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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2023 in Posts

  1. Especially because he was going to stay in house, it's really beyond ridiculous JR gave Rick and Kenny the deadline. It should have been Getz making the calls. Just more idiocy.
    3 points
  2. In all fairness...I never saw Tim as a leader. His interviews were often cringe...and he always seemed to be very focused on himself. Which is fine, but his demeanor and language never screamed "leader" to me.
    3 points
  3. It's gonna be real nice to not see the Astros in a World Series. Sucks for Jose, but meh.
    2 points
  4. It's hilarious that you think this is a Brooks Boyer thing.
    2 points
  5. Anyone want to start a gofundme to have Mike Veeck buy this team? It would at least be entertaining.
    2 points
  6. Yes, I think the Padres, Phillies and Rangers strategy of signing very good players is one I'd like the Sox to follow. And, to your point, I also think the Sox should beef up their Luck Department with additional personnel.
    2 points
  7. Lots of families with kids. I am not one of them, but if I had a child, I wouldn't want them seeing Tim as a role model.
    2 points
  8. Counting on Hendriks and Crochet to be big contributors was just stupid, and we all knew it. They had plenty of time to find more depth after the Hendriks announcement.
    2 points
  9. If you ever wanted a sign that a guy isn’t focused on the game and is letting fans get under his skin, there you go.
    2 points
  10. The Glendale Desert Dogs were undefeated last week, and our Sox boys made some pretty solid contributions to that 6-0 streak. Colson Montgomery went 5-16 with a 2B, 3B, and 6 RBI. Jacob Burke was 6-22 with a pair of 2B, 2 SB, and a game winning grand slam. Bryan Ramos hit the ground running in his return, going 5-9 with 2 HR in his two games back. Fraser Ellard (4K) and Jordan Leasure (3K) both chipped in two scoreless appearances apiece. Jake Eder had 4K in 2IP, but was tagged for 1 ER when a walk, steal, and sac fly from a reliever scored his runner from first. Josimar Cousin was burned by 2 HR (4 ER) in his start. Adisyn Coffey once again looked great in the first inning of an appearance (2K and a flyout) before falling apart when asked for a second (and inexplicably being hung out to dry). The White Sox bats are responsible for 28 of the team's 80 RBI through 18 games (and 7 of their 22 HR). Unfortunately, it looks like they'll have to keep up the production without Colson Montgomery (whose 14 RBI lead the team) for at least one more game. He was pulled for a PR late on Friday, missed Saturday's game, and after an off day Sunday, he's out of the lineup again for Monday's game. Some highlights: The Week Ahead: Five AFL games this week, two of which (Wednesday and Thursday) will be streamed. Also, winter ball is officially underway! Of particular note, RHP Johan Dominguez (returned from TJ midseason, and a sneaky SP depth option IMO) is scheduled for a LIDOM start this week, and top-30-but-still-underrated Wilfred Veras has been getting in some more ABs and OF reps. Game 1: GDD vs. SCO (Gameday | No Stream) After facing the top AFL team at the time of both of his last starts, Jake Eder gets the ball today to face...the new top AFL team! His 10 K and 3.24 ERA through 8.1 IP are respectable (and his mechanics look back on track) but I'm hoping to see him go a bit deeper in this one. His last outing was shortened by a tight zone leading to lots of deep counts. The AFL is experimenting with some kind of individualized batting stance adjusted zone IIRC and it leads to some odd looking calls. The opposing starter is also a lefty, which could be a non-injury reason to rest Colson again...There's an off day tomorrow, so we'll see if he's back in for Wednesday's game. Burke and Ramos are batting 2 and 4, playing their usual positions.
    1 point
  11. Well, this will be a fun follow. Former Sox farmhand Karan Patel was taken 1-1 for the Mumbai Cobras: Andre Rienzo got drafted: Courtney Hawkins: ADA: Then a slew of former major leaguers: Not in the above:
    1 point
  12. Pretty cool to see Leclerc and Garcia celebrate after it seemed like they blew it in game 5.
    1 point
  13. The Cheating Cheaters of Cheaterton are officially eliminated. Fantastic. And if Arizona wins tomorrow, MLB cannot be very happy 😆
    1 point
  14. He is really locked in. Quite a postseason for Jose.
    1 point
  15. Maybe Bruce had no interest.. hed be wise not to... but f*** either way it just sucks. He either didnt want to come here or we didnt even try. A guy who won 3 championships in 6 years and was available. Just another feather in the s%*# pile for this dog s%*# organization that needs to be launched into the sun.
    1 point
  16. Yeah this might the best series ever from a hitter in the ALCS.
    1 point
  17. Montgomery is gonna get a lot of money in free agency.
    1 point
  18. Eduardo Perez on the radio was yelling to walk him. He was similarly yelling that Diaz needed to hit for Maldonado last inning when they got two men on, but you can’t bench the veteran you know. Dusty might not have lost this game but he hasn’t helped one bit.
    1 point
  19. Yeah, and with the Nationals too. It took managing the most talented team in baseball for him to finally win one.
    1 point
  20. Maybe the old school "Throw at the guy for celebrating" strategery has some downsides?
    1 point
  21. we'll see. people like a comeback story too. I don't know that people turned on Tim like you say. I think you're right that getting KO'd by high-talking fat boy hurt his image more than his s%*# play, but I think fans have a longer memory than social media would have us think. personally, I care more about the state of the baseball team than the storylines surrounding it or how much money the team is bringing in though. I care about the revenue insofar as I don't want the team to leave, but my personal feeling is that it's going to happen regardless. I also care a little bit too about how baseball and the Sox are an analogy for society and our city. In the latter sense, I wouldn't write off Tim. I think he represents the city well and is not the cancer some imagine. He's never criticized a coach or a teammate, he gets offended by internet criticism and I don't blame him, I would too, 14 million dollar contract or not. I would rather write off the guys who respond with a laugh emoji but don't write a post...at least make it look like a thumbs down.
    1 point
  22. While hard to calculate - this sure seems like a terrible idea in terms of maintaining a long term fanbase. Bringing a whole bunch of kids to a place where they can meet ballplayers and get autographs seems like a great way to make them into fans of that team for decades, to the point where their kids might wind up as fans of the same sport and same team. I get there was only so much you could do in 2020 and 2021, but failing to do this now seems like sabotaging the 2028 and 2035 attendance numbers.
    1 point
  23. October 23, 2005 - Game #2 of the World Series ended in an unexpected and dramatic fashion as outfielder Scott Podsednik blasted a walk off home run after the Astros scored two runs in the ninth inning to tie the game. The shot, off Houston’s Brad Lidge, ended the game in a 7-6 White Sox win at U.S. Cellular Field. They now had a two-game lead in the best of seven series. Earlier, with the Sox losing 4-2, Paul Konerko drilled the first pitch he saw for a grand slam in the seventh inning, turning the game and perhaps the series around. October 23, 2012 – After one of the worst seasons in a century of Major League baseball, Adam Dunn, the White Sox primary DH, was named the American League winner of the Comeback Player of the Year award by The Sporting News. Dunn bounced back to hit 41 home runs and drive in 96 RBI’s for the Sox who contended for the divisional crown until the final week of the season. The previous year he only hit 11 home runs with 42 RBI’s and had a batting average of .159.
    1 point
  24. The thing is - if Fields can ever have that switch go off - he can be really really good. I'm predicting we see him back in 2-3 more weeks, potentially missing 4 weeks and he'll be coming back after the Panthers / Bears Thursday night game. That would give him 10 days to get reacclimated and hopefully enough time to start feeling better. I am hoping that Fields is really watching and learning some things in the meantime. But I'm not going to vicerate him for the Vikings games and forget the 2 previous games where he played at a high level. Yes, against bad defenses, but there was real growth in those games. Quite frankly - I'm kind of impressed how the team has largely held it together despite so much. Not saying Flus is someone special, but it shows me at least a little something. Also shows me something about the players they brought in. But geeze, defense is really flying to the ball, again, despite having a weak pass rush. I do think this defense could take a HUGE step forward in a year if we see the pass rush take off. Like a lot of the new additions on defense and Brisker had a weak start, but he is FLYING all over the place now that he has gotten healthier. Edmunds and Edwards too.
    1 point
  25. I go back to, I think at the very least they have found a very solid, cost controlled back up in Bagent and that is good. I don't know that he has the arm to be more than that, but lets see what can happen while Fields gets healthy. I still expect to go back to Fields, cause his physical tools are elite. But I'm a glass half full guy and I think Fields seeing this first hand can only help him develop and push and grow more as well. And in the meantime I will continue to hope and root that Bagent is more than just a backup and that he can be one of those guys that transcends things. Its happened. Brady and Brees, neither one of them were full of all of the physical tools - but their physical tools were good enough and they made up for it with pin-point accuracy (which is a physical tool) and an elite skill to read/react and get the ball out and make plays. I will also point out - the defense has been very fun to watch now for a few games in a row. This was largely against bad offenses though, so I'm somewhat curious to see what happens against Chargers. I expect a beatdown, but am hoping somehow they pleasantly surprise us.
    1 point
  26. A guy called in two months ago and said Bagent has strong bloodlines because his dad is a professional arm wrestler. A guy called this morning and said Bagent was throwing guys open yesterday lol. I’m done defending fields, but this town does not learn from the same s%*# happening over and over again
    1 point
  27. I didn't say there wasn't any 'bad luck', I just said there were other more important reasons for last season's showing. Every team suffers bad luck during a 162 game season, and I don't think if Hendricks was fit that the White Sox would have suddenly been a winning team.
    1 point
  28. If Bagent puts up like 7 or 8 wins or something, I can somewhat buy in and build a team around everything else, basically the 49ers plan around Purdy…but everything else has to be near perfect in order for it to work. Finding the “guy” at QB should still be the No. 1 priority.
    1 point
  29. Was it bad luck that Hendriks got sick? Yes. Was it bad luck that the most expensive bullpen in baseball couldn't replace him with even a tolerable performance for 2.5 months? Was it bad luck that a guy with a history of arm problems including last year had an arm problem and they had no backup plan for him? Was it bad luck that they rushed Hendriks back from bleeping cancer treatment before his arm was strong enough to pitch and when his velocity was clearly down, and his arm gave out as a consequence?
    1 point
  30. Huh, so the guy calling fans whiny 'beyatches' while telling them to just think positive is moving the goalposts again when proven wrong. Cute.
    1 point
  31. October 22, 2005 - 46 years after their last World Series, the White Sox finally got back to another one. Game #1 against Houston was played with the Sox winning 5-3 at U.S. Cellular Field. Jermaine Dye and Joe Crede hit home runs. Jose Contreras pitched seven innings and the bullpen tandem of Neal Cotts and Bobby Jenks saved the game. Those two got out of a first and third no out situation in the eighth inning to keep the Sox in the lead. They struck out Morgan Ensberg, Mike Lamb and Jeff Bagwell.
    1 point
  32. I dunno man. I was one who got a TA Jersey- he was amazing and seemed like a great example and a leader for this team. What has transpired the past few years has been discouraging. Flipping off Cleveland fans? Please dude...leave that to us. All the distracting baby mama nonsense. The complete 180 on his power... its completely gone. Remember his wife would make him spaghetti when he hit a home run? Now he doesnt hit home runs... I wonder why. I admit that's a ridiculous theory but kind of fun lol he dont like his wife anymore so he doesnt hit home runs so she wont make him spaghetti.
    1 point
  33. How many millions of dollars does Tim bring into the team just by being Tim Anderson? I feel like this board is disconnected from reality by thinking Tim isn’t a fan favorite and ultimately good for business. I assume he has the top selling jersey on the team, at least it’s the only one I see around town unless it’s a guy who hasn’t been on the team in 15 years.
    1 point
  34. Kim Ng said she will pass on interest in Red Sox position. She must be going to take White Sox job........................
    1 point
  35. Laughing at the idea of Ohtani is the last straw for me. Yeah let's laugh at the idea if adding the best player in baseball to our roster. Just like we laughed at the idea of Bryce Harper and cried when Machado got his deal with SD. And laughed at the idea of Miguel Cabrera because we would have had to take Dontrelle Willis too. Meanwhile we miss out on Miggys 45 or so fWAR over 8 or so seasons because of what dumb ass short sighted reason actually? f*** the White Sox. Launch this dumb ass POS org into the moon.
    1 point
  36. Eloy is 27 on OD. He's not young anymore and has been injured or bad since 2021.
    1 point
  37. What a miserable franchise. Many of the guys we took a pass on for White Sox reasons are out there proving us wrong. Except some of the Padres guys I guess. So much "what could have been"... sigh.
    1 point
  38. Eloy and Cease are definitely special talents. Just because the Sox fucked up the development of a guy who hit 31 HR in 122 games his rookie year doesn't mean he's not talented. With the Cubs he's probably an All-Star at this point. Granted, he was a SS in 2020, so he's probably an All-Star that year. Also, he has no bearing on the Chapman trade, so beautiful strawman.
    1 point
  39. Luis Robert is a fine ballplayer and about as cant miss as it gets. In my opinion he would be doing well in any organization (perhaps even better somewhere like Atlanta) so I'm not about ready to give the Sox credit for his development. I just feel like the list of failures is much larger than successes anyway. For example, how have we been doing with Andrew Dalquist and Matthew Thompson, 2 HS pitchers I think everyone was pretty excited about. Their stats look terrible and they walk too many batters. These guys should be at the point now where they are making waves in our system given their draft status and one isnt even in our top 30. Anyone can develop cant miss talent but it's what you do on the margins that matters and the Sox simply dont and it's why we have a bottom 10 farm.
    1 point
  40. Are you trying to tell me they are getting better at it or just drafted some talented high schoolers? Believe me I'm happy they are trying but nothing about the talent development in this organization screams to me that they will be anything more than a detractor to these talented youngsters.
    1 point
  41. Is anyone actually excited about picking 3rd or 4th? Normally I'd be pretty happy to add an elite prospect but our farm sucks so much and the future seems so hopeless that not even this matters. They'll just go with a "safe" college bat like Vaughn because they know they can't develop high schoolers for s%*#.
    1 point
  42. That Jerry wont be giving Getz any more funds or leeway for building a real minor league system and that he will be just as hamstrung as Hahn/KW may have been.
    1 point
  43. First off JR has no fans outside of his family and shareholders. JR may hate Chicago fans which is why after he blows this up enough for fans not to care they are moving.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. These cowards don't want to face the music
    1 point
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