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  1. I know Forbes is seemingly as accurate as we'll get on the public side, but I don't believe for a second the Sox lost money in 2021. Open up the books and prove it.
    3 points
  2. I’d rather spend $5 towards this than $25/30 for parking at the stadium lots.
    3 points
  3. Nobody thinks this will get him to sell. But that doesn't mean a little embarrassment wont be fun to snicker about. Hopefully this gets a little snippet on national tv.
    3 points
  4. I donated $5. I think it’s great. I don’t even live in Illinois but f*** Jerry. I’ve spent $5 on much dumber s%*# in my life.
    3 points
  5. I don’t get Crochet for Gleybar for the Yankees. The odds of Crochet turning into a starter seem slim, so if you can acquire a 4 WAR 2nd still in his arb years, seems like an easy call.
    2 points
  6. Exactly. Also So strange how board buys into Joey gallo crumbling under New Yorks pressure but the guy getting crushed for not being the heir apparent to Jeter is never afforded same sympathy.
    2 points
  7. Ok then you can trade Gleybar next year for value rather then the boards preferred acquisition which is “not good enough that a rookie with slightly below average offense couldn’t surpass them without us incurring too much cost for moving on”
    2 points
  8. 9 DRS and 4.8 UZR/150 last year at 2B is pretty good. It’s very clear he’s not a SS and moving him between the two spots hurt him the past. Also, a 115 wRC+ with 24 HRs is well above average for a 2B. Your evaluation of Torres seems quite outdated.
    2 points
  9. “Fits their system better” let’s bring Nagy back
    2 points
  10. Waste of what, $5 or $10? Hell a big mac costs more than most people donated. I think this is great.
    2 points
  11. not to mention the triple play
    2 points
  12. Best of luck to him but when you're a defensive replacement and drop a foul ball that leads to a big loss....I'm ready to move on.
    2 points
  13. I can't believe people actually put money into this.
    2 points
  14. January 7, 1985 - Former White Sox reliever Hoyt Wilhelm was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame, garnering 83.8 per cent of the vote in his eighth year on the ballot. In the previous election of 1984, Wilhelm had fallen just 13 votes shy of enshrinement, with 72 per cent of the vote. Wilhelm pitched six full seasons for the White Sox, the most time logged with any of the knuckleballer’s nine franchises. He had a career White Sox ERA of 1.97, 41 wins and 99 saves. The ERA, considering the unpredictability of the pitch he threw, was truly remarkable.
    1 point
  15. So by doing this, effectively the Bears won’t be competing for a playoff spot until at least 2025, probably 2026 as rookie QB’s have historically not performed well when they start Week 1. And this plan heavily revolves around the unknown and projections. The Bears currently have a Top 10 Drafted QB that not only improved in 2022 over his 2021 stats, doing it with much less talent around him, but they currently hold the No. 2 overall pick and have more money to spend in FA than anyone else in the league. Punting until 2025…is not the play.
    1 point
  16. I wouldn't hate this. He is lefty and does has occasional pop.
    1 point
  17. People have been way low (hardy har har) on what it would take to acquire Lowe, I agree with you
    1 point
  18. Segura was sitting out there for a reasonable contract but the Sox decided to look elsewhere. It's not clear where the path is to getting functional play out of 2nd base this season given how many other cheaper alternatives like Wong & Segura have gone elsewhere. I know the fit isn't great for a variety of reasons, but steamer has Gleyber as a 3.4 WAR player next season. That would be an enormous upgrade over what we've seen at 2B for decades here and frankly it's not outside the realm of possibility at all that number exceeds what Romy will put up in his entire career. Expecting him to be a viable big league hitter at all seems like it's a massive leap to me.
    1 point
  19. People don't realize how big of a black hole 2B has been for decades. The Sox haven't had anyone go above 2 fWAR at 2nd since 2005, let alone 4.
    1 point
  20. Happy belated birthday Bro, 40 not too far off. Thats when s%*# starts malfuntioning trust me I know
    1 point
  21. I like this quite a bit for Detroit. Three big league contributors. Sands was good in upper minors. Vierling a solid platoon option with Meadows. Maton is the headliner though. Dombrowski should’ve kept his bench in tact and signed Matt Moore
    1 point
  22. Unless Gleyber completely tanks in 23 he is still tradable if Sosa or Popeye are ready.
    1 point
  23. I haven’t followed him closely at all but I would take his 22 stats on the Sox in a heartbeat. We need pop anywhere we can get it. While ideally 2B would be LH we can’t be too picky. If the cost is Crochet sign me up.
    1 point
  24. He’s not really more of what we have because he had a mid year and hit 25 home runs which would have been comfortably the team leader for us, and it would have been from the spot that’s produced like 10 home runs in the last 3 years combined.
    1 point
  25. I'm with you. Yes it makes the team better in 2023, but I could easily see Sosa or Popeye being able to put up Gleyber-like numbers by 2024, and they would be on rookie deals. I'd prefer a left-handed option that the Sox could easily move on from if it looks like one of the in-house guys is a long-term solution.
    1 point
  26. Gleyber is exactly what this team needs in every aspect except he’s RHH not a LHH. If it takes Crochet you do that deal 10 times out of 10
    1 point
  27. I’m intrigued by Gleyber. This team needs pop. He’s very good when he’s right. I’m not worried about the defense if it’s at 2B.
    1 point
  28. Does this mean the trade market is finally going? If so, go get a LH savage 2B, RH. Do something already
    1 point
  29. BBTV says it does and they’re never wrong on player valuation ?
    1 point
  30. No one thinks it will. This is simply a way to tell Jerry to go f*** himself and embarrass him publicly.
    1 point
  31. Trading Fields would be stupid. No QB in either of the next two drafts is a sure thing.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Location doesn't really matter. It will get press coverage.
    1 point
  34. Hard working ballplayer. I wish him well and success.
    1 point
  35. I wouldn't have offered him a big league contract either. If he got one, congrats to him.
    1 point
  36. And you should be annoyed. This is the Fangraphs article on the 2023 Int'l amateur class https://blogs.fangraphs.com/board-update-2023-international-amateur-prospects/ It's basically a ranking of the top 33 guys. All are slated to receive $2M+ . 25 of the 32 teams are projected to sign those 33 players . Of those 25 teams 8 of them are projected to sign 2 of those players (Dodgers, Cubs, AZ, CLE. ,Minn., TOR., Hous., and BOS. ) The Sox are among the 7 teams not on that list . I'd venture to guess that a certain amount have had commitments for a couple of years now , but to suggest that the majority of them have had commitments for a while is saying most of the teams are doing underhanded things the Sox aren't doing is BS. The average age of these players looks to be about 17 years old. It appears as if either the Sox aren't signing anyone for $2M or if they are they don't appear to be high in the rankings. I know it is difficult to rate these players so Longenfeld is basing it on the bonuses and then scouting the players after he knows what their bonuses are going to be. Over 50% of these players are from the DR.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
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