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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2024 in all areas

  1. Everyone knows the time to judge a new front office is a few months into its first offseason before you let real results influence the true reality - how it feels. But nonetheless, as someone extremely skeptical this will work, I have to at least remark that it does feel a lot different. First - I think I can say somewhat accurately that this board would have said the worst thing Getz could have done is act like they were still just a, say, RFer away and tried to patch it up. This offseason was painful, because this upcoming season is horrifying, but at least it appears to not be putting off future pain. I'd need an ethicist to tell me if it's better to take more pain in the short term or have more time to adjust future pain. Second - The trades do feel different. I would say in general Hahn got more leeway than deserved because my strong opinion is he sought out trades that got him prospects with higher "prospect handbook" grades specifically to get him a better set of reviews. The hype around the trades continued to meet an underwhelming reality, because often these rankings are outdated, and we were buying guys starting to fall off. He was like buying a car literally after it rolled off the lot for the full sale price, but still showing the sticker on the windshield to us. Posters can check me (I encourage it), but I really can't pin trades that hahn did similar to what Getz has done this offseason. He has gone for volume of some bounce back candidates/dfa candidates, and players whose age/grades seem to have undervalued them. Or...accurately valued them. But it certainly has felt like the sox own grades on these players were what drove the acquisitions. Were they right? I have no idea, but it feels like what is happening. Third - For seemingly his entire tenure, when Hahn is facing free agent position players in his "budget", he has opted for marginally more offensive upside over competency in literally every other area. If you saw a guy that had hit 95 wRC+ over the last 3 years who was slow and horrible defensively, and one who hit 90 wRC+ over the last 3 years and was good/great defensively, Hahn took the first guy 100% of the time. Fourth - Hahn's analytics seemed to always boil down to "this one weird trick will fix all woes". It seemed like they were way, way too focused on contact rate and cutting down Ks after 2019, even if it was a guy with low walk rates or horrendous power, and it came with a bunch of players with horrible zone contact who just chased every pitch for a nubber. For pitching, K-rate became everything. Some of this made sense. When your defense is horrid, getting guys that just don't allow contact made sense. But then also loving sinker-relievers in front of horrid defense made no sense ever. Fifth - he hired from the outside, albeit from the royals exclusively (jk). And even where he did not firesale his PD staff, I have to pay attention when Keith Law says this: "They did extremely well in last summer’s trade binge, they’ve hit on a couple of recent high drafts, and we’ve seen guys develop in that system to a degree that we hadn’t seen in some time." SO - maybe there were was headway. Now, what I'm not saying is different will equal success. You can make a lot of different versions of bad. But as a concern that he was promoted from within, he certainly has some different ideas. But obviously, he needs to show he can find well-rounded, elite talent from the draft, from intl, from trades, from everywhere. Different though! Go Paul DeJong!
    12 points
  2. Rick Hahn was really really really really bad at his job.
    9 points
  3. Yeah, I’m sure it wasn’t the fact they had no money to spend
    7 points
  4. Eloy's biggest impact on this team is the red batting gloves, which I find depressingly hilarious
    5 points
  5. Not the only person clearly who had internalized him as a very tall impressive man
    4 points
  6. Is this an improvement over Rick Hahn's 10,000 words to say absolutely nothing? I honestly can't tell.
    4 points
  7. Maldonado hasn’t had a .700 OPS since 126 at bats in 2014. What exactly is a resurgence for him?
    4 points
  8. Yeah, no good free agents want to come to the Sox because of their bad defense. It has nothing to do with Getz offering sub-$8 million dollar a year contracts.
    3 points
  9. Your 2024 Chicago White Sox. Get your tickets NOW, before we close the upper deck.
    3 points
  10. It also is a ridiculous comment from Getz because it’s not like he signed these defensive upgrades to long-term deals. Guys like Pillar, Maldonado and Dejong will be here for a season (at most).
    3 points
  11. That site is a clown show. They’ve run 4 articles on the new stadium - all of them negative. Sure, there are concerns, but they’re in the very early stages of this thing.
    2 points
  12. This is quite frankly one of the dumbest articles I have ever seen on a Sox blog. Good grief.
    2 points
  13. Have you SEEN the parking at Camelback! My god, you practically park at your seat! And the color of that grass in the outfield patio, it's like a shining emerald! Oh, and if you want to see actual good players, our AAAA shares the park with the world famous LA Dodgers! You can't beat that experience!
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Theoretically it would be good to have a LH bat off the bench who can pinch hit for the catchers, DeJong, & Lopez late in games. But Sheets isn’t even a good hitter against RHP at this point, so obviously a questionable fit.
    2 points
  16. I think "economic home run" is always too far, but "good idea" would be to consolidate more people closer to the loop to help ease some of this drain of commercial real estate. It at least feels like a good idea to continue to surround the loop with the clubs (river north), premier restaurants (west loop), and now a nearby stadium/riverfront/restaurant area, rather than keep it so spread out. Especially for a neighborhood that hasn't shown much desire to move off of heavily residential.
    2 points
  17. Left handed power? Sorry, I can't even type that with a straight face.
    2 points
  18. And even with no real money to spend, they still overpaid a bunch of hot garbage.
    2 points
  19. You don't want to sign Paul "please pray to Jobu" Dejong to a long term deal?
    2 points
  20. What service does Sheets really provide for this team? Play against some tough RHPs? He's beyond bad.
    2 points
  21. They could have gone with marquee offseason signing Chris Flexen
    2 points
  22. Yeah, that's kind of weird right? Edit: Kopech as the pitcher selected for the graphic is depressing.
    2 points
  23. It would be sweet if some of these schmucks could bounce back and recoup some value this season. Maybe flip them at the deadline for pieces that will be a part of the next competitive team.
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. Such a terrible disease. So happy for Mongo and his family. LONG overdue.
    2 points
  26. If KC held for the 4th down, they’d still have to drive 60 + yards for the FG. I don’t think it would’ve made a difference with how SF’s defense was looking the second half, but that’s why you’re there - to win the trophy. Put some pressure on KC to score a TD
    2 points
  27. It hasn't even been one offseason, but if his vision for the team is "all defense, no offense," then we are in for a rough Getz tenure. Kenny was all about catching lightning in a bottle, getting his guy, and using the farm to supplement the MLB roster. Honestly, if they had expanded playoffs during Kenny's tenure, this might have worked. Rick was all about trying to build a star offensive-focused core with power pitchers in the rotation, locking them up to team friendly deals, and supplement them with an expensive bullpen (where he could conceivably outbid teams) and other players he traded for (but he got starstruck by prospect rankings / could not develop). Getz, well, we know his hands are tied with the budget. But the Mena deal feels like a KW "use the farm to supplement the MLB roster" move where they sacrifice youth for an immediate fix. He talks about trying to make the team attractive for pitchers— with his 1-year signings of mediocre vets who are good defensively, but are aging. There's also a part of me that feels insane because JR waxed poetic about Getz "teaching" players in the minors to field baseballs. But for some reason that hasn't been the case at all during Getz's tenure, so if he's going to be like KW and Rick Hahn where he relies on going outside of the system — like Mena for Fletcher — to build his vision, then that's a problem. I've also been extreme blunt that I'm judging Getz on a curve because his hiring process was a joke.
    1 point
  28. Also, I do believe if the Bears keep Fields and trade down for a haul, the team could very well end up making the playoffs. So I don’t think it’s a “terrible” decision there. It’s just now, the possibilities are far greater for either scenario of NFL greatness….or NFL lore for a legendary bust.
    1 point
  29. It appears that Getz does not want to rush young players to the big leagues. And I hope he prefers to have real outfielders play in the outfield. Another losing season is ahead but maybe it won't be as bad. Of course, anything would be an improvement over 2023. The 101 losses does not even begin to describe that nightmare.
    1 point
  30. Another thing, I keep going back to that stat that points to JF having the best NFL QB rating when targeting Moore, upwards of 140, better than Mahomes to Kelce in fact...if you put MHJr opposite Moore, there's no way you can convince me it wouldn't make Fields a better passer. Would they be carrying Fields? Yeah I guess so but I wouldn't care so long that it's effective. If the Bears let JF1 walk, I'll be rooting for the next guy to succeed and prove me wrong, as of right now though, I have my doubts about CW. Granted I didn't watch a lot of his games but I did catch the ND game and he looked lost.
    1 point
  31. You can say all you want about the third team possessing the ball having a guaranteed shot to win the game outright…but that discounts all the permutations of deal with Mahomes knowing exactly what he needs to do (like going on 4th and 1 deep in own territory, or setting every drive up with punting never an option)…not to mention Greenlaw was out by that point, and how huge he was for their defense. And then how much the Chiefs possessed the ball in the second half and finally started to wear down the SF defense. And it’s Patrick Mahomes, lol. The lead specifically mad a rule to thwart him, Tyreek Hill and Kelce because they were so deadly automatic.
    1 point
  32. I think the whole thing gets serious when the parties decide to talk about how it gets paid for. I know many are saying this will be an economic home run for the city, but really? People will just be spending money there that they would have been spending in another neighborhood. That's what just about every study of a publicly funded stadium has ever shown. There are 2 entities that get rich on it, Related and the White Sox.
    1 point
  33. https://soxmachine.com/2023/09/white-sox-international-approach-in-need-of-overhaul/ https://www.futuresox.net/2023/10/06/2023-white-sox-affiliate-review-dominican-summer-league/ But now the White Sox’ operations in the D.R. are coming back. From Dan Hayes of CSNChicago.com, who spoke with assistant GM Buddy Bell about Marco Paddy and the White Sox revitalized Dominican operations: “You need scouts to find the talent and Marco has done a very good job since his hire last year,” Bell said in an email. “Our players at our Dominican academy look a lot different. This is the first time I can say we have some guys that have a chance to be impactful major leaguers. Very athletic looking kids.” November 29th, 2012 NBCSports.com Coincides with first year of Hahn as GM, of course.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. I opened this in a new tab and finally set aside some time to read this during the Super Bowl. There have been a lot of posts in this thread, but none of them have included anywhere NEAR this amount of quality information and research. I don't know who wrote it, but kudos to them for the work they put in. Honestly, it almost has to be someone who works for the city, the county, the state, the White Sox, Related Reality, or someone being paid by them.
    1 point
  36. A robotic lower half. Maybe he could actually run.
    1 point
  37. What boggles my mind is that KC is likely better next year. That secondary is legit and their draft picks this year and last year will likely help them restock. Losing Jones will sting but no more than Hill or the other guys they lost.
    1 point
  38. And the Bears need to find out if Williams is the guy to elevate them like Mahomes elevates his team.
    1 point
  39. All the people on the side of “No Taxpayer Funding” who is paying for the Mayor to attend the Grammys and this genius with VIP Tix to the super bowl 🤔 newsflash - better off with your “taxes” to a stadium than the government. https://x.com/chicagocontrar1/status/1756841466863751546?s=46
    1 point
  40. If you told me that Adam Hackenberg or Carlos Perez had the best spring training of all the catchers, I would not bat an eye.
    1 point
  41. I heard a guy whose boss told him what to think, and he did.
    1 point
  42. Sounds like the same BS as last year. Remember how he was going to mold last year’s team into a winner and then after the season when he was a proven loser, he backtracked and said he didn’t like the team? Now he’s saying he loves the team again, that Getz put together. Guy is full of it.
    1 point
  43. As is certainly your right. I have no desire to fly somewhere, spend a lot of money on what figures to be another season where they lose anywhere from 90-100 games. I've got better things to do with my time.
    1 point
  44. Guys who are playing for their careers are usually often injured or not good players, which typically equates to a bad season.
    1 point
  45. Seriously though, what is there to even have doubt about? They’re gonna suck ass no matter how they want to dress it up.
    1 point
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