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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2023 in all areas

  1. I hate when the Sox get a runner at 1B because I have to see Daryl Boston's face.
    8 points
  2. You've been judging the Sox "on paper" for the last 2+ seasons, how has that worked out for you? The Rays could not be more different than the Sox. They pitch incredibly well (don't strike a ton of guys out but also have given up the fewest hits in the league thus far), have the lowest WHIP in the league, they lead the league in HR's, OBP & AVG and play good to very good defense. The Sox trout out a collection of over-hyped, yet to deliver and expensive talent that has them holding a deserving 7-12 record. It's amazing to see you not only hype up the Sox over the last year, but use terms like "ordinary" and "doesn't pop off the page" when talking about a franchise that has made the playoffs the last 4 seasons, in one of the toughest divisions in baseball, with an incredibly small payroll, and are currently 16-3. GMAFB
    7 points
  3. The level to which you have to suck to walk 5 White Sox in an inning is insane
    6 points
  4. The 2016 White Sox won 78 games. The next season was the tank. I contend had we not tanked we could have taken the field in 2017 with Abreu, Anderson and Frazier in the infield. We could have found a 2Bman somewhere or played Leury there. Outifield of Avi, Melky and Eaton. Omar at catcher. Davidson or somebody at DH. Then as starters: Sale, Quintana, Rodon and coulda picked up somebody; Nate Jones and Robertson in the pen. I contend it coulda been business as usual for the Sox, try to sign some free agents to go with our core and win the ol' fashioned way. In retrospect, tanking was evil and for those of you who believe in hexes, the baseball gods have penalized us. We haven't done squat since the tank. As long as the Sox woulda been willing to sign some free agents, the tank wasn't necessary. Especially in hindsight. Only Cease appears to be great.
    6 points
  5. We were promised a championship window, but unfortunately they went with Feldco.....quality championship windows, siding and doors my ass.
    5 points
  6. It's crazy how bad Hahn is at every aspect of his job. You'd think maybe he would get lucky with a few of his FA signings... He manages to botch basically everything.
    5 points
  7. He could, but I would imagine he wants to play and it may be the best thing for him to get back to his prior normal life.
    5 points
  8. According to the Sox biggest sponsor "Jesus trusted his teammates too".
    5 points
  9. Lololol so glad I took the Rays at +245 in the 7th inning, knew that was easy money
    4 points
  10. All that matters is did they win the game. They didn't. Case closed...coming back doesn't mean s%*#, it still is a loss. They'll be DOA by June 1.
    3 points
  11. I'm not offended 😂 I'm laughing at living on such an alternate reality as everyone else, and then getting defensive about it.
    3 points
  12. The complete inability to scout and develop talent once they flipped to contending has been crippling. Every meaningful trade has come at the expense of also making the big league roster worse. No top prospect has been added to the mix sense and the system has been so dry adding impact players in trades is impossible.
    3 points
  13. Their plan coming into the season for closer was literally “hope Liam beats cancer quickly”.
    3 points
  14. Only thing meaningful on a daily basis is Jerry’s health
    3 points
  15. They can still win 1 of the next 2 and not be swept. Look on the bright side.
    3 points
  16. To be fair, re my comment, looks like Graveman is actually making some great pitches, and got through the heart well.
    3 points
  17. So McDougal with 3 H 6 Ks through 4. Didn't see the entire start but he's been dropping in some quality breaking stuff.
    3 points
  18. In the middle of what is turning out to be a s%*# show of a season, this is by far the best news we have received this year, for both Liam's literal life and the well-being of the team (obv the former is way more important). I am hoping (although not expecting) the team can use this news as motivation to get their poop in a group and start playing good sound baseball.
    3 points
  19. I mean at this point I'd take the Rick Renteria Sox. They at least looked like they gave a s%*#.
    3 points
  20. I'd switch that, and make Burger play 2B and keep Moncada at 3B. If Mike Moustakas can play 2B Jake should be able to handle it. Burger may only have 1 error this year at 3B but his range is nowhere near Moncada's who was off to a hot start with the bat before the back problems.
    3 points
  21. They already play sloppy baseball so might as well score more runs out of it.
    3 points
  22. I concede the point, well played. Allow me to divide the statement. I get the sense Burger wants to play, I don't get the same impression about Moncada and provided statements from others close to the organization who feel the same way.
    3 points
  23. Or ... Tampa, which is off to a magical start, was due for a stinker, tried to give an easy one to the Sox with some miserable at bats in the sixth, seventh and eighth, then woke up in the ninth, doing just enuf to beat a bad team. Sorry to be a d--k but I don't like the "team has a lot of fight in it" statement when the Rays put the Sox away with one good inning late. They won a game they shoulda lost pretty much cause those are our White Sox, a very bad ballclub.
    2 points
  24. Not even mad. Too may innings to cover with this pen. Horrific loss though even tho the game is kinda meaningless.
    2 points
  25. I'm at the point where i just don't expect anything to go well, so i'm not fully emotionally invested in this team.
    2 points
  26. Bummer is coming. Need more runs. Why are they not running for Yaz?
    2 points
  27. Patience at the plate is a beautiful sight more of this, please
    2 points
    2 points
  29. Kopech back to the pen is really the only option at this point if you want to attempt to salvage his career. What a shame.
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. Nick Madrigal career ISO: .066 Andrew Benentendi ISO so far this year: .061
    2 points
  32. If Moncada is “chubby” then I am morbidly obese.
    2 points
  33. I present Exhibit A: Eloy skipping a rehab stint
    2 points
  34. White Sox approaching season long win streak of 2 !
    2 points
  35. I think maybe the Eloy blooper reel kind of set the tone for what terrible outfield defense looks like, so people wanted no part of non outfielders in the outfield after that. Give Burger enough exposure at 3B and I imagine we’ll get the same “No more DH’s at 3B” reactions. Also, I think Burger is a likable guy and easy to root for, so it might be easier for some to overlook his faults. Also also, the opposite for Yoan. Seems like he’s not particularly well liked among the fan base, so his very good defense is taken for granted and we complain about him looking bored or whatever.
    2 points
  36. This person nailed it.
    2 points
  37. (1) Play Burger at 3B. (2) Play Moncada at 2B if he ever gets healthy (and assuming he can even show the ability to hit better than Andrus/Romy/Sosa/Alberto, which is questionable). (3) Live with a few more errors on defense throughout the year. This is the way.
    2 points
  38. That's a nice channeling of the typical Cub fan position, but it's b.s. The amount of time the many Cub fans I know spend talking about "how little they care" about the Sox is mind-blowing. There is obviously a rivalry between two teams who've spent over 100 years in the same city -- how couldn't there be? -- and both fan bases care. The Cubs are just passive aggressive and bitchy about it, while Sox fans are straightforward.
    2 points
  39. No one said that, talk about making an assumption. LOL............................. Burger has overcome two serious injuries, career enders in some cases given what's happened to guys in the NBA who had it. And he and his wife just had a kid if I remember right. Moncada fouls a ball off his leg, acts like it needs to be amputated and then can't play for three days. Give me a break. Again if I remember right to Sox will owe this stiff 18 million next year. I've been around athletes for over 40 years in the business at both the pro and college level, I think I have a good idea of someone who gives a damn. Moncada does not.
    2 points
  40. I need to remember to avoid any thread with Moncada in the title. Dear God some of these takes.
    2 points
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