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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2020 in all areas

  1. Up to there was fully correct.
    5 points
  2. Yeah this is the crap we DON'T need right now. Unverified rumors. This just creates unnecessary panic.
    4 points
  3. No one blames him for the pandemic. People blame him for the RESPONSE to the pandemic, which is quite literally his job as leader of the free world. He didn't take it seriously until he ran him over.
    3 points
  4. Meanwhile the clown in the White House was telling us it was a Democratic hoax, and that it would go away in April when it got warm outside. It is impressive how the Dems could simultaneously do nothing and create a panic all at once. Those guys are talented. I am also a big fan of you telling people not to blame others, while filling a post full of blame for everyone but the leader of the free world. But then again he told you guys he takes no responsibility for it, so you all march off to do his bidding for him.
    3 points
  5. Every single time he has talked during this crisis, the market has shit itself. We lost 1000 points today while he was talking. If that isn't a statement of what the markets think of his plans, I don't know what is.
    3 points
  6. How about we stop this bull shit right now and worry about the present time and not start projecting this kind of shit
    3 points
  7. blow it out your ass. The Dems focused all of their energy on the impeachment farse for ALL of January and first week of Feb while the country could've been focused on this Chinese contravirus. Instead they called him racist for his Jan 31 ban on China and possibly avoiding a Europe-like meltdown. Thankfully JB is manning up as a gov and taking initiative instead of spending his entire time blaming Trump. Believe it or not but Trump is not a dictator... It's the states role to lead the charge over it's population. Why didn't any states act when Trump closed travel from China? ...oh right, hindsight is 20/20 Time for all of us to start living in the now that's grounded in reality instead of blaming others.
    2 points
  8. Policy choices and even timing of those choices aside, the absolute worst part of Trump is the manner in which he is addressing the nation. He is clearly flying by the seat of his pants. As soon as he speaks, everyone behind him (the actual grown-ups in the room) start shuffling in disbelief. He then exits the stage and the adults correct him and provide the calm, level-headed, truth that the country needs. Today's slip that the 15-day guideline could go into August set the market spiraling. In fact each time he talks the market has tanked except for Friday. I don't understand why Trump is even talking publicly. Let this Dr. Fauci guy run the show, including all press conferences. Name him the pandemic czar and be done with it. The market, and country in general, will be so much better off. The bolded is an interesting take since state governments have been leading the charge here. The WH is merely reacting to the news and copying states like California, Washington and New York, only 12-24 hours later.
    2 points
  9. Trump is doing better than Boris. let that fucking sink in.
    2 points
  10. Shhhhh. Dude you are about to get social-justiced the eff outa here for even saying that slander 😂
    2 points
  11. It's really not that tough to read between the lines -- we're going to go into a full quarantine in the next 10 days max, likely by weekend. Everything outside of essentials will be shut down. However these rushes to the grocery store and for water really aren't necessary. We're not going to be left without food to die. You'll be able to go to the store - but it will be regulated to how many people can enter a store at a time. Also this water craze is weird. We live wtih a clean water supply from lake Michigan. I also think the stock market is going to shut down relatively soon. Everybody just needs to do their part. There will be helicopter money distributed to families to help. There will likely be some sort of forgiveness or suspension of mortgages, etc. They aren't going to foreclose or put us on the streets. Just make sure you have an ample, but not overload of food if that makes you feel safe and secure. Buy some books or rent some on a kindle. And connect with your family. Most importantly take this time to build and form relationships. Find the positives in a bad time.
    2 points
  12. Goldman called for -41%. Peak of 2008-09 was -57%. In the end, endless you desperately need the cash now...it’s suicide to take it out. Where do you put it? Not in bonds...they could be even riskier, depending on winners and losers in the bailout. Gold? Real estate, perhaps. Lots of high dividend stocks will cut back there, especially energy and even banks. Back to the so-called Admiral stocks...the proven, diversified companies that would be trucking along without the virus but are getting stung along with the rest of the market by index funds. Not all individual stocks are created equal. Johnson & Johnson, for example. Wal-Mart. Don’t overthink it.
    1 point
  13. Retail and travel have to top the list.
    1 point
  14. The Dems are so effective we got Merrick Garland blocked, lost the Senate/House to the Tea Party, lost most state legislatures, lost the ability to draw districts/gerrymandering, lost control of spending on elections (Citizens United), lost the Senate to a decade of obstructionism of Mitch McConnell, lost an impossible election to lose (2016), lost the unions, lost the battle over patriotism, lost the bond with religious groups over the fight for peace/social justice, lost the fight over gun control, messed up the Occupy movement, managed to get the socialism label attached to policies that are commonplace or taken for granted on health care and the environment in Europe, lost the health care battle from 1993 to 2009/10...and still can’t unify young people and Hispanics behind its presidential candidate. The list goes on and on. It’s no surprise than only 40% of Republicans believe the coronavirus is real. They are much more effective at messaging, staying unified around core issues...and scaring people, essentially. No compromising, killer mentality. We do have safe spaces, correct approaches to gender pronouns and the #metoomovement. I jest. But basically, we suck, lol.
    1 point
  15. That’s the bizarre thing about being a parent today. I’m 50 and have been teaching for about twenty years and see doing it for about five more years...online classes can certainly replace in person, and advising students on their university essays can be done from anywhere. But my son just turned five (no part or cake or gifts in middle of quarantine)...and I have no idea if STEM is the obvious path for him, particularly computer science and AI/data & quantitative analysis. Part of me believes a return to classics education...critical thinking, innovation, creativity...is key, which is essentially STEAM, arts/creativity combined with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Let’s say you are an architect. You can give the computer parameters for a design...it spits out 1000 possibilities, but the human brings value-added perspective to choose and enhance/improve upon the computer choices. Collaboration/cooperation, in other words. Don’t train for any career that can be wiped out in the next 10-15 years by AI/quantum computing. No easy answers. I’d suggest reading Homo Deus...if you have free time for reading coming up. Another I’ve been reading recently is the Three Body Problem trilogy.
    1 point
  16. I think I might have already had it. In the afternoon of 3/1, I started feeling nauseous with a terrible headache, body aches and weakness while running a 101.6 temperature. I was confined to bed for 3 days. First 36 hours temp held around 101.5, the next 36 hours it held around 100. Terrible cough for two nights that literally prevented me from sleeping. Probably got about 4 or 5 hours of sleep both nights. Went to the doctor 2 days after the fever started. He said it was likely norovirus because someone in my family had it a day earlier but their symptoms lasted only 24 hours and they were vomiting. I didn’t vomit or shit during the 3 days I had a fever, just bad sharp stomach pains. In fact, I was constipated and didn’t shit until after the fever broke. The doctor didn’t even bother checking for influenza because I had just seen him 2 weeks prior with flu. He was concerned though because he sent me to a hospital for a CT scan of the stomach (to rule out appendicitis) and a chest x-ray (to rule out pneumonia). Both came back fine as well as my blood work. I just don’t think my symptoms were consistent with norovirus. I’ve had that several times before and it was always a 24 hour thing. And never had the terrible headache or cough. The other thing that was odd were the night sweats. Woke up in the middle of the night two of the nights completely drenched. Like I had just went out for a 5 mile run. I kept thinking it was because my fever finally broke but, no, it was still holding at ~100. If that was stomach flu or regular influenza it was unlike anything I’ve ever had before. The flu I had in mid- February was nowhere near as bad as this. Still have a slight nagging cough but for the most part it is going away now two weeks later.
    1 point
  17. Do I need to remind you mods that political talk isn't allowed? Get it together!
    1 point
  18. The Trump administration or the Associated Press?
    1 point
  19. complete failure of leadership at every level. This is overboard and will do more harm than good. It's one thing to shut down public venues and gathering spaces. It's another to tell someone they can't go get their car fixed or get a cup of coffee to go.
    1 point
  20. The customs lines at the airports would strongly disagree.
    1 point
  21. I would argue that in addition, Bridgewater has led a pretty charmed life with his circumstances. He's never been asked to do much, consistently had good defenses.
    1 point
  22. I’m glad that local government here in Illinois is trying to be overtly cautious in regards to Covid-19. I read last night that Trump tried to buy exclusive right to a potential vaccine that’s being developed by German scientist. Exclusive as in it will be used for Americans only. He’s going to get us all killed.
    1 point
  23. edit: I'm going to delete this, apparently the data sucked too much to draw conclusions from 1918.
    1 point
  24. My panic subsided about a week ago and I've just since been consumed with morbid fascination.
    1 point
  25. If you are shocked by this...I have no idea what league you have been watching.
    1 point
  26. You know what....you're right. That was out of bounds.
    1 point
  27. The email from my CEO called us American heroes so uh.... you're welcome?
    1 point
  28. I work for a company called Mom's Meals. We deliver meals for the week to the elderly through Medicare. Last week we were informed to no longer take signatures and just leave boxes inside the door whenever possible...It kinda breaks my heart because a lot of my clients legitimately can not move these boxes or bend over take the meals out one by my one.... Not sure what else can be done here.
    1 point
  29. Surprised this hasn't been posted yet, but MLB trade rumors saying the season could be delayed until Memorial Day Weekend.
    1 point
  30. Guys, I am an Uber Eats driver and my local area needs me now more than ever. I'm going to tell my customers that I'm planning on leaving their order on their front porch and communicating via phone or text. I will leave each order on their porch and will.leave after they wave to me to acknowledge the order has been received. I'm doing a deep cleaning of my car interior and will do so every day. I feel like going out there is an important public service. Wish me luck.
    1 point
  31. I completely get why this is all being done, and I am on board, but dammit why'd this have to happen when I am the most excited for the team than I've been in years 😥
    1 point
  32. Not to mention, in a situation like this, you have a crowd of people packed together in a closed in space. That's not good in a crisis like this. I hope things work out so we can have a baseball season. We need a distraction from this stuff. We need some relief as well.
    1 point
  33. It doesn’t show from the way he runs his teams but Jerry is fairly generous as far as billionaire owners go. at least a 19 year kid didn’t have to step up and do this.
    1 point
  34. Not at all. Doctors in hospitals all over the country have been briefed on a daily basis on this topic for a long time and believe it to be a MASSIVE overreaction. Leaders and people in power (who wish to keep power) make political decisions to calm the masses when they panic. They are reacting to us. They don't have a choice. You're losing your mind - so they'll play it extremely safe to appease you. And no one is saying that there shouldn't be measures taken. However, shutting down the country is an f'ing joke.
    1 point
  35. Have you seen anything about what is happening in Italy? It isn't the black death and it isn't smallpox. But that doesn't mean it isn't something to be taken seriously. A couple of weeks ago I felt the same way, but in seeing what is happening, it is clear that this isn't something to take lightly. And if shutting some stuff down for a couple weeks prevents the spread, and we have MLB baseball in April as you suggest, that's great, and this down time would likely have made a huge contribution to that. If shutting some stuff down does nothing more than buys time for the health care system to prepare to handle this, then it is worth it. If shutting stuff down spreads out the infections, so the health care system is better able to handle it, then it is worth it. South Korea seems to have a pretty darn good handle on this thing. I hope the powers that be are paying attention to what they are doing.
    1 point
  36. Closing schools is a double edged sword here. This disease is much gentler on children (thank goodness), and something like 40% of nurses in this country have school aged children. If they have to stay home to take care of the kids, it could put even more stress on the health care system.
    1 point
  37. It is painful to inhabit a world where so many have zero care for anyone but themselves. The abuse of statistics here would be laughable if there weren't people literally dying because of this line of thinking.
    1 point
  38. It really, really isn't. Only 37% of people got the flu vaccine? Well, that raises herd immunity, which right now is non-existent for COVID -19. Your selfishness and people in your mindset is a perfect representation of where we are as a society in the US. "Fuck you, I got mine." Boo hoo I can't watch sports or go to a concert for a few weeks. God forbid we try to save some lives for once. Social media is your straw man. Where did I say to panic? Just try to isolate ourselves for a little bit to slow it down so the men and women on frontlines of this don't need to work themselves to death to treat the sick and wounded. Also, this isnt the flu.
    1 point
  39. Right... Panic, panic, panic. There is a huge difference between advising for preventative measures (I absolutely agree with being careful) and HALTING THE WORLD. Small businesses and many of those dependent on hourly wages will be murdered by what is taking place. And it wasn't necessary.
    1 point
  40. But that’s nothing compared to the flu!!! I strongly believe the only way some people in this country will ever take it seriously is when the President OR someone close to them (family/friends/loved ones) gets sick and can’t get help because of the myriad deficiencies in our current health care system. David Gergen was just talking about a case in Massachusetts where the ONLY way to get tested for coronavirus is AFTER being admitted to an ICU. How does that make any sense? I guess playing videos 24 hours per day from inside overwhelmed Italian hospitals that are doing WWII battlefield triage or the crematoriums here that were putting enough smoke from burning bodies into the atmosphere over Hubei that it was actually registering on satellite imagery might do the trick? In addition, coming into contact with Matt Gaetz, the press secretary for the Brazilian president, the Miami mayor (42 years old), all of them testing positive...then still not taking the test and continuing to shake hand after hand in the Rose Garden, not to mention sharing the microphone, it’s basically just another version of what Rudy Gobert did. This is 50% of the reason Italy is facing a catastrophic crisis now...not taking things seriously until it was too late. It’s not like we can’t see examples from other countries right in front of our eyes...all we have to do is track along with Italy, Spain, Germany and France and know we’re experiencing the same outbreaks whether there’s adequate testing or not. Finally, there’s still a patient in Omaha from the Diamond Princess who’s testing positive for the virus 28 days later!!! That’s arguably the best treatment center for infectious diseases in the entire country. And he’s not the only one, either.
    1 point
  41. Because according to CDC estimates, done before society took preventative measures, 200,000 to 1.7 million could be left dead. That's why. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/13/us/coronavirus-deaths-estimate.html
    1 point
  42. Exactly. Who cares if you contract it and then pass it along to others with compromised immune systems and older folks.
    1 point
  43. My lord... people need to relax. It's f'ing pneumonia. Not the black plague. Even IF you contract it (quite the slim chance) you'll be healthy in a couple of weeks unless you have pre-existing respiratory conditions.
    1 point
  44. This week has been one massive overreaction. Everyone will feel stupid in a couple of weeks and the season will open up mid April. None of this was necessary to begin with.
    1 point
  45. The minor league season was scheduled to start on April 9th. That's also pushed back. Service time issues are interesting now. It could benefit the club with a guy like Nick Madrigal and hurt the club in Kopech's case. If they start the season around May 15th (that might be conservative at this point), Kopech should come up soon after. The year likely stays burned regardless. 1 full year of service is 172 days and this season likely won't even encompass that at this rate. They could probably start Madrigal right away and he wouldn't accrue a year under current CBA. I wonder if changes are coming somehow.
    1 point
  46. ehhhh this is the MLB draft, not the NBA or NFL draft, getting a solid-if-unspectacular player with the 4th pick is hardly a disaster considering how common it is for teams to just outright whiff
    1 point
  47. Puig and Mazara are similar enough that I’m glad they picked the guy who very much seems to be a good ass dude
    1 point
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