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Everything posted by EloyJenkins

  1. Glad to see a other win...but man Dylan can't catch a break this season.
  2. That was my main original point. i wasn't saying blatant racism...it's the undertones of someone not screaming, isn't a "grinder" OR has a laid back style - this board assumes they are lazy, unmotivated, etc, etc. It's so tiresome. Unless you are in this person's mind or the team's trainer, you have no clue what type of competitor they really are and how much they are dealing with. To be clear...I LIKE burger's bat. how could you not? but I also think Moncada, Eloy, Robert and TA all get this bad rap of not wanting to win or improve.
  3. Go back and read through all the comments I quoted. Why are these things not said about Burger and his atrocious defense? Instead it's optimism and maybe he will learn. Get real. Moncada is a better fielder and always will be. Burger is a great DH that has no position and never will.
  4. Anyone...and I mean anyone here who thinks Burger should be at 3rd and Moncada at 2nd should lose their fan card. Burger is fine at DH, but why oh why do we hear words like "no motivation" "lack of effort" "not very bright" "doesn't care" "got his money" for the latin player and not the guy so out of shape he wouldn't even be recognized as an athlete outside of like 50,000 Southside fans? It is ridiculous that this type of unspoken bias still exists here and the reality is Moncada DOES and always will have a higher career fWAR and total impact to the team than a slugger without position.
  5. They are 3.5 back. This week was a smashing success. And eloy out isnt the end of the world with burger. DH is the one thing he can do.
  6. They sweep the yanks....and they might have started the long turnaround. Hopefully they can take this 4 game win streak and turn it into something special.
  7. That was the plan we all wanted. And insurance if Tim went down (which he did already). Romy coming around is a real good thing.
  8. Really good execution across the board this inning. What team is this?
  9. First page to second page is so soxtalk. Carry on!
  10. At this point you need his bat. Honestly trading Eloy should be on the table as well...
  11. If Moncada stays healthy and Robert keeps this up...they might be something offensively the rest of the year.
  12. Giolito will never get this contract he thinks he is worth
  13. Vaughn and Seth Beer were both "polished" college bats that were can't miss on the offensive side coming out of the draft. Seth just got DFA'd and Vaughn can't lay off outside sliders and isn't near the 300 type hitter that was promised. I like him, but def feel that he won't be a foundational player at all, which is really sad.
  14. Hahn should apologize to the city of Chicago and the fans tomorrow and resign.
  15. A really nice boring baseball win...just like it should be with these expectations.
  16. If cease sucks this much...its a full rebuild incoming. Yikes.
  17. What a difference yesterday would have made. 5 in row and gaining sure would have been nice. But good bounce back and seems like hopefully good joe kelly is back?
  18. Imagine if there were like 5 elite FA SS's available before this season...oh wait.
  19. this one is on one Tim Anderson. You claim to be the heart of the club...do your job. yikes.
  20. wasn't sure if the throwing the bat is why they said he did. that was a pain reaction. but yeah, looks like he crossed plane.
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