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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2021 in all areas

  1. I didn't "praise" the hiring...I was actually for the idea of promoting Jirschele. And fine...JR said that a year ago. I just think management now realizes that they may have stumbled upon something amazing and you don't want to hand the keys to the new Ferrari over to the kid. TLR is almost certainly going to be better than Ricky and could be a nice transitional figure before you hand over the keys to some hot shot young guy they have been grooming...either on the MLB staff or one of the minor league guys like Jirschele. He could also be an inspirational leader that gets more out of his players than they knew they had like he did on so many other teams. Or he could be sitting drunk and napping in the dugout every day which is your position. Doesn't matter...the argument made was that the hiring of TLR was "moronic"...my counter argument is that there are unique people in this world and that special skill they have doesn't necessarily disappear with age. Go ask Nick Saban. If the White Sox go 102-60 this year and win the world series I suspect your first post will be "White Sox win in spite of old drunk manager". Whatever. We are stuck with TLR and I for one and I think dozens of others on here don't want to hear your daily sniping in every topic "sure Robert looks good but the manager is old and drunk". It's boring.
    4 points
  2. A million people a year get arrested for drunk driving...you are clearly drunk while posting right now...doesnt make you an alcoholic, an idiot or a monster...just a guy making a bad choice in the moment. TLR has an amazing record as a manager. Maybe he's forgotten everything he knows...but its not "moronic" to hire him. As for your rantings on the pitchers? Sober up and we can talk.
    3 points
  3. Ya, I have some issues with other parts of the team but imo we have the best bullpen in baseball. Just ridiculous.
    3 points
  4. Should be the best in baseball with interesting arms in AAA waiting in the wings.
    3 points
  5. Except you’re the only one that seems to always take exception when someone takes a shot at you. And instead of addressing the multiple complaints people have against you, you always lean on your crutch of “Well at least I’m staying on topic!” You always accuse people of deflecting....wonder why that is? ?
    2 points
  6. I hope Lopez becomes the clear favorite. I think they only way we get a productive season out of Rodon is out of the pen. Get a solid 50 pen innings and I'll be thrilled with his season.
    2 points
  7. I’m still kinda worried about who is going to be the 4th starter.
    2 points
  8. I think Rodon wins it, but both will be the 5th starter this year. Also think Rodon has a better chance to not be on the team come season's end.
    2 points
  9. TLR is RIGHT NOW a HOF-caliber manager in the same way that Dick Butkus is RIGHT NOW a HOF-caliber MLB. Its merely more deleterious that a wealthy and famous "man" couldnt even have the ability to use his flip-phone to call a cab. Oh, and that instead of taking responsibility for his actions like a MAN, he pulled the "Im a HOF baseball person" bit. Honestly, TLR's kinda a whiny old b****.
    2 points
  10. How did you feel about Friday's game or today's?
    1 point
  11. I think it’s technically called a “murder” of Cespedeese But I will stick with “cespedeses,” perhaps with the emphasis on “ped”
    1 point
  12. Our offense has been lifeless. Sure glad Madrigal starts playing tomorrow. Need some small ball energy to spark the team.
    1 point
  13. Yes but I think the bridge might be to Adolfo. I have this sneaking feeling that he’s ready right now and may even make the team as a reserve. ASB at the latest. Break-out candidate #1 in all of baseball for me. Burger too
    1 point
  14. Then can we please change the title to “Cespedeses” (which is somehow even more satisfying to say)? Cespedeses.
    1 point
  15. I love pointing to Guillén, Karkovice, Ventura & Lance Johnson as evidence 1994 was maybe the most talented team ever. Cool. Now replace their offensive numbers with Anderson, Grandal, Moncada and Robert ?? People still have no idea what they are about to see. Flush those 20’s and 2000’s Yankees down the toilet. It’s over. This will be the greatest collection of baseball talent the game has ever seen. Our worst players, Eaton & Madrigal, will probably put up a .360 OBP with their eyes closed. I’m actually hoping Adolfo gets the call at the ASB to replace Eaton and puts up a quick .950 OPS
    1 point
  16. I think the most likely scenario is that Rodon has the job out of spring training, gets hurt, Lopez carries it for a while, then Kopech takes it.
    1 point
  17. 1.1 WAR in 480 career games. He's an atrocious career hitter vs RHP and doesn't play very good infield defense, in my opinion. I would have liked to see the Sox sign an upgrade over him (Profar) to give themselves insurance in-case Leury & Mendick aren't suitable depth.
    1 point
  18. Leury is so bad batting lefty that he's essentially a RH hitter, but he is capable at 7 positions so you absolutely need a guy like him on the roster. At the same time, you need to have some depth in the minors so that he doesn't have to become an every day player when a starter goes down.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Ah...so you ARE RagahRagah...that explains a lot.
    1 point
  21. We’re screwed either way.
    1 point
  22. I don’t think they gave Lopez 2.1 million to pitch at AAA
    1 point
  23. AAA is delayed a month so that could factor in.
    1 point
  24. He is invaluable on a contender. He's the only reason they can carry other guys on the roster that aren't as flexible. He can play 7 positions in theory, passably, and is I'd assume the primary backup at 3B, SS, 2B and CF depending on how the roster shakes out. @Chicago White Sox that would be a fair critique if he was a regular, but as a backup I can't b**** about his bat at all. Most teams would kill to have a guy that can carry a 90 OPS+ overall and play 7 positions as a backup passably.
    1 point
  25. That’s definitely fair. I don’t disagree.
    1 point
  26. My beef with Leury is he isn’t very good against RHP, which takes away some value despite the flexibility he offers. And honestly, with Engel the better defensive OF and equally good against LHP, he’s a bit redundant in some ways. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a nice bench player, but I’d probably rather have a left-handed IF given the rest of our roster construction.
    1 point
  27. I feel like Leury is under appreciated around here. Solid bench piece who is basically the same as a lot of guys who people here wanted to sign.
    1 point
  28. Most underrated/overlooked aspect of this team, will likely be the best in the game
    1 point
  29. With your logic??? Please don't make up my arguments and then say they are stupid. Comparing football coaches records to baseball coaches records is nonsensical ...30 NFL coaches with ten years experience have won more than 60% of their games...there are TWO MLB managers that have done the same...one died 70 years ago and the other is Charles Comisky. Warren Buffet is 87 and he can handle my money any day. Spielberg is 74 and he can direct my movie. I absolutely would have taken a class on Physics at Princeton when the 75 year old Albert Einstein was teaching it. 70 year old Nick Saban can coach my football team. TLR never left baseball just left the managing...I'm not sure what skill set you think he has lost because he's gotten older. Coaching young men when you are 50 or 60 or 70 is the same thing...you cannot "relate" to their world...but you can lead them. Neither I nor you KNOW what it is that makes a coach/manager "special"...but I'm telling you if Vince Lombardi arose from the dead and wanted to coach the Bears I'd take his 108 year old bones over Matt Nagy. So taking a chance on TLR is not moronic.
    1 point
  30. You’ve undoubtedly had some awful posts on this site. I mean, some real memorable pieces of shit....but this one belongs in some sort of “Hall of Garbage” It’s has to be so exhausting going through life that angry, that angry, that hostile.....and you’re doing it over something that is a CHOICE OF ENTERTAINMENT. It’s not like we’re talking about the choices of our government or religion.....the pure venom spewed by you post after post and post.....making the effort to not only feel that way over something you’re supposed to enjoy, but to come to a message board to make sure everyone else knows you how feel...it’s quite something.
    1 point
  31. Lot of CEOs, US Presidents, US speakers of the House, film directors, money managers, doctors, lawyers, football coaches, etc in their 70s still doing their jobs effectively. If you can't understand the difference between how age effects a middle linebacker and an organizational leader...well have another drink.
    1 point
  32. So we are clear...you and many like you wanted the rebuild...think it was idiotic to let RH do the rebuild...think all of his moves are terrible...but still...excited for the season as the rebuild has gone so well. More drinks for everyone!
    1 point
  33. I was OK with the rebuild. I just never thought that the imbeciles who traded for James Shields and got this team "mired in mediocrity" should have been given the opportunity to oversee the rebuild. I don't think I'm alone in thinking this way; their choices in this and last offseason are proving why we were reluctant to trust those morons. That said, one can think this way, AND still enjoy the season.
    1 point
  34. So last years fail at the end of the year and playoffs was idiot manager and no third starter for playoffs...So management fires the idiot manager and replaces him with hall of fame manager and trades the failed third starter and gets back a top ten pitcher...and both were moronic moves?? I think at this point there was no move except RHs head on a pike that was going to appease you.
    1 point
  35. Gotta love the insufferable crowd taking this thread over with their doom and gloom. Confident the ownership will blow the competitive window, hoping for injuries to players. What the hell is wrong with some of you?
    1 point
  36. You’re missing the point here. I’m not arguing that Boozer was a good free agent signing or that GarPax did well in free agency in general, but rather that Boozer isn’t proof of a Reinsdorf run organization going cheap. They wanted to sign two of the big three that offseason and whiffed, which resulted in them pivoting to a still very expensive Boozer.
    1 point
  37. Claiming Boozer or any other free agent signing over the past two decades was a "top" free agent signing doesn't understand how the NBA works. Between the toxic owner and front office, nobody with better options was signing with the Bulls. Period. As bad as GarPax sucked (466-437 .516), they still managed a better record than White Sox Tony La Russa (522-510 .506) White Sox GarPax (Hahn/Williams 526-667.440) This is the toxic history that Michael is attempting to rectify with the Bulls after years of effort and finally being able to clean house. Someone, be it Reinsdorf kids or an external owner will need to undertake with the White Sox once Jerry departs from his role or Earth. I'm hoping for new blood, but anyone is better than the current option.
    1 point
  38. Boozer was 100% a free agent signing and if you are arguing otherwise you simply don’t understand how the NBA works.
    1 point
  39. I am also optimistic that we may have the best manager for dealing with it and making it the most productive experience for the guys we still hope to be starters. Thats a pro TLR take from me.
    1 point
  40. Yeah, me too. We've reached the "wishing for injuries" portion of the official "positivity" thread, I see.
    1 point
  41. only thing more depressing than talking about the white sox of the last decade is talking about the bulls
    1 point
  42. They're obviously busting his balls, but I highly doubt Madrigal having a ton of confidence in himself rubs vets the wrong way. He's not showing anyone up with that comment and they all have a ton of confidence (hell, Eloy just said he thinks he's going to win MVP soon). Madrigal rubs you the wrong way, that's all.
    1 point
  43. LOL. I guarantee if they didn't like him they wouldn't have made those shirts. Dude's are having fun with it, you're 100 percent taking this the wrong way.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Ah man all the soxtalk accountants are going to fall over eachother to start talking about some weird tax laws. Have at it you guys, it is your christmas.
    1 point
  47. Remember when everyone was saying JR's heirs wanted no part of the team when he was no longer around, and I told you it was the exact opposite? I had a really good source.
    1 point
  48. I wouldn’t expect younger, high-risk, high-ceiling guys to make the list. With AAA starting in April and everyone else starting in May, you really have to limit who’s hanging around the complex. Note that the younger guys who got an invite are mostly big bonus guys. Hence Cespedes and not Bailey. Also, Cespedes and Sanchez are both older. Sucks, cuz I’d like to see them, but it makes sense.
    1 point
  49. I think it would have been if things had stayed normal. I think MLB will want it more, but I think there has never been a worse time to ask a City to put up a package to attract a bid than there is now, and those conditions will linger at the state and local levels for years on. Unless you get someone who is willing to fund a bid from the ground up (stadium, team, etc) it will be a bit now.
    1 point
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