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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2020 in Posts

  1. My God, just go away. Please.
    6 points
  2. Obviously you haven't read very many then. I've repeatedly said both sides are at fault and it's only because I am the only one who even will consider the owners side that it looks that way. This is why i found myself defending them in so many posts.
    4 points
  3. I just love everything the owners have done to increase interest in baseball and save the sport the past few years Add a wild card spot Cut 42 minor league teams Shorten the draft Let the Astros off with a slap on the wrist because public judgement will be their true punishment Push back J2 signings Call the World Series trophy a piece of metal Get Congress to pass the "Save America's Pastime Act" to allow them to continue to pay minor leaguers below minimum wage Make hand over fist money while crying poor Have roughly half the league not even try to compete, but instead follow the Astros/Cubs model and tank hard Try to renege on a previously agreed upon deal, thus preventing baseball from being the first sport back while America was crying out for any sense of normalcy and entertainment Pace of play Hi8is addition: $50 parking Bmags addition: Pissing off Trout as he swims upstream, avoids all the flies, and ricochets through the record books across the universe Addition after James' thread: FBI investigation into their Latin American operations Did I miss anything?
    4 points
  4. Just here to say that this might be the most excited I’ve been for a White Sox draft class since I started following the MLB Draft. We already have a ton of pitchers that I am excited about in the big leagues (Giolito, Cease, Lopez and Kopech), and then in the minor leagues we have Stiever, Thompson and Dalquist. Now we add Crochet and Kelley... 2 guys that could be Top 100 Prospects when the rankings get updated. Sure, we couldn’t add the depth because of the shortened draft, but we added arguably two top twelve draft prospects. A guy in Crochet that has arguably the best stuff, and a guy in Kelley that was arguably the best high school prospect this year. Kudos to the front office!
    3 points
  5. Dude, literally every post of yours explains why the owners are saints.
    3 points
  6. This is powerful. I watched the whole thing. This is coming from someone who is both rich and well known. He has the benefit of a Stanford education, and has risen to the top of his profession, and he still tells the same stories about how he is treated. This is way bigger than don't break the law and the cops won't kill you. This isn't work hard and go to school and you will be treated the same. It destroys a lot of the myths that we tell people today.
    3 points
  7. Removing the anti-trust exemption or forcing the owners to make their books public as a condition is what makes the most sense. Maybe having owners who like baseball makes the most sense.
    3 points
  8. I am OK with the Sox not being a part of it, even if it means missing out on top talent. Exploitation of families and kids isn't worth a few more baseball wins. That article is horrifying what is being done to the families involved here.
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. It definitely would be a good time for a rival league to start. I kind of agree with you. If they can't agree to play now they never will. This is the summer of the virus and given a chance to do something they let their skills go dormant. Pardon my ignorance but have players been getting their full salaries during this corona stoppage? If not why not? They are under contract.
    3 points
  11. I'm not expecting baseball again, ever. I think we all saw our last MLB game last year. It's over.
    3 points
  12. Lets say they sign Cespedes in January. Colas becomes available sometime in that calendar year. He'd have to wait until January 2022 to sign with the Sox. Teams already have the majority of their international space allocated though. There may not be money out there for him in the 2020 period. He'll be like 23 in the 2021 period. The whole thing is so stupid.
    3 points
  13. This is such a horsecrap take. It is 100% the owners fault that rather than choose a guy to grow the game, they chose a guy to keep their costs lowest, but manfreds job is to look out for the best interests of the owners and convince them of their best interest, he’s failing at that. Miserably.
    2 points
  14. By the way, if you found this video moving, and feel inspired by KW's personal experiences to try and make change, here are some resources: 137 charities and organizations you can choose from to donate to. Some ways to find out about protests near you to join. How to find and contact your congressman, your senator, your other senator, your governor, and some of your local politicians. (most of these links are IL-centric but you can find all of this for your own location through google, DM if you need help!) Some information on proposed reform platforms like 8 can't wait, ending qualified immunity, and the defunding and abolishment movements (John Oliver also just did a good segment covering some of these). Sometimes just taking the time to read an article and educate yourself is all it takes to be a good ally that day 🖤
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Wait a few years and offer them a mid rotation over achieving starting pitcher on a decent contract.
    2 points
  17. I do have some concerns with Illinois' strategy, it seems we have done poorer than most: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109011/coronavirus-covid19-death-rates-us-by-state/ Last week 82% of deaths can be traced to LTC facilities; overall 55% are clearly related to LTC facilities but the number may be higher. Illinois has failed to protect our most vulnerable.
    2 points
  18. It's so funny how some just don't want to see what is obvious and don't want to picture owners making large sums of money, but even then, people want it both ways. JR is unique because he owns the Sox and Bulls, and most of the people in the Bulls ownership group, also have a piece of the Sox. Yet, if anyone mentions, well, the Sox could take a hit because the Bulls made a ton of money, it gets shut down because they are 2 separate businesses. Yet, you seem to have no problem with the players having to take a cut to pay Ricketts' loan to rebuild Wrigleyville even though those are separate businesses. Like the writer for the Athletic said, they are capitalists when the money is flowing, but socialists when there is an issue.
    2 points
  19. Massive scout layoffs. Continuing to antagonize/disrespect the best player in the game in trout.
    2 points
  20. Illinois has another best day. 2.5% pos rate, less than 500 new cases. Also a three day stretch of less than 30 deaths. For so long IL was on this horrendously slow decline while other states seemed to solve it. It’s very weird being now one of the few states still seeing falling rates.
    2 points
  21. Not expecting a season and haven't for some time, and I'm having a hard time caring anymore. This could be very bad for the future of the game.
    1 point
  22. Why would the Sox trade a promising young pitcher for a guy they could have drafted but passed on? There’s probably a reason why they didn’t pick him.
    1 point
  23. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott scolds 20-somethings for not wearing masks, taking coronavirus too lightly Local officials report more Texans in their 20s test positive, though state health spokesman says it’s ‘too soon to have hard data.’ https://www.dallasnews.com/news/public-health/2020/06/15/texas-gov-greg-abbott-scolds-20-somethings-for-not-wearing-masks-taking-coronavirus-too-lightly/ Though his administration couldn’t provide statistics, Abbott spoke of a “record pace” of infections among 20-somethings during an appearance on KRGV-TV in McAllen. “What we’re seeing there is that people of that age group, they’re not following these appropriate best health and safety practices,” he said. “They’re not wearing face masks, they’re not sanitizing their hands, they’re not maintaining the safe distancing practices. And as a result, they are contracting COVID-19 at a record pace in the state of Texas.” Abbott spokesman John Wittman said the governor has heard about higher numbers of infections among people between the ages of 20 and 29 from local health departments and county judges around the state.
    1 point
  24. There will be a season but first the owners have a few more dirty tricks up their sleeve to try and make their bad deal less bad. The fans are the ones paying the price.
    1 point
  25. Yeah, you are right. So the plan will ultimately be 50 games plus the entire playoffs and WS? Basically it means you have to tread water the first month with pitchers working about three innings tops, then let your talent shine through the second month and the playoffs? Obviously the team that wins it this year shouldn't have a parade or anything. it's going to be tainted. That's why I just wish they'd funk it up and have wild new rules, etc.
    1 point
  26. Its looking more and more that there will be no 2020 season and there's also a good chance for a strike in 2022. Gosh I hope the Sox can win the World Series in 2021.
    1 point
  27. Considering they did way less than the players did for it and there's way less of them, yes, 40% does seem fairly greedy.
    1 point
  28. I do not wear a mask for exercise and likely would not have had any either. I have them on me in case of an emergency. Depends as you said on how much space you think you can give yourself and if you are walking consistently near the same people.
    1 point
  29. 0% mask usage at Waterfall Glen this weekend. Including, admittedly, my family. We went early and it wasn't too crowded. I was glad we were heading out by 1030 or so though, because the trails were starting to get really busy.
    1 point
  30. You keep pointing to "people won't believe it" but its not really based on beliefs. In the Hollywood accounting examples you can see the games being played to turn things into losses on paper. There's not really any disputing that and the same would go for baseball. Just because its not technically an issue 'legally' in the books doesn't mean its actually losses. Also doesn't factor in any of the sweetheart deals these teams have with cities for their stadiums. For once the owners just have to eat it, sucks for them but that's the situation we're in. If a team randomly stopped drawing fans they'd still have to pay all their contracts out, they couldn't just argue to cancel the season. No difference here, there's some risk in owning a team and it happened this year. Ultimately I just will never feel sorry for a billionaire owner losing the equivalent of a few hundred dollars to me or you its just absurd.
    1 point
  31. I think people in Japan don't have as big of problem wearing a mask as they do here. Some people need to realize they actually look way better with the mask on than off.
    1 point
  32. Interestingly in Japan they have not been a major driver. They believe that because so few people speak on the trains, along with universal mask wearing, much of the effects are diminished. This is also likely why planes have not been much of a place of transmission despite what you would expect - though they have much better filtration than an average bus. Illinois should promote cta being all quiet cars for public health and encourage people not to talk.
    1 point
  33. Huh. Certain owners don't want to play. I'm shocked.
    1 point
  34. Hoping MLB bust Preller and the shady Padres.
    1 point
  35. Yet another pitcher compared to Sale. He's left handed and has a slider. When will the obsession end?
    1 point
  36. No chance. Cease is a significantly better prospect than Howard today and Happ is solid but not someone I would give up Cease for. It could turn out that Cease fails but who knows.
    1 point
  37. Going to be interesting to see what they do about in-person learning at k-12 schools. There simply isn't the physical space to do 6ft distancing with the ever-increasing class sizes.
    1 point
  38. These are dark times for a lot of people and Manfred is determined to extend that to baseball fans. Fuck off dude. Passan is spot on. Time to get off the pot. You've already shit all over the bowl.
    1 point
  39. In a weird way, I really hope this is why we haven't had the successes in Latin America that others have had. Hopefully we have been doing it right, while others are not. Maybe the Wilder lesson kept us out of this mess.
    1 point
  40. latest article by him written this morning with a lot of new great “league sources” disclosures... https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiZGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmVzcG4uY29tL21sYi9zdG9yeS9fL2lkLzI5MzE2NDUzL21sYi1wbGF5ZXJzLXNhaWQtdGVsbC11cy13aGVyZS1yZXR1cm4tdGVsbC1jb21taXNzaW9uZXLSAXFodHRwczovL3d3dy5lc3BuLmNvbS9tbGIvc3RvcnkvXy9pZC8yOTMxNjQ1My9tbGItcGxheWVycy1zYWlkLXRlbGwtdXMtd2hlcmUtcmV0dXJuLXRlbGwtY29tbWlzc2lvbmVyP3BsYXRmb3JtPWFtcA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen
    1 point
  41. So we are over two weeks from the initial protests but still only about 8 days from the biggest protests. But so far so good.
    1 point
  42. Solution: play indoors exhibition in Tulsa after rally this weekend, waivers of responsibility already signed and gathered. The just follow the presidential campaign around the country to other hotspots like Texas, Arizona and Florida. Problem solved. Better yet, MLB Wiffle Ball Tourney. Would probably have to use an automated pitching machine, too many potential elbow issues throwing Wiffle screwballs and sliders...players can start their own rival league.
    1 point
  43. An article in The Athletic put it a lot better than Me, although it was the mist of what I have been trying to say. The owners are capitalists when things are going well and socialists when times are a bit tougher.
    1 point
  44. Trevor Bauer is mercurial and mediocre. I'd rather have a mid 4 ERA starter that wasn't always trying to be the center of attention.
    1 point
  45. Trevor Bauer is awesome and I want him in a Sox uni whenever baseball is to be played again. I'm not expecting baseball until 2023 at this point. 2020-2022 are fucked.
    1 point
  46. Time for everyone to call their reps and tell them to remove MLB's antitrust exemption
    1 point
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