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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2021 in Posts

  1. 10 points
  2. Jack working overtime on getting that ban so he doesn't have to post here.
    8 points
  3. also I swear to god no fucking Sox fan should EVER give Moncada shit for not busting 100% down the line every time. This is why some guys protect their body.
    8 points
  4. I can't believe every single time it has been worst case scenario. Have these dudes ever stretched? Madrigals hamstring is like 4 inches long, how does it tear?
    8 points
  5. If I'm Hahn, I'm not trading for any rentals. Any acquisition would have to have 3+ years of control. A smart FO would spend the next 4 weeks negotiating with Lynn/Rodon and if they can't reach an agreement with either, then move them. Let the chips fall where they may. This season is cursed and not meant to be. The Sox have no depth whatsoever and it's being exposed. Rentals would be for if they were mostly healthy.
    6 points
  6. Maybe don't post every thought that comes into your head?
    6 points
  7. Half this board. They got their wish to see mendick full time now. Im sure they are thrilled
    6 points
  8. 5 points
  9. nice call, you've earned a beer this weekend
    4 points
  10. There's literally one person in the world who thinks this. One.
    4 points
  11. They're idiots. A smart FO would totally punt this season.
    4 points
  12. It's Hahn's job to think long-term in this situation. They could get a haul for Lynn.
    4 points
  13. This is all karmic payback for our dinosaur owner hiring his dinosaur best friend so he could move into #2 in the wins list, and nothing will change my mind on that.
    4 points
  14. Adam Frazier. He can play 2B and outfield, has a year of control so he can be the RF next year, and a left-handed bat. No idea on the cost.
    4 points
  15. How much did you pay that umpire to throw the bat at Abreu?
    4 points
  16. Less is more, it's efficient and doesn't need all that noise from the prior thread starter
    4 points
  17. This team can't afford to lose it's AVG and hits leader Who was calling Madrigal a bust two weeks ago again?
    4 points
  18. A cop in Phoenix begs to differ
    3 points
  19. Benetti: With Madrigal gone, will we get Leury 2 strikes Stone: Well that would be shocking Lmao
    3 points
  20. I think it's fool's gold and won't last. The barren farm has a lot to do with this. Kelley is hurt, Thompson/Dalquist are awful, etc.
    3 points
  21. I thought that they should punt once Robert got hurt and nothing I've seen since has made me change my mind. They have very little offense outside of Anderson and Moncada right now. Occasionally Abreu and Vaughn show up.
    3 points
  22. This manager has won it all with an 83 win wild card team. If anybody can lead this team to a title, it's TLR
    3 points
  23. They may well have they very best rotation in baseball. You don't punt that ever,
    3 points
  24. Steve Stone better keep his mouth shut on this subject.
    3 points
  25. 29 games before the all star break. Only 8 of them against teams with winning records. Just hang on......
    3 points
  26. Next time they pan the cameras along the dugout, look to see if Leury is sticking any dolls with needles.
    3 points
  27. In theory, on how to handle this, I agree with you. Everything you say makes complete sense. The problem I have, and why maybe I'm not "relaxed" is this. I'm going to lay this right on the line. If we would have had our full team, for the year, we are the best team in the AL. Pure and simple. And there is no debating. We very easily could have ended up leading the league in runs scored and in pitching. But now, because of Robert and Jimenez, two high impact players both being out and now Madrigal for maybe the rest of the year, you're saying, again correctly I might add, that "we CAN win the division, or at worst a wild card spot." We have to think of hoping to win a WILD CARD SPOT?? With our full team, and with Minnesota having fallen apart, we should/would have won this division by 15 games. That's what's frustrating about our situation. If we don't win the division, this will become the biggest "what if" team in franchise history, replacing the 1994 strike team that never got the chance to win the World Series. I challenge anyone to come up with a bigger one.
    2 points
  28. That loosens up the Ole hawkeroo sphincter a bit
    2 points
  29. Everyone needs to relax a bit. We do not need to sell off the farm system or disrupt the clubhouse. This team believes it can win with the “next man up” theory. We forget the job that Mendick did last year when Madrigal was hurt. He got some big hits, played good, not great defense. This is now a 100 game season. Yes, we lost 1/3 of our starting lineup. Yes, we have 2 injury prone players. Jimenez should not be given a glove when he returns. Vaughn and Lamb can handle left field. We can win enough 4 to 3 , 5 to 4 games with this pitching staff. As long as they stay heathy and I’m praying they do, we can win the division or at worst a wild card spot. Mendick/Garcia can do a decent job. Would I rather have Madrigal or a veteran 2nd baseman at a reasonable cost, of course. But we need to make do for now with what we have. If I were to tell you the we’d lose 2/3’s of our outfield and be 4 game up in 1st place you’d say no way.
    2 points
  30. I doubt he uses spider-tack or those special mixtures that were talked about in the off-season, but he definitely uses something, so he's not 100% innocent.
    2 points
  31. It's his 3rd game back????? Sheesh
    2 points
  32. Kershaw/Chad Billingsley/ Kirk Gibson/ Yasiel Puig/ John Ely/ Sandy Koufax
    2 points
  33. You don't have to win the world series for this to be a successful season. You know what could do long term damage? Blowing up a team that is 4 games in 1st place in a weak assed division.
    2 points
  34. I don't believe you actually believe these things. I think people use this board for different reasons, and that you have a tendency to use the board in a very particular way. Ask yourself if it's fair to everyone else here -- especially right now -- for you to use it in the way you do.
    2 points
  35. Again You can get away with a lot when you have two guys pitching like they wanna win the cy young, a third who was projected as the best pitcher in baseball, a fourth who has found himself, and a fifth who is a solid guy.
    2 points
  36. This can't keep happening though. We really are testing the "how much is too much to overcome" question.
    2 points
  37. The funny part is it is a guy who was suspended. Might need to revisit that status.
    2 points
  38. Thanks for admonishing me, Board Police Guy.
    2 points
  39. We only pin worthy threads around here
    2 points
  40. Maybe the only good thing to come from last night’s loss
    2 points
  41. No start time in the title? This game thread sucks
    2 points
  42. Problem is it won’t be Mendick but Leury on his 12th life
    2 points
  43. When did I mention that she was right about the cake? I said I can imagine why she's "overly defensive." I have no idea why you're talking about the "victim mentality" in that reply, but it seems like you have an ax to grind and you couldn't wait to post that canned response that had little to do with my post.
    2 points
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