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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/2020 in all areas

  1. Lol Bryant as the everyday Cf? Ok then
    4 points
  2. They are the most delusional fanbase in baseball.
    4 points
  3. But I think he meant, in English: The new motto for the Sox is "change the game" but if it were up to me, it would be "the kids can play" because the former is too much to think about, but then again I'm typically out of the loop on marketing ideas maybe?
    3 points
  4. I never have a fucking clue what you’re talking about.
    3 points
  5. They aren’t. Their fans are just morons who don’t know anything about baseball.
    3 points
  6. "We haven't done anything yet"
    2 points
  7. Should be "We don't suck as much anymore." ?
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. I hope the 49ers beat the crap out of GB next week.
    1 point
  10. With your knowledge and education just thought you were capable of better. You know mottos are more about the words than anything else. Songs are more an end of season clubhouse thing like the Sox and SF Giants both using "Don't Stop Believing" .
    1 point
  11. Too much love. Maybe top 25 or so....Bregman, Soto, Bellinger, Acuna, Yelich, Trout, Rendon, Altuve, Betts, Lindor off top of my head. Can probably rattle off another 10 or so w/o too much arguement and another 10 we can quibble over.
    1 point
  12. Eddie Jackson in a new NFL commercial wearing a Sox hat. Nice.
    1 point
  13. All Star Baseball series on N64 also should be on this list, especially All Star Baseball 2001. That was the best baseball game series before MVP took over from Triple Play which had fallen off a bit
    1 point
  14. I think the Cubs will sign Castellanos. Once the Bryant issue gets resolved they will start making some moves. The Bryant grievance really f-ed them up.
    1 point
  15. Yes, we think that ....but they haven't shown their hand yet. If they trade for Arenado this may all prove to be about positioning to win...at any cost, again. Ricketts has been spending like a drunken sailor since he purchased the franchise. They have all but gold plated the old confines into something that many older Cub fans no longer recognize.
    1 point
  16. The Cubs/Ricketts could resolve Chris Bryant's playing time manipulation case at any time by signing him to an extension. Instead the Ricketts have chosen to make an agreement with Bryant for the 2020 season in order to avoid arbitration while simultaneously proceeding with the Grievance. IMO, Ricketts will probably have to extend Bryant regardless of the outcome of the grievance case. Otherwise they are just kicking the can down the road. Was one extra year of contractual control of Bryant really worth all of this trouble and possibly alienating Bryant from wanting to play for the Cubs organization? The Cub/Bryant fiasco should be instructive for teams that find themselves playing the same game as the Cubs did. If a team believes in a player, then consider signing him up on a long term deal like the White Sox did with Eloy and Robert. In cases where a team is justifiably reticent to enter into a long term contract with a prospect (like Madrigal) that is fine, but then bring him up if /when he is ready instead of keeping him in the minors in order to play the service time game.
    1 point
  17. A couple things that absolutely fascinate me about framing: prior to all the data coming out on this, we subjectively knew that framing was a real thing (I’ll never forget the effusive praise for Charles Johnson when we traded for him back circa 2000ish). However I don’t think we (or at least myself personally) realized quite how often some guys were getting extra calls. I kinda figured it was one here or there, but the data suggests that it happens all the time- several times a game. In retrospect, it makes sense too- the pitchers are the best of the best at this, and essentially live on the edge of the zone the entire game. And secondly, I always knew it was a huge difference between being 2-1 vs. 1-2 or 1-0 vs. 0-1, but it’s super cool to be able to translate that combined with framing data into actual expected runs saved
    1 point
  18. My main beef is the all or nothing attitude of baseball execs. Players are expected to either hit a home run or strike out. This despite the fact some managers are still going to the bunt at times when no modern GM thinks bunting is ever a good idea. I also despise the shift caused by computer print outs. Everybody knows where batters are going to hit the ball if it doesn't go over the fence and is put in play. When I see a shift that has three infielders on the right side and up the middle and one infielder standing at shortstop, it angers me to no end when the hitter refuses to tap the ball to the left side and get an automatic single. I also hate the game of bringing in relievers for lefty/righty matchups as early as the fifth or sixth inning. Very boring. I also hate the umpires refusing to call a strike a strike. Baseball has no control over its umpires. Baseball is in a lot of trouble if ratings start to decline. They say the average baseball fan is over 55 right? Kids despise baseball. This is not good for the sport.
    1 point
  19. Schwarber is going to play for 12 years and total like 16 WAR and somehow always be considered good.
    1 point
  20. Good guys wear black?
    1 point
  21. I feel like I can guess your age ?
    1 point
  22. It's 2020 so I think something like "One Vision" would have been good.Stole it from the Queen song of the same name. or "Only the Beginning" from the lyrics from the song Beginnings from the band Chicago or "Rushing Headlong" from the Queen song Headlong And you're rushing headlong you've got a new goal And you're rushing headlong out of control And you think you're so strong But there ain't no stopping and there's nothin' You can do about it Nothin' you can do No there's nothin' you can do about it No there's nothin' you can, nothin' you can Nothin' you can do about it Or "A New Hope" inspired by Star Wars
    1 point
  23. Even if it took only prospects, they'd be what, $35M over the very luxury tax that has kept them sitting on their hands all winter? Without a full starting staff or pen. Yeah...
    1 point
  24. Maybin has a fluke year now and then, but most years he is terrible. Prefer to use Engel and hope for more improvement. He can handle the D regardless.
    1 point
  25. They must think because the stock market has raised the wealth of the billionaire class up by 25% this year that these profits will be added to the Cubs’ payroll by Ricketts.
    1 point
  26. So they keep their entire team and acquire Arenado? What exactly are they trading for him then? Almora and some scrubs from their trash farm system? How dumb can you be?
    1 point
  27. The thing about pitch framing is it takes the pitcher completely out of the equation. You can't tell me if Clayton Kershaw and Manny Banuelos throw the same exact pitch an inch off the black the catcher is the reason it's called a strike. Clayton Kershaw will get that pitch because he's Clayton freakin Kershaw and Manny Bauelos will not because he's Manny freakin Banuelos. Of course this can't be quantified so it's just ignored and all credit goes to the catcher.
    1 point
  28. It indisputably works. The ball is flying between 85-100 MPH, cutting, curving, diving, running, dropping, etc. Umps can only get such a good read on where exactly it crosses the plate. A catcher who absorbs a pitch effortlessly and with minimal movement can instantly shift it a couple inches over the corner? Let the ball travel a little further to fall into the zone? Go and get it as to not allow it to drop out of the zone? You won't even notice as an umpire. Also, as a guy who did catch in independent pro ball. I can tell you that umps will often literally tell you what they do and don't like with pitch presentation. "Don't turn the glove around, just catch it and stick it."... "Let those breaking balls come to you a bit more and they'll start turning into strikes."... etc. Think about a "get me over" kind of a curve ball that drops into the zone. If you reach and extend your elbow upward to go and get it? You're going to catch that ball high and it will look out of the zone. If you let it come down to your face/chest. That's going to get called a strike. Same with a low pitch. A ball crosses the middle of the plate, he sees that it's center cut... but the ump can't really tell EXACTLY how high it is off of the ground. If you get low and extend out/up with a stiff arm. Get slightly underneath it. You're going to catch it at a higher point. It's going to look like it is in the zone more than it would if you let it travel and you catch it nearly at the ground. Umps are only human. They're as susceptible to not seeing the difference of an inch or two on a 95 MPH pitch as a batter.
    1 point
  29. I think you keep Collins at AAA and if he continues to improve then he becomes a more valuable trade piece, especially as a catcher. If he becomes so good you have a good problem on your hands. You can keep him or trade Mccann for some help. No reason to rush, its not like he tore it up yet and is some rising prospect. I think you would sell on the cheap now with minimal bargaining power since teams know we are just dumping him.
    1 point
  30. OOTP needs to be #2 behind MVP 2005. Its one of the best designed games of all time.
    1 point
  31. MVP 05 was the bomb. The show is made by the same people. I played about 22 seasons of franchise with MVP 05 until my memory card corrupted.
    1 point
  32. Jason is the best and we are lucky to have him.
    1 point
  33. Stay out of White Sox Nation business, Jon.
    1 point
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