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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2020 in all areas

  1. Does this mean we can all collectively “move on”? He’s old. He’s a JR hire. He got pinched for a DUI. Can we all stop trying to outdo each other with the TLR lamentations?
    5 points
  2. That statement is really embarrassing. They should have just released a statement directly from JR that just said "It's my team and I can do whatever the fuck I want" and it would have at least been more brief.
    5 points
  3. I want to say thanks to the admins on this board. You guys do a really good job of making the board enjoyable. Even though some people think you’re being unfair you guys keep this place from becoming unbearable like so many other message boards. I think you do an excellent job of balancing between letting conversation happen and not letting posters ruin conversation.
    5 points
  4. “I know I don’t have a drinking problem” is something you just absolutely love to hear from someone with two DUIs Glad to hear the bar has been raised so I can stop worrying about mine.
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. When we started here there were three very active WS boards. We were the smallest. No one has devoted more time and energy building this forum than SS2k5. Now it's the largest WS forum by every metric. The thousands of unpaid hours for almost twenty years working the behind the scenes stuff is truly unbelievable and I for one appreciate all of his efforts to build this.
    4 points
  7. Without a doubt ss2k is annoying af, but all these new meatheads are making this board beyond insufferable cot damn
    4 points
  8. The question I'd ask in reply is...If I told you you were trading for a consistent 3 WAR pitcher, with good playoff experience, but with only 1 year of control and a $9.3 million salary this year, would you give up Dunning+ for that? I wouldn't. He may not have the playoff experience, but even coming off injury, Dunning is a guy who is under team control for 6 years with several games in the majors where he showed he can get big league pitchers out. He would have a legit shot at putting up 3 WAR this year, and Dunning + an extra $9 million to spend would very likely be preferable when you consider the extra control. He put up 0.7 in 2020 in only 8 starts as a true rookie coming off injury. This discussion started because someone said that the White Sox had paid the price for a 5-7 WAR pitcher, and I think that's fairly accurate. If you told me I was getting a 6 WAR pitcher, with 1 year of control remaining and a $9.3 million salary, I'd say "Yes Dunning+ is a sensible trade for that", you lose a lot of control but your rotation now has another all star who can match up with anyone." So one of a couple things needs to happen - either Lynn needs to be that 2019 version, or the White Sox need to win the world series so that we say "eh Lynn wasn't all that great but who cares here's a trophy."
    3 points
  9. To be fair, Kenny Williams was a hypothetical player.
    3 points
  10. Notably missing from that statement is any version of "Tony LaRussa received or completed a treatment course."
    3 points
  11. You know Yawkey and Schilling, Marge Schott and Campanis Anson and Rocker, Griffith and Judge Landis But do you recall, the most famous racist of all Tony the Redneck Skipper, had another DUI Called Jerry from his jail cell, that's when he began to cry None of the other ball clubs, will give me a job again Reinsdorf said we'll smear Ricky, and bring you back to make amends On the week of Christmas Eve, Tony plead guilty Judge said "You're legit and White, by all means drive drunk tonight" No players or fans loved him, planned boycotts of Comiskey Tony the Redneck Skipper, worst hire in history
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. And he gets to serve his day in jail as "home detention." Classic stuff.
    3 points
  14. Process vs outcome. I’m not ok with their process even if the outcome works, and that’s a fair critique.
    3 points
  15. What? Moustakas is a 30 HR +/800+ OPS LH bat who can play multiple positions with a contract commensurate with his production (@$14M in '21). If we had a chance to attract Mouse and Castillo for a Madrigal led package we would be CRAZY not to. BUT...not to worry because we would be outbid by 28 other teams.
    2 points
  16. How about this scenario, there are some posters here, I'd say we make up the majority, that love to say I told you so and prove other posters wrong. It's easy to get the feeling in December that that feeling is stronger than wanting the team to win. I doubt there are many of us that take it that far. Certainly by April those people are probably gone. But a blown save, a miscue by Eaton, a poor pitching change and we know what will be posted in the game threads.
    2 points
  17. Some people here want the team to lose rather than win if La Russa is the manager
    2 points
  18. Again there was a whole process that was happening, which was brought to a halt when Jerry latched on to Tony. Rick was fully planning a longer and more engaged process, which was shutdown because he knew Jerry had his guy. It sure didn't sound to me like anyone else in the franchise felt like Tony was their guy, and they wanted someone else. Despite that feeling, Jerry did his own thing.
    2 points
  19. His K% was the 2nd best of his starting career. His K% had dipped below 20% in 2017 before figuring it out in 2018 and surging to 29% in 2019 - a year where he was a top 3 pitcher in baseball. Last year it settled at 26%, which puts him as the 20th best strikeout pitcher among qualified starters. But regardless, let's say that we were trading for Lance Lynn after his 2019 season, where he was again, the 3rd best pitcher in baseball. Let's say lynn only had 1 year on his deal. Do we think that Dane Dunning+Avery Weems gets Lance Lynn? Obviously not. And if he is the 2020 version for a full season - 200 IP, 4.3 FIP...he's a top 20 pitcher. He's Carlos Carrasco/Zac Gallen, two pitchers that provided the same value as him last year.
    2 points
  20. It always seems messy to include pitchers and maybe even designated hitters in this sort of debate. On days he was playing I'd take Buehrle over Konerko. With a little bit of hindsight I will say that Buehrle is my favorite Sox pitcher of all time. Certainly the only pitcher I bought a ticket to a game specifically because he was starting. If I had to name a second most valuable player behind Thomas, I would pick Konerko. But the question is second "best" player. Konerko fell off the HoF ballot, Buehrle is just starting. I think of outside chances of one day telling a cop late at night that you're a hall of fame baseballer, I think Buehrle has the best shot. So, I'm going to offer Buehrle as my choice. And in less time than you took to read this Mark would have faced two batters and probably have a 1-0 count on the third.
    2 points
  21. I'd say with some confidence that this evaluation took the form of "Jerry says it's no big deal and we aren't allowed to ask about it any more, so tell someone to start writing up the press release."
    2 points
  22. Fine. Drove recklessly with a BAC over the legal limit.*
    2 points
  23. The only reason I see that as feasible is the white sox seeing an old, declining, past his prime DH and actually thinking it's a bargain.
    2 points
  24. "Tony has a proud and productive history with the White Sox and Major League Baseball, which is why we are standing by him" is an absolutely infuriating sentence.
    2 points
  25. I mean it isn't like he has to worry about his job status.
    2 points
  26. Do we have to derail every thread with TLR DUI talk? 🤣
    2 points
  27. Still convinced La Russa doesn't know the names of anyone on the White Sox. He literally never says anyone's name in the few pressers he's had.
    2 points
  28. I don't see anything about sincerity in here.
    2 points
  29. Lol...so basically he gets 20 hours of community service for his second DUI. What a fucking joke.
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. You do get help on your mortgage.
    2 points
  32. The funny part is you get help on both, courtesy of the government.
    2 points
  33. Like I said, when do the Boomers payoff the 30 trillion they took out in loans in terms of the national debt? Talk to me when that happens.
    2 points
  34. Yes. However, I think the reason this has momentum is it can be done at the executive level, not congressional level. You can forgive these student loans, and it's not coming at the cost of k-12 education. I'm not sure I believe in either/or's in politics. You can either get something done now or you can't. And if you can, you really should. There are a whole lot of bills that exist that are better than this, but can't pass a 60 vote threshold or a house. But this it doesn't matter because you can just do it, so is it worth helping a group of people that aren't at the front of the line for needing help just because you can? I say yes.
    2 points
  35. Sox news: Ozzie Guillen moved down the road from me
    2 points
  36. Didnt you know it's not me, it is Dictator Presidente' @southsider2k5
    2 points
  37. Have fun on another message board. Bye now
    2 points
  38. Worst part is even if he has another great year the only way it ends up being worth it is if Dunning busts or Lynn is signed to an extension and stays hot during that period. Or Sox win the WS. ATM I don't particularly like any of those odds right now.
    2 points
  39. SS2K5 thinks this forum revolves around him. It’s truly unbelievable.
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. I just think it’s weird to take any of it personally. I think our FO has done a great job with the rebuild
    2 points
  42. I wouldn't take him even if they gave him up for free.
    2 points
  43. Maybe we can add the clip of "I'm a Hall of Famer, brother." to the pre-game pump up video on the screen in center.
    2 points
  44. None of what he says means anything anyway, because he made the same exact comments after his first DUI
    1 point
  45. That's really the bottom line. Driving drunk when you have the resources to hire a DD. The I'm a Hall of Famer and lying is just a little extra.
    1 point
  46. In related news Tony pled guilty to making insensitive remarks ending speculation that he is a racist.
    1 point
  47. Wait, we have labels?
    1 point
  48. Hope you're happy with the flaming dumpster of dog turds these great leaders negotiated Looking forward to the collapse of state and local governments next year The people who have failed the entire time and are continuing to actively work against containing and controlling COVID and helping the country through extremely difficult times shouldn't be at the front of the line for a vaccine. They ought to be at the back.
    1 point
  49. When in the hell did this become about politics?
    1 point
  50. I’m kinda boringly confident in Paddy here. Not just for who he’s landed but also how he’s not targeted the high profile Cubans who have busted.
    1 point
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