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Hello Mr. Anderson


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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 10:03 AM)
I'm simply talking about thier pitching, I'm sorry but the likes of Harang, Claussen, Elizardo Ramirez, Eric Milton and even Bronson Arroyo do not scare me. They're in first place in the NL Central which is about as unimpressive as it gets, if any of our starting pitchers show up for the series the offense won't have to worry about putting up 6 runs a game though the top 6 should be able to provide some decent run support anyway.


The only possible pitching the Sox will have to face in NL parks is against the Cubs if they get Zambrano or possibly Duke in Pitt but in both those series they go up against absolutely pathetic offenses.


Pittsburgh's offense isn't horrendous. But I get the gist of your points.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 11:01 PM)


Funny how it took Ozzie over 2 months and a Rob Mack hot streak to figure out that BA's defense is invaluable to this team, for a guy who believes so heavily in pitching and defense it sure was funny watching an infielder/corner outfielder start at one of the most important defensive postions in the game for so long.


Ozzie was more concerned about BA's confidence. He didn't want to ruin the kid.

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I wish he would just get a couple of hits a week. Man, he is so bad offensively. You'd think he'd just run into one every once in a while.


I am definitely glad for his defense, though.


But, remember when a lot of us thought he could hit 15-20 homers this year? Ha, were we ever off.

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QUOTE(South Side Fireworks Man @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 11:12 PM)
Ozzie was more concerned about BA's confidence. He didn't want to ruin the kid.

Hell, if you've ever even heard the guy talk you'd know that he's not shaken up all that much right now. He's making fun of himself during interviews (great sense of humor) and he realizes he's sucking at the plate but he also knows that he's helping the team win during every damn game he plays in with his defense.


I doubt Oz was worried about BA's feelings, he's not Arnie Munoz.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 11:20 PM)
Hell, if you've ever even heard the guy talk you'd know that he's not shaken up all that much right now. He's making fun of himself during interviews (great sense of humor) and he realizes he's sucking at the plate but he also knows that he's helping the team win during every damn game he plays in with his defense.


I doubt Oz was worried about BA's feelings, he's not Arnie Munoz.

Anytime you see BA in the dugout, he is never flustered. It's quite amzing. Obviously, Ozzie has instilled some confidence in him.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 11:20 PM)
Hell, if you've ever even heard the guy talk you'd know that he's not shaken up all that much right now. He's making fun of himself during interviews (great sense of humor) and he realizes he's sucking at the plate but he also knows that he's helping the team win during every damn game he plays in with his defense.


I doubt Oz was worried about BA's feelings, he's not Arnie Munoz.


You're wrong.


"We're thinking about this kid,'' Guillen said. "He's got a great future, but he's going to suffer if he keeps doing it the way he's doing now. We're better off doing something different.''


While Guillen said he hasn't seen Anderson sitting in a corner with his head down, he has noticed a change in the usually confident outfielder.


"You see the difference when he strikes out, walks out of the batter's box, walks to the dugout,'' Guillen said. "I always look people in the eyes, and I don't think ... something's missing there. It's not easy when you hit the way he's hitting to put your head up and put a smile on your face. That's fake. Meanwhile, losing confidence is one thing I worry about.''

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QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jun 10, 2006 -> 12:03 AM)
Anderson showed tonight why defense is so important in CF. He can't continue to be an automatic out, however. But please don't send him down unless you have a guy who can play CF well. The only way I see that is through a trade.

I couldn't believe how far he went for that catch, crash into the wall and still make a strong throw. That play was incredible. WOW! :o :headbang

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QUOTE(Whitewashed in @ Jun 10, 2006 -> 12:23 AM)
I couldn't believe how far he went for that catch, crash into the wall and still make a strong throw. That play was incredible. WOW! :o :headbang


BA is one of the best defensive OFs in the game and this team is better with him on the field, regardless of what he does at the plate. Also, he is a lot better hitter against RHPs. I hope he is the everyday CF, the pitching staff needs him behind them.

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QUOTE(rudylaw @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 08:50 PM)
Ozzie said in the post game interview that BA is going no where and he will be the regulr center fielder.


I hope BA can get on track and we can put this behind us for the rest of the season.

He must have read Soxtalk :D


QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 08:56 PM)

Hey Greasy...do you think it was me or you that said that? :P


QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 09:16 PM)
I wish he would just get a couple of hits a week. Man, he is so bad offensively. You'd think he'd just run into one every once in a while.


I am definitely glad for his defense, though.


But, remember when a lot of us thought he could hit 15-20 homers this year? Ha, were we ever off.

Just stick with me, I was the one laughing at some of the predictions you all had. Its been known a long time that Anderson had some flaws in his swing that were going to lead to some trouble eventually (personally speaking for a long time he was proving me wrong and I wish he kept doing so; I'm referring to how quickly he'd respond to a promotion) but in teh end it caught up with him and now he's going to have to work hard offensively to get those holes fixed and have a better approach.


I do think he's capable, but he's the type of player who will take a little time to come through offensively. However, we could see him have a hot streak at some point this season where we can see a glimpse of the future offensively solid BA.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 10, 2006 -> 01:53 AM)
He must have read Soxtalk :D

Hey Greasy...do you think it was me or you that said that? :P

Just stick with me, I was the one laughing at some of the predictions you all had. Its been known a long time that Anderson had some flaws in his swing that were going to lead to some trouble eventually (personally speaking for a long time he was proving me wrong and I wish he kept doing so; I'm referring to how quickly he'd respond to a promotion) but in teh end it caught up with him and now he's going to have to work hard offensively to get those holes fixed and have a better approach.


I do think he's capable, but he's the type of player who will take a little time to come through offensively. However, we could see him have a hot streak at some point this season where we can see a glimpse of the future offensively solid BA.




I think Ozzie finally saying this could be very big for BA. I feel we may finally see a turning point with his offense a bit. I don't know if Ozzie is finally realizing this, but I'm just glad that his glove is being recognized for what it is. We need that a lot more than any offense he gives us. The offense will come around though, and anything he gives us there is just gravy.

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I went to the game last night and I usually don't pay all that much attention to Anderson. But last night, I just saw a sign of Rowand and that Anderson (contrary to my previous belief) actually gives a s***. I think that if he can keep battling and working with Walker then all the kinks would be worked out and he shouldn't go to AAA.


Question; what pitch does he keep trying to hit that he can't? What does he have trouble with location wise? Just curious so I can watch for it.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jun 10, 2006 -> 08:26 AM)


I think Ozzie finally saying this could be very big for BA. I feel we may finally see a turning point with his offense a bit. I don't know if Ozzie is finally realizing this, but I'm just glad that his glove is being recognized for what it is. We need that a lot more than any offense he gives us. The offense will come around though, and anything he gives us there is just gravy.


I agree with you. I just read the morning papers, the news that Anderson is the regular center fielder was mentioned but not as prominently as I would have liked, given that Ozzie's little "he's our guy, now shut up" speech opened his post-game press conference last night. Freaking news media -- they roast BA on a spit for weeks on end, to fill up the space they can't fill with intelligent analysis, and then when the club says "Okay, nothing to see here, move along" they just shrug.


When I heard Ozzie say it last night, I thought that this is huge for Anderson. This takes a LOT of the pressure off him -- not the pressure of the batting slump, which of course he does have still, but the pressure of "is he a minor-leaguer playing above his level." For Ozzie and KW to say "he's a major leaguer and he's the starting CF'er on our world championship club" seems enormous.


I am also struck by Anderson's class when dealing with the media. He is still making jokes about stuff that has to have gotten beyond annoying for him. Good style for the kid.

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QUOTE(Beastly @ Jun 10, 2006 -> 07:26 AM)
I went to the game last night and I usually don't pay all that much attention to Anderson. But last night, I just saw a sign of Rowand and that Anderson (contrary to my previous belief) actually gives a s***. I think that if he can keep battling and working with Walker then all the kinks would be worked out and he shouldn't go to AAA.


Question; what pitch does he keep trying to hit that he can't? What does he have trouble with location wise? Just curious so I can watch for it.

Down and away.

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QUOTE(henry wiggins @ Jun 10, 2006 -> 07:30 AM)
I agree with you. I just read the morning papers, the news that Anderson is the regular center fielder was mentioned but not as prominently as I would have liked, given that Ozzie's little "he's our guy, now shut up" speech opened his post-game press conference last night. Freaking news media -- they roast BA on a spit for weeks on end, to fill up the space they can't fill with intelligent analysis, and then when the club says "Okay, nothing to see here, move along" they just shrug.


When I heard Ozzie say it last night, I thought that this is huge for Anderson. This takes a LOT of the pressure off him -- not the pressure of the batting slump, which of course he does have still, but the pressure of "is he a minor-leaguer playing above his level." For Ozzie and KW to say "he's a major leaguer and he's the starting CF'er on our world championship club" seems enormous.


I am also struck by Anderson's class when dealing with the media. He is still making jokes about stuff that has to have gotten beyond annoying for him. Good style for the kid.

One of the most impressive things about BA is how he's been able to ignore his offensive struggles and still go out and play amazing defense. I don't think you'd find 1 in 100 youngsters that would be able to go out and play the type of defense he has (with consistency too) considering all of his offensive struggles.


He's managed to be a complete veteran (hell a lot of vets couldn't do that) when it comes to forgetting about the bat once he's on defense.


Also, I do think having Ozzie go out and say he's my guy will alleviate the pressure. BA had to have been feeling more pressure when he was getting thrown out there every once in a while with Mack there and obviously he was hearing it from everyone (not that he should listen). With Ozzie giving his endorsement, he'll be able to ignore the naysayers (knowing that his mgr still has full confidence in him) and keep doing the same defensively and hopefully make some strides at the plate.


QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Jun 10, 2006 -> 07:31 AM)
I will say this again and again with one of the worst leftfielders in baseball Brian Anderson needs to be in centerfield every day.


His hitting does not cost us, that is why the other guys in the lineup are making about 4 times more than he is.

Seriously, Podsednik is freaking terrible. If he can't hit and steal bases, he is absolutely worthless and its leading me to believe we may just see Josh Fields out there in a year or two with us picking up a new shortstop somewhere in between that can become our leadoff hitter (if Juan continues to stink this year).

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Does everyone still think i am crazy for saying there wasn't a chance in hell that he came close to rowand's 2005 offensive numbers?


Does jphat still think podsednik is a good fielder because he hustles, is cute, and is fast?

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QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 10, 2006 -> 01:52 PM)
I take it I'm the only one sad that our best option right now is Anderson in CF, according to our organization. I can't believe the mediocrity has gone on for so long, and it doesn't look like there's going to be any changes for a while.


Mediocrity? Are you watching the games I am? Anderson's in the mother of all batting slumps. He's a f*cking GEM in the field. I don't get mediocrity out of that, I get an insanely talented rook struggling mightily ... ???

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QUOTE(qwerty @ Jun 11, 2006 -> 07:15 AM)
Does everyone still think i am crazy for saying there wasn't a chance in hell that he came close to rowand's 2005 offensive numbers?


Does jphat still think podsednik is a good fielder because he hustles, is cute, and is fast?


No one unless they didnt care much for Anderson in the first place thought he would be this bad either.... at the plate of people starting in MLB he could possibly be the worse....

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QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 12:03 AM)
Is this still a Brian Anderson thread? If so...




...to you, BA. That blast in the 9th started the rally and got the tribe thinking. A good game at the plate. I hope it's the start of something special.


He seems to like hitting against the Indians on Sunday night with ESPN broadcasting the game.

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i was going to post that, does BA only like to show up when hes on ESPN? i hope not, and i hope that this is the start of a torrid pace to get him up to .230, so i can eat my words and stop the Corey Patterson love train.

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