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  1. Turning years of drafts into nothing of substance at the big league level isn't bad luck. It's a combination of putrid scouting and player development.
    6 points
  2. Long time reader, first time poster. We've been through some frustrating seasons, but for me this one takes the cake as far as the first quarter of the season goes. So many things to complain about. I have been to a handful of games so far and am truly dumbfounded how many mental mistakes our guys are making. Simple fundamentals of the game got us looking like a high school team. Defense sucks w/ numerous missed assignments and errors on routine plays. There are no words to describe our bullpen other than absolutely pathetic. On the offensive side of the ball, when the hell is the hitting coach going to teach them to shorten the strike zone and force pitchers to, ya know, pitch? It's an area you fail more times than not, but good lord we take massive cuts on ugly pitches. While this post surely doesn't seem like it, I generally look towards the positive, but there just isn't much to be happy about. Swore I'd never post, but this club has me reeling...
    6 points
  3. A 4 year rebuild resulted in just a 2 year window of actual contention. This core needs a serious retool and without a whole lot coming up from the farm system, I don't see how that's gonna happen. Lucas is gone this off-season. Lynn looks like he's washed and if he continues pitching poorly there's no way his club option gets picked up. If this team is really headed for 90 losses, there's no reason to keep Anderson. This team feels like it's stuck.
    6 points
  4. And you want to be my General Manager..
    6 points
  5. People still get angry over the Cubs? I thought you grow out of that upon adulthood.
    5 points
  6. What is all the complaining about? Pedro's club has not been swept in any series so far this season...
    5 points
  7. Lol Moncada, while having an achy back and hurt now, still having one of his most promising offensive starts in a few years and “can’t hit”
    5 points
  8. Seems to me like the logjam is with Burger, Vaughn and Eloy and Moncada is irrelevant to the question. Burger doesn’t play a major league caliber third base
    5 points
  9. I still remember all of the arguments I got into with many of you about this s%*# sandwich of a team. My favorite was how many folks thought the Cubs rebuild was failure because of how it ended. We never came close to any of the Cubs' success AND they rebuilt and passed us by within 2 years. This organization is a joke.
    4 points
  10. Cubs have a much better team now than the Sox. Besides Madrigal, they added Swanson, Bellinger, Mancini, Hosmer, and Susuki from Japan. Hoerner, Happ and Wisdom doing great. Rick Hahn not doing great with our additions. Adding insult to injury.
    4 points
  11. This year is going to be downright bad, but next year is going to be absolutely dreadful. We only have Kopech and Cease returning. When Kopech goes down to a hamstring injury (white sox tradition), our #2 starter is going to be a callup from the worst farm system in the game. Stop giving your money to Reinsdorf
    4 points
  12. A win today and going 8-5 vs the Rays, Jays, and Twins would do a lot for our fandom. Let’s do that.
    4 points
  13. The Kenny era and Hahn era were nothing alike.
    3 points
  14. In reality, fans have no real power. The Sox have seen dropping attendance, and that hasn't changed anything. Losing hasn't changed anything. There is a billboard calling for the sale of team. Fan brought in banners saying the same thing. The FO knows how pissed some fans are. They've seen the team underperforming. And yet almost nothing changes. Instead, we will get another round of fan scapegoating from the FO and the media. It is frustrating. We Just don't have any leverage.
    3 points
  15. Chappy is back. Rejoice!
    3 points
  16. Instead of defending the bullpen, maybe it’s time to defund it.
    3 points
  17. That's something this jabroni would say... 29 other orgs would have fired this clown a long time ago
    3 points
  18. There’s just no other organization that would have stuck with a GM with these results this long. I bought into the rebuild. I felt bad for him about the La Russa hiring. But there’s just no more denying what should happen now. Hahn has to go.
    3 points
  19. I’m still wondering if Benintendi hits more homers at GRF than Conforto this year
    3 points
  20. I was way light on the 5 games under on May 1. These guys blow.
    3 points
  21. It's because the bullpen is terrible. The pitching kept them in games last year even though the offense was s%*#. Without Liam and Cueto coming out of nowhere to give them a 4 WAR season, this pitching staff is toast.
    3 points
  22. I gotta say, Beni is just not fun to watch, at all. Fits right in, with this organization.
    3 points
  23. The owner, the manager, the coaching staff, the farm system.
    3 points
  24. Everything about this team is bad. The offense, the pitching, the depth, etc. Too many issues.
    3 points
  25. Let’s be real… he’s injured still… he’s always injured. He “rushed” back, but then again you probably can’t rush back from an injury when your body is as brittle as a 90 year old.
    3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. Sox getting blown out and Jason blowing smoke up our ass. What a fan experience.
    3 points
  28. All these calls from Sox fans to DFA or trade Eloy are so funny to me. Yes, he gets hurt alot. But that's the same reason he has minimal trade value. You could maybeeeeee get a back-end top 100 prospect type for him in July if he hasn't missed a bunch more time and is within spitting distance of his career line of .273/.325/.496. I do think his contract still has value ($27M guaranteed in 23, 24 and 25 buyout), and those 25 and 26 options are pretty fair at $16.5M and $18.5M, but the same reason some cohort of Sox fans want to dump Eloy is the same reason he won't bring you a big return. He's the one guy on this team that can realistically hit .300 and pop 40+ homers. There is no good reason to trade him, especially when you have decent in-house DH options in Burger and Sheets to fill in when he does get hurt. Now if Eloy stays healthy and rakes the next 2.5 months and the Sox still find themselves 10 GB, sure, by all means field offers and try to sell high. But selling low certainly isn't the answer to what ails the Sox.
    3 points
  29. There’s this spot in the batting order called the DH where the player doesn’t have to play the field. Perfect position for Burger. Trade Eloy since he spends most of his time on the disabled list anyway.
    3 points
  30. I prefer Jake "Big Kahuna" Burger Because 1) That's the burger in that scene 2) It's just a badass nickname
    3 points
  31. After living through the Hahn era, I long for the Kenny era. At least the offseasons and the trade deadlines were always interesting. And they did win a World Series.
    2 points
  32. If hes employed by the White Sox, he;s a loser
    2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. I wrote this before, I liked what the Cubs did this off season... a LOT like what the Sox did right before 2005. They brought in a number of guys (I think it's like nine or 10) with solid MLB experience and resumes.
    2 points
  35. 2 points
  36. Bolder than this, Rick Hahn still keeps his job with that season outcome you presented.
    2 points
  37. Phillies bullpen dominated the Sox all series. f*** you Rick Hahn
    2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. Banks is another Rick Hahn special. Keep trying out guys who everyone except for him realize suck at baseball.
    2 points
  40. Ha. This is great and good advice. I'll be more positive once they actually win two games in a row. Hopefully that happens this afternoon!
    2 points
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