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[RUMORS] Possible clubhouse drama information leaked?


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This is from Reddit, take it with a grain of salt

Rumblings in the Front Office, from an internal source

Alright, now that the season is basically over, it's time to uphold what I said back about a month ago [here]


This was the game Adam dropped the ball and then we would get walked off by the Orioles. I've still fought a little bit on whether I should post this or PM the people who are interested directly, but basically I don't really care anymore if you do or don't believe me.

 Again, I truly don't care if you believe this stuff or not, there's honestly some stuff in here that I heard that I'm not sure I'm personally 100% on either, but I'm forwarding the information. These are in no order at all. I'm also terrible at formatting reddit, so it might look like crap

* 1 - Oscar Colas "blocked" any signing for a RFer in the previous offseason, club thought he would be ready in 2023 and didn't want to pay anyone.

* 2 - TLR answered to nobody but Jerry, everytime there was an issue he went straight to Jerry and Jerry either told a player to shut up or they would be traded, or threatened
a firing on a staff member

* 3 - The Kimbrel trade was entirely Kenny Williams

* 4 - Rick Hahn has wanted to quit for some time and will possibly resign in the off-season. He is extremely upset that he cannot run the team the way he wants and cannot spend
the way he wants. He was against the Kimbrel trade and was apparently overrode somehow by Kenny when he's the GM

* 5 - They offered Bryce Harper 150m for 11 years straight up with roughly 80m in incentives. Harper was also interested in playing here, not as much as Machado (Next point).

* 6 - The real offer to Machado was 8 years for 190m with roughly 150m in incentives/playing bonuses. The worst part was that Machado WANTED to play here. The "hold-up" with
Machado was him trying to negotiate with the Sox to sign here. The Padres had their offer on the table for longer and he didn't sign it to see if it would work out here.

* 7 - Rick Hahn apparently actually does unironically spend hours a day reading fan emails/mail. Seems like a waste of time when he should be working on the team, but whatever

* 8 - Contrary to #1, the team REALLY wants to sign Conforto.

* 9 - The "Clique" leak was actually apparently from Dallas, the shocking part is that apparently what he said was true. The most offensive is the Cuban players constantly backing each 
other and constantly s%*# talking others that don't perform (Dalls is apparently the one that got it the hardest, makes sense with his comments)

* 10 - TA's baby momma situation was paid off under the rug apparently

* 11 - They're going to offer Jose 1 year for 15-20m

* 12 - The Sox offer for Ohtani was Cease, Kopech, Eloy, Vaughn. The angels asked for all that plus Colas, Montgomery and Raudy Read. The Sox said no.

* 13 - The Sox view nobody, including Cease, as untouchable

* 14 - Rumblings in the front office about signing Brandon Nimmo

* 15 - Jerry has no interest in hiring Espada

* 16 - The team isn't going to change all that much/a lot this offseason. They dont view many holes being fixable besides right field

* 17 - Rodon was not offered a QO by the front office because they "wanted to do him right." Hahn was not happy about it

* 18 - Menechino is apparently the only coach that is potentially going to be removed/fired. They looked at Mcewing and Boston and probably aren't replacing them, they're 
considering bringing up the AAA hitting coach

* 19 - The training staff is apparently going to be entirely canned, again. This time everyone means everyone

* 20 - Jerry has reached out to Herm to try to get him to unretire

* 21 - They have been talking with Benetti since after the ASB to try to get him to continue to cast Sox games


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Some of this I can buy, but some is clearly BS.

They supposedly don't want to sign a RF, buy then mentions Conforto and Nimmo. The alleged offer for Ohtani is ridiculous.  Wouldn't a manager have a say in the coaching staff? If RH was going to quit, it would be done. Herm isn't coming back. And it isnt the trainer that is causing the hammys. The other stuff? It's plausible. 

Edited by Dick Allen
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Regardless of which one of these rumors are true and and which ones are BS doesn't matter! The disgusting bottom line is, the Sox are still owned and run by the worst pathetic owner in baseball. Sadly nothing is going to change until JR passes away and the team is sold, or he let's his son Michael run it and completely stays out of any decisions and involvement whatsoever.

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Maybe I’m crazy, but I believe most of it. The Hahn, TLR, KW dynamic makes no sense. They simply can’t have 3 guys making personnel decisions. 

The Ohtani offer seems ridiculous. On potential of the Sox players mentioned  alone, making that deal prior to this season would have been dumb. A team with limited resources can’t give away 7 young, cost-controlled players for one.

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10 minutes ago, Middle Buffalo said:

Maybe I’m crazy, but I believe most of it. The Hahn, TLR, KW dynamic makes no sense. They simply can’t have 3 guys making personnel decisions. 

The Ohtani offer seems ridiculous. On potential of the Sox players mentioned  alone, making that deal prior to this season would have been dumb. A team with limited resources can’t give away 7 young, cost-controlled players for one.

I am not even sure it id trade three seasons of Cease for Ohtani. Cease is probably the better pitcher right now and you get him for 3 years as opposed to 1 year of Ohtani at $30M. The proposed offer would have been accepted so fast by LAAAAA.  

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* 1 - Oscar Colas "blocked" any signing for a RFer in the previous offseason, club thought he would be ready in 2023 and didn't want to pay anyone.

* 8 - Contrary to #1, the team REALLY wants to sign Conforto.

Don't believe that Colas had anything to do with pursuit of outfielders. Totally believe that they wanted Conforto.



* 2 - TLR answered to nobody but Jerry, everytime there was an issue he went straight to Jerry and Jerry either told a player to shut up or they would be traded, or threatened
a firing on a staff member

* 3 - The Kimbrel trade was entirely Kenny Williams

Both extremely believable



* 4 - Rick Hahn has wanted to quit for some time and will possibly resign in the off-season. He is extremely upset that he cannot run the team the way he wants and cannot spend the way he wants. He was against the Kimbrel trade and was apparently overrode somehow by Kenny when he's the GM

Believe that he's upset he can't run the team the way he wants but don't believe he's considering resigning.



* 11 - They're going to offer Jose 1 year for 15-20m

Not a chance


* 12 - The Sox offer for Ohtani was Cease, Kopech, Eloy, Vaughn. The angels asked for all that plus Colas, Montgomery and Raudy Read. The Sox said no.

Probably the least believable item




* 13 - The Sox view nobody, including Cease, as untouchable

* 14 - Rumblings in the front office about signing Brandon Nimmo

* 15 - Jerry has no interest in hiring Espada

* 16 - The team isn't going to change all that much/a lot this offseason. They dont view many holes being fixable besides right field

* 17 - Rodon was not offered a QO by the front office because they "wanted to do him right." Hahn was not happy about it


All fairly believable



* 18 - Menechino is apparently the only coach that is potentially going to be removed/fired. They looked at Mcewing and Boston and probably aren't replacing them, they're 
considering bringing up the AAA hitting coach

* 19 - The training staff is apparently going to be entirely canned, again. This time everyone means everyone

* 20 - Jerry has reached out to Herm to try to get him to unretire


Not sure I buy any of this


* 21 - They have been talking with Benetti since after the ASB to try to get him to continue to cast Sox games

I don't see any scenario where it takes that long to get a deal done with Benetti.

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Haven't read the original story but I can tell you from people I've been speaking with for an upcoming story that there does appear to be a lot of counter productive things going on involving the Sox front office, the broadcasters et al. It really isn't a good situation in what is a very important off season.

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3 hours ago, joejoesox said:

This is so fake it hurt. Although I do believe 

"Rick Hahn apparently actually does unironically spend hours a day reading fan emails/mail."


Rick Hahn perpetually being online to do PR work for himself definitely checks out.

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4 hours ago, joejoesox said:



* 1 - Oscar Colas "blocked" any signing for a RFer in the previous offseason, club thought he would be ready in 2023 and didn't want to pay anyone.


If club  didn’t  want to pay anyone else because Colas would be ready by 2023, there would be no reason for Colas to do any “blocking”

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2 hours ago, Buehrle>Wood said:

This is so fake it hurt. Although I do believe 

"Rick Hahn apparently actually does unironically spend hours a day reading fan emails/mail."


Rick Hahn perpetually being online to do PR work for himself definitely checks out.

Rick probably has a burner account here and on Twitter.  That “RH” Twitter account recently posted some real suspect stuff that was way too pro Rick for anyone not related to the Hahn family.

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4 minutes ago, Big Hurtin said:

Regarding Benetti, this does sound like it could be a farewell tweet. (still has Sox in his bio, though)


Why would Bennetti leave if Sox allow him to continue to double dip? It’s not like any other sports he calls are daily during the summer. 

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