had to backtrack, as you said, my question, why do the interview. didn't they see this as overkill?


from a group who is extremely hard to get anything out, now they want to spill to much??


it just doesn't make sense.

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I don't like it. Hahn comes across as having second guessed Robin in conversations or told him how to do some stuff. Even if Robin needs that, it shouldn't be made public.

Robin should quit now. I'm convinced of that. Like I said, the front office is not without flaw. The roster arguably is not that of a winner. Abreu, Robertson are smash hits; LaRoche yuck; Melky yawn.

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f*** you Levine. Way to go buddy. You get the gold star for CHOOSING to report this, choosing to add strain to an already stressful start to the season. This does nothing positive for the 2015 White Sox.


Seriously, the real question is who told him this? Seems like it would be a pretty short list privy to this conversation. Why would you tell a media loser like Levine this information if your goal is a 2015 White Sox championship? This is akin to treason.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 9, 2015 -> 05:38 AM)
I don't like it. Hahn comes across as having second guessed Robin in conversations or told him how to do some stuff. Even if Robin needs that, it shouldn't be made public.

Robin should quit now. I'm convinced of that. Like I said, the front office is not without flaw. The roster arguably is not that of a winner. Abreu, Robertson are smash hits; LaRoche yuck; Melky yawn.


it is not only Hahn but Williams as well, and by default, the owners.


i am still laughing at this part, their upper management skills.

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QUOTE (LDF @ May 9, 2015 -> 06:27 AM)
it is not only Hahn but Williams as well, and by default, the owners.


i am still laughing at this part, their upper management skills.

Yeah, I thought that was appalling as well. Skills? Robin needs to walk out, I tell ya.

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ May 9, 2015 -> 12:55 AM)
Dear lord this is spinning out of control. Just make the move already, stop trying to save him from himself.


welcome back Kalapse! i see you on my PSN every now and then playing that guacamelee game lol

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QUOTE (Jerksticks @ May 9, 2015 -> 01:05 AM)
f*** you Levine. Way to go buddy. You get the gold star for CHOOSING to report this, choosing to add strain to an already stressful start to the season. This does nothing positive for the 2015 White Sox.


Seriously, the real question is who told him this? Seems like it would be a pretty short list privy to this conversation. Why would you tell a media loser like Levine this information if your goal is a 2015 White Sox championship? This is akin to treason.

No offense, but we need MORE Chicago reporters to come out with stories like these. I'm not a Levine fan, but I'm glad he reported this.

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ May 9, 2015 -> 12:55 AM)
Dear lord this is spinning out of control. Just make the move already, stop trying to save him from himself.

The problem is Robin is a genuinely-likable guy. They'll have a longer leash with him than someone that is an egotistical jerk like say Ozzie. Also, Reinsdorf's love for Robin isn't going to make firing him any easier.

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QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ May 9, 2015 -> 11:04 AM)
No offense, but we need MORE Chicago reporters to come out with stories like these. I'm not a Levine fan, but I'm glad he reported this.


ok, you made your point, my question is why??


btw, do you see this whole article as RV doesn't have a clue to manage??

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QUOTE (Jerksticks @ May 9, 2015 -> 01:05 AM)
f*** you Levine. Way to go buddy. You get the gold star for CHOOSING to report this, choosing to add strain to an already stressful start to the season. This does nothing positive for the 2015 White Sox.


Seriously, the real question is who told him this? Seems like it would be a pretty short list privy to this conversation. Why would you tell a media loser like Levine this information if your goal is a 2015 White Sox championship? This is akin to treason.



Umm unless it was all off the record, this is Bruce Levine's job. What exactly do you think reporters do? If you just want them to be shills for the team go follow KC Johnson

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