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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2024 in all areas

  1. "We brought in so many low level players we don't know which ones are worse"
    7 points
  2. Chicago White Sox - bringing you yesterday’s mediocrity… tomorrow.
    6 points
  3. All these dude's flat-out competing and they're still adding on March 22
    6 points
  4. wasn't one of the biggest complaints about last season that there was no minor league depth? every major league team will deal with injuries and the White Sox were historically bad last season in terms of their call-ups. I'm reminded of this fangraphs article which shows that the Sox opening day roster compiled over 100% of the team's total WAR. as in, the call-ups and trade acquisitions produced negative WAR. with that in mind, I don't see how it could be viewed as a bad thing for a team to sign a player to a minor league deal who hit .730ish OPS and 10 homers last season. it's sort of like, why wouldn't you do that?
    5 points
  5. He shouldn’t have signed Maldonado at all. Because he’s bad. But you know this already.
    5 points
  6. Brooks Boyer, hire this man.
    4 points
  7. No wonder you love Getz’s offseason. You apparently love crappy overpaid players. Straw has had an OPS under .600 in both of the last two seasons. 3 more years and $19.25 million for trash. Yikes. 24: $4.5M, 25: $6M, 26: $7M, 27: $8M club option ($1.75M buyout), 28: $8.5M club option ($500,000 buyout)
    4 points
  8. SoxTalk is great, but if Getz didn't sign anyone and waited this long to sign a SP, this board would have been all over him. You can't go into Spring training with 1 legitimate starter, especially when you know that you were planning on trading him. Sox had to sort thru the available the SP's within their expected budget and get them signed early so they can work with the new catchers in Spring training.
    4 points
  9. Not signing anyone and rushing someone into the lineup. Having to give up the future to field anything today. He signed players when he had the most options. They aren't spending any money that will hamper their future. Why wait until you have little or no options?
    3 points
  10. Moose doesn't surprise me at all, Pillar does a bit though.
    3 points
  11. JR will hear about this and order a bill to be sent.
    3 points
  12. The bong line might be the funniest fucking thing I've read about the Sox since Getz took the reins
    3 points
  13. Is this a serious thread?
    3 points
  14. These guys are all on the train competing and bunting, and all that good stuff. Playing for their careers. You have so many great players, it's hard to make a decision.
    3 points
  15. Chuck being reduced to this stuff is genuinely sad. I like that guy and he is a fan, it has to be hard putting out fluff pieces like this
    3 points
  16. These guys are on one. I've rarely heard such smoke blown up a fanbase's ass -- even for a JR joint.
    3 points
  17. Folks ... instead of just saying we'll win between 40 and 50 games I have a question that could be answered optimistically or pessimistically. Is DeJong the key to our beloved White Sox season? Do any of you think the former Illinois State player will hit and field better than expected? Could he be the key to a turnaround? Is Paul DeJong destined to make fans as happy as if they sampled a bong? I saw he hit three early dingers in spring training.
    2 points
  18. I wanted this dude in 2021. And he would have been a good signing. Better than the ghost of Adam Eaton
    2 points
  19. “Paul DeJong sampled a Bong” sounds like the start of a Humpty Dumpty style poem
    2 points
  20. If I “sampled a bong” no one would be happy… so there.
    2 points
  21. I picture Greg sitting back in his Lazy boy recliner getting his jollies off at our replies. 😭
    2 points
  22. Game over. 2-0. 13 K on offense. These are not mlb players by and large. Position player depth is really going to be an issue.
    2 points
  23. As DeJong goes, goes the Sox? I guess he is going to suck and so are the Sox so this definitely isn't the worst thread greg has made.
    2 points
  24. Getz signing all these veteran depth guys now who would have been useful to the contending Sox teams of previous years is the new Kenny signing washed up former all stars/future hall of famers.
    2 points
  25. He's probably just as good as any other position player Getz acquired and he couldn't get a deal until Spring Training was about over.
    2 points
  26. I am starting to think someone needs to take Chris Getz aside and introduce him to the concept of counting to 40.
    2 points
  27. STOP SIGNING FORMER ROYALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIGN MORE FORMER ROYALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2 points
  28. These guys would be nuts to opt out. They aren't getting a better chance to crack an MLB club.
    2 points
  29. Not sure if thread worthy, but today is the first opt out date for veterans on MiLB deals (who qualify) to opt out if they choose. https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2024/03/31-veterans-with-opt-out-opportunities-looming-this-week.html For the Sox, the group includes: Jesse Chavez, Brad Keller (doesn’t sound like he will given he was a later sign and recovering from injury, also seems likely to pitch at the MLB for us at some point), Dominic Leone, Mike Moustakas, Kevin Pillar and Bryan Shaw.
    2 points
  30. There are certain things in life I can't stand about a person. A kiss ass is one of them. And this guy has it in spades.
    2 points
  31. Might be the single dumbest comment I have ever heard in my entire life
    2 points
  32. You're thinking of Caulfield
    2 points
  33. I think if you're a bottom feeder you have to sign folks early. Imagine if the Sox were still in the bidding waiting on an arm. Where do you think the player will go? World Series team or Sox? He waits he has nothing and in a real man. They also have to overpay.
    2 points
  34. the hypocrisy was blatant from the very beginning. for most of this sport's history, gambling was pretty much the only thing that would actually get you blackballed from the sport. now the commentators cheerfully teach children about parleys and betting lines while grown men sob and scream in the stands because they've just lost their house over a ball game. have to hope that new laws are actually created to reign this in. on the federal level I mean.
    2 points
  35. Well, this is the first year of the new regime, so it is hard to tell what Getz would do plus Grifol's record last year of prioritizing veterans. If they open versus Detroit with this roster give or take a guy or two, it is fine and they will have some OK, hopefully good / improving options (Colas or Sosa, maybe Popeye) before the next core group is considered late this year or early next year. 2024 Opening Day Roster Starters (RF TBD): C Maldonado; 1B Vaughan; 2B Lopez; 3B Moncada; SS DeJong; LF Benintendi; CF Robert Junior; DH Jimenez Reserves C Stassi; INF Mendick; RF/OF Fletcher & Phillips; 1B/DH Sheets Rotation: 1 Crochet; 2 Soroka; 3 Fedde; 4 Flexen; 5 Nastrini Bullpen: CL Kopech; SU Brebbia; Leasure & Wilson; MR Banks; Hill; Swing: Garcia; Toussaint Last Out: RP J. Chavez; B. Shaw; 2B/SS B. Shewmake
    1 point
  36. I am guessing it’s the price tag they’re avoiding. $3M for Pillar to last a 3-6 weeks on the roster is fairly spendy for a terrible team .
    1 point
  37. I don't think he will be as bad as he was last year but still bad
    1 point
  38. We would have the greatest bench of all time if it was 2019. Instead, we are starting most of these relics a year or so after most of them should’ve retired.
    1 point
  39. Cannon looks okay. He needs a little more swing and miss in his game, but he might make starts for the Sox sometime this year.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. lmao reporting is that one of the reasons there was such confusion and backtracking is they were initially still relying on the interpreter to tell ohtani what was happening as they were explaining it.
    1 point
  42. This is the opinion of two guys. They're very entertaining, but hardly the be all and end all of player development talk. Sox have a long way to go, but the important thing is that they fix their ability to draft and develop players. This is merely a symptom. They fix the pipeline, the talent will take care of itself.
    1 point
  43. Overreacting to spring training and one start is the classic Wild E Coyote set up for baseball fans. The next frame is you opening the box that blows up in your face.
    1 point
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