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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2018 in all areas

  1. I could hear it on the Reds broadcast. Riggleman says he wants to put him on base, the umpire says Riggleman needs to give the hand signal, not just a verbal request. This is repeated by both parties one time. Riggleman says "do your job!" and then umpire says "you do your job!" and then I lose the audio and Riggleman is running out there.
    3 points
  2. If Avi is going to hit 1-2 home runs every game I fully endorse extending him.
    3 points
  3. He embarrassed himself that last time he talked about politics. I think it also goes to show that you are a centrist and back centrist policies. You don't think that people like Ocasio-Cortez can't win in the Midwest because of their politics. You don't want them to win.
    3 points
  4. As I heard someone on radio put it, a Sox fan could have moved to the North Pole immediately after Brian Anderson's diving catch and they wouldn't have missed anything on consequence if they returned today.
    3 points
  5. Avi has developed into a .300 hitter with power. He keeps getting better but some people just keep doubting him. I wouldn't trade him unless the offer was overwhelming. It is hard to get All-Star level player at any position let alaone someone who hit .330 over an entire season.
    2 points
  6. Seriously how could any baseball fan not realize he's a great hitter in the making? The eye test is enough on Moncada for gosh sakes. His critics are being baseball stupid IMO.
    2 points
  7. Moncada has a couple more of these nights and all the whiners about him will have to go hide away again
    2 points
  8. Avi hit that ball so hard Greg is about to ask why someone wants to trade Avi
    2 points
  9. If the goal is more equality, the means of reaching it shouldn't matter. Millennials get it, so it seems does iGen. We can outwait and outvote the boomers.
    2 points
  10. Moncada just passed Nellie Fox on the all time strikeout list with close to 8000 fewer at bats. Different eras I know but still amazing.
    2 points
  11. LeBron started the superteams concept and Durant and company has taken it to another stratosphere. Just awful.
    2 points
  12. The White Sox have signed five players as the new J2 period opens. James details the information he was able to find on those five, plus notes on remaining bonus pool, and the pending status of another player who may or may not still sign with the Sox. Includes some video and media links.
    1 point
  13. Not taking it too personal just a wee bit. And we basically agree there's no reason to sign him long term . But you did start off by saying he sucked earlier in the season like it was some proof that he had reverted back to his 1st few seasons when it was an incredibly small sample size . Maybe I do sound like it's personal but in my mind there's an over reliance on stats and not enough on what goes on between the white lines. Every positive gets spun negatively every negative in the case of prospects gets spun positively and you guys are considered the smart ones while the rest of us are whiners. I don't ignore stats of course but the group dynamic comes into play way too often and I feel like i get lumped in with some of the posters some of us don't take really seriously . I don't like defensive metrics much or pitch framing stats and BABIP gets mentioned way too often. I've been around long enough and read plenty of arguments to see that more than half of the people trying to use advanced stats have no idea how to use them. Not saying thats you. There's a lot of concern about the 3 true outcomes in baseball and talk of banning shifts . I say learn to hit to all fields and put the ball in play if you don't like it. A walk, while a great thing is boring. Strikeouts are boring . I want to see people flying around the bases but certainly I am not against trotting around the bases either. I'm trying to say baseball's a great game when it's played the right way and and I'm sorry if I came off like an ass. It's just hard to believe people can be so critical when there's a lot to be positive about with Avi. We are all warned constantly about SSS an to see it used for 8 games while ignoring all of last year just bugged me. Trust me I looked at the game logs way before we had this conversation so I was loaded for bear when Avi critics showed up in the midst of an incredible hot streak like no one currently on the Sox can do when combining high batting average and just tattooing the ball all over the park with HR's to left , left center, center and right center, a triple high off the wall, a couple doubles , You have to admit that, yea, we have seen Avi get hot before, but never with this many HR's in such a short period of time. I just wanted to enjoy it and maybe should 've stayed out of the game thread .
    1 point
  14. Avi and Jose are not going to be part of the contending team in 2020+. Hopefully they play out of their asses the next 3 weeks and get us some stud prospects! Mentors don’t win championships.
    1 point
  15. Good job by the pen tonight. Reds played like horseshit.
    1 point
  16. Haha, shutting the lights off immediately for fireworks is one of the funnier things I've seen.
    1 point
  17. Benetti has talent. He's a good announcer.
    1 point
  18. This thread is a great example of how we all hang on every Yoan AB to evaluate him. lol First half of the thread is saying he might have to be optioned to AAA and the second half is basically saying that tonight is his breakout. Gotta love it. Just good to see these last couple nights go the right way for him.
    1 point
  19. That was a fun inning. Also went back and saw Avi 2nd homer. Considering who that was against, that's the most impressive hit of his career.
    1 point
  20. In Riggleman’s defense it did look like Engel was too far inside the baseline on the bunt. But Sox are due some breaks with the Yoan strike zone.
    1 point
  21. Woo hoo a walk for Avi and the sabermetric people rejoice !!
    1 point
  22. These announcers have had a fantastic inning. Anybody who needs to defend Stone/Benetti just tell somebody to watch this half inning. Stone is a great color man; Jason very good play by play.
    1 point
  23. I on the other hand love the bunt if someone is very good at it.
    1 point
  24. If someone says he sucks after that they're either joking, trolling, or both. If Avi shows signs that he has in fact turned the corner and last year wasn't just an aberration, then yes I'd be for extending him. Eventually you'll need to keep some guys, and Avi is still a young dude. I wouldn't give him 8 years or anything crazy, but I think something in the 3-5 range could be a worthy investment.
    1 point
  25. I'm saying you guys are going to say he sucks even if he hits .330 with 30 bombs next year leading into his new contract. You'll still all find the flaws. He's never going to be worth more than 10 mill a year to the majority of this board. So just sign him for 10-12 mill a year when the time comes for 4 years or so. Nobody's going to pay him more than that. he's too flawed according to the stat people even with the traditional numbers on his side.
    1 point
  26. Nope. Literally no one has suggested this.
    1 point
  27. I can't believe there are fans out there who don't care about intangibles in sports at all. Avi and Abreu are good examples for all the Spanish speaking ballplayers as well as the English speaking ballplayers. My feeling is some of you actually think we can win a pennant without any veterans. I guess some of you might want a veteran starter and think that's enough. My feeling is also you want to win WS titles with payrolls of about 70 million total. Why you guys feel this way amazes me. I could give a damn about Jerry Reinsdorf's wallet. I hope he pays money for ballplayers until it hurts. He doesn't care about my wallet; why should I care about his?
    1 point
  28. Santiago has a little giddyup tonight
    1 point
  29. Yes he has done nothing for us since his two homers today so let’s trade him ?
    1 point
  30. You really hate Avi that much after a 2 HR game and 6 in the last 10 days ? I guess a walk or 2 and less HR's doubles and triples would make you happy .
    1 point
  31. Six more seasons of control. Oh wait, this is greg.
    1 point
  32. He's still miles ahead of Giolito on any metric you want to cite.
    1 point
  33. Occasionally I go off the rails and let my negativity come out. It shows inconsistency, yeah, but I have more optimism than pessimism. I'm just trying to change my approach to life in general. If you ever read the Filibuster you'd know that I have Autism and I struggle with black and white thinking. It's either all good or hopeless. It sucks.
    1 point
  34. I mean you'd change your mind about a piece of steak each bite depending on if you got the marble or the gristle.
    1 point
  35. Giolito has some of the worst metrics you will see for a starting pitcher on July 2nd. He'd be in AAA for probably 27 teams. Posters are definitely not too hard on him.
    1 point
  36. Tim Anderson certainly has been a bright spot this year. I also like that he rubs people the wrong way. Especially the fun police crowd.
    1 point
  37. No he was available due to starting/reliever concerns
    1 point
  38. So once again your reply to minorities is that their issue is less important and they need to wait until we deal with the more important issue. And damn, that's a crappy enough reply that I completely get why Bernie sanders lost the minority vote.
    1 point
  39. This isn't hard, it's the reason Greg doesn't care about. Black People and Hispanic People. Bernie Sanders did not care about their issues and to this day we constantly get statements, even in this thread, about how their desire not to be shot in the streets is less important than Bernie's important economic message. Hillary Clinton worked hard to earn that portion of the electorate. She met with black and hispanic leaders for years, incorporated their ideas into her policy proposals, could speak intelligently on issues relevant to them, and that contrasted with Bernie who responded to questions about their issues with stereotypes and never bothered meeting even local officials in those areas.
    1 point
  40. Love your posts Richie. Keep it up, sir.
    1 point
  41. Yeah... from 2006 through 2015 --- there's no excuse for us having only won the central one lone time (also our lone playoff appearance). I mean, there was some fun and the glimpses of promise provided excitement. I'll never forget in 2012 when we beat Detroit to distance ourselves in that rain make-up game in September -- I thought we had the Central locked up and that our pitching staff was good enough for us to make a run. Then, we went completely in the sh*tter. Just like we did in a lot of those post-05 seasons.
    1 point
  42. Thankfully this isn't misogynist at all.
    1 point
  43. Wow congrats @Bazox Never thought I'd see a guy with the last name Uribe choke there..
    1 point
  44. The Orioles do not expect to get anyone of Moncada's caliber, for a 3 or 5 month Machado rental. That is a huge overpay. If you are ready to trade Yoan, you can get more value than a meaningless second half of a pending free agent. They would not get anywhere near the value back, if they immediately flipped Machado, as you suggest, in your scenario. Moreover, if the Sox are really "tanking," for the next Draft, that would be counter productive.
    1 point
  45. I live in the the Far West burbs, which is pretty purple, and I've spent a lot of time in small town Wisconsin for the last 16 years. I talk politics with people in both places regularly. And the answer is yes, the Senator from Illinois is out of touch with Middle America. To them, it's the economy, stupid taken to a whole new level. These people don't have good jobs available to them, they want decent jobs. I've been to plenty of small towns in Wisconsin. I look at what there is to do for work in town. They're lucky if they have a food manufacturing plant in town. Most jobs in those areas are in retail and food service. There really isn't much else. They want upward mobility. The best jobs in a given town used to be public school jobs, but since Scott Walker destroyed the unions there, there really aren't good jobs to be had in small town Wisconsin. Even in my own life, I'm struggling to get an opportunity to earn a decent wage. I have my own issues, but that shouldn't prevent me from earning a decent living. Mainstream Dems are deaf to this problem, and until they acknowledge it, they will continue to lose elections.
    1 point
  46. Don’t worry - you only lose this argument by the margin you do on days that end in “y”.
    1 point
  47. As is more likely the case your assumption on this topic. I’m siding with Steve Stone on this one. When a guy of his stature refers to the Sox as a “major market team”, seems pretty logical to line up with his thinking. That and it is just blatantly obvious.
    1 point
  48. Seems a major market team like the Chicago White Sox ought to be able to negotiate a major market TV deal.
    1 point
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