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  1. Sorry if this was posted already. An interesting take from Boston going back to the Sale trade.
    4 points
  2. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,...
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. I'm leaning towards keeping him unless we get a really intriguing offer. Collins needs to catch everyday for another year. Let him do that in triple A so that he can be a great backup option next year. They need to DH Grandal a lot this year to keep him fresh for our second half push. McCann will get his playing time.
    3 points
  5. 2019 Spring Training ERAs Giolito: 8.84 Banuelos 4.26 Covey 2.45 Bummer 12.00
    2 points
  6. The overreactions to Colome are pretty amusing. You could argue that he is overpaid, but he has been remarkably consistent for a reliever. He will be fine.
    2 points
  7. It's the giants. They dont want their fans to see their team too soon. 😁
    2 points
  8. Think you might have Dunning confused with Brady Singer of FL. Either way, I agree about Dunnings competitiveness. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2017/06/florida-pitcher-brady-singer-tantrum-tirade-rain-delay-wake-forest-super-regional-college-baseball-video
    2 points
  9. I honestly hope we move Rodon to the bullpen. I’m not sure it will make him any healthier, but I think he can be dominant as a pure fastball/slider guy coming out in short stretches. To go completely off subject here, but if you make Rodon a reliever and add one elite arm to serve as your closer you could see a bullpen like this next year: CL: Kirby Yates SU: Aaron Bummer* SU: Reynaldo Lopez SU: Carlos Rodon* MR: Zack Burdi MR: Codi Heuer MR: Fry*/Cordero/Hamilton/Johnson LR: Gonzalez*/Lambert/Flores* Holy fuck would that pen be nasty.
    2 points
  10. All the Delmonico play so fart it's as if they are trying to force him on. Giving him every chance to make this team.
    2 points
  11. Not having this televised is pretty bogus. I'll provide high level, big brained analysis of what's going on at the game
    2 points
  12. I agree with you. Dunning has great pitching IQ. He's a competitor. And maybe most importantly an easy repeatable delivery. Speaking of him being a competitor, look up the video of him yelling at the umps for calling the tarp out with the rain coming. He was at Florida. Love it! He is better than Lambert, Lopez, Rodon. I expect him to be #5 next season and then 4 the following year with Dallas the 5. I'm still not sure what the plan is for Rodon. I feel he will be moved next offseason. I just don't see how he's going to be happy here if he's not starting.
    2 points
  13. There is little-to-no change Hahn and Co. signed him without communicating to him his future is at DH. Sox would be ridiculous if they didn't put that out there when signing him to an above market deal. My post more towards Vaughn will be pushing to be on the MLB roster this summer. I think we'd be better off with Vaughn at 1B and using the DH as a flexibility position moving forward.
    2 points
  14. Interesting game with Robert, Mazara, Vaughn, Madrigal and Keuchel playing a role. We seem to play more interesting lineups on days without TV.
    2 points
  15. Vaughn is going to make this contract extension even more dumb.
    2 points
  16. I love Dunning, but he doesn’t really have an ace like ceiling. To me, his best case scenario is a really good #3 starter. That being said, if healthy I expect him to be a rotation mainstay for years to come, hopefully as our #4 starter behind Giolito, Kopech, & Cease. I truly believe he will beat out Lopez, Rodon, Lambert, & Stiever for the last spot in the rotation next year. The kid just has that “it” factor.
    2 points
  17. He's 6'5 with an absurdly wide frame. There's a mountain range of territory to pack muscle on a body like that. Also, nobody puts only 70 pounds in muscle alone. Your body needs fat to support that. You will naturally accumulate fat as you pack on muscle. A 6'5 guy gaining 70 pounds is like a 5'10 guy (average) packing on half of that. It's not that insane, at all. Weight/muscle gain is relative. It's funny... all of these people talking about how they know "the majority of MLB/NFL athletes take steroids!" on the internet. I was a D1 athlete, played independent pro ball and now I'm a trainer. I teach athletes how to train for a living. Yet, I've never seen steroids. It's very taboo... especially among athletes. If you're doing that, in 2020? It's with a belly full of shame and behind a closed door. You are not in the majority. Not in the f'ing least. I was accused by people of taking steroids in high school simply because of my size. It was ALWAYS either the lazy prick athletes who half assed their weight training and ate like shit. OR... it was people who didn't even play sports... many could have but would rather smoke pot. It was always the kids who couldn't or didn't want to do it. You know... the "I would have gone pro if I didn't hurt my knee" kind of guys. That's what you sound like when you talk about the majority of NFL/MLB being juicers.
    2 points
  18. So this college pitching class is pretty nuts huh?
    2 points
  19. Keep him. Grandal wears down seemingly every year.
    2 points
  20. Season starts 3 weeks from today if you can believe it. Let's pass some time speculating on projections for prominent White Sox. For pitchers we'll do innings, fWAR and ERA. Position players we'll do fWAR, OPS and HR. We'll start with one of the most surprising players in recent memory: Lucas Giolito. Coming off a season in which he literally went from the worst starter in MLB to one of the 10 best. 2019: 176.2IP, 5.1 fWAR, ERA 3.41 ZIPS: 176IP, 5.2 fWAR, ERA 3.20 Going UNDER on fWAR and OVER on ERA and innings. My best guess is 195IP, 4.8fWAR and ERA 3.70. I'm expecting some regression in K/9 and HR rate. Still thinking he's going to have a very nice year and is a great 2nd starter or if you squint is a decent number 1. Tomorrow will be Yoan Moncada! Another tough one coming off a breakout.
    1 point
  21. Maybe i'm just getting fooled by spring but Engel is lookin mighty hot
    1 point
  22. Anyone have an update on Alec Hansen?
    1 point
  23. He is probably nothing more than a career AAAA guy, but they obviously like him, he still has options left, and figures to be in line for a call up as an OF injury replacement. I don't think he has any shot as the 26th man but it doesn't hurt to give him a longer look now that he's healthy for the first time in years.
    1 point
  24. Extension or not, I don't think they would release Abreu (would be here anyway accepting QO). If anything, Edwin would currently be blocking him if he tears it up in the minors. Team might be in a spot to promote Vaughn and release a 37-year old EE mid-summer the way signing aging DHs has worked.
    1 point
  25. @raBBit We have no idea if signing Abreu helped get Robert and Moncada locked up. That's more important than having a flexible DH. If it did, it was well worth it.
    1 point
  26. He may be aluding to Vaughn being better than Abreu already, which I would agree with. Regardless, Jose refuses to DH full time. I hope he's ready to next year.
    1 point
  27. This is the question that Hahn keeps asking in the interviews when it comes to further additions. We just don't know yet and have to see how far away they are the next few months. should be veeeeeery interesting around here if they come out like a house on fire through May
    1 point
  28. This is how I see it as well.
    1 point
  29. Assumung Abreu and Edwin are having normal years, why are you benching either one a lot?
    1 point
  30. I plan to continue living my life. Just as I did through swine flu, etc. I hope others do too.
    1 point
  31. I expect them to go to the playoffs. The few players I spoke with in the last few weeks expect it so the fans should too. Anything else is a failure to them
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Detmers would be the perfect fit to me, but feels like that’s a smaller shot.
    1 point
  34. My Heart says playoffs, my brain thinks a lot of things have to go right. If they are in the Wild Card hunt all year I'm happy.
    1 point
  35. Gotta love Yoan having a great (spring training) game after getting called out by @Jack Parkman and @Lillian over struggling (in spring training games).
    1 point
  36. You've actually have on here before. I'll speak on myself towards that regard. Even @DirtySox called you out on it and the mods had to clean it up. You have a real tendency to do so quite a bit here and not recall. Lets not go on the "holier than thou" route Ray. Some posters might pull out receipts.
    1 point
  37. 20 days! Today's over under is Yoan Moncada! And how appropriate given his extension yesterday! 2019: 915 OPS, 5.7 fWAR, 25 HR ZIPS: 824 OPS, 3.9 fWAR, 26 HR This is easy I'm going OVER on everything. I expect Moncada to move into the top 10 in average exit velocity, continue to fine tune his right handed swing, and hit something like 290/360/520. Would be SHOCKED if he has an OPS under 850. Among other things ZIPS only thinks he's going to run neutral on the bases. I'd expect him to be closer to 3-4.
    1 point
  38. What does this even mean? LOL Are you going to ban me for stating an opinion on a football players PED use? Go right ahead, bud. Nothing I enjoy more than internet threats from forum moderators.
    1 point
  39. I actually said 500%, not 100%. And I'll post as I please, thanks.
    1 point
  40. No, I just don't make wild assumptions based on no facts. Back in the 70's ,80's and 90's PEDS were rampant because none of the leagues especially the NFL cared about them. They made the sports more exciting. Everyone involved with the tams knew what was going. If the same were happening today, we would all know what was going on, if it was the majority of players. Here are reason why it's different today: 1. I know you don't acknowledge the science of blood testing but it's very difficult to cheat a test that just for levels not specific substances. Not impossible but very difficult. 2. Having worked in the NFL and MLB during the time of rampant PEDs, the look is very different. 3. The leagues now are more mindful of allowing things like PEDs and concussions and such that will bring lawsuits costing millions of dollars. 4. The players of today are very different. The attitude of I will do everything to play and stay in the NFL is gone. Players now are qutting as early as college because of what a concussion may do to their life after football, rightfully so. Are these the same players that will take the risk of brain, heart, liver and kidney issues in their life after football? No, it's not. You can continue to blindly say that the majority are on PEDs based on your personal beliefs. However, the data of the blood tests and even the eye test show that majority are not. Some probably have figured something out but it would be very difficult for it to be wide spread.
    1 point
  41. I don't see him netting that much in return. I would keep him.
    1 point
  42. Ding ding ding. Renteria takes a ton of flack, but as I've said a managers job is 99.9% relationship management/player management/emotional management and .1% strategic. These players seem to love Ricky, so I will give Ricky a pass and the benefit of the doubt. Years and years of losing and never a negative word out of the clubhouse. That's really difficult to do.
    1 point
  43. This is why I'm confused when people want Renteria gone. It seems like his players will run through a brick wall for him. Firing him and bringing in someone like Girardi wouldn't work IMO.
    1 point
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