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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2019 in all areas

  1. He is just an absolute pleasure. Going to be driving through Charlotte in an hour, going to just scream Luis out the window.
    3 points
  2. Pretty sure triceps are the back of your arm.
    2 points
  3. It’s just frustrating because all year the fielders have communicated poorly on balls in the air and many of us have commented someone is going to get hurt this year if this continues.
    2 points
  4. This is only year 3 of a 5-6 year rebuild. The Sox have plenty of time to find a left fielder.
    2 points
  5. He wasn’t good to begin with defensively. I sure as hell didn’t mind watching Frank Thomas bat knowing he wasn’t going to play 1B. Besides, you could improve both the defense and the lineup by adding a LF who can actually play there and hit a bit.
    2 points
  6. Basically hitting the Injured List twice this season by playing dumb defense.
    2 points
  7. They really need to just make him the full time DH whenever he returns. You can’t afford him getting injured so much due to his clumsiness defensively.
    2 points
  8. Getting complete game shutout by Glenn Sparkman should equal one firing.
    2 points
  9. I'm not sure what you (and some other posters on this board) know what flip means in terms of baseball or sports in general.
    2 points
  10. A 4 game slump doesn’t erase a guy being a top 10 position player in baseball for three months.
    2 points
  11. He will be too busy laughing at Hahn’s incentive-based contract offer as he accepts a much larger guaranteed contract from another team.
    2 points
  12. I'm sure Gerrit Cole can't wait to play on this team.
    2 points
  13. Cool. Our #1 prospect is destined to be a DH. That's worthwhile, and we by no means have an overflow of those types.
    2 points
  14. Is this a serious take? That was TIlson's 100%, Eloy should have backed off that ball
    2 points
  15. We're starting to play like I thought we would on the road (lose series after series). We've been good at home, better than a normal tank team. I expect a big time nosedive in August and September; we're talking mega losing.
    2 points
  16. This is so perplexing. You spent a lot of last season telling everyone that Giolito was interesting and may become something good, and props to you for that. Now he's having an all-star season, and as one of his "biggest fans" (which you kind of aren't, if this is your opinion on him), he's now "nothing more than a 3-4"? That's ridiculous, he isn't the 1.5 ERA guy he was in May but he also isn't suddenly a #4 pitcher. Long-term I think he's a very good #2 or low-end #1 but two bad starts (and really just two bad innings, if we're being honest) doesn't take a guy from future ace to #4.
    2 points
  17. Use the discount code "beef" for a voucher for a free hot dog at the game * *not valid for the purchase of kosher dogs or the good dogs with the grilled onions at the carts
    2 points
  18. Trade him while he's hot, grab a lotto ticket, move on.
    2 points
  19. I predict they will dangle Abreu, Bummer and Colome and walk away from trade offers since they won’t get the value they want. 15 days to go.
    2 points
  20. you are probably right... we are just playing more like what we really are.
    2 points
  21. Thank god you are not our GM.
    2 points
  22. May be time to bust out a draft pick tracker as the tank continues.
    1 point
  23. Isn't tanking loads of fun????????????
    1 point
  24. St. Theo knew what he was giving up more than Kenny-Hahn knew what they were getting.
    1 point
  25. Doesn't care? Not sure what you've been watching but his gatorade baths have been impressive this season more than any I can remember
    1 point
  26. You’re in the Nervous Guy Room pal. There’s no reasoning
    1 point
  27. Advanced scouting is a huge problem with our awful positioning and terrible game plans
    1 point
  28. Eh... that's such a meat ball criticism of a manger or coach. Fans are p*ssed and are just looking for something with that. 99% of baseball managers are non-reactionary. If he started screaming all red faced, he'd get bashed for being a blithering/hapless fool.
    1 point
  29. I agree with you. He has made some very good plays In LF
    1 point
  30. Oy. This place has become incredibly insufferable. (Not you CWS, I know you're joking)
    1 point
  31. Well and the whole being incredibly slow and having a noodle arm
    1 point
  32. It’s apparent to everyone that Eloy needs to be at DH. Just pray nothing is wrong with him. We’ve known an injury due to collision was bound to happen all season. Renteria better be long gone after this year.
    1 point
  33. 2020 is looking more and more like another tank year with each passing day. The Sox need to basically replace half of their 25 man roster in one offseason. That is a tall task for a GM.
    1 point
  34. I think I'm going to cease watching this crap.
    1 point
  35. if you broke your collarbone on a play like that then it’s a miracle he even made it to professional sports.
    1 point
  36. Holy shit, did you actually just write all this non-sense?
    1 point
  37. Well given the lack of pitching and actual depth this was going to be another losing year anyway so you may as well get what you can out of a bad situation...aka a high draft pick. Now if the Sox could actually draft a high pick who doesn't get injured or actually produces, than that is even better!
    1 point
  38. When you're a seller, you always sell high on guys like Aaron Bummer. Relievers are incredibly volatile from season to season. Not trading Fry last year was a huge mistake.
    1 point
  39. I actually think Greinke would be the perfect add. He is one of the few pitchers alive that can be great throwing 89 mph and it's because his understanding of modern technology and it's implementation. Greinke knows how to pitch better than pretty much anyone alive and maybe he could teach young guys that.
    1 point
  40. It’s the return you get. Abreu is a team leader and that’s what we need to steady the youngsters. He has more value to this team than a trade is going to bring considering the other team is getting a rental and knows it
    1 point
  41. Understandable. Fans don't know most of the prospects, particularly the unranked ones. But it sure as heck is the front office's job to know. Shields had given up 10 runs in 3 innings in his last start before the trade (in Seattle). I still wonder which scout gave the "thumbs up" after seeing that performance....if they even bothered to scout it. The Sox weren't going anywhere. That trade was madness. And for the coup de grace, Hahn drafted a college reliever in round 1 just a week or so later. I'll get over it when either the Sox win a pennant or Rick Hahn hits the road.
    1 point
  42. He didn't have a history of injury. And do you know what the number variable (as small as it is) to getting injured? a previous injury.
    1 point
  43. The weird part is why Hahn still gave in on the trade after pushback from Paddy and Tatis, Jr. The biggest thing with kids at ages 14-17 is projection. They were warned by Tatis’ father that he was still not done growing...maybe they assumed that meant he would lose speed instead of gaining it and have to be moved off of SS to another position. Of course, one could argue that his light power at the time would only increase with more height/bigger frame and adding muscle...which is usually the case when still physically maturing kids hit stateside. He’s now one of the arguably 3-5 fastest base runners in MLB at 6’3 1/2” and got his 13th steal on what amounted to a pitchout to Buster Posey last night. He has now also scored twice from third on short pop ups to 2B...the most recent infielder was so rattled that the throw wasn’t even close. Not to mention scoring all the way from second on an out recorded at 1B and the LUIS Robert highlight of scoring from SECOND on a deep outfield flyout. He also had to at the very least have possessed above average arm strength, because he has made 360 degree throws from SS to first in the last week at 93.7 and 94.0, the two hardest of any SS in MLB this year. In fact, if you want to pick on one of his bad habits, it’s now waiting a beat or two long like Shawon Dunston used to do in order to make the out at first more dramatic/highlight reel-worthy. So you had a still-growing SS who already flashed the three most important qualities of a quality up the middle player...speed, throwing arm and raw fielding ability. To trade that player at age 17 before you discover what you really have, knowing his bloodlines, and knowing one of the most knowledgeable GMs about Latin American talent is already insisting on that specific player...well, it should have sent up alarm bells up and down every level of the organization that they were in the process of being outscouted on their own player and that Paddy’s original scouting assessment on Tatis was being overrun by the immediacy of trying to compete in 2016 with half a roster and a foundering manager.
    1 point
  44. I've been a White Sox fan for more than 50 years and I loved Harold Baines. But there is no way he is a Hall of Famer. It's easy to get emotional when a player is from your team, but in this case I have to defer to the impartial national media, who almost unanimously agree that Harold doesn't belong. He never got more than 6% of the vote when he was eligible, for goodness sake.
    1 point
  45. The speech will be as the kids would say, lit as fuck.
    1 point
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