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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2021 in Posts

  1. After seeing the Sox against the Astros and Yankees I have no idea how anyone thinks this team is capable of winning anything other than the shitty ALC.
    10 points
  2. The Sox have been completely exposed and embarrassed in this series, and there is no guarantee that Eloy and Robert will be anywhere close to the players they were when they come back...if they come back at all. Is it time to tear things down and get a haul for Lynn and Rodon at the deadline?
    5 points
  3. Ron needs to be sent down. This wasn't even a good attempt. He's just going through the troll motions now.
    4 points
  4. They can drop off Mercedes in Nashville. That’s where Charlotte goes next.
    4 points
  5. It’s blatant for Lynn, but Cease also has had his average spin rate drop the last 3 games compared to what he was throwing in May. So let’s be cautious about the construction of the White Sox’s house before throwing those stones.
    4 points
  6. Ineptitude is one thing. This was shit effort, and they need to be lit up for it. What a garbage performance this week. Garbage.
    3 points
  7. If Altuve is not my least favorite player, I don't know who is.
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. I don't want to sound like a poor loser, but the thought crossed my mind that the Astros might still be up to their chicanery. They seem to be especially good at scoring runs. They never did receive any punishment for their previous transgressions and they never seemed to exhibit much contrition. Apparently they don't use anything as obvious as beating on a trash can, but they certainly could be employing something much more sophisticated and difficult to detect. I have no proof and therefore this should not be misconstrued as an allegation. I'm just wondering. Hey, that's the price dishonest people pay for their transgressions, especially when they show little, or no remorse. Why should we believe, or trust them? Although the Astros do have the highest runs per game average in the Majors, they actually score even more, on the road. Therefore, if they are cheating, they might have devised a way to do it all of the time, not just during home games. It's not as though Major League Baseball has suddenly gotten a conscience and decided to refrain from breaking the rules. Witness the current controversy over "sticky substances". And who knows, if they are cheating, maybe they're not alone. Again, I have absolutely no evidence, however I remain suspicious. They do have a history, and you can't blame one for doubting whether they have actually been reformed. Any thoughts?
    2 points
  10. We have looked like dog shit this series... even though honestly it was going to happen at some point. But would like to point out that these Astros who are crushing us. at one point Lost 6 in a row and went 1-9 in that strech
    2 points
  11. Beautiful friend, the end... Jose with the lowest OPS of his career. Chw42 posted a very interesting stat yesterday. Jose vs. fastballs over 95 MPH this year: .158 BA and .237 SLG. Jose vs. fastballs over 95 MPH last year: .371 BA and .857 SLG. Jose vs. fastballs over 95 MPH in 2019: .348 BA and .623 SLG. Jose's bat just seems noticeably slower this year. He absolutely can't catch up to fastballs 95+ this year. The Sox really need his bat if they want to compete this year. It's very concerning.
    2 points
  12. If the team was healthy I’d 100% agree. But are you really looking at these lineups and thinking that under performing is the issue? I think we are sending out bad lineups that are performing about as expected. There’s just no way I can logically think that sending Luery, Mendick, Mercedes, Goodwin/Lamb/Eaton out as regulars for another month + is going to “work itself out”. The question for me is whether or not the pitching staff can continue to carry the team and keep things afloat until reinforcements come…or does a move need to be made sooner rather than later
    2 points
  13. I wanted 44-29 at the end of 31 games in 31 days. It’s 43-29 with one postponed. This series sucked, but with all the injuries, this was bound to happen eventually. Hopefully they get a couple good nights of sleep and then kick the Pirates around before another off day.
    2 points
  14. Always exciting to have 2 of the worst umpires in the game following along in the gamethread.
    2 points
  15. He's the Jose Abreu of the booth....trying to do too much when the team is struggling
    2 points
  16. Getting swept is never a good thing, but I think this series will be a much needed wake up call for the organization. As awesome as our W-L record & run differential is, we’ve been fortunate to beat up some bad teams. The rotation is the real deal, but the offense without Eloy, Robert, & Madrigal is simply not that good and bullpen is going to need some help. This is still one of the best teams in baseball when healthy, but we can’t afford to be overly cocky in our current form and need to find a way to add some reinforcements come July. Hopefully they kick things in motion by optioning Yermin to AAA after the game. Feels like we’ve got to be close to that happening.
    2 points
  17. How long will they have to wait to have Jimenez and Robert back though? It is going to be some time before that happens. I want to see guys like Moncada, Anderson and Abreu play better. If they need the others to be healthy to get better, it’s going to be a while before they play better.
    2 points
  18. Hahn needs to get off his ass and get some help. Can’t play AL central every game.
    2 points
  19. This current roster isn’t. What they need is Eloy, Robert, Kopech and a lefty slugger added to the roster.
    2 points
  20. So tired of Timmy’s laziness on the bases and in the field
    2 points
  21. What do you consider something of consequence? They don't have what it takes to get like a Ketel Marte. They don't need that though. I'm not even sure they could get Joey Gallo. They can absolutely get Starling Marte, Eduardo Escobar and either Ian Kennedy or Daniel Hudson though. Those would be impactful moves
    2 points
  22. Happy Father's Day!! TA's girls want a Win....and some Pasta.
    2 points
  23. Yermin shouldn't DH against a righty. Maybe you throw him in there against a soft tossing lefty, but he's totally unable to handle ML pitching right now. If you have to, send him down to AAA to figure it out, cause having him hit .150 in the majors isn't helping anyone. Lamb should DH vs. righties as much as possible, but stop putting him in the 2 spot. He's a total liability on defense and really shouldn't be put in OF, especially if you plan on playing Goodwin in CF. The combination of Goodwin, Vaughn, and Lamb might be the worst defensive OF in baseball. Play Engel as much as possible. We need him to anchor the defense in CF and he's hitting well enough against RHP that he shouldn't strictly be a platoon player. Especially when your other options in CF are Goodwin and Leury. Against RHP, I'd go Lamb at DH, Goodwin in LF, Engel in CF, and Leury in RF. You can even give Collins ABs at DH and have Lamb in LF if we don't have a fly ball heavy starter on the mound. Against LHP, Vaughn needs to be in the top 5 of the lineup. I don't care if it's 2, 3, or even 5, he belongs in there against lefties. He's one of our only guys who's had success against high velocity this year.
    1 point
  24. He's @ a bbq with his dad notChadBradford so he might just be out of the loop for a bit.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Beckham was great. F the h8ers
    1 point
  27. ronn trying to get abreu going again/
    1 point
  28. They have become my most hated fanbase since the cheating scandal. Somehow they've managed to have a victim mentality after that whole debacle.
    1 point
  29. Yes big time. Last start was lowest since 2018
    1 point
  30. I think we’ll look back at this series and say it was the one that prompted Hahn to make a decision to be a buyer. This feels like a bubble popping.
    1 point
  31. I guess all that's left to care for today is bullpen guys righting the ship and some of our lineup to hit. We still have the best manager of all time
    1 point
  32. The Sox starting pitching have held their own, even against high powered offense but suddenly they can't get these guys out? Something here is fishy. Thats not to say they aren't legitimately beating us but I have my doubts. The Sox offense has been putrid this series but our strength is our starting pitching...hmmmm...yeah, I went there, lol.
    1 point
  33. Glad I decided to wait before pouncing on that new Mercedes jersey.
    1 point
  34. The other red flag is that the Astros' almost never look really fooled on a pitch.
    1 point
  35. TLR threw the towel in bringing in Foster. A reliever that gives up walks and homers like Foster should not be on our MLB roster.
    1 point
  36. They should really give Sheets a look at DH. If he can contribute that's a guy they might not want to trade.
    1 point
  37. That's the guy they have to try to get.
    1 point
  38. For me, one of the biggest red flags is Altuve's performance, this month. How does that little guy hit 9 homers, in 17 games, without some kind of help? Is he really that talented? Perhaps, but that just seems other worldly.
    1 point
  39. You can pick up decent rental upgrades for middling prospects and or financial relief. Playoff games are huge money makers for teams. Even JR might be willing to swallow hard and pick up salary.
    1 point
  40. Happy father's day to all the Dads. Let's have a day with good food and a white sox winner!
    1 point
  41. We have a need to buy some things/players, but I don't like what we have to pay with. Either next wave players that could really hurt or be an overpay or scraps that people may not want.
    1 point
  42. who is the clown? the guy who thinks the playoffs are a lock on June 19th or the one who understands that anything can happen?
    1 point
  43. Hate being that guy, but it’s time bump this thread and realize what a disaster the Adam Eaton signing was. A ton of great takes in this thread, with so many people knowing from the get go this wasn’t likely going to work out for us. I’ll give the Sox credit for their other offseason moves, which have seemingly worked out well, but the inability to address RF over the past several seasons is a major failure for Hahn. Meanwhile, Joc Pederson has a wRC+ of 130 against RHP, which is not too far off his 2018 & 2019 production. We wouldn’t need to trade from a weak farm system to solve the RF problem had we just waited him out. The team would also be in much better shape against RHP with Joc’s left-handed power bat. Pederson was always the perfect fit for a team looking to fill a key hole the cheap and we somehow botched. Finally, the real reason I’m bumping my post is because of that last sentence and it’s an important lesson learned going forward. We can’t field a roster filled with guys who routinely spend time on the DL and not have quality depth. @fathom and myself, amongst others, called it out immediately that relying on Eloy & Eaton to be healthy over a full season was very risky and would likely lead to stretches of overplaying bad backups without a quality depth addition. And while Engel is a very nice 4th OF, he’s not a good everyday corner OF when used for extended stretches of time. I get it’s easy to say “most teams don’t have great depth”, but if we were going to roll the dice on Eaton in RF plus a rookie at DH, we should have invested in another bat that could have been part of the mix at both spots. It’s really that simple and I think both Hahn & Jerry deserve some blame for not mitigating that risk.
    1 point
  44. Yes, and with the crack down on sticky substance coming, it will be equally hard to evaluate the value of any pitcher. Maybe we need to wait until then, to acquire an arm for the pen. However, if there are some guys who don't appear to have been using anything, they might represent good value. Looking at their spin rate history would be a potential way to determine that.
    1 point
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