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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2020 in Posts

  1. The thing about Schilling is this. Racism is not a political opinion. Sending out memes and tropes that disenfranchises and advocate violence against the media, muslims, and the LGBTQ community is not a political opinion. Doing that sort of behavior is morally wrong and against what freedom in America stands for. Yes, Schilling has the right to express his opinion, but racism and attacking various minorities is wrong, morally wrong. And there is a morals clause to getting into the Hall of Fame. Schilling should never get in.
    6 points
  2. Frank Thomas got 83% of the vote. There is no way in hell that Derek Jeter should get a larger percentage of the ballot than Frank Thomas. Frank Thomas>>>>>>Jeter as a hitter. Also, Jeter was a shitty shortstop so anyone that wants to bring defense into it can eat a bag of dicks. Every gold glove jeter won was a massive joke because he had the worst range out of any SS in baseball after like 1998. It's hard to make an error if most balls hit your way end up as hits. Tim Anderson is a better SS than Jeter ever was. Derek Jeter getting as large of a percentage of the vote as he did is insulting to my Intelligence as a baseball fan. If they had defensive metrics for the entirety of Jeter's career his WAR would probably be around Harold Baines. His reputation as a player was entirely undeserved and was a product of the Jankee hype machine. If Jeter played his career in Fucking Dallas or something and had the same numbers he'd be a borderline case. We have entered an age where there are no longer any magic numbers for entry into the HOF.
    4 points
  3. Both Palka and Delmonico back with the organization. Cool.
    3 points
  4. why wouldn't you move moncada to second base?
    3 points
  5. I honestly have no idea why people think the league sentiment is that Castellanos is better than Ozuna. Ozuna has been twice as valuable thus far in his career, and while hes 2 years older which evens it out, by no means is Castellanos easily better. Ozuna actually probably had more of an NL market too because he can defend. Castellanos will be lucky to draw 2/40 after how the league just valued ozuna.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. If something like 1/$20 is possible at this point, I'd roll the dice. Otherwise hard pass. This. And as long of a shot as it may be, there is the potential that RF will be the only position we need to address next offseason, and Betts would be the finishing piece. A little easier to drop $350M on one guy when you don't have a shit load of other holes to fill. In the meantime, we still have the chance for Mazara to have his best MLB season to date, or Adolfo to stay healthy and explode. Definitely don't want to commit to NC longer than a year as that is committing to essentially punting team defense which is stupid.
    2 points
  8. I haven’t been to SoxFest in a while and am bringing my 9-year-old son this year. I didn’t see a time or other info about the opening ceremony. Does anyone have information on this and any suggestions on what time to arrive to get seats for the opening ceremony? Any other advice for SoxFest? Can’t wait and my son is very excited.
    1 point
  9. Can we play out 2020 and see how often Robert gets injured, first? It’s probably going to end up that solidifying the defense and at least protecting Robert’s LH side will be worth giving up some offensive production. Logically, Pederson once again becomes the most realistic move for next year, deoending on what happens with Mazara (and our OF prospects.)
    1 point
  10. It would be funny to see Castellanos go to the Cardinals and torture the cubs.
    1 point
  11. Over the years? I said in the past decade theyve drafted well. It's a fact regardless of how many times you want to disagree with it. It happened, you were wrong and its OK.
    1 point
  12. Yup, that 2/38 upthread sounds perfect and if you need to go 2/42 that's also a no brainer. Worst case you have too many good players in 2021, oh well.
    1 point
  13. Easy question, easy answer. The Sox signing Castellanos for 3/$54 is a lot more likely than signing Betts or even Springer.
    1 point
  14. Think the Cubs would be willing to have Waters as the headliner? I don't see the Braves letting Pache go for almost anyone. He's the type that could be a top 5 prospect by mid season.
    1 point
  15. That still leaves 5 OF going into opening day with their two top prospects being OF's expected to join the team this year, possibly by midseason
    1 point
  16. He won't sign a one year deal because a draft pick will be attached next year. He will only take a one year deal of he has no choice. In this case, I'd love to offer him a nice 2 year deal.
    1 point
  17. The Sox are in a great spot right now. They don't absolutely need Castellanos. The market isn't what he thought it would be. And he doesn't want to wait for spring training to sign. Now -- major discount. Very good chance to a 1 year deal. No draft pick attached. And if the Sox don't get him I'm ok with that too-- they have NM. I'm not loosing any sleep over this. Again, very good position our Whitesox are in.
    1 point
  18. I would go hard at Castellanos now. His price has definitely dropped. Not as low as Ozuna’s but if the Sox can improve on Mazara in RF, Nomar can take a back seat. Puig isn’t getting anything now.
    1 point
  19. Don't get the Braves giving up a draft pick for 1 year of Ozuna at all.
    1 point
  20. They gave up a pick for a one year deal? This reeks of doin something after the egg from Donaldson. Poor work by AA that hurts the Sox as well
    1 point
  21. Acuna, Markakis, Ozuna, Riley, Inciarte, and Duvall. With Pache likely ready for this year. Strange signing for them.
    1 point
  22. Not sure what came first, but his company did create a game called Kingdoms of Amalur or something like that, and it was a very highly rated game. It wasn't an MMO though. It also didn't sell well because it had absolutely zero marketing behind it.
    1 point
  23. Then how are you judging an entire decade when 30% to 40% of the drafts can’t be reviewed?
    1 point
  24. Schilling did not advocate violence against any group (except arguably as a joke towards journalists). Schilling tweeted that there are clear comparisons between EXTREMIST muslims and nazi's (which there absolutely are) and that many people are uncomfortable with laws that allow men into women's locker rooms which is not an avocation of violence towards either group, and further, is not at all morally wrong.
    1 point
  25. It doesnt mean everytime a star is available you should say the sox should get him. That's not exactly quality team building now is it. If you want to spin the Sox not being in on Arenado negatively, be my guest but it's absurd.
    1 point
  26. I find it funny that you think just adding a star because they're a star is always the right answer.
    1 point
  27. Yes,,,that could be a sign of a larger problem.
    1 point
  28. It upsets me greatly that I know all these names. Such is the life of the Terminally Online baseball fan.
    1 point
  29. Well yes, given that they rank in the top 5 in all of baseball in WAR generated via the draft so... uh yeah. so they're 2nd in all of baseball. I'll say the sox did pretty damn well.
    1 point
  30. The Tigers are going to have a ridiculously good rotation in a few years if these guys pan out.
    1 point
  31. If you're willing to pay for Arenado, just pay a little more on an AAV basis for Betts in a year who fits MUCH MUCH better and we don't need to fuck with our best player again, or move elite prospects.
    1 point
  32. I like all the stupid "Packers were the worst 13-3 team ever" stuff. The Saints this year were the first 13-3 team to lose in the wild card round. Literally the worst 13-3 team ever.
    1 point
  33. You forgot about the 13-3 Bears team in 2001 that got dismantled by the Eagles at Soldier Field. Injured Bears littered the field throughout that game.
    1 point
  34. I'd rather throw money at Betts next offseason
    1 point
  35. Kind of what I figured. I like all three of the actors, was hoping they would be in it more.
    1 point
  36. Vaughn's ranking is because he was heavily scouted and one of the best college hitters period. I would not put too much stock into his 2019 performance and would look for him to mash in 2020.
    1 point
  37. Let’s be honest, the Sox really only traded away two prospects worth a damn — Semien and Tatis Jr. The far bigger problem over the years was the Sox failing to draft and develop enough talent in general.
    1 point
  38. One thing that Kenny was great at that Hahn isn't, is internal scouting. The only player that KW traded that ever hurt him was Gio Gonzalez. Rick has traded 1 player that has become a star elsewhere in Marcus Semien, and an uber prospect that looks well on his way in Voldemort.
    1 point
  39. Oh for fuck sake...this is what they wrote... Highest Ceiling: Vaughn Not only is Vaughn the best all-around hitter among first-base prospects, he's also on the short list of the best all-around hitters in the Minors. He could produce a .300 batting average, 30 homers and 80 walks on an annual basis. and let me be clear that would be absolutely nothing like Cody Bellinger, of the Dodgers, or Clay Bellinger of the Yankees, or minor leaguer Cole Bellinger or Orioles shortstop Mark Belanger in any way. Any similarities by Vaughn to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
    1 point
  40. Soxtalk can really suck. You get a little excited about something you read...you post it and then the howling negatives come out of the woodwork to tell you how wrong and stupid you are. Ok Vaughn isnt Bellinger...hes Frank Thomas 2.0. Better? .300 hitter with 30+ homers and 100 walks hitting in a lineup with 4 other superstars. Im gonna go dream somewhere else.
    1 point
  41. You shouldn't ever be reading anything into stats of players the same year of their college season. He held his own and was fine. This ranking should have been expected.
    1 point
  42. Boy, I sure thought this had something to do with prioritizing saving for a home vs an engagement ring.
    1 point
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