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  1. Calling it right now, he goes on the IL and comes back and immediately goes on a tear. Book it. Dude signed a huge contract, realized his dream and lost his Grandma in a short period of time. He will be back stronger than ever before.
    5 points
  2. What’s the rush? The clock is ticking on Eloy, Moncada, and Anderson and the young pitchers. The sooner Robert, Cease, and Madrigal could learn from playing at the highest level the better. It is the same reason Padres promote Tatis at ripe age of 20. Do you really think Moncada would have made a drastic change to his approach if he didn’t fall flat on his face last year? Prospect development isn’t linear and prospects aren’t called up without flaws, get it through your head. (If I do come across as condescending it’s because I think your Robert K posts are becoming troll posts at this point.)
    4 points
  3. There are so many trolls her now it's unreal. Why this post gets idiots laughing at it is ridiculous. A guy loses a family member and they think it's funny. Insensitive louts. I hope if in the near future if you lose someone dear to you that no one laughs about it. Orlando I gave you some love because the idiots cannot win. As a matter of fact . I am calling to arms for all to call out the trolls every chance you get within the boundaries of the rules of the board.
    4 points
  4. Last I checked, he was the 3rd worst defensive player in baseball. He looks like he’s never tracked a fly ball in his life. Worst of all, he looks like an injury waiting to happen.
    4 points
  5. No. Lopez’s stuff was good enough to strike out anyone from any team. Let’s not diminish his accomplishment.
    3 points
  6. No, it's an easy question and the answer to it is no. If all you care about is one stat, and being below average in that one stat does not necessarily prevent one from being a productive player, then maybe you should rethink your method of analysis. You're telling me you wouldn't want Joey Gallo on your team because of his k-rate, despite his status as one of the best hitters in the sport since 2017?
    3 points
  7. Stop b****ing about the lack of game threads and just make one. Damn
    3 points
  8. The annual IL trip for Jones. Time to cut bait with him and move on.
    3 points
  9. Anyone calling Eloy a bust is trolling but suggesting he be moved to 1B or DH is not. Have you been watching the games? Have you seen Eloy in LF? Has he looked good to you there? He has gotten hurt twice already and botched numerous plays. He wasn’t known to be a good defender in the minors and his major league appearances are proving it out. People who want to move him to 1B or DH want to do so to minimize injury to Eloy and keep his bat in the lineup. This is not trolling whatsoever. This is doing what is best for the team going forward.
    2 points
  10. Why do the OBP/K rate posts never take into account that Robert doesn't need to try and draw walks in WS? He is destroying the fucking baseball. He is way too advanced for the pitching he is seeing.
    2 points
  11. Can we quit with the trade/flip Abreu stuff? We had one all-star last year: Abreu. In the preseason, MLB.com listed the 100 best players in the Majors; Abreu was the only White Sox player on the list. Can we stop with dumping, arguably, our best player for some prospect we won't see for three years or so. Hopefully, the window to winning starts next year or 2021. Really, we're gonna roll the dice on Collins and dump Abreu?
    2 points
  12. Vlady is someone who has naturally advanced swings so comparing anyone to him is fruitless exercise because you could spend your entire career playing and not be able to hit like him. But look at Acuna, he was k’ing at 31% at A ball before they promoted him to AA where his k rate improved to 23%. Tatis Jr spent 12 games at A- where he k’d 27% at before promoting to A+ and his k% is consistent at every stop. There are many other examples I’m not going to pull up. Prospect development isn’t linear, but holding the prospect at a level for as long as possible HOPING his k rate would improve is just an asinine approach.
    2 points
  13. Only 3 of the near 70 fastballs that Lopez threw being put in play is really amazing
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. No offense, but this is just ridiculous. There is zero reason for him to spend his entire 2018 season in Winston Salem. If you took out his last two games which were clearly impacted by his return from injury, his K rate would be ~18% which is insane for a guy putting up a .400+ ISO.
    2 points
  16. Many scouts thought he was MLB ready when we signed him in 2017 and you want him to stay in the minors until late 2021? Who cares about k-rate when the guy hits lasers every time he makes contact? What does he have to gain from that?
    2 points
  17. Keep making game threads and keep making negative posts about players that do not deserve it. Key to our success.
    2 points
  18. I’m with you, time to call out these trolls for what they are.
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Time to rack up some hits Sox . Don't wait til the BP gives up some runs to come alive.
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. He's just attacking them in the zone and they have nothing for it
    2 points
  23. I have no idea what's happened to the board over the last year, but it's borderline unreadable these days. Too many Tom Longo's.
    2 points
  24. I have been surprised by the harsh critique of Eloy's defense. Before 1973 when the DH came into being, the left fielder on every team was the worst defensive player. Many of those players made every catch an adventure. I was expecting Eloy to be one of those guys. I've been pleasantly surprised that he was as good a he's been. He's not going to make newsreel plays, but for the most part he has played adequately. We want every player to play All Star defense but just about all teams who prioritize offense will bury those hitters at DH, 1st. base & LF.
    2 points
  25. It was Tim's fault not Abreu's and here are 3 reasons why. You have to know the situation 1st, Tim on 1st , Moncada on 3rd 1 out. Reason 1: If the ball is caught and you attempt to tag up you risk a double play if you get tagged out at 2nd before the runner on 3rd touches home plate. Then you get no runs at all. Considering the runner on 3rd will usually just jog home on a long fly ball that is caught. I have seen this happen before. Reason 2: If you go back to first to tag up and the ball is not caught but stays in the park you more than likely won't make it to 3rd base because you are starting from 1st base instead of being at least halfway to 2nd. If the fielder recovers the ball quickly you more than likely only make it to 2nd base . If you go halfway you likely make it to third base. If the ball bounces away from the fielder you might make it to 3rd base when you could've scored if you go at least halfway. Reason 3: We saw reason 3. You run the risk of being passed by the runner and that also happens more than we think. I gave 2 examples from 2016 and 2018 and a link to more. Lip also provided a few more examples. So you see in that particular situation Tim needs to go at least halfway to 2nd base and all those reason are avoided. Learn baseball and think.
    2 points
  26. change your name otherwise every post I read from you will be tinged with piss and shit.
    1 point
  27. 7 game hitting streak for Bush now.
    1 point
  28. The 1st base coach is not blame free IMO.
    1 point
  29. Prospect development isn’t about giving everybody a full year at each level (every prospect as a different timeline). When a player who’s naturally talented proved he’s twice as good as others around him, you aren’t rushing him. Also promoting Robert has no direct impact to our scouting, drafting and developing of other players. But I’m sure other young prospects like Vladdy, Acuna, Tatis, Soto (the list goes on and on) were ruined because they didn’t spend a full season at each minor league level.
    1 point
  30. By reading this thread you‘d think the Sox are trailing by 7 runs and Lopez throws in the mid 80s. Never change guys. 🤣
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Not sure this is true. In his minor league career, by season, he has stolen 41, 23, 26. Quite a few CS last season (17), but highly successful before that. So far this year his is 8/10. And for the most part, he has hit and had a good OBP at each stop. And hitting anything in the Birmingham black hole is nothing to sneeze at, haha.
    1 point
  33. His issue is he's so bad out there he's injuring himself. That is no bueno. JD Martinez is a DH primarily and he's more competent in LF than Eloy is.
    1 point
  34. Gonna be about a month or so. When he returns, just stick him at DH and go from there.
    1 point
  35. Lol bro you are the one who made the most negative posts.. about him - saying "he has sucked so far" among other things. For one thing I don't agree as I've seen some signs of being able to him at the MLB level... though his defense has been poor. Just the statement "sucked so far" in and of itself screams ignorance. It's way too early to know anything or make a series of negative posts about what a player "really is." Even as bad has his defense has been it's too early to give up on that part as well.
    1 point
  36. I, as much as anyone, love to pile on the Sox for being "dumb". As of late, though, they have generally been taking players that the scouting community as a whole agree on with their pick. Witt is as hyped up as Adley and Vaughn, and if he falls to three I think the Sox will take him. Remember, Rick Hahn's goal is "sustained success" and for that to happen you need waves of prospects. Witt would be an excellent pick for that reason. Honestly, I'd be super happy with any of the top three. It sounds like Vaughn could have MVP ceiling in that bat. I know many would prefer Witt or Adley, but Vaughn could be a real damn good consolation prize.
    1 point
  37. The 2nd part is key. He's so bad out there he's already gotten himself injured twice in 4 weeks, both attempting to rob a fly ball that was a no doubt HR.
    1 point
  38. I believe there used to be a rule when you hit a HR with runner or runners on base that won the game only the winning run counted and you lost the HR. They changed that rule though I don't know what year . When Barry Bonds was chasing the all time HR record. I think MLB restored about 50 Hank Aaron HR's that were wiped out by rules like that. Robin Ventura in the 1999 NLCS with the Mets hit a walk off grand slam in a 3-3 game but was only credited with a game winning single when his team mates mobbed him before he could reach 2nd base and he never completed the HR trot around the bases. Instead of the final score being 7-3 it became 4-3.
    1 point
  39. That's a funny nickname when you think about it. Is Eloy a decent outfielder at least on everything but balls hit over his head? Sometimes outfielders simply have trouble on those kind of blasts. Eloy is gonna be a star but like some say, his DH days will be here soon if he keeps risking his health on defense. I still say that's a minor ankle sprain I saw last night. Better be. If he's hurt an ankle or knee badly that will suck.
    1 point
  40. And the billion dollar man can't do it all by himself. The Angels are no better with Trout, than the Sox are without him If Reinsdorf was going to commit $600 million to improve the White Sox, I'm building a TEAM of difference makers. I'd rather have Baez than either Machado or Harper.
    1 point
  41. We should have. Becoming more and more clear with each passing game. -0.7 War lol.
    1 point
  42. Santana pitched against the 2005 Sox in the playoffs when he was with the Angels. I’m surprised he didn’t have anything left in the tank. You can’t blame Rick for this one... 😂
    1 point
  43. There used to be a limit where if you won 5 games in a row you retired and only could come back in the Tournament of Champions. Once they got rid of that limit, you had guys like Jennings appear who became legit famous for winning weeks to months in a row.
    1 point
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