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  2. Eh, nobody saw it coming when Hahn and Ken getting fired when it happened. Jerry is a wily one!
  3. They also have been much more conservative ranking pitchers just due to the attrition and volatility compared to position players. this definitely got my attention.
  4. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome
  5. I'm imagining this is Jr's reaction if he was reading this instead of cigar magazine: "wasn't this the guy that wanted me to fire La Russa? Now he's not good enough either? Make up your mind"
  6. that's not what the article was about.
  7. I saw that he cut out of his deal with the Mariners and I was totally expecting this one. Wasn’t he one of Boston’s top prospects along with Kopech?
  8. The Sox won’t be likely to improve if they keep them either, unless we get a new owner soon that throws around money in free agency.
  9. Who paid off Ricky? After a playoff appearance.
  10. I recognize all points made by Kyle and SS2k5. But also, Maldy would get a bonus!
  11. This close ? FA in 2027. That's 2.5 years.Thats a lifetime for a pitcher who's been injured as much as he has and who is in the 1st phase of seeing how he holds up on a starting pitcher's schedule. He still has a lot to prove. Financial security for the rest of your life when you are 24 should be extremely attractive to him when the alternative could be non tendered in a more injuries scenario.
  12. Maybe the more appropriate response from me would have been to declare that I am not going to take that.
  13. If you’re a season ticket holder, I hope at this point you go because you like the atmosphere of a baseball game, and not for the people in the uniforms. The Sox rebuild failed. Crochet is another injury waiting to happen. Robert gets hurt every year too. They are better fits for teams that are close and they can dream on them being available in September and October for a run. The Sox need a massive amount of prospects and then try to emulate what the O’s are doing now. If the deals are right, they have to move them. 120 losses? 125? Abysmal is abysmal.
  14. Ryan Gosling telling the bad guy that he needed glucose cause he's not thinking straight is 100% smarter than anything Pedro has ever said.
  15. I remember in Spring Training, they mentioned he lost a lot of weight. I guess he found it.
  16. If they're not going to keep Robert Jr and Crochet things are really going to get much worse. They're the only reason to watch the games. I know a couple of my season ticket holders who won't renew next year if they trade these guys.
  17. Yeah, I wouldn’t buy it even if Kap said he had a source. If JR hasn’t fired Grifol already, why would he finally do it now? I don’t see it happening until the end of the season.
  18. I thought so but couldn't resist!
  19. Kap said this was a prediction based off no intel whatsoever.
  20. He should be in better shape, so I guess we're all guilty.
  21. Exactly. Have him voted in as the all star owner rep and then when he is announced on tv we can just unload in every media way possible lol
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