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Konerko's Farewell Tour


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QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 08:55 AM)
It happened just within the past couple years. Most though the idea was ridiculous, but a few thought Konerko's supposedly good defense made up incredibly huge gap in offense.

There might have been some conversation when he was pushing .400 and getting better with age (but everyone knows Frank in his prime was one of the greatest offensive players to ever play the game). Paulie was a very good pure hitter himself and his numbers would look a heck of a lot more impressive when you adjust out for the other steroid guys (as do Frank's). Again, this is me assuming he wasn't roiding but Paulie has been pretty much the same size from the day he entered the league.

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QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 10:55 AM)
It happened just within the past couple years. Most though the idea was ridiculous, but a few thought Konerko's supposedly good defense made up incredibly huge gap in offense.


Ok, just because a couple of idiots thought something, doesn't make it worth mis-portraying the conversation. There are also a couple of people who think that Ventura has cost this team 20 wins this year. That doesn't mean that it is worth mentioning as a "conversation". If the thought is one-sided, by definition it really isn't much of a conversation.

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QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 10:55 AM)
It happened just within the past couple years. Most though the idea was ridiculous, but a few thought Konerko's supposedly good defense made up incredibly huge gap in offense.


Here you go:



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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 11:07 AM)
Ok, just because a couple of idiots thought something, doesn't make it worth mis-portraying the conversation. There are also a couple of people who think that Ventura has cost this team 20 wins this year. That doesn't mean that it is worth mentioning as a "conversation". If the thought is one-sided, by definition it really isn't much of a conversation.


My point is that Konerko was never nearly the player that many on this site thought he was. If you throw out these last 2 seasons, he had accumulated an fWAR of 28.3 over 14 seasons. That is essentially an average baseball player. He only ever had three seasons where he reached 3 and never once reached 4. If you ignore WAR and just want to look at offensive numbers, his career wRC+ is 119. Good for just 467th all time.

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QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 11:21 AM)
My point is that Konerko was never nearly the player that many on this site thought he was. If you throw out these last 2 seasons, he had accumulated an fWAR of 28.3 over 14 seasons. That is essentially an average baseball player. He only ever had three seasons where he reached 3 and never once reached 4. If you ignore WAR and just want to look at offensive numbers, his career wRC+ is 119. Good for just 467th all time.

Just? The top 500 in a professional sport over 120 years or so. That is something to be proud of.

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QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 11:21 AM)
My point is that Konerko was never nearly the player that many on this site thought he was. If you throw out these last 2 seasons, he had accumulated an fWAR of 28.3 over 14 seasons. That is essentially an average baseball player. He only ever had three seasons where he reached 3 and never once reached 4. If you ignore WAR and just want to look at offensive numbers, his career wRC+ is 119. Good for just 467th all time.


He is one of the most prolific home run hitters in baseball history, in a era that had all offensive numbers distorted by cheaters. He played 15 years in Chicago, and gave a lot to this City. If anything his time here is being downplayed by those who don't appreciate what he did here as one of the best hitters in franchise history.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 03:26 PM)
It doesn't seem people can. Really sad. Guy was incredible and gave it his all for the Sox. Heck, he really only had one bad year, which was last year (yes he had a bad 2nd half the year before but that was after a legendary first half). This year can't possibly be defined as bad, not given the role that he has been placed in. He basically had 2 bad full seasons in his entire career with the Sox.


Great post. But I can. I will never utter a bad word about Paul Konerko, even if he is slow as an ox, he is and was an amazing White Sox baseball player. I'll never forget his effortless scoops on defense at first and his turning on pitches. WOW.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 11:36 AM)
He is one of the most prolific home run hitters in baseball history, in a era that had all offensive numbers distorted by cheaters. He played 15 years in Chicago, and gave a lot to this City. If anything his time here is being downplayed by those who don't appreciate what he did here as one of the best hitters in franchise history.


It's hard to appreciate the good times when over the last two he's been worth -2.6 WAR. That's worse than De Aza, worse than Flowers, worse than Beckham and worse than pretty much every player in MLB.


I appreciate Paul Konerko's career. I don't appreciate that he wanted to go out "on his terms" and cost Chicago both development time for a youngster and a few games in the standings.

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QUOTE (chitownsportsfan @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 08:58 PM)
It's hard to appreciate the good times when over the last two he's been worth -2.6 WAR. That's worse than De Aza, worse than Flowers, worse than Beckham and worse than pretty much every player in MLB.


I appreciate Paul Konerko's career. I don't appreciate that he wanted to go out "on his terms" and cost Chicago both development time for a youngster and a few games in the standings.


Ugh. Some of you guys want more from your heroes than I do. How many players would just up and quit after one bad season? He wanted to play another year. Big deal. The team is a last place or next to last place laughingstock (unable to win despite all the small market teams in the division). He didn't do anything to hurt the team. I'm glad people at Sox games are giving him loud ovations when he bats.


Study Konerko's career stats. So it says a lot of bad things about our fan base that a guy can have a career like that and be criticized so much. So basically if one of our players has one or two bad years out of 10 and the rest EXCELLENT YEARS and he's one of the best players in our team's HISTORY, we don't like him anymore?


Oh well, it's a what have you done for me lately society.

Edited by greg775
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I always have a hard time getting into these sentimental type things. I'm appreciative of everything PK did for the Sox but I don't need to see him play every day. That being said, it's not like we're going to the playoffs, so it's not a big deal.

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QUOTE (chitownsportsfan @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 02:58 PM)
It's hard to appreciate the good times when over the last two he's been worth -2.6 WAR. That's worse than De Aza, worse than Flowers, worse than Beckham and worse than pretty much every player in MLB.


I appreciate Paul Konerko's career. I don't appreciate that he wanted to go out "on his terms" and cost Chicago both development time for a youngster and a few games in the standings.

Development time? Whose development time has he taken away ? How many games in the standings did he really cost the team, and what difference would that have made if you even are correct besides perhaps Carlos Rodon being a Cub?

Edited by Dick Allen
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 03:19 PM)
Ugh. Some of you guys want more from your heroes than I do. How many players would just up and quit after one bad season? He wanted to play another year. Big deal. The team is a last place or next to last place laughingstock (unable to win despite all the small market teams in the division). He didn't do anything to hurt the team. I'm glad people at Sox games are giving him loud ovations when he bats.


Study Konerko's career stats. So it says a lot of bad things about our fan base that a guy can have a career like that and be criticized so much. So basically if one of our players has one or two bad years out of 10 and the rest EXCELLENT YEARS and he's one of the best players in our team's HISTORY, we don't like him anymore?

Oh well, it's a what have you done for me lately society.


Uh ya. History doesn't win you games. Nobody hates him though, they simply do not like the old broken down version of him.






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QUOTE (scs787 @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 03:31 PM)
Uh ya. History doesn't win you games. Nobody hates him though, they simply do not like the old broken down version of him.

Treat your players with respect. He still gets the loudest cheers at USCF. It is good at least the "casual" fan appreciates him. Call me a meathead fan, but his overall body of work, and this one AB should be enough for White Sox fans to let him go out like he wants to go out


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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 03:26 PM)
Yes, small market teams like the Detroit Tigers who will [reportedly] only spend $174.2 million this year in payroll.


I know I pointed this off before, but because of the way Chicago is a split market, it is hard to call the Sox market bigger than just about anyone else's in the AL Central. All of the Detroit metro market is much bigger than say 1/3 of the Chicago metro market.


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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 03:40 PM)
Treat your players with respect. He still gets the loudest cheers at USCF. It is good at least the "casual" fan appreciates him. Call me a meathead fan, but his overall body of work, and this one AB should be enough for White Sox fans to let him go out like he wants to go out




Treat your players with respect? Who is disrespecting him? I respect him. I just don't need to see him on my television. The majority of the fan base doesn't respect Dunn. He's one of "our" players.

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QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 04:18 PM)
Treat your players with respect? Who is disrespecting him? I respect him. I just don't need to see him on my television. The majority of the fan base doesn't respect Dunn. He's one of "our" players.

If you don't need to see him on your television, you have an easy way to take care of that.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 02:44 PM)
I know I pointed this off before, but because of the way Chicago is a split market, it is hard to call the Sox market bigger than just about anyone else's in the AL Central. All of the Detroit metro market is much bigger than say 1/3 of the Chicago metro market.


I'm all for the Sox to move out of Chicago and IL if they have to. It's Cubs town until August, then it's all Bears and then Bulls. They could go some place where there is no MLB baseball and get a governor or mayor to buy a stadium, they would still make money playing crap baseball. Think about it. If you were an owner you might consider it.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 10:49 AM)
Great post. But I can. I will never utter a bad word about Paul Konerko, even if he is slow as an ox, he is and was an amazing White Sox baseball player. I'll never forget his effortless scoops on defense at first and his turning on pitches. WOW.

one of which was the last out in the 2005 WS, scooping up a low throw from Uribe. Routine.

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