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  1. Moncada, who could never hit .300 with an OPS above .870, is at .301 with an OPS of .891 on September 11 with 7 games left
    4 points
  2. Well thank goodness we can finally agree that Collins is not a major leaguer. 15 at bats in September after 25 earlier in the year. Sure he crushed AAA pitching this year, and he's only 24, at a very difficult position and sure he's put up a .350 OBP in those 15 at bats...but done. Lopez also done...as were Giolitto and Moncado last year. Life is much easier when we can make sweeping conclusions instantly.
    2 points
  3. Kid is going to hit 30 bombs this year and he's missed alot of time on the IL. 2020 Eloy will be incredible to watch.
    2 points
  4. If the Sox made the decision that they'd acquire zero position players this offseason, focus solely on pitching, and then spend their entire position player budget on Mookie Betts after next year would anyone be mad? I don't think that happens, but if you want to know a guy I'd give 350+ million to its Mookie Betts.
    2 points
  5. Yes for sure. I’ll take 1 elite player over “depth” this offseason 10x over
    2 points
  6. Like when they beat them to clinch the division last year?
    2 points
  7. .300 avg for righties against Kennedy, .230 for lefties
    1 point
  8. What a play by Moncada. A damn shame we have a shit defensive 1B or that is all over the highlights.
    1 point
  9. Fucking abreu just ruined the play of the year at third. Unreal.
    1 point
  10. I mean... Parkman has been wrong alot on this board. You could've went alot of ways baseball related on what he's said lol.
    1 point
  11. Why are you bringing up somebody's personal stuff/views into a baseball thread in regards to what you said about Moncada?
    1 point
  12. I don't understand why Collins and Mendick aren't playing every day
    1 point
  13. A front office with a clue would have already cut his ass loose to let Collins and possible Yermin get some playing time. What is the benefit to playing Castillo to his contract conclusion? So you don’t look like you are admitting you made a bad signing? We already know it was a crap signing. Stop trying to save face, Rick...
    1 point
  14. Also it's probably a good idea to get Collins, likely our #2 catcher next year, idk maybe some time behind the plate? Then put Mercedes at DH. No damn reason Skole and Castillo should be getting any ABs.
    1 point
  15. Because his lazy ass has hurt the pitchers this season, and there’s no reason he’s still back there.
    1 point
  16. He is one reason ( the other is Robert) we need to concentrate on the pitching in the off season. Imagine his numbers once he starts hitting above .250 taking more walks. If he improves along the lines of Moncada then we are looking at him coming close to duplicating his AAA numbers . Dickerson. Gennett. Moustakas all lefties . all one or 2 year deals all with a chance to be productive and inexpensive. Improves the bench, provides depth for injuries, or non performance and possibly huge upgrade if Gennett can bounce back.
    1 point
  17. Someone needs to teach Timmy the quick slide and throw like Rey Ordonez. That was a pathetic effort.
    1 point
  18. In 2 of his last 3 starts, he has given up 1 hit in 14 innings.
    1 point
  19. I just don’t see Collins being a productive MLB hitter. Seems to have slider-speed bat. His swing at pitches above the belt is ugly
    1 point
  20. Everybody has to start at the bottom and work their way up. If you think the stories about the minor players are bad, try being the athletic trainer who has to take care of them. Having to work in the winter Mexican leagues just to move up in the profession. There is no where to go but up.
    1 point
  21. Kind of crazy that his OPS is at ~780 and he's going to hit 30 homers despite the time he has missed yet & people here say his rookie year was disappointing. I think it's better really good.
    1 point
  22. And has had no clue at the plate as to what to expect, as well as how to pull the ball
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. You said 88 wins- and to bank it.
    1 point
  25. I can see Puig coming here and putting up the same 1.5-2.5 WAR season he's put up for 5 of the last 7 years. Dude had one year where he was a star and it was 7 years ago. If we're signing 1.5-2.5 RF we're wasting money. Go big or go home. We can fill RF internally for free basically at those WAR values.
    1 point
  26. For a guy who has averaged over 30 HR's and 100 RBI over the 5 years he has played at least 140 games, he sure doesn't get a lot of love. I don't remember anyone getting so much grief. The chewing tobacco thing is especially idiotic. Every see the size of the chaw Nellie Fox had in his face all the time? Yea, it might be illegal in Chicago now, but is it hurting anyone? Are people suffering from "second hand juice" when he spits?
    1 point
  27. It's worth noting that both those guys pitched a good number of big league innings before they were hurt, Kopech has not. If Kopech comes out in ST and is dominating people, I won't be mad if he breaks camp with the big league team. However, in 2018, Kopech struggled with his control a lot during the first half and only snapped out of it at the end of June following something like a 7 walk/4 IP game. Because of his inexperience he may be a guy that needs more time to find a rhythm. In either case, we still need to know who the 6th starter is because if Kopech stops at 150 innings or they give him a short break to conserve his innings, we need that extra option to fill in.
    1 point
  28. There's been absolutely no diminishment to Abreu's game, if we look at 2019 numbers versus 2015-2018. In 2014, he was on a different level. So, armchair-GMs, why on earth wouldn't you want to keep him here until he demonstrates that there is diminishment in his game? He's a remarkably consistent offensive producer.
    1 point
  29. I think it was in some minor league game thread. I can try to find it later today. All I remember is reading a post of his that mentioned Moncada and making a mental note to not bother him at the end of the season
    1 point
  30. What if is something like Abreu (almost feels like a lock he comes back, but I would prefer he DH'd if we couldn't sign someone else), JDM to DH, a starting pitcher (Cole/Strasburg, but probably someone in next group), Calhoun, and a couple of relievers?
    1 point
  31. We'll wait until the end of the season to bust @The Sir's balls. Both are teetering right now.
    1 point
  32. We need to put Greg, Vile and Ron in the Octagon. One man will survive the other two will be exiled to WSI.
    1 point
  33. If it's against the law, arrest him. If not, leave him be. If it's against baseball's rules suspend him. If not let him be.
    1 point
  34. Tom Brady had 3 games with zero TD's in his 3rd season and 4 games with 1 TD. He also had 6 games where he threw as many picks as he had TD's. His single worst game that season, he went 14-29 with 0 TD and 1 INT with 134 YDS. That game was following up a game where he threw for 133 YDS. Said another way, in Tom Brady's 3rd season, he threw for less than 140 yards in 2 of 3 games that season (with 1 TD and 2 INTs). In Tom Brady's fourth season, he had a 0 TD and 4 INT opening week performance where he threw for 123 yards. What if people overreacted to Tom Brady and managed him on a day to day and week to week basis? Would he ever have even gotten a chance to become a GOAT. I am not saying that Trubisky is going to be the next Tom Brady and he very well could be the next Blake Bortles, but you got to give him time to prove it out. My gut says he's not much different than Mariotta, but I could be wrong and there are plenty of times where I see Mitch make special throws. Whether he actually has that it factor and the game slows down super crazy, I don't know, but he is who we have and we need to put everything into getting everything we can out of him.
    1 point
  35. The purpose of being absurdly cheap the past few years has been so we can spend money on free agents in the future to supplement our prospects. I'll be annoyed if we start trading prospects so we don't have to spend money on free agents. Wait to trade your prospects for when you are a bonafide contender and need the final supplemental pieces to compete.
    1 point
  36. Unsure if it was ever posted or not, but it seems Bryce Bush's missed time/season end was because of bronchitis and fatigue. Fegan mentions it in his article today.
    1 point
  37. I didn't write an article on JD Martinez to speculate FWIW. If he becomes a free agent, the White Sox will be interested.
    1 point
  38. We can always trade away players when one comes knocking on the door.
    1 point
  39. The Sox have negative 3.4 bWAR in RF and negative 2.5 bWAR at DH right now. 2 WAR players at either position is a 10 win increase based on this year. That is how bad they have been at those positions.
    1 point
  40. Other than the creation of Moan4Yoan, the gift that keeps on giving...
    1 point
  41. What happened to the title of this thread? So the thread title was changed without my consent (but with my name still attached) How was that done? Why was that done? Was my name put in the title in the third person to hurt my credibility? Antoher attack on my credibility as a poster. Why and how was this done, again without my consent when my name is attached to the thread? I'm not very happy about this.
    1 point
  42. For his rookie season or his career? For his career, then yeah, that would be disappointing, but predicting a .775 OPS from him prior to this season for 2019 would not have been unreasonable at all.
    1 point
  43. Soto is a very different hitter than Eloy. Saying a player has been disappointing because he wasn't as good as arguably one of the 3 greatest performances by a 20 year old in MLb history is reaching imo.
    1 point
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