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Everything posted by EloyJenkins

  1. Hiring competent Management when you are a cheap-ass owner..."Easier Said than Done"
  2. Has Getz started his "we have faith that Grifol will be our guy with a healthy team" presser yet? Because this is going to be the narrative coming soon and it's just so predictable, frustrating and White Sox. I am this close to just quitting this team until Jerry dies. I liked Yoan and this sucks.
  3. What a stud. This team is roping me in ...damnit
  4. This series is going one of 2 ways imo...they sweep Detroit, their pitching looks great and we all collectively go, wtf? or they get swept, have horrible fundamentals that lose basically each game and Grifol bumbles like the idiot he is and we all can write off the team before people even sit in their seats. I am hoping for the former...but the latter gets Pedro fired mid-season and maybe just maybe Jerry will sell before he dies.
  5. The good news is us optimistic ones can finally officially punt on the season. 60 wins is really possible
  6. He can go to Miami and get Jiggy with Will Smith
  7. Imagine that they will have competitive ownership that cares about the onfield results as well. This location, concept and idea will change Chicago baseball forever if it happens. Kids will be Sox fans and Wrigley will be the old dump.
  8. Why does Minnesota get so much love? I just don't get it with their current roster. I know it's a division of attrition, but seeing them holding near last year with all the pitching turnover and Polanco loss...I just don't see it.
  9. This contract is going to be a big hamstring for the Royals...but Bobby's kids are SET for life. His on field performance hasn't warranted this payday, but the pedigree is there and interesting to see them put so many opt outs to make it all come together. Is this the first Pre-Arb deal that hasn't had some type of hometown discount?
  10. Colson at 42 behind 5 other SSs is laughable though based on last years numbers.
  11. I love this move. Guy raked in the bigs last year and D-Backs have some of the best outfield talent evaluators the last 5 years. His defense will play well and he can be a solid #2 hitter. Mena loss stinks, but to hopefully have our outfield resolved for the next 3-4 years is pretty huge considering how big a hole RF was.
  12. Andrew Vaughn confirmed as opening day RF...
  13. If they don't do a puff piece like this...what will you have to talk about? But it's seemingly looking like Cease may NOT be traded...and if Fedde is decent and Soroka can be healthy...sure they can improve off of last years god awful. I am more optimistic than most on this board, so will be fine until the inevitable 5+ game losing streak. Then it's back to complaining.
  14. Ha. Never even caught that spelling error. But yeah, great BB plan there.
  15. why is everyone saying 2 years? the sox have him for 4 (they own the club options). if he is healthy, he will play out the contract and Boras will get him a huge bag. that ALWAYS was going to be the deal with him based on health. There is zero reason to trade him now unless they trade Cease and anyone else with a slice of value. like it or not....they need to sell SOME tickets and he is going to be the driver of that until his contract is up.
  16. yeah, seems like a get outta here before the market is diluted play
  17. 1. Fresh coat of handrail paint at GRF 2. Beggars pizza multi-year contract 3. Anticipated Promotional releases including a Fedde Krueger Bobblehead 4. New play by play guy probably wont do a nationwide jingle 5. Moncada reporting to spring training in the "best shape of his life" op ed 6. Ohtani's dirty underwear obtained by spring training equipment manager 7. "Be Royal" team mantra sign installed in locker room 8. Defensive WAR scoreboard live tracker addition at Getz request 9. Soroka 10. 3rd Dog day added to the calendar
  18. And add in the mlb.tv and Internet revenue and there is ZERO chance JR is losing money no matter what the payroll is as long as they don't go into luxury tax. Plus the Bulls continue to have great attendance even with a meh team, so the JR family funds are very good.
  19. same thoughts here. since it's a minor league deal I can stomach it...but it also is ridiculous that they don't have any no bat, toolsy guys in their own system already for league minimum.
  20. smart move by Braves IF the Boston 17mil is still in play (I'm 99% sure it is) basically they get him for league minimum this year, 19 mil next season, and 18 mil in 2026. at pitcher salary rates and the way Braves maximize pitcher value this seems much more reasonable on why they gave up Grissom
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