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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2023 in Posts

  1. Maybe, but I don't think this group needs to intentionally tank to suck.
    5 points
  2. Good thing for Sox too is odds like go up regardless because Washington isn’t eligible for the lottery
    5 points
  3. 4 points
  4. Look, the odds of another rebuild being successful (under the current regime) are insanely low. But the odds of the current regime adding "legit players" and the rest of the roster being good/healthy/whatever are also insanely low. So I'm just ready for a bunch of new faces at this point. It's the more interesting option to me in this lose-lose scenario.
    4 points
  5. The only optimism I'll have is either if the Sox end up in 1st place with a record above .500 after the 4th of July, or if Hahn is fired and replaced with a competent GM who is ready to rebuild and retool the organization from the ground up. This means scouting, player development, talent evaluation, on-field coaching, injury prevention... the works. The Sox need to tear it down tot he foundation and start over, or they're bound to make the same mistakes. Get with the modern times and create a comprehensive player development strategy from draft day until the day the player leaves the organization. I also feel the need to say that this strategy needs to be good (not "trot them out there and hope they figure out how to play at this level"). Until then, it doesn't matter if we have the 1st or 30th ranked system in baseball - we're going to continue to churn out players who are only good enough to consistently produce glimmers of hope, but nothing more. We'll get the occasional Luis Robert, but for every Luis Robert you'll end up with a half dozen Vaughns, Moncadas, and Eloys - all good enough to give hope, but too flawed to sanely be able to build around.
    4 points
  6. My Cardinals friends fans during our series: "We get to watch our two terrible organizations." Me: "What the f*** are you talking about?"
    4 points
  7. That has been the lineup for the majority of the season and they are 16 games under .500. There is definitely something wrong with this lineup.
    4 points
  8. Disabled means someone with restricted abilities, either long term or permanent. Injured denotes an injury an athlete is expected to recover from over time and possibly physical therapy. Incapable describes one’s limitations or talent, such as Grandal’s inability to catch breaking balls, or Madrigal’s inability to make smart baseball decisions at any facet of the game. The word Eloy is an amalgamation of all three words.
    4 points
  9. Currently 9 GB. Sell sell sell sell sell
    4 points
  10. 3 points
  11. Some dudes started the briefest "Let's go White Sox!" chant and a Mets fan remarked "the rightfielder is killing us" regarding Colas' defense.
    3 points
  12. Please no Beckham as the replacement. The day Beckham does full time color in the TV booth, I will listen to the radio or turn the volume off. He is absolutely the worst and for now I'm fine with Steve Stone. If anything, I would like Benetti replaced, because he has become quite annoying also.
    3 points
  13. It’s a shame KW/Hahn wont just pull a Theo Epstein and resign. We all know Jerry isn’t firing his buddies. I’m not the biggest fan of Theo, but I do admire his leadership and the ability of knowing when it’s time to step down from a front office position. He mentioned in an interview that change in leadership is more than necessary after 10 years. Things get stale, and when it is no longer working, it’s time to give someone else a shot at it. It’s safe to say things have been very stale on the Southside. Fans have had enough of this current front office and change is not only necessary but it should be demanded by every Sox fan.
    2 points
  14. Fast game at least...low point of 17 games under .500 reached again.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. NYS is boring AF and has huge "moats" that separate the common folks from the kings. You can see it behind home plate on the broadcast, just looks stupid. The area around the stadium is pretty cool tho, lots of little Yankee themed stuff going on, real gritty, at least when I was around about 10 year ago. Citi is a bit cookie cutter itself but it does have a really cool jackie robinson statue when you walk in and the concourse has great views. Before I left the east coast I wanted to hit up NYS, Citi and Camden and made it to NYS and Citi twice and Camden once. I loved Camden and you can see why it was so revolutionary right when you walk in, as it's "open air" in a way other stadiums were not previously. Sox unfortunately fell on the wrong side of that divide with New Comiskey.
    2 points
  17. Took the #7 back in 1967 taking in a Mets-Phillies game at Shea. i remember sitting around some Mets fans and told them I was a White Sox fan and they said, gee you guys win 90 games every year. We were in first place at the time but came up short of 90 wins in 1967 as we lost the last 5 games of the season and a chance of winning the Pennant.
    2 points
  18. The memory of Maddux doesn't scare me....now if you evoked Bruce Chen I'd know the game was a lost cause.
    2 points
  19. It's way out in Flushing, but it's all city in only the way NYC can be, at least in America. Train runs along some epic graffiti and NYC cityscapes. And Flushing itself is awesome, also home to the US Open. When you get off the train there are signs that point left for baseball and right for tennis.
    2 points
  20. 2nd day in a row I first check the score and it's 5-0....makes me not wanna watch.
    2 points
  21. Montgomery has walked in one third of his plate appearances in A+, including 3 IBB. Clearly, no one wants to pitch to him. For the sake of his development, I hope he moves soon.
    2 points
  22. July 19, 1946 - In a strange game at Boston, umpires “Red” Jones and Bill Summers ejected or sent to the clubhouse 12 White Sox players, a coach and the batting practice pitcher due to bench jockeying and criticizing calls. In the third inning a high and tight pitch to Ted Williams resulted in a warning from umpire Jones to Sox pitcher Joe Haynes. Someone in the dugout yelled out, “Hey, meathead, what kind of call is that?” resulting in ejections to Ralph Hodgin, Dario Lodigiani, Eddie Smith, Leo Jones and coach Ed “Bing” Miller. The next inning after more comments, Jones ordered the nine remaining bench players to the clubhouse but they were eligible to be recalled to the field if needed. Players in the bullpen weren’t sent to the clubhouse. The nine people who were sent off were Johnny Rigney, Mike Tresh, Hal Trosky, Guy Curtwright, Eddie Lopat, Frank Whitman, Mizel “Whitey” Platt, Wally Moses and the batting practice pitcher. Naturally Boston would go on to win the game 9-2. July 19, 1960 - In a game at Comiskey Park, Luis Aparicio got an inside the park home run in the fourth inning off Boston’s Frank Sullivan. The play drove in three runs. It was Aparicio’s third inside the park home run in four years (1956-1960). The Sox won the game 6-0. Aparicio’s first ‘regular’ home run came on May 28, 1956 off the Athletics Tommy Lasorda! July 19, 1970 - Luis Aparicio Day was staged at Comiskey Park. The future Hall of Famer was praised for his many years of service in a pre-game ceremony. With the Sox in the middle of the worst season in franchise history, only 18,587 showed up on a rainy day for the double header with Baltimore. Aparicio would go 4 for 9 on the day as the Sox split the twin bill. July 19, 2022 – White Sox shortstop Tim Anderson was the starter at that position for the American League at the All-Star Game in Los Angeles at Dodger Stadium. He became the first Sox player to start at that position in the game since Luis Aparicio did it in the 1970 contest in Cincinnati. Anderson was involved in some plays in the field and also recorded a single as the A.L. won 3-2 running their winning streak to nine in a row. His teammate, Liam Hendriks, who saved the 2021 game in Denver for the A.L. came on in the eighth inning recording an out and being credited with a hold.
    2 points
  23. Who'd have thunk we'd need this thread again just 3 years later ;(
    2 points
  24. Oh they're gonna be bad, intentional or not.
    2 points
  25. Beckham is not qualified. They just gave him the gig and he babbles all the time. Pods would be much better going forward. He has a great persona and is circumspect.
    2 points
  26. Yup. Personally I'm a Benetti fan, but I get that his schtick isn't for everyone. The odds of his replacement being really bland and/or having no personality are pretty dang high, though.
    2 points
  27. ...so basically half the lineup is all that needs to be fixed.
    2 points
  28. Even with all of the holes filled, this is a .500 team. Even if this team does better than .500, they still won’t be able to compete with the heavyweights in the AL or NL. Everything needs to be blown up, front office included.
    2 points
  29. I think Beckham has actually gotten better. He's tolerable to listen to. I remember Jason being good when the Sox were good in 2020 and 2021. When the Sox aren't going well that's when he's a bit tough to listen to. Stony is the best out of all of them. He's a great analyst. Be careful what you wish for. There is plenty, plenty worse out there. We have it pretty good on the Southside at the moment relatively speaking.
    2 points
  30. Large market clubs aren’t eligible to pick in the top 6 in consecutive years. It’s weird but the highest Washington can pick is 10th.
    2 points
  31. See above, this team has been on steady decline since the second half of 2021. There is no fixing it, change is needed all over.
    2 points
  32. Watch the Cardinals run into the first pick the one year they suck.
    2 points
  33. Let's go for it. Maybe the Sox can get lucky like the Blackhawks just did and like the Bulls did during two previous drafts. It would be the 3rd time the Sox had the #1 overall pick in MLB draft history.
    2 points
  34. I don't mind Stone at all, very knowledgeable. Its the goofball sitting next to him that I am tired of.
    2 points
  35. I agree with you. His leg should be planting down for leverage and not kicking forward like a karate kick. It's weird but I noticed Gio's leg kick more pronounced last night than in the past with his leg. Then again, that is the weakness of this manager and his coaching staff. Watch when Gio goes to another good team like the Rays, or Dodgers and they they tweak a few things with his mechanics...and you will be seeing a much improved pitcher.
    2 points
  36. I would totally agree with to unload these two stars along with everyone else, but only if Rick Hahn can't be doing it. I would rather wait until next season and hope Hahn is gone. This is why Hahn needs to be gone and the replacement can't be from inside this inept front office. Reinsdorf must once and for all go recruit a young modern day executive from one of the successful teams in baseball that knows how to build a farm system and make the playoffs each year. They are out there and Jerry just needs to get off his stubborn (not working) loyal blindness.
    2 points
  37. I don't think he was being that serious.
    2 points
  38. WTF. Does the word "disabled" offend you? It was called the DL for over 100 years, and it was acceptable until a bunch of political zealots got your collective way. Asshole.
    2 points
  39. As was said earlier, it is so White Sox for Giolito to give up a snowman in the ER dept right before the TDL. The rule of being a Sox fan-Murphy was an optimist.
    2 points
  40. I'd like to see Stone retire now. Give someone else a chance at the job.
    2 points
  41. I agree, and not even because of Hahn and Co.'s incompetence of sifting through and obtaining the best players, but rather to maximize money off the books. I expect Lucas coupled with a Grandal or another cost they want off the books that no team would accept without the Lucas sweetener. I expect them to keep Robert and Cease not because they actually intend on competing over the rest of their contracts but rather to have something to sell fans for 2024 ticket sales which will drop even further than this year with even the casual fan realizing Rick Con has not and cannot put together a quality team. They will say they are confident in their prospect return, like the Cubs did when they traded Darvish for nominal prospects, but in reality I wouldn't expect much back unless they surprise me and trade guys and eat their 2023 / beyond contract money for max prospect value. Hell, I expect Jerry to throw in International Slot money now that they can again.
    2 points
  42. Here’s my night. Don’t watch a second of the game. Looks at the final score. Oof, wonders who started this one. Looks at the box. Crap.
    2 points
  43. Is this what this team has brought us to? Yeah, we didn't quit... Is this little league? An L is an L.
    2 points
  44. Keep the embarrassment going Sox fans! Sox fans need to quit wasting their money and more importantly, if they finally want change, they need to stop spending money on this POS organization. I don't give sh#t if Jerry still makes money from other sources, his demented ego will not handle this well when he sees a massive attendance decline, that will be a laughable embarrassment to his franchise and the other baseball owners he is SO MUCH SMARTER than.
    2 points
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