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Everything posted by Boopa1219

  1. It would be a huge boom to the outfield defense. Maybe you can play Robert in RF occasionally to limit the wear and tear on him. If the Sox had an average defense and we’re average at base running, how many more games do they win?
  2. Brandon Nimmo is my number one want this off-season. Kolton Wong too, would love to see a Sosa/Wong platoon at 2B
  3. There is nothing more meaningless than minor league W-L records. The minors are for player development, not winning games. And the farm, while it ranks in the bottom third has its share of intriguing players. Which should mean for healthier farm going forward, where it was strictly top heavy during the rebuild. You want intriguing players 1-30, not just 1-10
  4. TIL that Vaughn is one of the leaders in hard hit ball rate, he ranked fifth right behind Juan Soto. His value in terms of WAR will increase once he's out of the outfield and at first. It should also help his physical longevity as well
  5. Hope the Sox interview Kai Correa, the Giants bench coach. He’s regarded as the best infield coach in all of baseball
  6. Someone should ask Rick, what exactly does he do here.
  7. No Bochy, no Giraldi, no Maddon. Some new blood is needed.
  8. Why was Hahn speaking? He should’ve wait to spoke til after the season.
  9. The drafting and scouting under Shirley has been pretty good. These aren't the Doug Lauman Sox
  10. I don’t want this guy making any significant decisions anymore for this team
  11. I’d want them to hire their version of Counsell, Kapler, Hyde and Hinch. Someone with a background in player development and who is analytics friendly. Sam Fuld was who I wanted then to hire before TLR was named manager. I want someone in that mold. I would not be mad if they looked at Justin Jirschle for the job, I hope he’s a part of the ML staff either way but he may be more valuable in the farm.
  12. Kmet was a top ten TE last year. Putting up 60+ catches and 600+ yards in his age 22 season. That’s awful? If the Bears want to be more successful on offense, he needs to be featured more
  13. Watching this Bears game, my confidence in Fields has been restored but he’s far from a finished product. His touch needs to be better, especially on the short stuff. The protection has been horrible all game. Lucas Patrick and Sam Mustipher were atrocious all game. Back to back crucial drops by the receivers, not using Kmet in the red zone, the play calling has no balls on offense. Let your QB make a play.
  14. This is a welcome change, another young headliner from the Dominican Republic.
  15. I would say Shane Riordan and not the Score.
  16. If the manager and GM aren’t aligned on things philosophically, then they shouldn’t hire that person to be the manager
  17. Pitching and hitting coaches are typically now GM/Org hires since they dictate the approach of the entire organization.
  18. There needs to be a significant retooling of the ML roster. Lots of money tied to bad players. Kelly, Diekman, Leury and Pollock represent $28M on the books or roughly the cost of one Manny Machado. Abreu can’t come back, him leaving the team would do wonders for the roster’s makeup. Eloy can DH, Vaughn can play 1B full time and you get sign actual OFs. It’s going to take a lot of work but no need to rebuild, yet.
  19. If TLR is forced to vacate the position, and if the Sox continue to play well under Cairo, they still need to have a full and expansive search for the next manager. If Cairo is the guy, then they should still interview people to gain all the information and ideas they can about the game and about their own team.
  20. It would be funny if the Sox do decide to totally clean house because they finally have good scouting and player development staffs.
  21. I totally agree. And they should be working on a Vaughn extension right now. He’s going to be special for a long time. And letting Abreu walk solves a lot of issues defensively.
  22. This team looks fucking dead whenever they take the field. They're so lifeless and joyless. A complete 180 from the past few years. This season has been really hard to watch. In addition to being lifeless, they play horrible baseball and it offends my sensibilities when I catch them on TV or at the park as someone who loves the game. While the roster needs to a shake up, nothing matters if Sleepy Tony is at the helm calling the shots. **************** If the stuff about the purge is true, every coach besides Katz and Hasler needs to be gone. Boston, McEwing, especially. No many years of bad infield and outfield defense do we need to see? I hope the next coaching staff of the Sox is filled with coaches who have extensive experience in player development, that being said Justin Jirschle should be on that staff.
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