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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2024 in Posts

  1. I don’t care what anyone says. Call me a bad fan. This is awesome. I hope they get swept. I’m absolutely rooting for 120 losses
    9 points
  2. Chris Getz should be legit embarrassed for building an “all glove” positional group and still playing Gavin Sheets in RF. He’s a fucking clown no different than the two clowns that hired him in the first place. If he wasn’t the front office snitch, he would have been fired alongside them and wouldn’t have the one poster here creaming his pants every time his name is mentioned.
    8 points
  3. Sunday I get to see the soxtwitter videos of Lenyn Sosa pop-up, another embarrassing rundown where we say "it looks like they've never played baseball before!" Before we get too far - Lenyn getting where he has today is an incredible accomplishment. He may not be very good, but he was a modest bonus signing that has made it to the big leagues on the strength of his hitting progression. He is by far the best signing of that class, which was highlighted by Josue Guerrero. Anyway. Sosa signed in July 2 of 2016. Getz took over the following offseason as our Director of Player Dev, and Sosa appeared stateside in Arizona, where he stood out as perhaps the first international signing in like half a decade to not be completely miserable at the plate. He had no power, but he wasn't striking out 60% of the time. He then spent 5.5 years, slowly climbing the organization. He mostly survived as a young player in older leagues, before breaking out in AA as a 22 year old where he suddenly found power. He was promptly called up where we all learned that power was all you can really find in the white sox org. You find Power, you find velocity. Everything else? they are unfindable. A player for 5.5 years in Chris Getz teachings arrives, where we can see what it's like for someone to be taught the way JR always wanted. The result? Someone who appears underprepared at the plate, on the field, and on the basepaths. He goes back and forth between AAA and the big leagues, and it is all the same. Lenyn Sosa arrived a reported 6'0 and 180 lbs, and stands today at 6'0 and 180 lbs. That's true and also a good metaphor. Despite 615 games since he arrived in Chris Getz teaching, he has very little learned. I think about this when I read Colson Montgomery reports. The most alien like figure I"ve ever seen arrive in this org. Truly the opposite traits of like every other player. And we see "he'll need to develop if he wants to stay at short". Well, I'd say lets just hope he survives at 3rd.
    6 points
  4. Let's fu*k around and find some wins in Minneapolis this week. The Twins are sucking right now as well, so may as well kick them a bit while they're down. We all know the more likely scenario is a 4 game sweep turns the Twins season around, but hey - I'd love to not see that happen. I will be in attendance tonight and just gave Crochet knucks in the skyway, so hey, go Sox.
    6 points
  5. Outside of the box? For the White Sox? A normal interview process where we bring in lots of outside candidates without connections to the owner or GM and we do honest interviews with them to learn what outside views of the organization look like so that we get a good and honest assessment of the on the field product and the best way to move forward.
    6 points
  6. Can it be “all of the above?” A manager who shouldn’t be leading this team. A front office that put together a poor, cheap, underperforming roster. Players who realize this is a bad team with some just cashing paychecks. An ultimately an owner who needs to sell the team.
    5 points
  7. AJ firing shots. His partner says "This is the first time all year the Twins are playing a team under .500" AJ: "Well the White Sox make up for all of that."
    5 points
  8. It only took Chris eight months to build the worst team we have ever seen. Impressive.
    5 points
  9. The hilarious part is that he didn’t even put together a great defensive team. Just gave a bunch of has been and never was players their final MLB paychecks.
    4 points
  10. Fletcher has been absolutely awful, but no one notices because others have been so much worse. Everything is terrible with this franchise.
    4 points
  11. I’m with you. Rooting for historically bad at this point.
    4 points
  12. This roster just flat out sucks. Aside from the underperformers that have been here, every single Getz signing or trade is fucking terrible. Even if they had to cut payroll, there’s no way this was the best that could be done. It’s ridiculous.
    4 points
  13. You can't go to third on that play. Whatever Grifol said they'd be this year they are assuredly not. Go away, clown.
    4 points
  14. It would have taken anyone else at least a year. -JR
    4 points
  15. Listen, there is a difference between outside the box and outside the realm of possibility...
    4 points
  16. 4 points
  17. No, but he isn't helping. It's time to launch him. Why wait?
    4 points
  18. At this point, you just kind of have to fire somebody, right? Manager, hitting coach, bat boy...
    3 points
  19. I actually feel bad for the fans of other teams who have to watch the Sox when they play us. It’s embarrassing.
    3 points
  20. As a newly single man, I feel right at home.
    3 points
  21. He's breaking under the relentless pressure of Jay Cuda stats...?
    3 points
  22. Do you need Pedro to tell you which base to throw to?
    3 points
  23. So awful pitching, a dead-ball era offense, and mediocre defense that really doesn’t matter. Great job this offseason, Getz.
    3 points
  24. These game threads are more entertaining than actually watching the game.
    3 points
  25. What’s Ned Yost up to these days? Might as well finish this disaster off with the final Royals infinity stone.
    3 points
  26. Schriffen is busting his nut over the story.
    3 points
  27. As an aside, not to beat a dead horse, but holy hell, do these 2024 uniforms look like absolute ass.
    3 points
  28. He's touching 95 but he's getting lit up because he doesn't have a put away pitch and throws it down broadway too often. There was nothing in his minor league numbers that suggested he'd have much success.
    3 points
  29. It's only April and the White Sox are finished and Scottie Scheffler has already made $18.7 million for the year.
    3 points
  30. Fletcher and Lopez would be nice players for a DIII team looking to win the league.
    3 points
  31. Dark and muffled, story of the Sox franchise. Might as well be the 2024 slogan
    3 points
  32. Martin Maldonado, just to get him to retire. Let him hav a pitch com so he can put down the fingers and not attempt everything he can no longer do.
    3 points
  33. Zorak from Spaceghost Coast to Coast. Don't send in the clowns
    3 points
  34. Tom Berenger. James Gammon would have been my first choice, but he is unavailable due to death, so I'll go with his protege. They have succeeded in these circumstances before, why couldn't they do it again? Despicable owner - Check Team built to lose - Check Stadium issues/threatening to leave city - Check Terrible fan attendence - Check Players that nobody knows - Check For those who say Berenger is too old, he is younger than another recent manager of ours.
    3 points
  35. The only thing that will work, will be new ownership.
    3 points
  36. Oh I got your point, I just don't think you understand that winning 63 games this year instead of 55 and then losing all of those guys anyways makes a damned bit of sense when a team is as bereft of talent as the White Sox are right now.
    3 points
  37. Almost guaranteed victories and lots of runs scored? A bit like the Globetrotters and Washington Generals back in the day, although WASH definitely had a lot more talent comparatively.
    2 points
  38. Steve Stone will start being critical of the White Sox the minute Jerry Reinsdorf sells. You watch.
    2 points
  39. Stone has become as big of a shill as Hawk.
    2 points
  40. Was at a regular Sox bar on the south side Saturday night. They had the cubs game on all tvs with sox nowhere to be found.
    2 points
  41. Just so you know who is out here shutting this team out, with 9 K's through 6 IP:
    2 points
  42. Vaughn taking an inside fastball the other way for a soft lineout is everything wrong with him. Pull the ball, elevate the ball, deposit that pitch into the bleachers. This is how it's done.
    2 points
  43. All fair criticisms…but pure velocity isn’t the problem here.
    2 points
  44. I call my son’s manager “Grifol”….that’s as insulting as it gets.
    2 points
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