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Samardzija Trade Packages


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QUOTE (Lillian @ Jul 8, 2015 -> 09:50 PM)
I agree with those who reject the idea of trading both Samardjiza and Quintana. That would leave this team with a weak starting staff, and probably still an anemic offense and poor defense. It makes far more sense to maintain the one strength they have, which is after all, the most important part of a team; PITCHING.

Of course, they are going to have to acquire one or two more impact bats, but not at the expense of trading two starters.


Does anyone think that Davis could be signed as a free agent, after the season? I'm sure that it would require a very expensive contract, but he would look pretty good as a DH to replace La Roche.


if a trade isn't done, how do you really expect the sox to fix the holes they have, thru FA route???


that is really not a realistic idea.

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QUOTE (Lillian @ Jul 8, 2015 -> 10:31 PM)
I didn't say there should not be a trade. What I said was that I don't think that the Sox can afford to trade two starters. As you know, I have been favoring a trade of Shark, for quite a while.


that is the problem of the future. it all depends on how the FO does the wheeling and dealing. personally i think they may trade Shark and that will be all.

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QUOTE (Lillian @ Jul 8, 2015 -> 04:50 PM)
I agree with those who reject the idea of trading both Samardjiza and Quintana. That would leave this team with a weak starting staff, and probably still an anemic offense and poor defense. It makes far more sense to maintain the one strength they have, which is after all, the most important part of a team; PITCHING.

Of course, they are going to have to acquire one or two more impact bats, but not at the expense of trading two starters.


Does anyone think that Davis could be signed as a free agent, after the season? I'm sure that it would require a very expensive contract, but he would look pretty good as a DH to replace La Roche.


The door is never closed on trading anyone, it all depends on the return that you could get. If between Shark and Q you get two young nearly MLB arms to go along with 4-5 position players, then you need to think about making those deals. The pendulum has swung in the game, pitching is not nearly the premium that it was during the PED era and quality hitting is a lot harder to come by.

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This team needs to work on retaining Shark because him, paired along with Sale, are the only 2 guys in this organization and team with any "stones." Their attitude needs to permeate the clubhouse and this organization. If you start trading your core assets and strengths for those "suspects" (whom rarely pan out anyway), this team is going to continue to be a snooze fest.


I highly doubt this organization brought the Shark aboard just to trade him, even if we fell out of the race. As silly as this KW 3-year plan sounds, I think they wanted Shark not only for this year, but also to have exclusive negotiating rights with him after the season. They truly wanted "him." Trading Shark will really be useless. You will be without a strong right handed starter to pair with your true ace Sale, and I really have to disagree...at this point Shark will most likely bring you a prospect that most likely won't pan out and will fade into the abyss only to never be heard from again. Let's face it, most of them never do unless you get a can't miss prospect, and we won't get that for 2 months of Shark.


Unfortunately I believe the Sox are in a position to just let this season play out. Hopefully have a nice second half, possibly get to .500 and leave on a positive note going into next year. They will just be creating another hole by trading him along with decreasing their ability to re-sign him in the offseason. After all, if they trade him, they are going to need a right-handed starter anyway.

Edited by soxfan85
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So what is your plan to improve C, 2b, SS, 3B, or LF if we can't trade him?


I look at the following teams in the market for what look like 3 prime rents: Shark, Cueto, Kazmir




Arizona (maybe)








10 buyers for 3 pitchers.

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QUOTE (GreenSox @ Jul 8, 2015 -> 07:25 PM)
So what is your plan to improve C, 2b, SS, 3B, or LF if we can't trade him?


I look at the following teams in the market for what look like 3 prime rents: Shark, Cueto, Kazmir




Arizona (maybe)








10 buyers for 3 pitchers.


Boston could also be a seller which will add more pitchers( Buchholz) into the mix.

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QUOTE (SCCWS @ Jul 8, 2015 -> 04:34 PM)
Boston could also be a seller which will add more pitchers( Buchholz) into the mix.


I've been hearing Bucholz won't be moved and tonight Kazmir was removed from the game after 50 pitches with triceps tightness. Samardzija lookng more and more like the most desirable asset .

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I know how much you guys love Bleacher Report but they recently listed each teams mostly likely to move prospect so I'll give a recap.


Orioles : Chance Sisco ,20 yrs old, Catcher ,currently playing at High A. LH


Cubs: Javier Baez , 22 ,SS and 2nd base ,AAA having a good season there. Huge power. RH


Astros: Domingo Santana , 22 ,OF , AAA having a very good season .Nice power , good walk rate, RH


Angels : Nick Tropeano ,24 ,Pitcher ,AAA ,RH


Dodgers : Jose DeLeon, 22, A+/AA Pitcher ,RH


Mets: Marcus Molina 20 , Pitcher, A+ , RH


Yankees: Greg Bird 22 , 1B , AA/AAA LH


Pirates Alen Hanson, 22 ,Middle Inf. , AAA ,Very fast ,high MiL BA , decent power, strong arm


Giants : Kyle Crick ,22 ,Pitcher ,AA, RH 6'4" 220 ,hard thrower



These are just some of the names I thought were interesting. Puposely didnt include teams in the Sox division. Just don't see them trading inter -divisionally.

Edited by CaliSoxFanViaSWside
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Trading Garcia is a ridiculous statement. He hasn't even played a season and half worth of games at the MLB level. Let him develop. Not everyone comes in and hits like Abreu their first year(s). I'll bet KC is glad they didn't base the future of Gordon, Hosmer, and Moustakas on their first 214 games at the big league level. I wouldn't trade Shark either unless some team overpays. To me, I'd like to keep the little talent that is on the team and build on that.

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QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 01:04 AM)
I know how much you guys love Bleacher Report but they recently listed each teams mostly likely to move prospect so I'll give a recap.


Orioles : Chance Sisco ,20 yrs old, Catcher ,currently playing at High A. LH


Cubs: Javier Baez , 22 ,SS and 2nd base ,AAA having a good season there. Huge power. RH


Astros: Domingo Santana , 22 ,OF , AAA having a very good season .Nice power , good walk rate, RH


Angels : Nick Tropeano ,24 ,Pitcher ,AAA ,RH


Dodgers : Jose DeLeon, 22, A+/AA Pitcher ,RH


Mets: Marcus Molina 20 , Pitcher, A+ , RH


Yankees: 22 , 1B , AA/AAA LH


Pirates Alen Hanson, 22 ,Middle Inf. , AAA ,Very fast ,high MiL BA , decent power, strong arm


Giants : Kyle Crick ,22 ,Pitcher ,AA, RH 6'4" 220 ,hard thrower



These are just some of the names I thought were interesting. Puposely didnt include teams in the Sox division. Just don't see them trading inter -divisionally.


Domingo Santana please

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QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 01:04 AM)
I know how much you guys love Bleacher Report but they recently listed each teams mostly likely to move prospect so I'll give a recap.


Orioles : Chance Sisco ,20 yrs old, Catcher ,currently playing at High A. LH


Cubs: Javier Baez , 22 ,SS and 2nd base ,AAA having a good season there. Huge power. RH


Astros: Domingo Santana , 22 ,OF , AAA having a very good season .Nice power , good walk rate, RH


Angels : Nick Tropeano ,24 ,Pitcher ,AAA ,RH


Dodgers : Jose DeLeon, 22, A+/AA Pitcher ,RH


Mets: Marcus Molina 20 , Pitcher, A+ , RH


Yankees: 22 , 1B , AA/AAA LH


Pirates Alen Hanson, 22 ,Middle Inf. , AAA ,Very fast ,high MiL BA , decent power, strong arm


Giants : Kyle Crick ,22 ,Pitcher ,AA, RH 6'4" 220 ,hard thrower



These are just some of the names I thought were interesting. Puposely didnt include teams in the Sox division. Just don't see them trading inter -divisionally.


Out of that group, I would like Baez, Santana, Hanson, and Crick. That's not to say that I dislike any of the other guys on the list, but those were the ones that caught my eye.

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Not so sure about the Astros willingness to trade Santiago since Rasmus will be gone after this season. It's why I have been looking at other players in their system but I could be wrong.


Baez could be interesting if he could learn to play 3B for the Sox but can anyone see the cubs having interest in Samardzija?



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QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 08:38 AM)
Not so sure about the Astros willingness to trade Santiago since Rasmus will be gone after this season. It's why I have been looking at other players in their system but I could be wrong.


Baez could be interesting if he could learn to play 3B for the Sox but can anyone see the cubs having interest in Samardzija?


Sure. Anyone else they may be interested in could potentially cost more

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QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 08:52 AM)
Sure. Anyone else they may be interested in could potentially cost more

It would be funny to see the reaction from the cub fans after Samardzija's comments in the off season. Cub fans were pissed! :lol:





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QUOTE (LDF @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 09:35 AM)
sfo, hou, and the yanks have a great assortment of prospects to trade for, and in that order.


SF has really bad prospects. Both Astros and Yankees have better systems than them. Houston might have the best system in the league.

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QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 10:18 AM)
SF has really bad prospects. Both Astros and Yankees have better systems than them. Houston might have the best system in the league.

Agreed on all points. SF has 1 position player in their top ten and he's nothing to write home about. Mella and Beede are interesting . As for Crick, his 48BB 46K in 45.1IP screams future reliever.


SF is not a good trade partner at all.

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