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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2020 in all areas

  1. Take those bad vibes back to where you got them from
    7 points
  2. Nicky Delmonico LF/1B Currently making his case for the 26th spot. He has battled adversity and is still standing. Sox may want a lefty on the bench. Biggest competition? Aj Reed. Best
    4 points
  3. Anyone putting Bassitt in the rotation over Reylo is crazy, imo. Bassitt is 31 years old and he had one decent season with a 4.4 FIP and 2.1 fWAR. That was in Oakland as well - one of the easiest parks to pitch in baseball. Gio has been better pretty much every year - last year on a rate basis he was also better. Lopez is young and already has a higher career fWAR than Bassitt and he has untapped potential. It would be bad for a team to give his innings to Bassitt who has a very limited ceiling and no further development likely.
    3 points
  4. I'm guessing he asked for leave and it was granted. I think the heel injury might have been the death knell for him. Probably just said "fuck it" after that and hey it's his decision. He could grind for 10 years making 30K a year at most and wakeup and be 35 and spent some of his best years doing what? I don't begrudge jake anything as a person. As a fan sure it's hard to swallow a top pick doing jack squat but as a person Jake is free to pursue his happiness without my judgement.
    3 points
  5. Since this is the job thread, I would like to say that I hope the part time gig turns full time and is a long term good fit for Jack. However, Jack, I really think you are gonna lose alot of people when you start in with that "check your privilege" bs imho.
    3 points
  6. There ya go Nick! Rips a single up the middle on 0-2 for the RBI.
    2 points
  7. Without question... Given Lopez’ seemingly fragile psyche, Grandal possesses the optimal combination of; catching experience, game calling confidence, relentless opposition research/intelligence and pitch framing expertise, needed to successfully navigate Lopez through his pitching starts.
    2 points
  8. Pitched on the Sox in parts of 4 seasons lol
    2 points
  9. Plus, Moncada isn't having a great spring which obviously is scaring the team and Jack!
    2 points
  10. When both Gios start the year on the IL and Kopech isn't allowed to make the team out of spring training Bassitt would look pretty nice.
    2 points
  11. I'd take a guy coming off 144IP and a 4.4 FIP over Reylo and Gio, easy.
    2 points
  12. Annoying because he actually has past success with the Sox.
    2 points
  13. There's always those movie star good looks that Renteria used to talk about to fall back on, in case this baseball thing doesn't work out long term for Nicky.
    2 points
  14. That's awesome. I've always heard great things about Dallas. My wife and I spent 7 years in Tulsa (where Dallas is from) and people there speak very highly of him. He should be a great teammate in the clubhouse.
    2 points
  15. I hope he makes the team, that would be a nice comeback story.
    2 points
  16. Bruce can tweet about literally the smallest thing and still make himself look stupid. Impressive stuff.
    2 points
  17. I thought the same thing. It's confusing to type with italics if it's not quoting something.
    2 points
  18. The concern from me really is the lack of comment on him in the organization and the silence he’s been having himself. Both aren’t good indicators of hope.
    2 points
  19. Our guy Jasper Roos ponders the possibility of Jacob Lindgren and Bennett Sousa representing big-league bullpen arms for the White Sox. Explore his reasoning HERE.
    1 point
  20. How do you add someone to your ignore list? Asking for a friend.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. I enjoy M-P-A for his thoughts and insights. He obviously gives his posts a lot of thought and effort. The italics thing bothers some of you guys more than it should... IMO. When I started on the forum I used all caps when I started a topic. Several people told me they found it annoying...I stopped doing it to keep peace but thought it was not necessary to attack like some do. Those of you who don't like the length of M-P-A 's posts, use of italics or double spacing should have said what and why it is bothersome. The snarky attacks aren't necessary. The forum frequently attacks and makes the poster feel his thoughts aren't respected. We are all WS fans...we have 29 other teams fans to fight with.
    1 point
  23. Above average with the bat and you are talking about one of the top 3 CF'ers in the game and a 5 WAR type of player.
    1 point
  24. Fulmer about to load the bases. Has no control on his off speed stuff at all. LOL classic reverse jinx as he throws his best changeup of the day to get the K on the full count. Pretty ballsy .
    1 point
  25. Defense...Engel Speed...Engel Hitting...Nicky Hollywood Good Looks....Nicky We have a tie
    1 point
  26. I've been in and out of the broadcast because I'm working on a model right now, but I've seen some. The fastball has been down in the zone too much, and it still looks a little flat but it's hard to say with it being down in the zone - easier to judge the life up in the zone. His off-speed has absolutely had more bite/break on it so far; SSS warning though.
    1 point
  27. Nick is auditioning for a spot with someone else; don't think he's in line to be on this roster but who knows?
    1 point
  28. free webcast today https://www.mlb.com/whitesox/video/oak-athletics-vs-chi-white-sox
    1 point
  29. Just getting to the game. Hope it’s a good one.
    1 point
  30. Only Bruce would call him a former Cub without recognizing he is a former White sox as well.
    1 point
  31. I get triggered when someone says "coop will fixem", he hasnt fixed much of anything for quite a while now.
    1 point
  32. Guys lay off the italics guy. We all know that everyone comes to this site looking for his analysis and responses. I for one, run to every post and search and search for his thoughts. Once I see italics, I know that I have found the gold mine.
    1 point
  33. I respect your empathy and good heart. That being said - I also think that jokes are jokes and separate from statements of legitimate ill-will. I also think that people go through more traumatic things in life than being drafted by an MLB organization and not having it work out. That's pretty low on the list of things that "I could never bring myself to laugh at a joke about". I can also laugh at a joke about a guy but still root for him. If this is true about my close friends - it is certainly true about Jake Burger.
    1 point
  34. This may be the most egregious stubbornness ever by a public scouting department. As the year comes to a close and their final scouting adjustments have been made, Robert has maintained his 30 game power grade. To put this in perspective Nick Madrigals game power grade right now is a 40. It is one of the most stubborn stances I've seen and their rationale is comically bad. Luis Robert remains behind Cristian pache by a full FV level as a CF prospect despite being only 1 year older, and performing 70% better offensively and grading out/projecting to be a top tier defensive CF'er. Fangraphs has not moved Robert a single ranking (he remains as their 20th prospect) despite having not just the loudest tools in MiLB but also the loudest production while being young for his level. All you can do is laugh at the stubbornness at this point. Fangraphs have spoken and all you guys saying Madrigal has no power, you are wrong! He has more power currently than Luis Robert.
    1 point
  35. I had multiple job offers for the first time in my life a couple weeks ago. It was nice to be able to actually make a choice for a change, instead of having to take whatever I can get. I turned down more money for a more secure position. One was a contract to hire position, but full time hours. One was part time with the ability to earn full time. I also used to work there, so I knew what it was about and that they invited me back was a good sign. More security, familiarity and not as boring of work=ended up being the better choice for me. I wasn't expecting the second company to call me back so quickly, so I was hoping to give the first job a try before having to make a decision. Both offered the same hourly pay. In the end, I took the other job because that company caters to autistic people and the other place doesn't. I thought I was setting myself up for failure. Getting that offer was a huge confidence boost though. I don't think it's going to last long. I took the job that is more secure. All of this stuff is all driven by financial speculation, and not by actual results. Wages are still stagnant at best vs. inflation. This economy is a bubble. Eventually, it's going to burst and when it does it's going to be worse than 2008. We're repeating 2000-2007 all over again. We learned nothing. Speaking of bubbles, there's a large number of people in this thread that need to check their privilege. A lot of you live in the upper middle class bubble and have no idea what the rest of the world is going through. You have it just good enough to have no concept of reality.
    1 point
  36. I read my textbooks as well. Did most of my learning through them because of my APD. I was in the office because I was being proactive and properly preparing myself for exams instead of cramming. Making sure I was clear on everything to reduce the anxiety I had over tests regardless of whether or not I knew the material very well. No, I don't want to tax you. I only want to tax people who deserve to be taxed more. Do you make 400k+ per year? If so, then yeah you'll be taxed more. I actually want ordinary people to be taxed LESS and rich people to be taxed MORE. The economy works better that way, because instead of the rich people paying high taxes, they invest in creating new jobs and raise wages for their employees. Despite what you may think, a low top tier marginal tax rate doesn't create jobs, it actually kills them. A high top tier marginal tax rate doesn't kill jobs, it creates them. The more money that is in the hands of more people, the better the economy is for everyone. Consumer spending creates jobs. I don't think that anyone should be gifted anything. If you think that everyone starting adulthood on a level playing field is being "gifted' something, I can't help you. I don't even think College should be free. I think its cost should be low enough that an 18 year old working 20 hours a week could cover their tuition and books for the year, with money to spare. If a person wants to re-educate themselves and change careers, It shouldn't cost as much as buying a home in pure dollars. I don't think housing should be free either, I just think that it should be more affordable. I think that everyone should pay property taxes to the state, rather than the county or school district, and school districts should be allocated funds based on population. I think that more teachers should be hired and class sizes should be smaller in more populous districts. The goal is to give everyone as close of a chance to have the same starting point to adulthood as possible. I also think that it's ok to tell kids that they don't have to go to college if they don't want to.
    1 point
  37. I used to own a Formula 1 (quartz) but I now have an Aquaracer. The Aquaracer is definitely better quality IMHO. The automatic movement is definitely the way to go so it will last forever. If you can afford the ceramic bezel, get it. If you're open to non-TAG models, I strongly recommend looking for an Omega Seamaster or Speedmaster. There are some good ones which can be had for $2000 with guaranteed legitimacy. Then I would recommend you find an Omega boutique (they have them everywhere) and have them give the full service. They'll replace the gaskets, clean it out, make it look like brand new, and then you'll get it back. For about $2500 you have a rehabilitated watch good as new. I know nothing about Prada bags or LV, but if you buy a TAG and a LV bag, you'll be writing a big ole check to the same company (LVMH).
    1 point
  38. If this is the definition, no one in the history of mankind has ever been free.
    1 point
  39. I think most fans downplay how difficult rehab is; it takes away the best part about their "job" and replaces it with 12-16 months of grueling physical work and draining mental work that's reward is hopefully returning to form. To go through that process for 12 months and then have that same injury reoccur really makes you doubt yourself and the process. The mental wear and tear that it has on you is overlooked. It's why I never judge an athlete for "not coming back" when the world thinks they're ready. The last thing a player in professional sports wants to do is practice/rehab and not actually play in the games. When you're scared that the next step you take could ruin your entire career - everything you've worked towards for the past 15 years - you are stuck in a lonely place. You think about reinjuring yourself for months after rehab/repair. It's bad enough going through it once, but twice is probably mentally distructive.
    1 point
  40. I like Vaughn just fine, but if the White Sox had Burger destroying the minors and moved him to 1b and also had CJ Abrams in their system now as a consequence, I'd be totally ok with having 2 solid prospects as opposed to 1.
    1 point
  41. This doesn't mean he's given up; do you really think the Sox invited him to camp and he said thanks but no thanks? Also, do you expect him to post videos from the strenuous and lonely rehab process on his social media? I don't get the assumptions many are making; rehab is horribly lonely and depressing... even more so when you consider that this is his career on the line, and he worked his ass of (I'm sure he did) the first time only to fall victim to the same injury. This is a traumatic injury as well, and it really limits the amount of cardio and etc you can do to stay in shape. Burger may just have a body type that, regardless of his work, will be a little larger. The fear that must seep into his head when doing the most basic drills is immense. I don't know why anyone thinks they know anything about his work ethic and etc... rumors were derived from his appearance - nothing said by anyone within the organization. By all accounts, his teammates constantly post and support him on social media as well so he doesn't appear to be some lazy asshat whose teammates hate him.
    1 point
  42. Lol, he tore his fucking achilles twice. What do you want the guy to do - of course he hasn't played in 3 years. I don't think he's given up. Just because he posts about his travels on his social media doesn't mean he has given up. I am not expecting anything from Burger at this point, but I am sure he's doing what he can to get back to playing baseball. He's still 3.5 years younger than Yermin Mercedes who half of Soxtalk is drooling over.
    1 point
  43. Exactly. The White Sox seem to be indicating (by saying nothing) that Jake is pretty much done with baseball and they are going to give him his space. For his part Jake's social media is basically 90% him and his GF travelling and partying and 10% anything pro baseball related. Put 2 and 2 together and it doesn't really seem like a guy "all in" on continuing his pro career. I'd imagine he hangs around the back fields of AZ this year and maybe gets assigned to a low level affiliate where he perhaps can start to rebuild -- perhaps. There's a pretty good chance he just quietly retires sometime this summer imo.
    1 point
  44. Jake Burger has been through hell and back. I don't understand the fat jokes. He's supposed to be a really good guy. He is a White Sox. Maybe pull for him.
    1 point
  45. The Cubs really seem to be waging a multi-front war on their fans over the last couple seasons.
    1 point
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