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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2021 in all areas

  1. Let's all have a nice chuckle before our Holiday weekend! Guys twitter didn't have inspirational internet quotes lol so he must not have been working hard. Social media has destroyed all rational thought.
    11 points
  2. It would be easier for you to say "I was wrong and made many absurd comments about the personal life and mindset of Jake Burger" but instead you doubled down like the champ you are!
    8 points
  3. Burger has to be one of the more impressive stories I've seen in my baseball viewing life. Burger hadn't played a professional game, before this year, since 2017. 2017!!! He was coming back from an injury that just 15-20 years ago was a career ender, and he suffered the injury twice! No one comes back twice. This year he hasn't just been good, he's been unbelievable in AAA. He even started a little slowly - likely due to the time off - but he now has a wRC+ of 150 through 185 PA's. He's been arguably the best hitter in AAA for the past month+, and he's done it with power and a reasonable k-rate. HIs bb rate could use a little growth, but he somehow found a way to turn the hitch in his swing into a load-timing mechanism that gets his hands to the zone quicker and keeps them in the zone longer - a pretty wild adjustment. For someone with as little experience as he has had over the past few years, his growth is amazing. You got to wonder where Burger would be developmentally if not for the injuries. I don't know if he'll succeed in the big leagues, but the performance he has had this year is nothing short of remarkable. Pretty crazy for a guy that was retiring because he attended a Bears v Packers game and posted those pictures to instagram.... lol
    8 points
  4. Man, it's really pathetic to die on the hill of "Will someone please think of the process?" when someone had their skull cracked open and raped. Brain worms.
    7 points
  5. In 2 two years....Burger Fry and Colas in the $60 family pack.
    5 points
  6. Foster... Australian for thank god we have a 7 run lead.
    4 points
  7. Interesting what happens when you continue to give Vaughn playing time against righties. It’s almost like, he can improve?
    4 points
  8. Don’t be mad at me cause Vaughn shut you up
    4 points
  9. LaRussa doesn't decide to challenge, there's a team that looks at it in the video room and decides if it's worth challenging. Whoever we have back there is an idiot.
    4 points
  10. So does Tony bring back Lynn in the 7th?
    4 points
  11. Facts with sources? You should try it. Makes for better reading than baseless bluster.
    4 points
  12. I've only said that on about half a dozen posts. If you did more than just cntr-f for my posts and other "gotcha" moments on this forum you'd know that. You're a pest dude, all you do is troll. On topics you've personally been wrong about you never, ever offer any thoughts. On topics in which you personally don't have a beef with a poster (of which you have many, you know what they say about assholes in the morning and all day) you're usually nowhere to be found. You're a middle aged man, like myself, that has a career and other interests and yet unlike myself you seem to have the posting mentality of a 15 year old on reddit armed with a downvote and some circle jerk coins. Go read my posts on Burger. I was wrong. And if you know anything about my posting history here beyond your superficial, puerile harvesting for gotcha takes you'd have read my multiple posts not only saying I was wrong but that I am looking forward to personally apologizing to Jake when I see him on a MLB field. Honestly dude go fuck yourself you're such a worthless poster. You're the Soxtalk equivalent of Josh Donaldson.
    4 points
  13. Like I said in the other thread, it looks like Yermin was starting to get it back, but the need for healthy position players was too much with the injured, plus the walking injured on this team. Need some people who can field a position.
    4 points
  14. I think the more important thing to note here, is that we will have both Jace FRY and Jake BURGER on the team. In addition to Hamilton and Burr. Remember a couple years ago when they had all 3 outfielders with the last names Garcia? This organization is effing weird lol
    4 points
  15. Or the Sox are just trolling him, which would be weird.
    3 points
  16. They need to sign him for like 100 more years. I adore him
    3 points
  17. frazier career high 10 home runs coming into the season and like a 750 ops guy... wouldn't trade shit for him.
    3 points
  18. You should publish an ebook of all your Sox musings. Quite prolific.
    3 points
  19. I think you are severely overvaluing Frazier or undervaluing Crochet.
    3 points
  20. Feel free to quote any of my posts about Vaughn and tell me where I lied ? People keep lieing to me telling me I wanted him to be part of a weak side platoon. Search my posts see if you can find one that says that ? Come on back it up just don't tell me your opinion otherwise sit down and shut up.
    3 points
  21. It’s almost like investing in him rather wasting at-bats on Leury & Hamilton is the smart thing to do.
    3 points
  22. Your very recent takes on him have been less than enjoyable..
    3 points
  23. I don't care what the analytics say.. what Vaughn is doing in LF is nothing short of incredible this season. Never played OF in his life (till last season) and he's doing this.
    3 points
  24. Hahn delivering good news in an impromptu press conference? Impossible!
    3 points
  25. In one month he got a bobble head, a burger named after him, and a beer. If that’s his cup of coffee at the big leagues at least he made it count.
    3 points
  26. Yermin one of the few board topics where everyone was right
    3 points
  27. Hector has zero credibility. I have him in the same ranks as Not Steve Cishek.
    3 points
  28. I don't trust anything from Hector Gomez tbh. The guy is a leech.
    3 points
  29. Hector...smh. Just go away, pal. You're in over your head.
    3 points
  30. Y'all remember that "where is Jake Burger" thread that was pretty fucking awful? He's on his way to the big leagues.
    3 points
  31. Switch Sheets and Vaughn and I think we're ok. Vaughn is the better defender and has a better arm, put him in RF.
    2 points
  32. It’s a lot of fun to see these young guys come up and perform and then watch their reactions
    2 points
  33. Somebody in the Sox video room is going to hear about that one.
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. eloy would have sprained his shoulder and played it into a inside the parker.
    2 points
  36. Good...I would really like this acquisition.
    2 points
  37. RH setup man is priority #1 or 1A IMO.
    2 points
  38. @raBBit, holding him out of his next start while further investigation takes place is not discipline. They weren't fining him or suspending him. They could have said he was going to miss his next start and they are going to wait for guidance from the MLB. I don't think with the story out there as it was, the Union would find this such a terrible decision. Instead Roberts was like "it's out of my hands" which it really wasn't.
    2 points
  39. Deep breath. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Please be a trade. Exhale
    2 points
  40. That is some weird shit to be saying if he said it ? I mean why would Hector Gomez be the 1st to quote this when we have Chicago writers all the time around TLR and Gomez is in the DR ? Edit: Thank you Rabbit. Gomez was reading a satire of TLR and took it to be real. This is the kind of shit that happens when there's too much TLR hate.
    2 points
  41. Don’t trade anybody. Start over next year with a healthy squad and a new manager. Act as if this season never happened.
    2 points
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