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The MLB lockout is lifted!


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18 minutes ago, Jack Parkman said:

The owners are content waiting as long as it takes to get almost everything they want. 

I don't know, Jack.  I think the last thing in the world Mr Biblical losses wants to do is run back to daddy and ask him for more money.  I think there are some other owners who are starting to get itchy too.  They're meeting this week. I think their next proposal will be more based in reality. 

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19 minutes ago, Harold's Leg Lift said:

I don't know, Jack.  I think the last thing in the world Mr Biblical losses wants to do is run back to daddy and ask him for more money.  I think there are some other owners who are starting to get itchy too.  They're meeting this week. I think their next proposal will be more based in reality. 

Maybe we need this guy's help.....


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1 minute ago, SCCWS said:

FWIW--Heard this morning that the MLB Umpire Association was meeting today in Orlando.

That was a retirement party for Country Joe....he's performing at the local Appleby's.

Edited by wegner
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44 minutes ago, Harold's Leg Lift said:

I don't know, Jack.  I think the last thing in the world Mr Biblical losses wants to do is run back to daddy and ask him for more money.  I think there are some other owners who are starting to get itchy too.  They're meeting this week. I think their next proposal will be more based in reality. 

Lets hope.  Pretty sick of the season being in limbo.

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1 hour ago, Harold's Leg Lift said:

I don't know, Jack.  I think the last thing in the world Mr Biblical losses wants to do is run back to daddy and ask him for more money.  I think there are some other owners who are starting to get itchy too.  They're meeting this week. I think their next proposal will be more based in reality. 

Something to think about - April attendance is pretty low everywhere, while playoff revenue is big time TV deals that are shared money. On the other hand, the players league wide are paid every game whether it’s April or September, and although there are playoff shares they’re small compared to the big contracts.

Missing April and May, for example, hurts the players way more than the owners, as long as the owners get money from October (assuming no damage from loss of interest).

A players strike starting towards the end of the season, on the other hand, would hurt the owners more than the players (at first).

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2 hours ago, ScooterMcGee said:

Manfred scheduled to address media on Thursday. This should stir the pot a bit...

Maybe it will, but unless he has something substantial to say, it looks like spring training will be delayed and so will the regular season. We will see how short-sighted and foolish these people will be.

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Both sides are going to sit in the corner, arms crossed, holding their breath until they get what they want.  No consideration for the fans.  I get there are legitimate gripes on both ends, but all we hear is how far apart they are on some key issues.  And every meeting that happens, there's little to no movement.  If either or both sides really want to get the season going on time, they'd have meaningful, constructive meetings and get it figured out.  They have no interest in doing so right now.

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So starting pitchers over the last three springs

2020 got ramped up and ready to go, shut down for 4 months, got somewhat ramped up for a redacted season

2021 had a full season to tryand build back to a normal work laod 

2022 will have a shortened spring to try and get back up to speed at some time in order to be as effective as possible for what ever this season is and whenever it begins

Do not for a second think the owners care about the game of baseball.  When Paul Konerko handed the baseball to Jerry Reinsdorf I believed they did, I was probably wrong then and am certain about it now.

Yet I continue to pay monthly for my season tickets. 




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4 minutes ago, Harry Chappas said:

So starting pitchers over the last three springs

2020 got ramped up and ready to go, shut down for 4 months, got somewhat ramped up for a redacted season

2021 had a full season to tryand build back to a normal work laod 

2022 will have a shortened spring to try and get back up to speed at some time in order to be as effective as possible for what ever this season is and whenever it begins

Do not for a second think the owners care about the game of baseball.  When Paul Konerko handed the baseball to Jerry Reinsdorf I believed they did, I was probably wrong then and am certain about it now.

Yet I continue to pay monthly for my season tickets. 




But if the players acquiesced, they would give us free nachos and parking.

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1 hour ago, Tnetennba said:

Never forget that the owners did this.

But you can be assured that the financial nerds in the FO know that  delaying ST by one week costs owners X but getting concession Y in a new agreement gets us z. You can bet the teams know how long they can delay before they have to settle. 

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4 minutes ago, SCCWS said:

But you can be assured that the financial nerds in the FO know that  delaying ST by one week costs owners X but getting concession Y in a new agreement gets us z. You can bet the teams know how long they can delay before they have to settle. 

While you can do that to a point…the magnitude of fan anger and reaction is harder to calculate.

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34 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

While you can do that to a point…the magnitude of fan anger and reaction is harder to calculate.

he question is will our anger affect our decision to buy ticket, and their ability to sell tickets?  I would wager, that it will not and our frustration doesn't matter to them.

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2 hours ago, Harry Chappas said:

So starting pitchers over the last three springs

2020 got ramped up and ready to go, shut down for 4 months, got somewhat ramped up for a redacted season

2021 had a full season to tryand build back to a normal work laod 

2022 will have a shortened spring to try and get back up to speed at some time in order to be as effective as possible for what ever this season is and whenever it begins

Do not for a second think the owners care about the game of baseball.  When Paul Konerko handed the baseball to Jerry Reinsdorf I believed they did, I was probably wrong then and am certain about it now.

Yet I continue to pay monthly for my season tickets. 




Yep, was saying the same thing this weekend to a fellow baseball diehard. The way that the players, especially pitchers, have been fucked over by the owners is a disgrace.  Furthermore, there is a devastating impact on the towns and businesses in AZ and Florida that rely on Spring Training now getting screwed once again. Just leaves a bitter taste.

Reading the comments posted above makes it even more bitter. The owners don't even seem to GAF about lost revenue. That speaks volumes. They'd rather wipe out an entire season in order to keep hogging the revenue pie. It's greed plain and simple. They figure they can break the union once and for all and reap the rewards for decades to come. They just expect the fans to come back when they hear that dinner bell ringing like a conditioned dog. Fuck them.

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1 hour ago, Squirmin' for Yermin said:

he question is will our anger affect our decision to buy ticket, and their ability to sell tickets?  I would wager, that it will not and our frustration doesn't matter to them.

In 1995 MLB saw a 20% reduction in per game attendance according to Forbes. 

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