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  1. When you clinch a playoff berth by having Reynaldo Lopez beat Kenta Maeda.... in large part due to a 2 out RBI infield single by Jose Abreu..... well, you gotta start wondering if its just a charmed season right?
    10 points
  2. Man I've had been spreading out likes. YOU GET A LIKE! YOU GET A LIKE! EVERYBODY GETS A LIKE!
    7 points
  3. It is worth mentioning that ReyLo has looked like a real starting pitcher since he came back from the ATS. I don't know if he made changes, or if he got his mind reset, or what is was, but we can live with this Lopez as a starting pitcher for the Sox.
    5 points
  4. Someone who went to the Chiefs game where they allowed limited fans, now has the virus. Everyone who was seated around him is in quarantine. Stupid to allow fans now.
    5 points
  5. I'm telling you he's fine. Renteria said in postgame that he's starting in Cincy and I checked with some beat writers. He's all good.
    5 points
  6. ...because somebody got Covid who also attended a game? 10s of millions in the US have contracted it since the start of the year. Stop living in fear.
    4 points
  7. Who cares? Quit trying to catch hurt feelings and enjoy the moment.
    4 points
  8. I'm glad to be sharing this moment with all of you. Go Sox forever! Only one thing left to do
    4 points
    4 points
  10. 4 points
  11. Depending on how things go in the postseason with the team, but Jose has the potential to be the real feel-good story for the game next month. Lots to love here, both with his own performance and evolution along with how he is central to this team's current and future success. He has a chance to shine a really positive light on this franchise nationally in a way we haven't seen in a long, long time.
    3 points
  12. Luis Robert has got to get something figured out. He's arguably been one of our worst hitters in the month of September. Currently throwing up .130/.226/.196 for a stellar .422 OPS. The first two months were so good, but he's just been rather dreadful. If Luis or Yoan figure anything out by the playoffs, man oh man we could be frightening. Unfortunately, Luis is hitting horribly and Yoan has been just average. Got to figure out some way to get those guys going especially if we want to do any damage in the playoffs.
    3 points
  13. I agree, especially Keuchel, though it’s kind of amazing how much success this team has had last two weeks on the Cease / Dunning / ReyLo / Stiever days
    3 points
  14. i literally quoted steve stone saying this in another thread and was critical of his take, so this isn't exactly the gotcha moment you were looking for.
    3 points
  15. First Sox playoff team that my kids have seen. They were so excited today (except the whole thinking Donaldson was cool part).
    3 points
  16. There is no good reason not to allow fans in at this point
    3 points
  17. Their choice to attend. Its not happening anyway, just saying.
    3 points
  18. We've been through alot of pain and arguments about trades/losing. Here we all are. All these guys are playing and kicking ass. Can't ask for much more.
    3 points
  19. How about Go Twins Loss? No need to be inflammatory 😁
    3 points
  20. I've got a White Sox Golden Ale chilling in the fridge at home for just such an occasion
    3 points
  21. Ozzie is making the case. LET FANS IN THE STANDS!
    3 points
  22. Man can't believe this team of players that are so terrible and awful every at bat and play somehow won 3 out of 4 and are the best team in the AL.
    3 points
  23. Hey Donaldson, how does that taste?? Tie break and a playoff berth! Eat Shit!
    3 points
  24. COVID doesn’t make you not swing the bat on strikes.
    3 points
  25. I haven't been this anxious watching a baseball game in years.
    3 points
  26. This Twins team is a bunch of roided up assholes
    3 points
  27. god i hate the fucking twins more than any team in MLB
    3 points
  28. If you were on soxtalk prior to this season, you would know. He was highly overrated around these parts prior to his MVP run this season.
    3 points
  29. Mendick has options, Yolmer doesn't. RR can't risk letting go of his precious.
    3 points
  30. He'll start Dyson vs Maeda (4/10 lifetime), but not McCann vs Berrios (8/24 lifetime)... twice. Renteria is so smart.
    3 points
  31. Robert, Grandal, Yoan, EE, Mazara and even Madrigal are slumping. This offense has 10 days to get back on track or it’s going to be a short postseason.
    3 points
  32. It would be great if Robert can start hitting. Bad timing to be in a slump.
    3 points
  33. If Mazara is the starting right fielder for this team next year I will freak the fuck out.
    3 points
  34. Shields was through before Hahn acquired him. He couldn't get anyone out in San Diego. So, Preller called Hahn. The rest is history.
    3 points
  35. Now this is plain false. There have been plenty of instances of him cutting bait when things aren't working out. Shields was signed to a contract, and was pitching for a rebuilding team. so cutting him was pretty fucking stupid at that point since he was blocking nobody and the wins and losses didn't matter at all. Maybe if they had signed Chatwood though, they would have three World Series trophies by now 😂
    3 points
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