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  1. There is a good chance it will heal and not need surgery if after the 6-8 weeks it tightens up. If it heals up enough then it will be strong enough. He could always injure it again but it won't be because of it being weaker.
    4 points
  2. Wow nice get for under the caps even. If you add that to the $63,300 we were under before that pick, that puts us at $140,000 under the slot caps. So if you pick up and lose no money and get Madrigal, Walker and Martin signed all at slot value, here is what the Sox can do. They automatically get no penalties for the first $125,000 of signing bonus. They can add to that the $140,000 they have in savings so far, also without seeing a penalty for a total of $265,000. Above that total, the Sox can go 5% over their total bonus pool of $10,589,900 and pay only an overage penalty, but lose no draft picks. That number is $529,485. The Sox could add that to the $265,000 and offer one guy like Bryce Bush, Alec Valenzuela, Adrian Del Castro, or Mason Montgomery (who were all late high school picks) up to $794,495 without losing a draft pick.
    3 points
  3. At least she can afford all the houses he's lost
    2 points
  4. Chuck = Yeager and Norris, Charlie = Brown. Chuck it is !
    2 points
  5. I thought someone pissed in your Cherrios to start the game. I now think u smoked a fatty and are much cheerier.
    2 points
  6. When you ignore that players are human beings that will have struggles then you must be a robot. I get you’re a numbers guy, but you have to consider all qualitative information as well or you will come to bad conclusions. I mean, would you even be having this same argument a month ago when his key numbers were all perfectly in-line with his 2017 stats? Never overreact to a player coming too big of a high or low and that’s exactly what you are doing right now.
    2 points
  7. Below are Jose’s stats for April/May of 2018, FY 2017, & his career averages: BB %: 6.6% / 5.2% / 6.4% K %: 18.0% / 17.6% / 19.3% BABIP: .331 / .330 / .332 ISO: .224 / .248 / .221 OPS: .882 / .906 / .873 wRC+: 140 / 138 / 136 Which stats suggest an unsustainable hot streak or a sudden aging? His BABIP good luck in May simply offset his bad luck in April. Again, I really think you’re reaching here. Jose looked really damn good those first couple months.
    2 points
  8. Dude put up a wRC+ of 140 in the first two months of the season (normally when he’s cold) and looked the part. Now he’s suddenly on an age trajectory because of one bad month? I’m convinced you’re a robot that doesn’t understand players have bad stretches and oftentimes will start pressing. I’m guessing being the one legit hitter in the lineup on a struggling team isn’t helping matters. Regardless, I don’t know why you keep bringing up 2016 as if that was somehow the beginning of a downward spiral. It was well documented that he was dealing with personal issues and completely rebounded in 2017, so your theory is pretty off there.
    2 points
  9. lol...yes, because front offices overreact to slumps as much as the common fan. Teams will pay for Abreu based on what they project out of him in the 2H of 2018 & 2019 and if they believe they’ll get a comp pick for him when he leaves. They’ll certaintly use the slump as leverage in negotiations, but that doesn’t change his actual value. For a guy who seems to understand baseball, your hatred for Jose Abreu is quite bizarre.
    2 points
  10. New rule. If the creator of a the previous night's winner game-thread doesn't create the thread either a) within an hour of the game's start OR within 3 hours of the Sox posting the lineup said creator cedes the right to create the new thread.
    1 point
  11. As long as you never, ever, ever say again that "Maybe this guy not named Frank Thomas had the best hitting stretch in White Sox history" we will have accomplished something today. (Shoeless joe was also better).
    1 point
  12. Steady work is important and especially in this economy.
    1 point
  13. People look down upon the profession... It's steady work, at least.
    1 point
  14. When I was in rehab "normal" was a game of checkers with a meth head in the day room. I don't know what Miguel's itinerary is, though.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. PTATC, could you take a look at these numbers and let us know what's going on? Is this better than Abreu?
    1 point
  17. This is what you get when someone gets the second most votes in an election; clearly they should be the arbiters of law and the Constitution in our country. You see, those people in Wyoming, they're real Americans. Moreso than any of you in Chicago.
    1 point
  18. I think he's more Jose's Stan, personally.
    1 point
  19. Morneau interviewing to be on Sox coaching staff?
    1 point
  20. Haha, I remember back in 2005/2006 when it was a very special honor to create a game thread :p.
    1 point
  21. You should trust the opinion of arguably the best medical staff in MLB. @ptatc knows his shit but last time I checked he hasn't personally evaluated Dunning's elbow and consulted with the Sox' medical team on a course of action.
    1 point
  22. You also have to consider his father made close to $100M so he's set for life. That extra bonus isn't his main priority. Reasons for signing with the Sox could be they could guarantee him lots of playing time, given that we were didn't have any high profile signings, or that the new developmental staff we have put in place to help him develop, or that Omar Vizquel has helped pitch the Sox to Tejada himself.
    1 point
  23. Progressive isn't needed anymore? We're on the verge of a fascist ruling class with income and wealth inequality worse than the gilded age, so named for how ridiculous income and wealth inequality was at the time, and you think progressives aren't needed? Progressives are needed now more than ever. The only path out of this death spiral the country is in is progressive policy.
    1 point
  24. Donn Roach, like the Pope Donn Pall
    1 point
  25. SCOTUS just overturned a 40 year old precedent on public unions... today. Precedent isn't as sacred as some people would like it to be...
    1 point
  26. Lol...what? 36% above league average is good not great? There are literally 24 qualified hitters in baseball above that threshold right now. Whatever dude, I’m not wasting any more time on this. I think you are completely off-base here if you think his 2016 season is reflective of anything.
    1 point
  27. I'm sure you were A) This mad about a baker refusing Biden in 2012 and being invited to an official GOP presidential campaign B) Unhappy with an ethics violation by Sanders using her official government platform to go after a small business for exercising their first amendment rights
    1 point
  28. I knew the pen improved but had no idea the improvement was that much. It helps alot when the starters are going deeper into games and not taxing the pen so early and as often. Someone on Soxtalk has been pointing this out for a while now.
    1 point
  29. Deplorables was a term giving them way too much credit.
    1 point
  30. You keep looking at variables in isolation and jumping to crazy conclusions. First only velocity mattered and so Dunning was going to be a flop. Now it’s all about spin rate so Lopez will be AAAA fodder. How about both of these factors matter amongst many others like command & quality of secondary stuff. Pitching is a very complex process and it can’t be explained with one number. But let’s say it could, Fangraphs had Lopez’s fastball amongst the highest rated in the game earlier this season based on their pitch value calculations. From what I can tell, command and his changeup have been his biggest two problems this season. Those can improve with time, but obviously that requires patience. I just don’t understand the need to write him off so quickly. And I find it laughable you have more faith in Giolito thank Lopez, but that an argument for a different day.
    1 point
  31. JD Martinez will be 31 in August. Abreu turned 31 in January. Wonder why we hear nothing about his age? Must be because he hasn’t had a slump yet.
    1 point
  32. everybody in this thread watches the games. Not everyone overreacts to every pitch as if its the end of the world
    1 point
  33. Between fathom’s unwavering negativity & Parkman’s hot takes, I figured Lopez must of given up about 10 runs or so with 0 K’s. Then I check the box score and see he had a respectable start. And I get the box score doesn’t tell the whole story, but my god these game threads are brutal, way worse than usual IMO. It’s really apparent some people can’t deal with the highs & lows that come with developing young talent.
    1 point
  34. It is a Hawk era term, even.
    1 point
  35. https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/26/politics/federal-court-order-family-separations/index.html Judge orders parents reunited with their children.
    1 point
  36. Rutherford and Luis Gonzalez need to be playing every day. That Remillard guy doesn't need all this playing time.
    1 point
  37. This is surprising. Ron must be working day and night casting votes to make sure Abreu stays #1. Somebody get Ron a red bull, he's earned it... so far.
    1 point
  38. Normally I'd be excited about dealing a body-blow to the Cubs, but I loved watching Jose pitch so much when he was with us that I'm much more sad to see him falling flat than I am anything else. Dude pitched his tail off for us and we did jack squat to support him, he deserved a shot to be appreciated and win games on a good team.
    1 point
  39. Can't wait to read 900 op-ed pieces by centrists about how the left are being mean to people who are locking children in cages and people who wan to make sure someone with a pre- existing condition can't get healthcare. Instead read this. Politics have real world consequences. This Is Just the Beginning
    1 point
  40. Greg, you always play this victim role, where everybody is out to get you simply because you have a different opinion, but you’re truly clueless, and this post is a perfect example of that. The Mets just claimed Chris Beck, and yet you are wondering if any team would take Shields or Soria for free?
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
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