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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2023 in Posts

  1. My question, as usual with the Sox: Was Paul Janish even in the conversation for any other MLB team to take any sort of development role, let alone the head of player development for an entire organization?
    11 points
  2. The bar is low enough that seeing no Royals connection or promotion from within has me open minded.
    9 points
  3. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/38793943/way-too-early-2024-mlb-power-rankings Spoiler alert -- scroll to 30th
    4 points
  4. Ctrl - C Ctrl - V Will save you some time this off season.
    4 points
  5. They just need 3 or 4 starters, 3 or 4 bullpen arms, a few defensive upgrades (at LF, RF, SS, 1B, and C), and like 7 upgrades on offense (C, 1B, 2B, 3B, SS, LF, RF). Plus a good coaching staff and medical staff. Other than that, they're right there.
    4 points
  6. The '05 Sox and the '99 Yankees are tied for all-time playoff win percentage. So if we look at their losses as the deciding factor. Both in the ALCS. Sox lost 3-2 to the Angels. Yankees lost 13-1 against the Red Sox. Yes, the Yankees were up against prime Pedro. But the Yankees had Clemens coming off back-to-back Cy Youngs (he had an average year, but w/e). Therefore,, logically the '05 White Sox are the greatest playoff team of all-time.
    3 points
  7. I don't have time to read this ESPN article but does it mention that the only American League teams to not win a World Series are The Rays, Mariners, and White Sox?
    3 points
  8. Some talk among some of the talking heads this may be a guy the Sox should look to. Not happening. Resigned with the Dodgers today, two years, 24 million. I just have a feeling the Sox free agent possibilities are going to be very slim pickings. This is just an awful situation, just brutal across the board in all areas. How quickly everything went downhill and completely fell apart. Truly remarkable.
    2 points
  9. I have no issue with this. Analytical type from outside the org. Player development directors rarely have experience because they get promoted to other jobs generally He also has a connection with Walt Jocketty who hangs out with Jerry Reinsdorf and Tony La Russa….
    2 points
  10. They had to try very hard to make the hire sound legitimate. It was a step above saying, “he has 30+ years of professional baseball experience, and now we’re going to break down his time playing going back to t-ball.”
    2 points
  11. Par for the course………..cheap uninspiring hire with no real experience for job hired.
    2 points
  12. According to some national "specialists" they would say this team is a sleeping giant. Lmao.
    2 points
  13. We don't need rankings to tell us this team won't be seriously contending for anything in 2024. Too many things would have to go right, and that hasn't happened much lately.
    2 points
  14. This Rangers team had a lot of the same guys on offense last year and they were nowhere near this good. Bochy and his staff definitely played a role in them improving. Now imagine if we could have taken that and put it towards the 2021 White Sox... I don't think I can ever forgive JR for hiring La Russa.
    2 points
  15. shame on anyone who spends money on this organization next year, this is insulting
    2 points
  16. https://x.com/VinnieDuber/status/1720202799181357348?s=20
    1 point
  17. He had an option for $14M so was unlikely to be a free agent anyway. Good move lower the AAV for luxury tax purposes.
    1 point
  18. Like you and like most seasons since 1993 I didn’t watch a second of it. TV Ratings matter to indicate how much interest general fans have. Forty years ago, like the Kentucky Derby or the Super Bowl, many everyday wouldn’t follow MLB games every day (or horse racing or NFL), but would generally flip on the WS (and KD and SB). Now nobody gives a rats ass except for the SB. I don’t believe analytics played a role, but do believe less people watching games locally (minor leagues contraction) and playing games (pick up games, organized leagues) has played a role. Much of our recent immigration is from Latin America which has a baseball tradition. Growing numbers of people each can’t access games anymore (games all on cable) and after years of this you shrink collective interest. Out of sight, out of mind. The NFL could make a lot more money short term like the MLB and other leagues did and start putting all games on cable or pay per view, but they are smart enough to know having 95% of your games available for everyone is the best way to sustain and grow your business. Teams from the NBA and NHL have started to shift some or most games to over the air broadcasts with much success. The Las Vegas Golden Knights have more than doubled their TV viewership over last year shifting to a VHF station. https://www.ktnv.com/news/golden-knights/vegas-golden-knights-tv-ratings-more-than-double-from-last-season-with-scripps-sports-new-data-reveals The Sox were greedy and stupid shifting all games off of WGN. In a generation, they will be lucky to draw over 1 million fans if they continue down this path, and they will blame everyone on Earth except themselves for what they had wrought.
    1 point
  19. Took me a second, forgot the ESPN part of that sentence
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. So far nothing the franchise has done since the hiring of Getz has improved the situation one iota. Addition by subtraction would have worked by sending Grifol out the door and of course hiring Getz was probably a big mistake.
    1 point
  22. Based solely on the info provided in the post, I am gruntled.
    1 point
  23. lol "Coach Robert Montgomery Knight"
    1 point
  24. Let the offseason begin. Can't wait for the White Sox to find new and interesting ways to disappoint, with even the lowest of expectations.
    1 point
  25. The White Sox can rebound...They can be that team that loses 90-100 and wins in a couple years. BUT They have they have to spend the money and spend it wisely (enough bullpen big contracts) Hire GOOD coaching to keep the team focused all season. They have to start DEVELOPING Young talent. No more drafting and signing talent and letting them "find themselves". Will they? Probably not.
    1 point
  26. I always wished my second World Series parade would be in Chicago again... But taking my youngest son to his first parade (my oldest got to go in 2005) will be special.
    1 point
  27. Bob Knight was a great coach and trash person that probably influenced tons of jagoff high school coaches across the country to abuse athletes trying to have fun in a laundry list of sports because they thought it was the best way to get results. In conclusion: Good for him that he got results. The fact that you of all people SSHM - with your laundry list rants about TLR's persona during his two year stint - aren't recognizing that Bob Knight was a douchebag, just shows that plenty of people are willing to overlook abuse if it gets a W.
    1 point
  28. The Sox were ranked #2 in the 2022 version of these power rankings. So in conclusion: these lists are fucking stupid. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/32515195/way-too-early-2022-mlb-power-rankings
    1 point
  29. Nah I think I will choose to remember him being totally unwilling to admit he was an abusive person
    1 point
  30. I wish I could go back in time to 2017 and tell myself not to bother with this team
    1 point
  31. Bruce Bochy: who knew? (Besides everyone, I mean.) I swear this season was custom-designed to torment me personally.
    1 point
  32. LaRussa over anyone is a miss really.
    1 point
  33. Guys with 2 WS MVP trophies: Bob Gibson, Sandy Koufax, Reggie Jackson, Corey Seager.
    1 point
  34. Now that he's won a World Series in an odd-numbered year, yes.
    1 point
  35. There were a ton of misses with the rebuild, but la Russa over bochy really sent things downhill. He's the best manager of the past 50 years and it's not close.
    1 point
  36. Good teams can lose their best RH hitter and barely skip a beat. Congrats to the Rangers for doing a rebuild the right way and convincing a HOF manager to join them in their journey. Reinsdorf should be ashamed of how he operates things. Every year he is proven again to be a farce of an owner.
    1 point
  37. RF: Michael Conforto (0.7) / Gavin Sheets (-1.4) + 2.1 2B: Whit Merrifield (0.8) / Elvis Andrus (0.6) + 0.2 C : Austin Hedges (-0.1) / Yasmani Grandal (-0.7) + 0.6 SP: Lucas Giolito (-1.2) / Lucas Giolito (2.8) - 1.6 SP: Jack Flaherty (-0.5) / Mike Clevinger (2.2) -1.7 So basically, we would be LOSING 0.4 WAR with these 5 signings depending on how you hash it out.
    1 point
  38. The White Sox have been around since 1901, that's 122 years. We have made the playoffs 11 times in that 122 year span. While playoffs have slowly expanded over that time frame, there is no Sox fan that should be calling making the playoffs unimpressive.
    1 point
  39. If the White Sox signed all 5 of those players, they would be adding a whopping 1.1 bWAR to their 100 loss team. Aint no way they improve by 15 games with those guys, none.
    1 point
  40. They improve 15 games, they win 76. That;s a good year for Rick Hahn, but really no one else.
    1 point
  41. Cool. We can give her the president of baseball ops title and have her have power over Getz.
    1 point
  42. She will get work elsewhere. Taking the final option year without an extension means you are operating as a lame duck. No mention she was offered an extension in the two articles I've read. Turning back to the pathetic White Sox, here is another far superior and more experienced hire than what asshole Jerry rushed. Chris Getz' introductory press conference.
    1 point
  43. As much as I want to s%*# on the White Sox, there is just no way they take on all that money and give up meaningful prospects. If the White Sox acquire Salvador Perez, it will be with KC picking up at least half that tab and the White Sox sending some middling prospect. Anything more than that and its braindead management. I can stomach $10 million a year for 2 years of Perez even though its completely unnecessary for the state of this franchise.
    1 point
  44. Ill wait to see what happens with the pitching staff, but as of now there is no way they don't lose 100 games again. The rotation is Cease and then your choice of four other 5+ ERA guys or rookies who weren't even performing well. There are no difference makers in the lineup outside of Luis Robert. This 26 man roster is Cease and Robert, and 24 replacement or worse level players. There is not enough money to fix every issue with this team, and they are bringing back to same manager who lead this disaster last season. If they sign a few competent starting pitchers, there is probably enough there to keep it in the 90-94 range. If the rotation is filled out with Kopech, Toussaint, Scholtens, etc. 100 losses is as close to a lock as it will get.
    1 point
  45. Oh man, if you think this is rock bottom wait until next season. They have so many holes to fill and wont be spending the money to do it. They are not going to be able to improve a 100 loss roster. We haven't seen rock bottom yet.
    1 point
  46. They already said they’re bringing back Grifol sadly
    1 point
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