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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2021 in all areas

  1. Hitlers 1st try at overthrowing the German government wasn't 1933, it was 1923. Castros 1st attempt at overthrowing Cuba wasn't 1958, it was 1952. In pretty much any other country on earth when you lead a coup, there would have already been executions. The idea that somehow everything is ok because the people who died weren't the right politicians is absurd. History tells us that someone who is willing to lead a violent uprising once, is perfectly willing to do it again and again. They are perfectly willing to sabotage the people and the government to win power. The absolute minimum that should be happening right now are massive and very public investigations by this government with the intent of jailing anyone found to have participated in any form in this coup attempt. The President should be charged and tried for his crimes against the American government to render him politically neutered at a minimum, jailed at best. This was treason, and not some protest gone wrong. This was an attempt to over throw a dully elected government of the United States of America.
    7 points
  2. It wasn't a single act, it didn't end Wednesday, and it's shameful that you're comparing fighting for civil rights and against war to a fascist insurrection.
    6 points
  3. As some here are proving, I don't think a lot of people fully grasp how close we were to members of Congress being held hostage and possibly executed in the US Capitol building. The sitting POTUS actively encouraged this to happen. Closing your eyes and saying it'll all be fine is exactly how we got here, why would continue doing that lead to it getting better?
    5 points
  4. Boy, love to both-sides a fascist attempt to lynch Congress and the Vice President and overthrow the federal government as a difference of opinion. This is one of the worst takes ever posted on this site. "The Nazis just wanted what they thought was best for Germany, others disagreed!" This didn't start Wednesday. This has been building for years. There were numerous attacks on state capitols last year. There was a plot to murder the Governor of Michigan. Right wing extremist violence has been rising for years. They are planning for more in the coming weeks. This will not be ending, especially if there are not serious consequences for the leaders and enablers of this movement.
    5 points
  5. Chicago 68 was a police riot in the park. No one stormed the convention. The protesters were overwhelmed.
    4 points
  6. Overpaid #3 starter =\= reigning Cy Young Award winner
    4 points
  7. smash conservative conspiracy media or a lot of people are going to be killed and our democracy will die with them. It's not the fringe and hasn't been for a long time. Doing nothing and hoping that some Republicans "do the right thing" isn't going to work. For fucks sake, it hasn't even been a week since the "fringe" President and his enablers in Congress incited a violent mob to lynch the vice president and members of Congress, which came pretty damn close to succeeding. They're already trying to shift the narrative to whine about Twitter bans and anyone daring to "divide the country" by holding the fascists accountable. Edit: you know, I'm not sure that comparing "extreme liberals" who want things like healthcare and doing something to address global warming to violent deranged fascists is a good look right now.
    4 points
  8. Well, yes but I'd still want it to move through an actual justice system. Some like in Japan in the 30s that are worrisome is giving slap on the wrist punishments while still respecting their power. More effective to actually remove their power which is why the social media/shunning is a step, but removing Cruz/Hawley and banning trump from office really would be necessary here.
    3 points
  9. Lol yes we are so hysterical! Fascist conservatives haven’t tried to overthrow the government in like 4 days!
    3 points
  10. Hey, it’s me Orlando popping up from behind a “push” to tell you that you that you can’t spell and you aren’t funny. Take a breather. I’ve never even posted a NotCishek tweet.
    2 points
  11. Not only that, but the number of people who think that this is a political opinion that is just as dangerous as what happened this past week
    2 points
  12. I think the point people are trying to make is that the fascists have set themselves aside by committing treason/sedition, which sets them apart from the acts of violence and terrorism that have been committed by other groups, and that in addition to dealing with the specific crimes committed Wednesday we need to deal with the larger issue that fascists thought it was OK to storm the Capitol in a way that no other group has dared even consider.
    2 points
  13. I agree with you that it shouldn't matter. You have no arguments with me there. I cannot speak for StrangeSox, but I think that this is NOT the time to be both sides-ing things. My problem isn't that you think that the law should be non-discriminatory. It's more about the both sides-ing rhetoric, while not acknowledging that the fascists are the problem right now. You're giving off the vibe that you're at least slightly sympathetic to them right now. I do not think that you are, but that's how you're coming across. I'd say that about anyone bringing up Left-wing stuff right now. The only reason to bring up left wing stuff at this moment is to deflect and minimize the fascist problem in the US. It's whataboutism in its purest form.
    2 points
  14. As far as the punishment for the specific act, no, it doesn't matter why those people broke into the Capitol, but if we're going to deal with the cause and not just the action, then yes, it matters why it happened and that people of other types of extremist views didn't. Otherwise, we're just sitting around hoping it doesn't happen again.
    2 points
  15. No, I want to discuss the violent fascist coup that actually was attempted, the causes of it, and how it isn't going away, and how it isn't comparable to protest movements. You're simply lying now because you dug yourself a hole a mile deep by treating the fascist assault on Congress as simply disagreeing on how best to run the country. I don't want to pretend that it was anything but what it was or that it'll simply go away in a couple of weeks. If we don't understand the ideology that continues to motivate these people, you cannot stop future events. and when you start saying communists were probably in the fascist Trump mob, you're repeating the propaganda the fascists are now putting out. Your string of posts today amount of defending fascism as a legitimate ideology and then spraying squid ink over everything else. It's disgusting.
    2 points
  16. I'm saying communists haven't attempted a violent overthrow of the federal government so maybe shut the fuck up about your dumb whataboutisms comparing civil rights marches to fascist insurrections.
    2 points
  17. It's pretty fucked up how far you're willing to go to treat fascism as just another normal political ideology to be debated and discussed.
    2 points
  18. Im just glad the traitors decided to exercise their freedom and not wear masks, making it much easier to identify them.
    2 points
  19. Indeed. The siccing a mob on the capitol to violently intimidate lawmakers to rule your way is technically not in the constitution. So saying "the system works" doesn't make any sense. And when violence becomes acceptible the rules really start to breakdown. Had the OKC bombing happened and half of a party voted to say "yes we should murder all federal employees" still it would also be concerning even if it didn't pass.
    2 points
  20. Capital is very much not having this shit, yeah. Well the accused ringleader was going to be abducted and returned to Turkey by the then-national security adviser and his son, before that plot was discovered and Flynn was fired! Trump recently pardoned Flynn and has been meeting with him lately, for whatever that's worth. But generally if you do a failed coup they put a bullet in your head, something like that. Functional democracies sure don't just pretend nothing really happened and keep letting you have a seat in government. Not if they want to remain democracies, anyway.
    2 points
  21. One of the reasons to believe that Trump will not succeed is the backlash of the business side since Wednesday. Still far too much support, but some groups that would go along with anything to keep the low tax cut/regulation train going. Military coups often have backing of business groups and heads.
    2 points
  22. Reminder for the "just move on" crowd
    2 points
  23. I'm sorry this didn't qualify as close enough for you. But missing in your attempts to analogize is that this had the support of the acting head of state. It had the head of state recorded threatening a state official to fabricate votes in order to overturn the will of his state on a Sunday. It then three days later had him encouraging and leading a mob of supporters into a government building voting at that moment to end his presidency, where they broke in, killed a police officer, injured countless others, planted two bombs, frantically searched for members of congress while backup force was slow to respond because the man in charge of deploying it wanted it to happen. It was fought back, and then a few hours later more than half of the President's party voted with him in the house to overturn the election results. This all might not seem like that big a deal to you but for most of us a branch of government using mob rule to force what they want is dangerous, because there are actually many real examples of this set-up working at overthrowing democratically elected governments.
    2 points
  24. What happened Wednesday wasn't just a violent mob--it was a violent mob attempting to subvert election results. Find another example of that and then come back.
    2 points
  25. What do conservative politicians do? Go along with the Big Lie about a stolen election the entire time, even after a violent insurrection. What does conservative media so? Amplify the Big Lie 24/7 and then blame Democrats and leftists for their violent fascist assault. Meantime, Anyone who doesn't support immediate removal and arrest for everyone who incited this insurrection should never again be within a mile of power. We need a thorough de-Trumpification of the government top to bottom.
    2 points
  26. Is anyone still pretending that the Republican administration about to leave power that increased the national debt by $6.7 Trillion was fiscally conservative? Unless that means tax cuts for the rich and austerity for everyone else.
    2 points
  27. Ted Cruz wants everyone to move on for healing and unity, yet even after the attack he voted against the PA electors. He is among the biggest assholes in the world. Unity and healing would be to bring all perps to justice from Trump to Rudy to Jr. to Cruz and the rest. If Ted is all about healing, his resignation would be a nice start.
    2 points
  28. I'm making light of the fact that Madrigal is 5'8 180 and most think he is too small but Cespedes is 5'9 205 and no one is questioning his size.
    2 points
  29. I'm sure Bauer hired his agent based on her extraordinary negotiating skills and wealth of experience, doing something.... But regardless, he's the same guy who asked for an arb number that involved 420 and 69 in it, and likely lost his case and some extra money in large part because of it. And he turned around and threw the ball into the stands or towards the stands when getting pulled out of his last Indians appearance in a public hissy fit. For an overpaid #3 starter, I don't really think he's worth that much of a headache. Hoepfully Cease and Kopech develop as desired, because if they do, people will forget about all of this outside help stuff rather quickly.
    2 points
  30. In his first 29 career games last year Madrigal hit .340, and here we have a 6 page thread with people complaining about him. So bizarre.
    2 points
  31. Here's a new member of the GOP notifying her fascist followers of the movements of pelosi in real time as they stormed the building the 2024 nominee is going to be a Trump loyalist if not Trump himself. The base detests people like Flake and Kasich these days.
    1 point
  32. Much more disturbing is The Pillow Guy meeting with Sidney Powell and General Flynn Franco. The President will not be leaving office says Big Mike TPG. Dios Mio.
    1 point
  33. Hang Mike Pence they were chanting. Hours later Trump makes a video tells them they are special and he loves them.
    1 point
  34. I think we're reached a point where Conservative has become a proxy for pro-Trump. There are plenty of conservatives who were never on board with Trump or got off pretty quickly, but they're now labeled as RINOs or moderates. John Kasich is pretty conservative and he never bought into Trump. Jeff Flake is pretty conservative. There are others, but Trump had such control of the party that they weren't able to keep or seek elected office. Those people will be back eventually.
    1 point
  35. Pelosi is playing this perfectly. Pence has to be under a lot of pressure to invoke the 25th because if it goes to impeachment, Republicans are screwed. They vote against it, they are on record that inciting insurrection is OK. They vote to impeach they piss off the Trumpers. At least they won't have to worry about a mean tweet.
    1 point
  36. Of course Bauer would be in favor of getting paid for what he is expected to do in the future instead of what he has done in the past. Don't pitch like a true ace, then get paid like a true ace anyway because you are still young and you still plan on doing so in the future. I'm going to guess that players like Scherzer or Verlander as examples will not be requesting the services of Ms. Luba in the future, at least not any baseball-related ones...
    1 point
  37. Exactly. From the very beginning, Trump has called for and incited violence. The GOP just looked the other way and did so throughout his entire term. The last two months have been a total disgrace. Trump lost a fair and honest election. He should have conceded the election and assisted in the transition and then concentrated on dealing with the pandemic. Instead Covid deaths kept raising, the vaccine wasn't being distributed, and the Capitol was attacked. What do Trump supporters do? Whine about Twitter.
    1 point
  38. There's video on reddit of the trumpist fasc mob dragging Sicknick out of the Capitol and beating him to death. You don't sit around hoping that enough Republicans eventually do the right thing when a majority of the House GOP delegation backed this coup and a significant number of senators did as well, not to mention at the state and various GOP org levels. They have already had their chances to step up, and they have failed. Everyone who signed on to this needs to be removed from power, and many should be in prison. Trump called for "second amendment solutions" more than four years ago. Almost the entire GOP has stood behind and enabled him in the years since.
    1 point
  39. I guess Peter and Jerry Reinsdorf never spent much time together. Btw, when fans return to the stadium, parking will be +20%...
    1 point
  40. There's a longer video of this officer being chased up several flights of stairs alone by the mob. Right before this still frame, he is blocking that open door and pushes the lead fascist back a bit. He then runs past and lures him to keep following up the stairs. If not for that, if the fascist understands where he is and keeps going directly to the Senate chamber... I imagine this officer is going to get some commendations for his actions. Edit: hero AOC making the point as well. You can't just do nothing and hope this fixes itself.
    1 point
  41. MLB 2020-21 off season catch all
    1 point
  42. I'd be fine with Kluber or Paxton. Just find out which one has the most gas left in the tank.
    1 point
  43. This thread made me want to actually read up on Luba. Here's a profile from the SF Chronicle Bullet points Attended UCLA on gymnastics scholarship. Attended the same classes as Bauer, they became friends. She took meticulous notes that she didn't let him use. She met with his agent (Bauer set it up) - agent said she wouldn't be welcome in the industry due to her gender. Agent gave her advice to try and break in; she graduates early, goes to law school, competes at Tulane's Baseball Arbitration Competition Interned with Beverly Hills Sports Council, who then recommended her to the MLBPA as a lawyer. She sat in on 22 arbitration cases in 2018. The Bauer passage:
    1 point
  44. This is the nerd saying he didn't want to date the prom queen because she wears too much make up, knowing damn well she has no idea who he even is.
    1 point
  45. They wouldn't have a chance anyway. This is not to be blamed on injuries.
    1 point
  46. Maybe players should start demanding less money to play a children's game? Everything in life is supply and demand. Owners do not have an obligation to lose money in order to meet a player's demands. If there is nobody willing to buy your services, you're asking for too much.
    1 point
  47. Hence the capitalism structure. the US has always had. They've always been run like that. Nothing is new except the regulations they keep changing
    1 point
  48. Well a no doubter now. Tim Anderson is the best ss in the American league central.
    1 point
  49. I agree about the floor/ceiling. But that is not the point. You're being extremely hyperbolic and holding a guy who has only played about a quarter of a season to ridiculously unrealistic standards that apparently you didn't apply to anyone else you are using as an example, as if Tim Anderson came right out of the gate playing great baseball. It doesn't matter if his ceiling is lower, he is still a human being and is allowed to make mistakes and be nervous/jittery and take time to grow like EVERYONE ELSE you yourself used as an example, and you have given him virtually no time at all. How many seasons did we "waste" on Moncada? "High floor" doesn't mean he's not allowed growing pains for a year or 2 like virtually every other rookie has. FFS.
    1 point
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