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  1. I’ve never wanted him back since he quit on the team but might as well let Ozzie captain this s%*# show and let the chips fall where they may, nothing to lose at this point. It would at least be more interesting.
    7 points
  2. I have a feeling Kenny’s “accountability” comment is going to go in White Sox lore like these other gems: “We’re going to make this a first-class organization.” – Eddie Einhorn 1/29/81 “Wherever you’re at, Harry (Caray) and Jimmy (Piersall), eat your hearts out. I hope people realize what scum you are.” – Jerry Reinsdorf 9/17/83 “Our goal is to have a team that is a contender every year.”– Jerry Reinsdorf 9/18/83 “We feel we owe this town a winner or a contender every year.” – Jerry Reinsdorf 10/2/85 “The fact is, Larry Himes cannot get along with anybody. You can hardly find anybody in the Sox organization that wasn’t happy when Larry Himes left.” – Jerry Reinsdorf September 1990. “I’m a dove until they strike” – Jerry Reinsdorf August 1994 “Anyone who thinks this Sox team can catch Cleveland is crazy.” – Jerry Reinsdorf 7/31/97 “You can’t spend a dollar if you only have fifty cents” – Kenny Williams “Talk to me after the parade” – Rick Hahn “There are fans out there who want the rebuild to fail so they can say, ‘I told you so’” – Rick Hahn White Sox fans don’t forget…
    7 points
  3. Accountability has to exist before it can be a problem.
    7 points
  4. I’m not “building around” anyone. Everyone would go and we start over. Keep Banks and Martin to start games. Zavala to catch. And Oscar Colas and Bryan Ramos of the 40-man. They literally could trade everyone else and I’d be happy about it.
    7 points
  5. 100% this. It's a cultural issue. Changing a s%*# culture in an organization/environment/workplace is so very difficult. Especially if it's one that has been ingrained for years.
    6 points
  6. If the White Sox were a birth stone, they'd be rock bottom.
    6 points
  7. The roster has decayed to such a point where I don't think it matters who the manager is. I get the Pedro frustration, but there's no salvaging this.
    6 points
  8. There has never been any accountability when it comes to you KW ever. You have a job for life, If the Sox don’t win another game all year, you will still be employed. This is the biggest crock of 💩statement from KW.
    6 points
  9. What it comes down to is that it just is NOT that difficult to draft and develop a 2WAR corner outfielder. Free agency is a fine way to improve your roster, but in terms of dollars, it’s by far the most inefficient method available to teams. Invariably, teams are going to end up with a hole or two to fill with average players, and so the premium is worth it to pay to complete the team. But if you find yourself spending the bulk of your budget building your roster with veteran role players through free agency, there’s just no way you can stretch it to the point that you can ensure you can also make sure you have depth, extend your stars, make aggressive deadline moves, etc. The $/WAR number is a curve with a bump in the middle; there is surplus value to be found on both tails: cheap bounceback candidates on the low end and superstars on the high end. You never want to be in a position where you need to buy at the middle of that curve if you can avoid. Bizarrely, that seems to be the White Sox actual plan. Or at least they seems to be pretending that those players in the middle actually belong on the high tail. Better franchises focus on developing the types of players that end up in the middle, and if they can do so in sufficient number, they can focus their free agent spending on the tails. You want BUY 26-year old Manny Machado instead of relying on being able to develop his equivalent out of the spoils of two or three trades. Between this tendency to buy Benintendi-types and the fetish for signing veteran relievers at their peak market value, the White Sox FO seems malignantly obsessed with spending money in the least efficient way possible. It’s frankly embarrassing that this group is led by an Ivy League business grad, because the consistency of this tendency just defies explanation.
    6 points
  10. At least they play in the AL Central….so tired of hearing this s%*#, it’s the worst built in crutch this organization has and has been spewed by broadcasters and this organization for too long. Terrible rational to spin to the fans…
    5 points
  11. the only thing that would shake up the front office is JR in the ground.
    5 points
  12. Last years White Sox were bad. They were held together by Hendriks, Cease, and miracles of finding Cueto and Andrus and having them be way better than one could ever have believed. This years’ White Sox were clearly worse coming into the year, some people just didn’t want to see that. Without the miracles, a worse roster is performing worse.
    5 points
  13. The first clue was clubhouse reaction to Anderson's All-Star selection...
    5 points
  14. Vlad & Eloy will always be linked to me given their similar profiles as players. were close together on prospect rankings, debuted the same year etc etc etc it's wild how much their careers have diverged since
    5 points
  15. My friend and I do this thing where we imagine what baseball players would be if they had no baseball talent. We figured Clevinger to be working the Tilt o whirl at the traveling carnival.
    5 points
  16. One of his quotes is "Accountability around here is not a problem." So KW is in LaLaLand.
    5 points
  17. Supposedly not major…so a month or so
    4 points
  18. “We’re only 6 back. Relax”
    4 points
  19. If were gonna burn it all down, who better than Ozzie to light the fuse
    4 points
  20. I just want the blowhards who kept saying “it’s on 10 games relax” to show their faces and say “sorry, you guys were right”
    4 points
  21. Robert is one of the most talented hitters I've ever seen in a Sox uniform and he has a .240 OBP. what the hell are we doing here
    4 points
  22. I see no reason Pedro should have this job
    4 points
  23. Nothing to lose at this point. Would definitely bump up attendance until the novelty wore off after a month or so.
    4 points
  24. You know it’s really bad when you just don’t care anymore. I have to remind myself to check the score of White Sox games. It’s been all downhill since they fired Rick Renteria.
    4 points
  25. Clevinger, to no one’s surprise, is total trash on the mound. What in the hell was Hahn thinking
    4 points
  26. I’m ready for the entire whitesox baseball experience to be over
    4 points
  27. Sox will be what the Blackhawks were until Dollar Bill died.
    4 points
  28. for the record, I enjoy talking with you guys more than watching these sorry sacks of 💩 pretend to be good at their jobs 🥰
    4 points
  29. In most organizations, guys with talent don’t regress at 25.
    4 points
  30. Lol dude is 3 for whatever on fastballs and this goof ball hangs a Fucking slider. I swear I'm longing to bring Coop back
    4 points
  31. That dude should have been fired in 2013
    4 points
  32. Technically he's correct. It's not a problem if there is none.
    4 points
  33. I honestly thought after Robert made that great catch yesterday, it was going to be the turning point of the season. He was smiling, the team was fired up. The next 4 batters scored, the game, and the season, were over.
    4 points
  34. What an embarrassing list to still be on. But, it goes with the territory. If we don't get ownership relief at some point in my lifetime, there is no reason to think it will ever change. Hell, even the generic, cookie cutter stadium is 32 years old, now. If you don't count the 'classic' stadiums (LA, Bos, CHC), this dump is now the 4th oldest stadium, too. Everything about this organization screams '2nd rate citizen in a 1st rate city'
    4 points
  35. 4 points
  36. 4 points
  37. With Reynolds signing that eight year, nine figure deal with the Pirates today only three teams have never given out that large (nine figures) contract... Kansas City Oakland (soon to be Las Vegas) And.......... Your Chicago White Sox Great company to be associated with no? 😄
    4 points
  38. Plenty of reason to rip on Hahn without veiled sexism. Come on now.
    4 points
  39. It was riskier to keep Hahn when they started the rebuild. It was riskier to keep Hahn when they got decent. They should have fired him when they canned Renteria. Hahn had already shown he can't correctly add to a team that may be ready to win. And it's played out to show exactly that. JR can't admit he's wrong, so Hahn will stay, and the Sox will continue to lose.
    4 points
  40. I hope the Sox become so bad that they become a national talking point…like ‘62 Mets bad. Empty ballpark. Long, long losing streak. Anything to shine the light on ownership and the front office. Remember, red, Hope is a good thing. Unfortunately, we have none!
    3 points
  41. To be fair, he's trash when he's not on the mound, too.
    3 points
  42. DFA Clevinger's ass. I'd rather watch Davis Martin get lit up than that POS.
    3 points
  43. Yeah, but the White Sox tried. Maybe have a parade and award them a participation trophy. Rick then can speak afterwards.
    3 points
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