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  2. 85 percent of the team will be different next year. How would that accomplish anything?
  3. Just like with Quero, it will normalize soon enough.
  4. “Always be selling relievers” was meant for Tanner Banks. Sell high and do so right now!
  5. It's more the hip injury and constant injuries that hurt his value than anything else. He's always been a slow starter to start the season in much the same way Abreu was. Coming back from the injury was essentially a 2nd start to his season. It's a 64 AB sample size . 12 hits 7 of them HRs. His last 5 hits have all been HRs. He must not want to run the bases . He's not running hard to 1st when he hits ground balls. I'd keep an eye on his baseball savant page and see if his sprint speed drops into the low 80s or even into the 70s the next month or more if he's not traded. I think it will just based on how much effort he may not want to give just yet. He needs to become a corner OF. I suggested that at least a year ago if not more but he started the season in the low 90s ( faster than 90+ % of players) in sprint speed but he just can't push himself to that level without getting hurt now. Not being a CF anymore would hurt his value too so I don't expect to see him in RF any time soon but a team who wants him, who already has a good defensive CF with a decent bat, could switch him.
  6. 100% ! Cub fans always want the Sox to trade their best talent and tank. Oh sure, just wallow in perpetual rebuilding mode with a bevy of prospects, most of whom will never pan out. It's such a foolish short-sighted strategy, especially with the change in the Draft protocol. No need to continually kick the can down the road and depress the fan base with promises made that cannot ever be kept. The chance of having numerous prospects from trades blossom in a crescendo that results is a WS championship is a fool's mission. There are 30 teams all trying to get better every year. For the WSox, the focus should be on improving year after year in order to stay competitive. When and if the team becomes good enough to contend for a WS championship, then it's time to salt the roster with a few players to help get there, like the White Sox did in 2005.
  7. Watching an archived MLB Network White Sox special from spring training this past year… hysterical. Pedro is sitting at the front of a room full of staff, “when we play other teams they need to know who the f*** we are…” Oh Pedro… other teams know who the f*** we are… in all the worst ways. 😆
  8. That's why I've got him in my "things look good" portion, despite his overall hitting not looking the best so far this year.
  9. Today
  10. How much does Robert's slow start in average/obp affect his value? Slug/OPS+ is still there. EDIT: holy s%*# he has a .161 babip. That's insanely low.
  11. Right wing media like a regular white girl in a league that's dominated by a lot of "Others?" Not exactly a news flash. Nor is the opposite, as you say. She's a good player, easy to like, I agree.
  12. You always have to push ahead to build a team especially when you're a terrible team. Where are the other good players going to come from ? Selfishly Id love to keep Crochet but realistically when you're dealing with often injured players like Robert and Crochet you keep waiting and expecting those injuries to keep them off the field just as they have with Moncada, Eloy and Robert. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and strive towards future wins rather than a few moments of titillation watching a few guys doing great with nothing else around them. The Sox aren't going to spend there way back into contention that's for damn sure. Strike for those future wins while the iron is hot.
  13. It was poorly worded ramblings of a drunk, frustrated idiot. I’ll take the L and apologize on that one.
  14. That's the whole history of the franchise but every so often they rise above it. At least we have some good pitching prospects. Im skeptical that Robert and Crochet will be traded by the deadline so the bats we need may not be coming soon but we'll see what happens .
  15. I agree with this guy 100%. I say this over and over here. Let's keep our nice things. I kind of cracks me up that people say we only have 2 1/2 year of control of Crochet. What a wonderful 2 1/2 years that will be watching him throw strike out after strike out in a Sox uniform. Absolutely let's keep him and Fedde too.
  16. Is Montgomery a positive though? I haven't been following the organization as closely as I have in the past but from most accounts he's been a problem this year
  17. I think you're correct that there's no risk but he is complete dogshit
  18. I think they can get more than Beavers from someone else. Fedde is gonna land a top 100 guy imo.
  19. Little thing called leverage in trade negotiations…seems lost on Getz.
  20. Plus it would give Robert somebody to talk to in the dugout, am I right?
  21. Oh god you’re right. Bump that surplus value up another $10M then!
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