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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2021 in all areas

  1. Honestly this is the dumbest shit. You are taking at bats and defensive reps from players, pitchers aren't getting work. This is not cool
    4 points
  2. I'll post a picture with a FORCED beer and a FORCED hotdog on the FORCED attendance on April 8th.
    3 points
  3. Who are you forcing? People can choose to go to games or not, players can choose to play or not
    3 points
  4. pointless to even broadcast this garbage
    3 points
  5. As a fan, if I paid to get into that game I'd want a refund!
    3 points
  6. I get that in the first week of Spring Training coming off a COVID year that there are a limited number of pitchers and pitches available each day, but if we're going to make up rules and allow a team to end an inning early, then how about allowing the runners to go back out on base to start the next inning?
    3 points
  7. not sure why this is even a thing, in that case why even keep spring training records
    3 points
    3 points
  9. Actually I think if you cancel an inning the next inning should start with the same scenario with no outs.
    3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. I completely agree with you here. I don’t think Joses words mean or should mean Jacksquat but Vaughn and Kopech both absolutely need to be in AAA to start the year. And that doesn’t seem to be the current narrative, and that is.....shortsighted and dumb.
    2 points
  12. Their website's biffed up, for sure. Mrs. Stanky and I got scheduled for Tuesday (today) on Saturday at 6 AM when they put the openings up, but our second shots are at different (but closeby) stores than the first. I got the Moderna jab and no adverse reaction 9 hours later.
    2 points
  13. Its almost like he is going out of his way to be stupid. This kind of shit is going to keep this thing around for a while. The same people who support this shit are not going to get vaccinated because it's the flu after all. Here in my wife school district the parents want the school opened up 5 days a week, full time without any restrictions. They are now complaining that the kids have to wear masks. For those people I have a shirt.
    2 points
  14. TLR is a man of the people
    2 points
  15. Just amazes me that Williams didn't run as soon as he hit it. You'd think constant hustle should be imbedded in a fringe player's head.
    2 points
  16. Will Rangers let Sox hit or roll inning before it begins?
    2 points
  17. Collins works a walk, bases loaded, and the Rangers roll the inning again.
    2 points
  18. He’s not looked very good behind the plate to be honest
    2 points
  19. I got my vaccine apt with Jewel tomorrow. Woot. So far Jewel is allowing you to select either the two-shot model or the J&J single shot. So Walgreens opens their APTs up in the morning it seems. Jewel just randomly drops there's. I have been scouring the website trying every 5 minutes for a few days. I finally got lucky.
    2 points
  20. This is as low as I can remember the COVID ICU bed count, hoping this trend continues
    2 points
  21. http://dph.illinois.gov/news/public-health-officials-announce-1577-new-cases-coronavirus-disease 83k J&J vaccines coming wednesday to IL
    2 points
  22. This cannot happen at all. I don't know about you but I don't want to see Lucroy in the lineup multiple times in the ALCS and WS.
    2 points
  23. I have conflicting info on that. I have no idea how old the kid is. The White Sox are signing him though whenever that is. As of now, the next period is scheduled for July 2 2021. It's expected to be moved back though because current period would only be 6 months then. If that happens, the players with deals for this July wouldn't sign until next January. Then the players (who already have commitments) for J2 2022 wouldn't be able to sign until January 2023. Meanwhile, the collective bargaining agreement expires in December and there could be an international draft anyway.
    2 points
  24. I certainly wouldn't let the player's union dictate my roster/service time strategy and so would not advance either of these young pitchers to the active roster coming out of Spring Training. It's not like you're going to get a union concession because you did. I'd send them to Charlotte with instructions to use them together as a tandem starting pitcher until they were comfortable in that roll. Lopez and Flores can serve as your long men until the young starters are ready or you need a fifth starter. The Sox seem hellbent on bringing them north but no one knows if or how much they'll be needed during April and early May or if they can handle it. Why would you burn service time on such a high risk strategy. I don't get it.
    2 points
  25. What do you like about him? He's 31. He put up a .600 OPS last year...and his career OPS is .729. He's basically Leury Garcia and we already have him.
    2 points
  26. If fans are not allowed they should wait a month. Then we will be closer to having normal games with fans. Things will look better in May. The city is not ready to allow fans yet.
    1 point
  27. I think it is safe to say that for better or worse the Sox have never given a moment of thought to optics when making decisions during the JR era.
    1 point
  28. Watching on TV I was yelling at him to run and bitching about it when he got tagged at 1B! Send him packing tonight.
    1 point
  29. Maybe we can roll back that Tatis trade now. Worth a shot.
    1 point
  30. I wonder if a fight will break out for rolling innings. I guess a fringe player who losses chances for big hits may get angry.
    1 point
  31. has anyone said going going Vaughn yet
    1 point
  32. Cases may, and probably will go up, but I don't expect this to get out of hand again.
    1 point
  33. It’s cool that almost any of them in both categories are legitimate choices.
    1 point
  34. @raBBit we sure Jimmy is out of options? I thought he was too and that was the reason he was being passed around the league when we grabbed him, but MLBTR didn't list him as one of the Sox out options (Evan Marshall and Jose Ruiz) and Fangraphs also shows that he has an option left. https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2021/03/out-of-options-2021.html https://www.fangraphs.com/roster-resource/depth-charts/white-sox
    1 point
  35. Former top prospect of the Phillies, Was the main piece in the Hamels trade when he was traded to the Rangers.
    1 point
  36. That's the rosy outlook, likely not the realistic one. As someone else noted you'll need an ace or two if you lose Giolito. I'll preface this with the link to the 2017 MLB top prospects list. http://m.mlb.com/prospects/2017/?list=prospects -- then take a look and see which have really made the impact 3-4 years later. And these were the top of the top. Prospects don't always develop, nor they develop on a linear path. we cant just expect that if giolito is gone that a kelley or some other guy can just slot in. its quite the opposite. Ohtani - meh - good, injured, up and down. Torres - solid. Robles - very meh. some nice tools, but hasn't really come close to even an all-star. vladdy jr. -- still waiting. eloy - starting to turn into that star, but hasn't been instant. acuna -- superstar. brendan rodgers - still hasn't contributed. kyle tucker - finally got his chance last year and did well. nick senzel - nada. kopech - nothing. buehler - superstar in making . honeywell - nada. lewis brinson - nada. f. mejia - nada. alex reyes - nada. just saying that if you think you can count on cespedes, cease, kelly, thompson, vega, etc. etc. you may be mistaken. hell you can't really even put kopech on that list STILL. or vaughn. or madrigal. there will be hits and misses. we'll have a nice core no doubt but just saying it's not as easy as plugging next man up which is why it's so imperative to sign the good ones long term when you luck into one. Just go back to 2017 - the board read like this: Kopech - ETA of late 2018 - bonafide ace. electric stuff. future star. replaces sale. 2020 run he'll be right in the mix near the top of rotation Reynaldo Lopez - good stuff - might be more of a bullpen piece, but was rated in top 10 of ALL prospects in 2016-17. he has the stuff to be a monster possibly! our staff is going to be overloaded with talent! Carson Fulmer - ETA 2017 - mixed bag so far in AA/AAA, but nasty stuff, think coop can fix him. nice bullpen piece at worst. Blake Rutherford - starting in RF by 2019. #40 prospect overall!!! what a trade to get him. this minor league system is loaded! just 3 spots behind Juan Soto in the rankings! (to be fair the trade hadn't happened yet, but just saying) Alec Hansen - man did he tear up low A ball. this could be a #2 type starter if he keeps this up. what a nice steal by the sox scouts! Dane Dunning - just a solid workhorse. consistent. not flashy, good. (turned out true for those 20 innings or whatever it was) Zack Burdi - ETA 2017 - our future closer. Zack Collins - nice bat, questionable glove. ETA 2018. definitely has the bat to contribute right away - maybe more of a DH/C role long term. my point is ... i don't count on anybody until they've proven it for more than one season in the mlb. that goes for madrigal. that went for giolito going into last year. that'll be the truth for vaughn, cease, etc. Cease could go balls to the wall this year and I wouldn't trust him with the ball in game 5, 6, or 7 in the following year. I want to see consistency before crowning any of these guys. And once you crown them? Open up the bank vault. That's what we should do on giolito but were not a very good orginization.
    1 point
  37. Sadly, this is still widely pervasive in society. I am required to take a Sexual Harassment course, required for all Illinois licensed professionals (I'm a early retiree CPA, keeping my license at least one renewal period) due to the severity of what happened in Springfield the past several years and a law to combat it. Also see what has happened in Albany, and decades long abuse in Hollywood and many other industries. Media is at least covering these issues openly as of late, and hopefully awareness and intolerance of permitting this to continue forces change sooner rather than later.
    1 point
  38. Giolito ain't gonna get an extension, not with this ownership lol
    1 point
  39. That's fine if you can guarantee at least one ace out of that group of pitchers to replace Giolito...
    1 point
  40. I know where you are coming from. Good tools.
    1 point
  41. Going to get my first shot on Thursday morning. Excited and worried since my heart and its health are very poor, we shall see what happens. I was skeptical of the vaccine because you know, the government and the history of black people and mass medicine in this country, but my grandparents who grew up not too far from Tuskegee decided to get the vaccine and got both their shots, so I'm doing the same.
    1 point
  42. I think they'll find room for Jimmy. Would be a shame to lose him.
    1 point
  43. Watching him last year, he pitched a lot better than his numbers would indicate. I remember him getting a lot of ground balls that were not fielded, which could or should have been fielded, and were not called errors. Also a lot of grounders IIRC that may have been more defensive positioning issues. Regardless the stuff is definitely there. There are a lot of players in AAA and some on the 40-man that have nowhere near his ability, so might as well hang on to him and give him a shot. He was initially really good after coming over from Washington IIRC. Also, the Katz factor. If anyone thinks Katz can help Lopez, then he certainly should be able to help Cordero. Cordero is a whole lot closer to being "right" than Lopez is.
    1 point
  44. I'm not exactly a "fair weather fan." I go back to 1970 with the Sox, which is 51 years. And if you look at how long I've posted on Sox Talk (2003), I didn't just arrive yesterday. I guarantee I've posted here longer than most, and been a fan longer than a lot of posters on here have been alive. Just because I tuned out during the years when the Sox were tanking doesn't change that. Any, BTW, I'm not the only one projecting everyone as a star. MLB Top 100 Right Now has 9 Sox on the list, tied with the Dodgers. That's pretty damn good by any measure. I'm also not making any apologies for being excited and optimistic about the team. As the title of this post says -- I'm going to enjoy the White Sox this year. Aren't you?
    1 point
  45. Absolutely dude. You nailed it. One thing people don’t realize is the high level of pedigree each of these young guys brings. These aren’t late first round talents. Almost our entire lineup and pitching staff would be taken 1:1 in a draft. That’s INSANE
    1 point
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