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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2019 in Posts

  1. It’s funny looking at the Charlotte lineup and mostly everyone has eye popping numbers but then there’s Engel with a 188 BA and 476 OPS even after collecting two hits tonight. 💩
    3 points
  2. DFA Alonso, option Delmonico, call up Mendick, activate Eloy.
    3 points
  3. Robert is going to be a transformational star if he stays healthy. Eloy will win a batting title and regularly contend for batting titles. People don't appreciate just how good those two guys are. The beauty of Robert is he'll also be very valuable in the field. IF they are healthy I don't see anything getting in the way of either of those prognosis. Moncada will be a, at worse, well above average guy, and given his OBP capabilities, power and ability to field, he too could be Robert (albeit, I put better odds on Robert because I think he is more elite defensively). The fact that you also have Tim Anderson, in addition to those players, gives me a lot of hope because that is four guys who are very valuable. I won't comment on McCann and whether he can maintain, but he looks like a starting catcher. I am more optimistic on the Sox than most, but I actually think this year has gone way better than expectations, even though Rodon and some other prospects have struggled. I can't project out Collins and others because I could see them working out but I could also just see someone like Collin's bat speed not being enough and him just being a lousy player (who if he is stuck at 1B just doesn't play). Madrigal I see being a league average guy at worse, because I think he'll do enough little things that play and if the hit tool comes around (like it can) he becomes one of those sneaky good players (who is probably always underrated by metrics) but when you surround him with the other guys I mentioned, great. And than there is Tillson, Rutherford, Cordell, etc. The big wildcard to me is the rotation as I have no idea how that could go. While Rodon is injured, Lopez and Gio have flashed ability to be middle of the rotation guys (they could also be too inconsistent and end up not either). I doubt either is a top of the rotation guy, but it could happen, this year will tell us a lot more (imo). The key to me is how good Cease and Kopech are as they both could be aces, but that is a major questionmark and then you need to find depth around them (cause pitchers get hurt). I don't know if they'll end up having the elite pitching which might require them to trade for it and/or get it via free agency (and that is hard to do). But in this league, the most important part of making the playoffs is having a good lineup (which I think they are well on their way to doing) and a deep rotation filled with a number of quality guys (they don't have to be great, but depth is huge as it will enable you to win a lot of games surrounded by a good lineup). That same depth might not put you over the top in the playoffs, but the first step is getting into the post-season regularly. At that point you need to be hot and having front of the rotation aces who can win games on their own becomes key in increasing your chances at ultimate success.
    3 points
  4. Cease likely done at 98 pitches. 6 IP 9 H 3 R 3 ER 1 BB 8 SO
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. I think most of the "anti-bunters" aren't completely against bunting...but bunting in the 2nd and 3rd inning is fucking ridiculous. Suicide in the 8th inning of a tie game?....bring it all day every day. But very early in a game?...with this staff? pfffft.... That's my 2¢ anyway.
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. A decision working out doesn't mean it was the most favorable strategy
    2 points
  9. 955 OPS. A man amongst boys. He’s ready for the show. Let’s get him up along with Cease, Collins, sign Keuchel in two and a half weeks, and make at run at this thing.
    2 points
  10. Just want to point out I was right when I said Madrigal would have a homer before June.
    2 points
  11. Good contribution. Thanks.
    2 points
  12. Whenever you want, preferably in another thread so that the rest of us don't have to read it in one designed to talk about next month's draft.
    2 points
  13. For example, a runner on 3rd base with one out has a 64% chance of scoring while a runner on second with no outs has a 61% chance of scoring.
    2 points
  14. So you bunt the runners over, and now you’ve taken the bat out of the hands of your hottest hitter who will surely be walked to set up another double play situation
    2 points
  15. I think the 2020 season is looking very promising. By my count we have 18 players who will probably make the 25 man roster. For the remaining 7 slots we have 19 players with the ready or near ready to help label. I also identified 7 other interesting players more likely used as trade chips. An argument can be made that in house we have the makings of a very competitive team without help from trades or free agents. Of course we all have players we like more or less than someone else but I think we have a lode of quality players currently under control. Without adding anyone via trade or free agency I am confident we compete for the Central at minimum. Obviously, anyone from any group can be used to strength the whole. I apologize in advance if I've omitted someone you happen to like. PROBABLE TO MAKE 25 MAN ROSTER: Starting Rotation includes Giolito, Lopez, Kopech & Cease (4) Bullpen pitchers include Bummer, Colome, Burr, Herrera & Marshall (5) Infielders include Abreu, Anderson, Moncada, Sanchez (4) Outfielders include Jimenez,Tilson and Garcia (3) Catchers include McCann and Collins (2) POSSIBILITIES IF DEEMED READY: Starting Rotation include Hanson, Banuelos, Covey, Lambert & Clarkin (5) Bullpen possibilities include Hamilton, Fry, Burdi, Ruiz, Osich & Minaya (6) Infielders include Madrigal, Burger and Rodon (3) Outfielders include Basabe, Cordell, Robert, Engel & Rutherford (5) OTHERS OF NOTE: Rodon, Palka, Zivala, Dunning, Adolfo, Delmonico, Walker (7)
    1 point
  16. Just a suck game in suck weather (46 degrees in mid-May?). Nova's ERA is now about seven and a half, Alonso is hitting .175 (yet Rickey "the Genius" refuses to bench the guy or at least drop him down in the lineup). I can't see this happening and I know others have brought it up before but I'm starting to wonder if Rickey is being told, "keep playing him' because if he's DFA'd or dropped in the lineup it makes "us" (the front office) look like idiots (As if many Sox fans don't already feel that way...) And those clamoring for Palka. Sorry, the guy is useless unless he hits home runs, he's a butcher in the field and is a base clogger running-wise. No thanks.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Sox play like 💩at home a lot and blowouts galore, especially when there is 30k plus.
    1 point
  19. He’s 26 and can’t play a position?
    1 point
  20. Yonder has WTP. Also we better not see Castillo catching for Giolito tomorrow
    1 point
  21. I genuinely don't know if he could put up a .700 OPS in the Southern League this year.
    1 point
  22. Call Dickman up ASAP!!
    1 point
  23. If Delmonico makes that catch, he would've been out of the inning.
    1 point
  24. Good lord Mendick. RBI double. Now 3-3, HR, 3 RBIs, 2B, R
    1 point
  25. Seriously? He just fought Amir Khan like a month ago.
    1 point
  26. I wish we'd bring up Mendick to see what he's got. How's his D (lol)
    1 point
  27. Like I said, the Sox will regret it if they take Abrams instead of Vaughn.
    1 point
  28. Callis with a new mock. Said Abrams if Rutschman doesn’t fall. It would appear Vaughn isn’t even a consideration if this holds true. He has Rutschman-Witt going 1-2.
    1 point
  29. Royce Lewis was like, the #5 prospect.
    1 point
  30. So Manny gets shelled and its because he's tipping pitches. Then he's getting shelled again and claims shoulder soreness. His MRI comes back clean....hmmm... I think we have an excuse maker on our hands ladies and gentlemen.
    1 point
  31. Even if not he’s got to be number one. Imagine if madrigal (polished as heck hitter, discerning, rarely strikes out, quick wheels) were four years younger, was much stronger, was a switch hitter, had more raw power, and could play SS. That’s wander franco. For Robert to pass him he’d have to do at double and triple-A what he did at Winston Salem.
    1 point
  32. Epically fast pitch softball
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Anyways, if Robert maintains this level of production for another month I’d call him up to the bigs. Take his lumps at the big league level second half of this year and who knows maybe he tears it up from the onset. I wouldn’t put it past him. That 2020 WS lineup is looking great...
    1 point
  35. Hmm. I'd take the guy with the better health history and the longer track record of destroying the minors. Rodgers has done this consistently for almost four seasons now. Robert has done it for 32 games. He should spend the rest of the season at Birmingham, stay healthy, and, assuming his trends hold true, start at Charlotte next year, with an eye toward an MLB debut in September 2020.
    1 point
  36. Very cheap...446 ft
    1 point
  37. I really think Adley might slip to the Sox.
    1 point
  38. And it's all bubbling up right before the draft. The perfect time.
    1 point
  39. The Rutschman falling stuff makes me so happy.
    1 point
  40. Everything you posted is correct, and true. However, what has bothered me about this stupid move was that those mouth-breathing morons in the front office thought: 1. The shitty 2016 roster that they dropped on us, AND 2. the shitty, moronic manager who never wanted to be here, and wasn't even a HEAD coach in HS, 3. Collectively had a snowball's chance in hell of competing. In other words, KW/RH/JR are all collectively too stupid to tell the difference between a GOOD team, and a poor one. So set aside that anyone with a 3-digit IQ and working eyes could have seen that Shields was one of the suckiest sucks that ever sucked. Set aside that Shields could have/SHOULD have been gotten for mere money/salary relief/NO prospect equity. The people still running this org are simply too dumb to do their jobs. They were dumb in 2016, and I see little to suggest that they've gotten smarter since then. FFS, the squandering of resources on turds like Jay and Alonzo and others, and then whining about the price tag for Machado reinforces the idea that they don't know a good player from a poor one. THAT'S what truly hurts about this idiotic, moronic, and dumb trade. RH/KW/JR ALL deserve a verbal beating for being fucking morons. And yes, Tatis' likely ascension to stardom will be the constant reminder that we have imbeciles running this team [into the ground].
    1 point
  41. To be fair, I dont think Hahn is trying to blame anyone else and that OP is reading way too far into things. Just sounds like hes blaming a win now attitude (not necessarily against his own wishes) on it.
    1 point
  42. Need about half a dozen starters at this rate.
    1 point
  43. We already have 3 guys with TOR stuff. We already have a top catcher and Collins looks like his time is now. Madrigal is your 2 nd baseman but might need to go outside if more time is needed. Right field is covered if Robert makes the club. Most question I have would be Madrigal & Robert but I'm in the group who move them faster. I'm not at all against trades or free agency. Just trying to show where are floor is.
    1 point
  44. I actually feel the exact opposite of this. There is no way in hell that this rebuild will succeed without significant help from outside the organization. This team needs to add a TOR arm, catcher, second baseman, Right Fielder, DH, and a couple more bullpen arms if it wants to compete next year.
    1 point
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